View Full Version : Picked up my brand new PM9 and I have a few questions...

03-11-2016, 08:55 PM
Picked up my brand new Kahr PM9 today at the local gun store, whom really were just involved because they did the FFL transfer for me since I had ordered it online. Overall the gun looked to be brand new (as described) and it fit my hand like a glove! Mine came with 2 flush 6 rounders and one extended 7 rounder... was I supposed to get 3 because I was only expecting two mags? After the paperwork and background check was done I grabbed a few boxes of 9mm FMJ (115gr), for the break-in that will come later, and was on my way home to get to know my new boom stick!

Got home and after I put my son to bed I decided to go through the steps in the "Proper Prep Of A New Kahr" thread. First I decided to go through my flush mags and I knew I wouldn't have the patience to deal with all of the mags tonight, this is where I found issue #1. The first defect is a very bent spring on one of the flush mags. To get an idea of how bent it was I laid it on the workbench next to the other straight spring.


So I took the photo, took note of which mag it was during re-assembly and then moved on to the handgun.

Next I took the pistol apart and right after taking off the slide I noticed what appears to be a small piece missing from the slide rail? Please see below but I suspect this is ITEM #2. ****UPDATE: After input from Ronni, and reading the FAQ page of Kahr's website, THIS IS NORMAL! Makes me feel much better!

Slightly annoyed that I had found a few flaws in my new pistol I moved on and continued cleaning. I see why there is so much emphasis on ensuring you clean these pistols because there was quite a bit of metal shavings in mine. When taking the barrel out of the slide I found DEFECT #3, only I don't know what to say about this except it appears to be a big issue? What would cause that crazy white looking streak in the metal? The discoloration around it makes me think something happened during the manufacturing process where a tool dragged across the slide and made a very hot spot on the slide right there?

So I need you help with next steps. Since I picked up the gun today and found the issues today do I contact the seller of the pistol? Keep in mind they are in another state because I ordered it online. Do I call up Kahr and work directly with them? Which of these issues do you guys see as big deals and which would you ignore? Have you seen any of these issues before?



03-11-2016, 09:03 PM
Well using the search function a little more thoroughly led me to this: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?23639-Brand-New-PM9-finish-flaw-something-else/page3&highlight=slide+discoloration

It appears someone else had this issue... I'll have to contact them to see if they were taken care of in the end. This is annoying to have issues with a brand new pistol.

03-11-2016, 09:15 PM
I'm pretty sure #2 is not a defect. All my Kahrs have that

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03-11-2016, 09:25 PM
Thanks Ronni! Yea I just saw the same thing on Kahr's FAQ page (last item here: http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp).

Overall the bent spring doesn't bother me too much as I'm sure they could send me a replacement easily. My biggest question I guess is how concerned would you guys be with the last item the mark on the slide? It appears to be a line where the steel was overheated but maybe instead it was just where some coating was applied via heat?

I'm pretty sure #2 is not a defect. All my Kahrs have that

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03-11-2016, 10:13 PM
I'd not really be concerned about the spring really, it's just a bit twisted. Should function fine. But if it bothers you Kahr will probably send you a replacement.

I'm also not terribly concerned about #3 but I'd send that picture to Kahr and see what they have to say about it. It looks like it got warm during machining to me but hard to tell.
# 2 as you discovered is completely normal and no concern at all.

Since you transferred the gun at your dealer you own it, not much the seller can do for you now, had you noticed something prior to transfer you could just not transfer it and it would just go back.

Kahr will take care of it if they feel its anything but perhaps cosmetic. And if it bugs you bad enough they should take care of it anyhow. It is frustrating to find faults in a new gun but it happens and not only just Kahrs.

Send that picture in and let us know what they say.

03-12-2016, 08:46 AM
I agree with Bawanna, the bent spring is not a big deal. That happens when assembling the mag, trying to hold the retainer to slide the base plate on, and the spring gets away. After awhile, you take it apart a few times, you will probably have bent springs in more mags. From my experience, the .40 caliber mags are the hardest to assemble and all my .40 cal mag springs are bent. It doesn't bother function a bit. He's also right in that they would probably send you another.

I assume the discoloration is only on the inside. It is up to you whether that is a problem or not. Welcome to the forum.

03-14-2016, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys I'll email Kahr for more information about the slide discoloration but clearly the other two I can ignore which makes me much happier! I'm leaning towards ignoring the slide discoloration and keeping the Kahr slide and running it the way it is but I would like an explanation of what caused it.

Thanks again for the prompt feedback I am very happy I found this site.

03-19-2016, 05:07 PM
That mark almost looks like something else I've seen with other gun makes where the slide is clamped/held for part of the finishing process- but that would be an odd spot for that. Please let us know what Kahr says if you send them pictures.

03-26-2016, 03:40 PM
I will update you guys when I hear back.... so far two weeks since I have emailed their services department with no response. Today I replied to my original email stating "Please don't make me regret choosing Kahr" and then I also sent a separate email to their sales department. I'm really just hoping to get a response so I can start the break-in process and move on with life.

03-26-2016, 04:22 PM
I'm surprised no one has advised you to call Kahr. From what I've read, folks seem to get a faster response that way.

Even though I don't think the discoloration will lead to any problems, this is a good example to remind everyone to fully examine the gun, before you accept the shipment. I field stripped both of mine and my FFL seemed to take it as par for the course, as we took turns looking them over.

03-26-2016, 04:48 PM
I'm surprised no one has advised you to call Kahr. From what I've read, folks seem to get a faster response that way.

Even though I don't think the discoloration will lead to any problems, this is a good example to remind everyone to fully examine the gun, before you accept the shipment. I field stripped both of mine and my FFL seemed to take it as par for the course, as we took turns looking them over.

I agree that we should be taking the steps to inspect when receiving a gun, I took my gun out of case and inspected what I could without taking the slide off. One thing to remember is the slide pin is VERY hard to remove when they are new, or at least my example is, so I would have had to know to bring something to tap the pin out with. I tried using the edge of my key fob but didn't want to use anything metal (key or multi-tool) in fear of scratching the slide.

All of that being said I still feel Kahr made the first mistake in this case... shouldn't send out guns with this type of issue in my opinion, cosmetic or not. I made the second mistake in receiving it this without inspecting it, as you stated. They made the third mistake in having the option to email their company with questions and not responding in a reasonable amount of time to them. I will try to call them this week to get more information, thanks for letting me know that's the best method to use! Overall I was hoping for an email that way if 5 years down the road my slide cracks in this spot I at least have record of their assumed response of "cosmetic only".

03-26-2016, 05:06 PM
Good idea, even if you resolve this over the phone, asking for it in writing is wise.

03-28-2016, 09:56 AM
Well I heard back from Kahr today (they replied to my email) and told me to fill out the RMA form on their website (I assume he meant RA for return authorization) and that they would swap out the slide and replace my magazine! So far so good... just waiting to hear back from the rep to ensure they don't need the entire firearm to fit a new slide before I send it back.

Update: Rep responded telling me to send the entire firearm to avoid any potential issues.

03-28-2016, 04:26 PM
Another update: Received pre-paid shipping label to send firearm and magazine back. Do you guys have any tips on how I should package it to send it back via Fedex? Should I just ship it in the plastic box it came in and just put a zip tie through the two snaps that hold the pistol box closed?

I also received information stating that the slide issue was probably caused by "a vortex in the vapor used in treating the slide" and was described as "cosmetic only". Because I am submitting my concealed carry license paperwork this week (and won't be able to carry for at least a few weeks) I think I will send it back for them to look over.

Thanks again for the feedback and help fella's!

03-28-2016, 05:23 PM
I'd send it as it came in the plastic box, the whole package.

I'd put that plastic box into another cardboard box and pack it well with paper or something so it don't rattle around.

Include the RA and a note describing your issue inside the box and also have the RA number on the outside, it's probably on the label anyhow.

That way whoever gets the gun to look over is completely in the loop and not guessing about anything.

I still maintain email is the best contact method as you say for a paper trail but your also not rushed talking to somebody while the lines are ringing off the wall whereby you might get bad or unsatisfactory information.
An email can be responded to in a timely fashion, never as fast as we'd like but soon enough and I'll follow up with additional emails if I don't get a response.

04-25-2016, 09:04 AM
Followed your advice Bawanna and sent it back inside original case placed inside of an outer box witwh some packaging material around it. Package was recieved by Kahr on April 1st (they send you a confirmation email of their receipt of your firearm which is nice) and I hadn't heard anything since. The Kahr website says ". How long will my repair take? A. Please allow two to three weeks." regarding repairs so I gave them a call and the rep who answered said their timing is actually 4-6 weeks. I'm a little dissapointed but I understand some of these things take time.... just wanted to give you guys a heads up of their current timing in case you were under the same assumption as I with the 2-3 weeks on their website.

04-25-2016, 01:59 PM
Well just a heads up no reason to send the handgun back to Kahr as they will deem the discoloration to be "normal" no matter what they say in any initial emails :) . I did however get them to give me a written assurance that if anything happens in the future to the slide that they will replace it for free and that gives me the assurance I was looking for to start using and carrying it. Overall I am happy I just wish he could have said this upfront without me sending the gun back to them first.

Official email for anyone who is interested in the details:
"we have inspected your firearm and have determined this
discolouration in your slide to be normal and in no way a concern, if at
any time in the future your slide is defective do to this discolouration we
will replace slide free of charge.
Thank You,"