View Full Version : it's been a year

02-28-2016, 05:47 PM
IIRC, it was last March that I traded my beloved M&P 40 Shield. I really liked that handgun, but hated the chambering. An hour at the range would easily lead to 2nd days of sore wrists. Getting old sometimes sucks! Anyway, I went to trade my 40 shield, had every intention of replacing it with the 9 Shield. Actually had the S&W on the counter when it was mentioned he had a couple of the value series Kahr's in stock. I had heard about them, but never held one, so I took a look.

The two were the CT380, which I had been reading about, and a CW45. First the CT380. I liked it. A bit bigger than my Taurus TCP that rides in my pocket nearly every day. I could just barely get three fingers on the grip. The slide was a little stiff, but workable. The trigger was just like the reviews I had read said. Like butter! Next up was the CW45. It felt like somebody molded it to my hand. Felt like it was custom fit. Everything said about the CT380 was true about the CW45, except I found the slide to be easier to operate. I knew the 45 was better in the recoil department than the 40 S&W because of various 40's I had fired. I'll take them, I say. Which one, I'm asked. Both I say.

To the range I go. First the CT380. Sweet shooter. I couldn't get over how light the recoil was. Next range trip, the CW45. I admit to a bit of trepidation, this lightweight is going to kick like an angry mule! But no, I found it pleasant to shoot! I outfitted them both with a MTR Custom Leather Dual Carry holster. The same holster I liked for the Shield.

After a year I still like the Kahr's. No problems at all with the CT380. I thought this would be my primary carry, but really I just don't carry it much. When I need something easy to conceal in my waistband it always gets the nod. There is nothing better. I usually carry my 380 in my pocket though, and the TCP gets the nod there. The Kahr is just a tad too big in my opinion. I had thought of trading thevTaurus for the CW380, but the Taurus has run perfect for me. Hard to trade something you have confidence in for an unknown. My CT380, by the way, has had zero malfunctions.

The CW45 has become my primary carry. It's really not much harder to conceal than the CT380. And like I alluded to earlier, it fits me like it was custom made. The CW45 has run well also. The only issue so far? It dropped the magazine once while my nephew was firing it. Other than that, nothing, and I am of the opinion that he probably inadvertently punched the magazine release.

I am happy with my purchase. The Kahr's and the Ruger LCRX-3, also recently traded for, is what I carry now, except for my pocket gun. One of the Kahr's when concealed is the order of the day, and the Ruger for open carry. I am on the fence though. Thinking about a CT9 for a ... well I don't know, just because I guess.

02-28-2016, 06:38 PM
Just because is the perfect reason for buying the CT9. I've bought a lot of guns "just because" and I enjoyed shooting everyone of them and some more than others. I think that you should go for it, just because.

02-28-2016, 08:18 PM
I agree.

02-28-2016, 08:32 PM
Good taste in Kahrs - I have both the CT380 and the CW45. Nice compact & clean design.

02-29-2016, 08:38 PM
I bought a CM9 just because I wanted a pistol to carry in my pocket.
I bought a CW45 just because I like a 45, to carry on my belt.
I bought a CW380 just because it was small. My Daughter took it.
I bought a CW9 just because it was used at a great price. Came with 3 mags and a holster.
I bought a threaded barrel for my CW9 just because it was used at a great price and I always wanted a longer barrel.

Second Try
03-01-2016, 04:57 PM
Just because is the perfect reason for buying the CT9. I've bought a lot of guns "just because" and I enjoyed shooting everyone of them and some more than others. I think that you should go for it, just because.
That's why I bought my CT9

03-02-2016, 07:42 PM
Bought a CW9 because I wanted an easily concealable 9mm.
Bought a Black carbon steel K40 w/night sights because???
Bought a LNIB CW45 w/night sights because I want to keep at least one .45.
Bought a CW380 because I wanted I just wanted one.
Bought a LNIB black DLC PM40 w/night sights because it's the one that's always with me.

03-02-2016, 09:13 PM
Just because. http://www.kahrtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13499&stc=1

03-03-2016, 12:15 AM
Went back to the LGS where I bought the Kahrs today. Told him that I was thinking of a CT9 and did he have one in the safe. I wanted to feel it in my hand to make sure I liked it. Said he did not carry Kahrs. I asked him about the two I bought from him. Said they were special otdered, the person who ordered them didn't pick them up. They were about to send them back to the distributer when I bought them. They just didn't sell. He would be glad to order me one.

There is a second shop here, said he would order me one also. Said the same thing. They didn't sell. I'm thinking what in the world?

There is a shop about 1 1/2 hours from here. I know they stock them. Next time I go to see the folks I'll stop in and check one out Surprised they don't sell well here. I like the two I have. So has everyone that has shot it.

FWIW, the first shop I mentioned is my regular stomping grounds for hunting and fishing supplies. He dosent display many firearms, you generally have to ask what's in stock. He said he couldn't sell the Remington 380 either. Said his best sellers were the Henry rifles, S&W Shield, and the Taurus M85. The best selling overall was the SCCY. Interesting conversation.

03-10-2016, 11:06 AM
I love my CT9. Fits like a glove, runs like a sewing machine. When my CM9 isn't in my pocket, the CT is in my waistband. I got it when they first came out for $289, including a coupon for an extra mag.



03-10-2016, 11:14 AM

03-10-2016, 12:41 PM
You a lefty? Anyway, nice set of goodies!

03-10-2016, 01:15 PM
You a lefty? Anyway, nice set of goodies!

I am a lefty, which really complicates holster shopping.

03-10-2016, 05:34 PM
could you reveal more of your credit card?
I want to buy Greg a ct9 and send it to him....
I owe him for the 45 he sent me!