View Full Version : Welcome back Bawanna

07-29-2010, 08:08 PM
I was wondering what happened to ya. Glad you had an awesome time in AK. Before you left, I had just joined KT and now look at me! I'm a senior member now! Now I know as much as you guys! NOT!
Jocko told me to officially be considered a "Senior Member" I must send every other senior member US$25
I told him he should get no less than $100 as he has surpassed that status.
Same applies to you. The check's in the mail.

07-29-2010, 08:45 PM
I was wondering what happened to ya. Glad you had an awesome time in AK. Before you left, I had just joined KT and now look at me! I'm a senior member now! Now I know as much as you guys! NOT!
Jocko told me to officially be considered a "Senior Member" I must send every other senior member US$25
I told him he should get no less than $100 as he has surpassed that status.
Same applies to you. The check's in the mail.

Well goodness gracious, I'm touched. My own welcome back thread. Actually I was fishin in the east part of the state. Next week I do the Alaska thing. If I can borrow one of them new fangled laptops I might even be able to stay in touch. That would be nice.
You rocketed to Senior Member status and that means your a player, thats a really good thing. Don't want to see too much boring around here.
While I'm humbled to share the same air with some of the folks around here, Jocko, Dietrich, Wynn and all the rest, I don't think I qualify for the bonus check although I do appreciate the thought.

mr surveyor
07-29-2010, 08:54 PM
I didn't see the fishing report posted....... did you REALLY go fishing?

I want a full accounting of all the time on the water..... rods, reels, baits, water depth, water color, water temp. vegetation/structure, various varieties of fish, times of day/night most productive..... (I could go on, but you're really gonna have to be creative for this "Gone Fishing" cover up)


ETA: By the way B, have you started "writing" your memoirs of your future Alaska trip yet :D

07-30-2010, 12:50 AM
I wanna hear about the one(s) that got away, too. You know, I used to shoot carp from a railroad bridge as a kid. SHOOTING fish is fun, too... less boring.:D

07-30-2010, 06:20 AM
Bawanna has been gone? When? Where? Dang,I miss everything.

07-30-2010, 08:31 AM
Next week he's going up to Alaska to hand feed polar bears and Orcas... or was it feed them his hands... something like that. Hopefully, there will be at least one elderly person with a walker that he can outrun to avoid being Bear Chow... the old "I don't have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you." :D

Hopefully, someone will have a camera and maybe we'll get to see pictures or even videos of his adventures... or misadventures, if something untoward should happen... not that I want him to get hurt or anything... just entertain us.:D



07-30-2010, 10:55 AM
I'm off this afternoon to get a new camera for the Alaska trip. Wife insist on it. Probably gettin the exact same model my son got. I just was gonna borrow his but she wants our own. I could buy another gun with that money but not gonna happen.

The lake we go to has trout, bass and tiger muskies. The state planted the muskies to eat the squaw fish which they have done admirably. One of them swam right under me on the dock one night and it looked a foot wide and about 6 ft long. Had I know he was coming I could have jumped on his back and wrestled him like Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom.
Fishing was really good, I don't do early so many go out about 5 or 6 am. I slipped out with wife or daughter about 9:30 and while bass was usually slower we always did just as well on trout. A limit of bass and trout each morning was pretty typical. (top secret) 21 ft of water seemed like the ideal place for trout.
Didn't catch any muskies, they are usually caught while bass fishing. Many hunt them specifically but they are darn hard to get. We have caught 3 I think over the years. They are big, ugly, I describe them as alligators with no legs. I kill everyone I can get my hands on. We see them frequently in the lake with their heads poking up like a submarine. Looks like they are looking around but I'm told it's something to do with their digesting stuff. They also say the eat anything up to a 1/3 of their body length and alot of the are in the 6 ft range now. Heard they also will eat a musk rat, not sure on that one.
A few years ago in the middle of the night from the dock I got a musk rat with my Glock 27. It was probably 2 in the morning, had my surefire and the dock is well lighted. Minimum 30 yard shot, talk about blind hog luck. I have 15 witness's, I'll post names and contacts to verify that. Course 2 years ago I took a shot at one with my G36 at under 3 yards into the water and missed. The Gold Dots hit the water and it was like someone threw a bucket of water on me. I was soaked. He was under water probably a foot and the angle must have thrown me off or I'm just a crummy shot.
This was our 23rd year, same week every year so that dock has many many stories to tell. We usually fish the dock at night, used to fish all night in my younger days, not so much anymore. We were catching fish during the day this year off the dock too.
I rigged up 4 kids during the week who weren't set up right. 3 of them caught fish within 10 minutes, the 4th was a little girl who didn't fish too hard. I let her reel in a few of mine. Kind of like shooting, makes my day to see them catch fish. One lady I rigged up, caught one in 10 minutes, I went out in my boat, came back about an hour later and she had 4 more. Meat Hog for sure.
Next year there should be some shooting stories too. Discovered a beautiful shotgun and rifle/pistol range. Nice range, NO RANGE MASTERS.
Guy that used to own the resort spent some time with my 16 year old son teaching him trap. WE bought a shotgun from him last year but didn't have it with us. I've taken him out a couple times and he just couldn't connect. 2 hours with Don on all straight away birds and he shot about 20 out of 25. He was grinning from ear to ear. We have to hit the trap range now and keep that going. He did that with a borrowed 1100. I was impressed.
Topped off the week with a thankyou to a very old vet wearin an army cap proudly in a restaurant we stopped for breakfast at. Made my day to finally do that, can't thank em enough.

OK bye

07-30-2010, 11:22 AM
You were gone? I hadn't noticed. :D

07-30-2010, 01:31 PM
Hey Bawanna, glad you're back even if it's only for a short while. Hope your trip to Alaska is a great one....hope you're going armed. Them bears can out run us old farts. Not to mention other wildlife. We had a young woman who grew up about 15 miles from here and moved to Alaska cause she loved the outdoors. She went for a jog and never came back. They found what was left of her after the wolves had their way with her. Couldn't have been pretty. But you have a great time k?

07-30-2010, 01:33 PM
You were gone? I hadn't noticed. :D

Crap, I was just by the PD and that's what they said too. Apparently the budget sucks so they are talking laying off 6 of us. So far my name isn't on the head hunter list as much as I kind of hoped it would. Might be now, since no body noticed I was gone?
Some good people on the list though, the big wigs just seem clueless sometimes.
Buy 6 new police cars, then lay people off. Never laid people off in all the years I've been there, might be a scare tactic too. I'll ponder it on the big boat to Alaska. Might do a little trolling off the fantail. (Do cruise ships have fan tails?) Maybe a little wakeboarding?

07-30-2010, 04:17 PM
welcome back,Bawana45cal. :)

07-30-2010, 05:13 PM
Hey Bawanna, glad you're back even if it's only for a short while. Hope your trip to Alaska is a great one....hope you're going armed. Them bears can out run us old farts. Not to mention other wildlife. We had a young woman who grew up about 15 miles from here and moved to Alaska cause she loved the outdoors. She went for a jog and never came back. They found what was left of her after the wolves had their way with her. Couldn't have been pretty. But you have a great time k?

Can you believe that they do not allow firearms on cruise ships. Nadda. Even on domestic cruises. I pleaded my case, promised not to get off in Canada, I didn't lose anything there I need to go look for but no love.
My people at the PD tell me there has to be an armory on that boat someplace and likely not many that know how to use whats in it. I plan to buddy up to the captain straight away and find that armory and let him know I'll not be shot and tossed over the side just cause I'm a derelict. Might jump if I get depressed and suicidal but I won't be tossed.
Anyhow just got back from getting a new camera, guess I'll sit down and try to figure out how to make it do something. Boy do I feel dumb.

mr surveyor
07-30-2010, 07:47 PM
golly, B, can you still find flash bulbs for them Brownie cameras?

07-30-2010, 08:24 PM
golly, B, can you still find flash bulbs for them Brownie cameras?

Getting darn hard. I've been using the flash in the pan method. A little bit of FFFF and a match. Timing is everything.

07-31-2010, 12:11 AM
Can you believe that they do not allow firearms on cruise ships. Nadda. Even on domestic cruises. I pleaded my case, promised not to get off in Canada, I didn't lose anything there I need to go look for but no love.
My people at the PD tell me there has to be an armory on that boat someplace and likely not many that know how to use whats in it. I plan to buddy up to the captain straight away and find that armory and let him know I'll not be shot and tossed over the side just cause I'm a derelict. Might jump if I get depressed and suicidal but I won't be tossed.
Anyhow just got back from getting a new camera, guess I'll sit down and try to figure out how to make it do something. Boy do I feel dumb.

We used to carry Thompson submachine guns and tons of 45 ammo in the armory on my last cruise ship. Of course that boat was the USS Kitty hawk.

07-31-2010, 12:53 AM
Can you believe that they do not allow firearms on cruise ships. Nadda. Even on domestic cruises. I pleaded my case, promised not to get off in Canada, I didn't lose anything there I need to go look for but no love.
My people at the PD tell me there has to be an armory on that boat someplace and likely not many that know how to use whats in it. I plan to buddy up to the captain straight away and find that armory and let him know I'll not be shot and tossed over the side just cause I'm a derelict. Might jump if I get depressed and suicidal but I won't be tossed.
Anyhow just got back from getting a new camera, guess I'll sit down and try to figure out how to make it do something. Boy do I feel dumb.

I'm not sure I would want to know how many of those paper thin walls a stray 45 would go through on a cruise ship, Bawanna45cal! I know, I know, you wouldn't have any fliers, right? Have a great time on the cruise with the loved one and just think how much more room in the suitcase with no case, no PM45, no ammo and no need to bring that extra box of Ziplocs along with you!! :faint2::rolleyes::32:

mr surveyor
07-31-2010, 09:01 AM
I'm still wondering how Bawanna is gonna fish off that big old boat without his pistol and dynamite?

07-31-2010, 09:08 AM
This could be interesting...

07-31-2010, 09:42 AM
I'm not sure I would want to know how many of those paper thin walls a stray 45 would go through on a cruise ship, Bawanna45cal! I know, I know, you wouldn't have any fliers, right? Have a great time on the cruise with the loved one and just think how much more room in the suitcase with no case, no PM45, no ammo and no need to bring that extra box of Ziplocs along with you!! :faint2::rolleyes::32:

Heck I probably don't need a suitcase. With no gun, no ammo and no fishing supplies what would I put in it?
I never been on a cruise ship, last big boat I was on was the Missouri before the bastards took it away from us and gave it to Hawaii.
Kind of ironic to me.

08-02-2010, 12:59 AM
That musk rat found out the hard way about .40 caliber stopping power.

08-02-2010, 05:53 AM
I must have missed that one...

08-02-2010, 06:19 AM
yes yes, welcome back! I missed ya brother!