View Full Version : How to carry spare magazines?

07-29-2010, 11:53 PM
Hope this hasn't been asked & answered before, but I couldn't find it in a search.

So here's my question. After my VERY FIRST CCW trip (trip report coming) I realized that toting extra magazines around was something I hadn't done a good job planning for. I was quite happy with my IWB holster (Bianchi Model 100 Size 9A) for my CW9. However I really didn't have anything for my spare magazines.

I wound up cramming them into a front pocket for a couple of days, but then just left them locked up in the van after that. Way too much junk in my pockets and I decided I probably couldn't fish them out quickly anyway from there.

So what do other folks do for the mags when you CCW?


07-30-2010, 12:04 AM
Hope this hasn't been asked & answered before, but I couldn't find it in a search.

So here's my question. After my VERY FIRST CCW trip (trip report coming) I realized that toting extra magazines around was something I hadn't done a good job planning for. I was quite happy with my IWB holster (Bianchi Model 100 Size 9A) for my CW9. However I really didn't have anything for my spare magazines.

I wound up cramming them into a front pocket for a couple of days, but then just left them locked up in the van after that. Way too much junk in my pockets and I decided I probably couldn't fish them out quickly anyway from there.

So what do other folks do for the mags when you CCW?


When I carry two I use a Gould & Goldrich double paddle setup. Holds two mags at a slight angle to each other. I found a cell phone case that holds a phone horizontal or parralel to your belt. When I go PM45 alone I sometimes put 1 mag in the phone case. I like at least one extra mag but the more the merrier. I really just want it for a malfunction fix or a fumble or dropped magazine. Don't plan on any long standoffs.

07-30-2010, 12:33 AM
The 9mm magazines are bad about not holding the cartridges securely, allowing them to wiggle and migrate out one by one. Your pocket or one of those loose-fitting nylon magazine holders are not secure. At least one guy reported that his magazine emptied... I don't remember if it was in his pocket or a loose holder.

I carry stuff in my pockets, too, and usually use a single OWB all-Kydex mag-holder. I also have an IWB and one with the clip cut off for pocket carry. I set the tension a little more loosely on the pocket carry holder so I can get it out with one hand. I have this setup for the P380, the PM45 and the 9mm's.

I loaded up on Tactical Kydex holders before Mitchell stopped making Kydex products. I even sent him a P380 and Kahr .45 magazine so he could make molds from those... before I even had the P380 or the PM45. I bought spare magazines so I could get set up before he raised prices, but he quit instead.

There are guys here "tinkering" with Kydex holsters. Magazine holders would sell, too, and are easier to make... I'm guessing.:D

I feel it's necessary to carry a spare for reload... not just for more bullets, but in case I drop the one in the gun for some reason or there's a malfunction... and maybe I drop it trying to clear that. I may never need to fire my weapon, but if I do, I don't want to wish that I had brought another magazine. We've all seen in the news how several trained policemen empty multiple magazines each sometimes, without stopping the BG.
You must have seen some of those traffic stop's dash-cam videos where two or more bad guys and a cop are blazing away at each other at close range and it seems no one got hit, or hit badly enough to be incapacitated.
Good luck on producing those tight groups when someone's shooting at your face and adrenalin is pumping... you might need a reload... and a change of undies:D

07-30-2010, 09:51 AM
I bought a Leatherman carrying case at a local sporting goods store that fits my CW40 magazine almost perfectly. It camouflages the magazine a bit even if my shirt pulls up and exposes the pouch as it has a "big" Leatherman logo on the pouch.

Happy to shoot a couple pics if people are interested.

Edit: Looks like this pouch

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKIPc2phQxjxxbzrEs2G04ZXZS_TGtv TvW_TXE8xawEe4fQXs&t=1&usg=__7Td8uR2CBmUf0vzLKAu1Xj_zHfc=

07-30-2010, 10:20 AM
That leatherman case works perfect. No one would have a clue unless they asked to borrow your leatherman. I have nearly the same one mounted to the frame on my wheelchair near the right front wheel. I usually keep the leathermen in it but I have on numerous occasions left the leathermen and put a mag in there. I used to put a gun in my little chair mounted backpack or under the seat but being audio challenged I feared I could lose it either by falling off or someone taking it. I also decided if I went out of the chair for whatever reason I wanted the gun to stay with me.

07-31-2010, 09:32 AM
Unfortunately for me, I carry a leatherman in a self made pouch (looks terrible, but as a first project..., plus it works (and I was in a big hurry to get the thing done), and it carries my light and 6" cresent wrench, as well as the tool kit for the leatherman) that method doesn't get it for me. I carry my spares in my left rear pocket. Never had a problem with it either. I do reloading drills from time to time, and have found that at least for me, I am just about as fast like that as with a dedicated pouch. That being said, I may make a pocket magazine carrier to keep my smaller mags from sliding and shifting a bit. An interesting story about that though, I carry my billfold in the right rear, and have found that a pair of magazines in the pocket like that gives the same profile as a wallet. I was in line at a grocery store and had a guy try to pick my pocket, he got the one with the reloads. I never turned to look at his face, but was watching the girl at the registers face, pure comedy when I jerked the offending arm forward and put my knife on the vein. I got left alone after that.

07-31-2010, 11:19 AM
I use my DM Bullard pocket magazine carrier with great results.

07-31-2010, 01:06 PM
Hey guys, great thread....was wondering the same as thread title. As usual, I came to the right place. :tongue: The kydex sounds like the way to go , thanks Wynn. Both you and Bawanna make great points about the other reasons to carry a spare mag, which I really never considered before....

07-31-2010, 03:03 PM
A guy named Mitchell who hung out at GlockTalk (Tactical Kydex) made these as a hobby and they were cheap... 2 for $21 shipped. A double was $26 shipped. I managed to get all I that I thought I would ever need before he quit making them, but I'm going to post pictures and show the simplicity in the design and maybe someone here will add these to his list of products.
The first 4 pix are of the various all-kydex holders with tension adjust screws. The last is of the tools I used to modify extra holders for pocket carry.
The first I cut with a razor knife and then I used scissors... more control. I used the razor and nail files (the sandpaper type) for fine tuning and then the torch to smooth the finish of the cut. I think it's best to use a torch... it gives you more control instead of blowing about or making you slow down or stop for too long. I sure wouldn't try an open flame.
Practice on a detached clip. Using a flame with Kydex is something best done with a quick sweep of the flame across the area to be smoothed. DON'T STOP or SLOW DOWN. The Kydex melts REAL FAST. Several quick passes are okay and you'll get a feel for it.
These things are real simple, especially the pocket versions with no clip. Someone can figure these out and maybe start producing them.
For pocket carry, the bottoms should be sealed, as lint quickly collects in the bottom and the magazine could malfunction.

07-31-2010, 03:43 PM
A guy named Mitchell who hung out at GlockTalk (Tactical Kydex) made these as a hobby and they were cheap... 2 for $21 shipped. A double was $26 shipped. I managed to get all I that I thought I would ever need before he quit making them, but I'm going to post pictures and show the simplicity in the design and maybe someone here will add these to his list of products.
The first 4 pix are of the various all-kydex holders with tension adjust screws. The last is of the tools I used to modify extra holders for pocket carry.
The first I cut with a razor knife and then I used scissors... more control. I used the razor and nail files (the sandpaper type) for fine tuning and then the torch to smooth the finish of the cut.
Practice on a detached clip. Using a flame with Kydex is something best done with a quick sweep of the flame across the area to be smoothed. DON'T STOP or SLOW DOWN. The Kydex melts REAL FAST. Several quick passes are okay and you'll get a feel for it.
These things are real simple, especially the pocket versions with no clip. Someone can figure these out and maybe start producing them.
For pocket carry, the bottoms should be sealed, as lint quickly collects in the bottom and the magazine could malfunction.

I gotta believe our man RPollard could make those if he has any spare time. Probably swamped with orders for his holsters.
As a side note to Pollard, I'm gaining on your Pony grips, but it's taking longer than it should. I have not forgot.

07-31-2010, 04:43 PM
I need to get one of those... but I was thinking of him with those.

Kahrbon 14
07-31-2010, 05:52 PM
Loadided :crazy:

07-31-2010, 05:58 PM
Loadided :crazy:

Too funny! I was gonna say in a second gun. (fastest reload they say).

08-01-2010, 08:33 PM
I have 2 small flashlight pouches that work great for my .45 or 9mm mags. They have a loop for the belt and a velcro flap on the top.