View Full Version : Ticked off the gun store owner

03-12-2016, 12:49 PM
Stopped at a gun store today. Listened to the owner tell a client to stay away from Kahr because they had plastic rails. I spoke up and told him that the Kahr actually had more metal rail than the flock, and pointed out the front metal rail embedded in the front of the frame. Pizzed him off.

03-12-2016, 01:29 PM
Preach it brother!

03-12-2016, 01:36 PM
Stopped at a gun store today. Listened to the owner tell a client to stay away from Kahr because they had plastic rails. I spoke up and told him that the Kahr actually had more metal rail than the flock, and pointed out the front metal rail embedded in the front of the frame. Pizzed him off.

This is why I buy my guns online. Gun-counter clerks at the big-box stores don't have a clue, and unfortunately the owners of small, local gun stores tend to be old farts (I can say that because I am 66) who are living in the past and also don't have a clue beyond perhaps a narrow area that they may specialize in (1911's, shotguns, etc.). I am not bragging, as I am no different from the vast majority of members of this and other gun forums, but I am much better-informed and more knowledgeable than 99% of the gun store owners/employees that I have come into contact with.

I actually feel sorry for people I see at gun stores who may be new to firearms and are looking for good advice about what to purchase, etc. and depend on the gun counter clerks to give them good advice. Unfortunately, I believe what the OP describes is the rule rather than the exception.

I know I may be over-generalizing somewhat, but this has been my experience; I'm sure there are exceptions.

03-12-2016, 01:55 PM
I've got several great deals from a local lgs and their "junk" kahrs. They took several kahrs on trade almost a year ago and the counter clerks are of the mindset if it's not glock, it's crap. The guns sat, shocking.... Anyways bought the group and got them for a steal :)

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03-12-2016, 04:13 PM
Gun store people are no different from used car sales people . Full of bull most times and know little about what there selling most times .

03-12-2016, 10:24 PM
Maybe I need to go into local gun stores to get Kahr deals

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03-13-2016, 05:44 AM
People come to the club to purchase a firearm and ask "which should I buy?" I refer them to the internet. They have to make their own decisions, cause the last thing I want to hear is "well, the gun shop guy told me...." Believe me, google is your friend. When I look for a gun, I search comments, youtube, talkgroups, reviews and just about anything else I can find on the specific model I've honed in on.

Keeping in mind, if people are dissatisfied, they will post more often than people who are. You know, the ol' "unhappy, tell 10, happy, tell 2".

We are a small club and can't afford to stock a showroom. All our sales is catalog. If you order from us, you look it over carefully before we DROS it. If something is wrong, its returned for a replacement (at our dealers expense, so they usually send quality the first time.) If you order using our FFL, you have to deal with the problems.

Again, unfortunately, if you don't do your homework, you usually fail the course, and you can't blame anyone but yourself.

03-13-2016, 08:34 AM
Idiot. You were correct.

03-13-2016, 12:12 PM
Hmmm. My LGS sells Kahr pistols, mainly the CT9's Cw380's, Cw40's & Cw9's... they move them... people buy 'em down here in south Texas.. I know a couple guys who daily carry their P380's... I think if more gun stores & even the big name stores stocks them, more people would buy them... I'm no means am I a Kahr fan boy, however my EDC is my K9 backed up by my CM9. They do make for a high quality no frills no nonsence carry gun with the best trigger set up I've ever seen in a civilian carry only gun.

03-13-2016, 12:27 PM
They have a lot of Kahr's on the shelves up here, but don't sell a lot of them. I don't know anyone else who owns one. I would love to support the LGS, as I am only blocks away from 4 of them. Problem is, they're all a holes. One of them says that any caliber other than .45, he doesn't deal with them. Another likes to sick the ATF on private buyers when they take some of his over priced business away. The other has been in the news for years. So, I usually get them privately, or on the net. I have an FFL who is 2 blocks away. Makes things very convenient. I've heard many a conversation between a customer and a LGS or big box store employee, and I just shake my head. It doesn't help, when the person behind the counter isn't even a shooter themselves.

03-13-2016, 06:14 PM
My guess is if they don't have any Kahrs in stock, for whatever reason, they're going to sourmouth them and talk up what they do have in stock on the basis that a guy standing in front of him is in the market for a gun and the LGS simply doesn't want him to walk out the door without one.

03-13-2016, 06:32 PM
The place I bought my "new" PM45 doesn't sell Kahr any more. They have a load of "used" PM9's but not for great prices...

When I worked as range flunkie, general fixit man, designer of reloading stuff for our commercial reloading operation, gunsmith and all around nice guy.... the range owner sat down folks one day and said "Listen up. I make the same seventy five dollars on a Sig or a Glock, or a Colt Anaconda, or any other gun we have here." (he was speaking in general terms) "If I catch anyone badmouthing any product on our shelves, you're out!"

And that was that. And we actually did lose some guys. We were not on commission, just hourly pay... made no difference to me if they got a Raven or a Ruger.

03-13-2016, 07:15 PM
My guess is if they don't have any Kahrs in stock, for whatever reason, they're going to sourmouth them and talk up what they do have in stock on the basis that a guy standing in front of him is in the market for a gun and the LGS simply doesn't want him to walk out the door without one.
That's the thing, they did have Kahrs in stock. He bad mouthed them anyway?

03-13-2016, 07:22 PM
Fear of the unknown.

03-19-2016, 04:17 PM
This is more of a widespread problem than most think. I have at lease two dealers in my area I won't buy from solely because of their poor ethics. Imagine a wife or loved one going in to get advise about an appropriate firearm and getting dubious information.

03-19-2016, 06:01 PM
I can't count the times I've overheard misinformation being shared at a gun counter where I followed the victims outside and set them straight.

Awful lot of dubious information flowing over gun counters.

The shop I did a little on the job training at worked it like a used car lot. Sell them the first thing that they look at, that's what they want.

Not me. I'd recommend they not buy anything today but look at options, rent one, ponder it some and then come back and I'll get them one. I outsold everybody else. In less than a month had return customers that wouldn't deal with anybody if I wasn't there.

Only job I ever got sent packing from, never did it for pay, it was just so called training. My replacement only lasted 3 days, guess he didn't have it either.

03-20-2016, 04:02 AM
As with everything else
Opinions are like butt wholes.... everyone has one.

03-20-2016, 12:09 PM
At our Rod & Gun Club I never make any recommendations to anyone for that specific purpose. If they purchase something they end up not liking, they can't blame anyone but themselves. Nobody can pin that bullcrap line "well the guy at the gunshop said..." on our proshop staff.

03-20-2016, 06:30 PM
As with everything else
Opinions are like butt wholes.... everyone has one.

its assholes, dumb fokk. geesch!!