View Full Version : Test fired the baby Glocks yesterday... for Wifey's next pistol... for CC, hopefully.

03-12-2016, 02:28 PM
I went to the range yesterday to continue trying out the new Lakeline followers on my Kahrs... Mag-na-ported P40 and PM45. This was the second go with the P40 and the first with the PM45. I need to post my results on those, along with some pictures.

Since I'm trying to get another pistol for my wife to CC, I rented a G42 and bought a box of their required range ammo... 100 gr TCJ by AAA. I also shot half a box of S&B 92-gr FMJ. She can't rack the Kahrs, but could barely do the Glocks, starting with my G23C as a test(not live firing), so I got her a G19 and later a G19 Gen 4, but she still thinks that's too big in the grip. She liked the G19/.22LR conversion, but wasn't crazy about the 9mm when I switched back to the native caliber.

I thought the G42 would be the ticket... so much so, that I had already bought a bunch of stock mags for it. Now I think that might not work.

Starting out, I was way left and some actually didn't stay on the letter-sized target, but the cardboard is about 19" square, so I could see where I was hitting. I could shoot well with my Kahr P380, but I was very disappointed with the results form this rental pistol. I really looked the sights over! :)

Then I got the G43 rental and a box of the AAA 115-gr TCJ to try that out. Now we're talking. I could shoot with it, though I'm given to yanking and jerking except when I concentrate. Anyhow, now I think the G43 is the way to go, if I can find one... at a decent price. I would get the Ghost connector and a few other things that I do routinely with my Glocks... night sights, extended slide release and extended slide lock release, and a few +2 conversions for spare carry.

I've really resisted getting a single stack Glock because I have Glocks for their reliability and high capacity, but for my wife, I think the G43 is what she "needs".

I found out one thing, the Baby UpLULA doesn't work with the baby Glock mags, but the full-sized one does, though it's not much trouble to "finger-load" the tiny mags.

The store at the range had a very lightly used G43 for $430, but no box or extra mag or manual... impulse trade! Plus there's an agreement with the Sheriff's office that guns from trades or bought from individuals won't be sold for 2 weeks to allow checks for theft. There was 3 days left on that requirement, so, all things considered, I passed on that "deal". There's no gun show this month, so I'll just wait for a local sale. A Blue Label purchase would be nice, but I don't expect to find any locally.

I have the G23C, G19-4, G21SF, and most recently, the G30S.

Wynn :)

03-12-2016, 04:26 PM
Best thing about Glock is you know it works, or is supposed too, out of the box. Whether it fits your carry needs may drive you to one model over the other. I stick with the Glock 19 size.

03-13-2016, 06:07 AM
Well...we heard a lot about your experience. But what about the wife, what did she think?

03-13-2016, 06:58 AM
Best thing about Glock is you know it works, or is supposed too, out of the box. Whether it fits your carry needs may drive you to one model over the other. I stick with the Glock 19 size.
I'm one out of three for Glocks that worked without issues out of the box. The G27 has been great since day one. The G30SF had the RTB issue that plagued the early guns. The G19 (late model Gen3) has been good to go after replacing the ejector and extractor. I still have the 19 & 27. I tried a G43 the other day, put 50 rounds through it without issue. I think it has pretty harsh recoil compared to the other small 9mm pistols I currently have (CW9, Shield, and a G26 top end on my 27). Still, I might have bought it (Miltary/LE discount price is about $350) except that I do not like the finish Glock currently uses on their slides. I'm not bashing Glocks (as the G27 is one of my favorite pistols), just relating my experience with them (well I did leave out the rental G36).

Wynn, nice report (as usual). I hope the G43 works out for your wife.


03-13-2016, 07:19 AM
Gee, in my opinion, the 19 is so much more pleasant to shoot than the 43. Not to mention the interchangeable backstraps on her Gen 4 provides an element of customization that will fit most size hands. I never want to be the guy that talks anyone out of buying a gun, but I think with a little practice, she could come to love her G19. In terms of concealability, yes the 19 is larger, but not significantly so to discard it as an option.

03-13-2016, 08:12 AM
Drinkin the koolaid........................................... ............:rolleyes:

03-13-2016, 08:39 AM
Have wife try the new Ruger LC9s, it's pretty sweet!

03-13-2016, 09:55 AM
Well, I don't have a G43, yet, and I told Wifey but she seemed unconcerned. There doesn't seem to be a surplus of the G43's, yet. There's no gun show soon and I'm watching for local availability. It's a shame that she can't handle racking a Kahr... have plenty of those... but not as many as I would like!

I did look at what the dealer had in the case, asking for small without safeties 9mm and handled a few. I'm trying to avoid getting into new brands, too, sticking with Kahr, Glock, and Ruger. She does still have the H&R 929 with 9 Stingers loaded, but that's not a concealed carry gun.

Dang! I need to get my coffee going. I just got up and got right to the keyboard. I napped last night waiting for the lottery results then reset all of the things that had clocks in them around 2AM, replaced batteries, then prowled around on the Internet until about 06:30. I can't believe how many things have clocks! I didn't even update any of the DVR's and VCR's. The Comcast DVR took care of itself and I don't really use the others. I think some of those haven't been changed for several cycles and those clocks are all over the place. Not all are set to right channel since I switched to Comcast... again.

I have to do a post on Lakeline followers. The .45's would not lock back in my PM45... whether shooting or hand racking with an empty mag.

Need coffee....

Wynn :D

03-13-2016, 11:05 AM
Not at all trying to hijack your thread, but did you ever think of getting her one of these?????????????????

03-13-2016, 11:47 AM
Something smaller and lighter, but yes, and I dismissed revolvers as I want the slim, compact semi-auto with more capacity and easier reloading. We both had to stay qualified with the S&W .38 specials throughout our USAF careers and retired before the semi-autos came into use.

I've picked up so many snubbies to try and was appalled at the long, hard trigger pull for DA... then there is the Kahr... so smooth from the start... and the Glocks, a bit different, but still smooth triggers, though I put the Ghost 3.5-lb connectors in all of my Glocks.

Magazine-fed pistols are easier to feed and to carry reloads, unless you're Jerry Miculek, who makes it seem so easy. :D

Wifey has spurts of interest that come and go... about getting her CWP... but they mostly go. :(

I have a buddy who's a full-time weapons instructor and need to get her into one of his classes. She has a very short attention span when it comes to listening to me when I try to use the many aids for shooting practice that I've bought... a lot with her in mind... the latest being the SIRT Pro Red/Green practice pistol with metal slide, which is about the size of a G22 and weighs within a few ounces of the G23C or G19-4 that we have. I have the LaserLyte cartridges and the Reaction Targets for in-home training, but, as I said, she doesn't want to listen to me.

She likes shooting, when we do go, but it's hard and rare for her to want to go, and she doesn't want to practice handling the pistol and mags for more than a few minutes to get ready for real use at the range. Loading mags and learning to handle the pistol and reloading it are best practiced before the range with no distractions or danger.

Wynn :(

03-13-2016, 12:05 PM
I understand............................I'm trying to get my wife to take a CCL class. She never was really involved in any of my shooting until a year or two ago. She sees how times are a changing. She can't even come close to racking a slide on a Kahr, all though she can rack my M&P, and my HK. She started to lose interest again, until I eliminated slide racking, magazines, and all the "mechanical stuff" with semi autos. We had been around many LGS for her to get a feel with many, many different handguns. Then, I purchased her a Wiley Clapp. She shoots it well. Yes, lacking in round count, but you know what they say. If you can't get the job done in a few shots, your definitely in the wrong place. The way I look at it is, you don't want to get in to a fire fight with any of these small firearms. Round count is secondary to me. I did spring changes, and fluff and buff on the interior, and have that revolver shooting with ease. One of the smoothest triggers on a revolver, that I've felt. She now has a renewed interest in shooting, and eliminating the things she didn't want to do, helped get back on track. I do want her to carry, eventually. I feel that it's a very important thing in todays circus. It's never been the caliber, it's always been the mechanics and slide issues. If a revolver is what it takes, to get my wife to carry, I'm happy with that. When she first took it to the range, I had her shoot 2 boxes of .38, then a few .357's, at 5 yards, just to get the feel. We then started shooting at 25 yds, at a 10" target, and she was putting them in the black..................yes a lot of reloading, but better to carry a revolver than nothing at all. It's just something that's starting to work for us. I realize that everyone is different, but it may be worth a try:)

03-13-2016, 03:13 PM
We tried a LC9 (pink, of course) for my wife. First shot, slide got her thumb knuckle, requiring 4 stitches. After the Doc sewed her up, we went right back to the range and shot some more. Tough gal! She had turned and fired before I could explain the hand hold. We should have handled the unloaded gun at home more, but she was not really interested. At any rate, she had trouble racking it, and the complexity of a semi-auto intimidated her. Sold it and got her a small 38 revolver and she is much more comfortable with the simplicity, and handles it safely because she understands it. I feel she is way better off with 5 rounds she is confident with, than 7 or 8 that she"s not.

03-13-2016, 03:56 PM
We tried a LC9 (pink, of course) for my wife. First shot, slide got her thumb knuckle, requiring 4 stitches. After the Doc sewed her up, we went right back to the range and shot some more. Tough gal! She had turned and fired before I could explain the hand hold. We should have handled the unloaded gun at home more, but she was not really interested. At any rate, she had trouble racking it, and the complexity of a semi-auto intimidated her. Sold it and got her a small 38 revolver and she is much more comfortable with the simplicity, and handles it safely because she understands it. I feel she is way better off with 5 rounds she is confident with, than 7 or 8 that she"s not.

Smart. Good on her!


03-13-2016, 04:34 PM
Try a HK P30SK V1 LEM.
Small back-strap and side panels all around makes for a sweet small grip.
Dual recoil spring is crazy light to rack.
The pistol is super soft shooting and spooky accurate.
Did I mention mines been Bombproof - LOL!:cool:

03-13-2016, 05:03 PM
The new Remington 380 is the easiest automatic to rack. It also has excellent reviews.

03-13-2016, 05:06 PM
We tried a LC9 (pink, of course) for my wife. First shot, slide got her thumb knuckle, requiring 4 stitches. After the Doc sewed her up, we went right back to the range and shot some more. Tough gal! She had turned and fired before I could explain the hand hold. We should have handled the unloaded gun at home more, but she was not really interested. At any rate, she had trouble racking it, and the complexity of a semi-auto intimidated her. Sold it and got her a small 38 revolver and she is much more comfortable with the simplicity, and handles it safely because she understands it. I feel she is way better off with 5 rounds she is confident with, than 7 or 8 that she"s not.

The LC9s is totally different than LC9. The "s" model has great trigger.

03-14-2016, 07:38 PM
Took the wife to Gander Mountain to find a semi auto she could rack. The Sig P238 has to be the easiest I've ever tried. She could rack it without any trouble. She was sold. Of course she had to get the pretty titanium rainbow slide. Sharp little gun that is also a soft shooter. But SA and a safety may not interest her. My wife loves the safety. Makes her feel "safer". Well, at least she shoots. Train, train train then train some more.

Cruce Dum Spiro Fido

03-14-2016, 08:23 PM
Mrs. b4 did take the CCL class. She never got the license but I'm happy she got the training. She keeps an SP101 at the bedside. She has trouble racking semi-autos too. She and I both prefer point and shoot simplicity anyways.

03-15-2016, 07:10 AM
In my opinion, there is nothing better than a all steel revolver with a set of laser grips for anybody that just wants home security and does not want to commit to a lot of training on the proper handling and functioning of any semi auto. Racking the slide is one thing, quickly clearing a malfunction because you limp wristed a shot during an attack on your person is totally different.

Manual of arms for a laser equipped revolver:
1. Put red dot on threat,
2. Announce your intentions,
3. If threat accelerates, keep your dot on the threat while you pull the trigger until you hear a "clicks",
4. Reload immediately,
5. Restart breathing, and check your underwear.

03-15-2016, 08:06 AM
Hey Wynn- Sorry you're having so much difficulty. Speaking for myself though, I sure am glad your bride had trouble with the P380. Except for a broken striker it's been a perfect gun for me.

03-15-2016, 05:02 PM
For CCW I prefer striker fired. Glock, Kahr, etc. The Ruger LC9s is a consideration but that has a long trigger pull.

03-15-2016, 07:53 PM
I've been letting one go early now and then... on the letter-sized target, but early, as I try to take up the slack in the trigger.

I ran into a gun show friend... old customer... and he let me shoot his S&W .357... some kind of commemorative... and I was trying to take up the slack on the trigger... wasn't any in single action. :eek: I was a little high, but still on the target. :D