View Full Version : New to the forum

03-19-2016, 04:30 PM
I'm new to the forum. I'm a long-time shooter and have owned a Kahr for ten years (PM9), but didn't join until I chose this pistol as my primary carry. I'm just in the process of getting better with it and making it more user friendly for me. Thanks for having me.

03-19-2016, 05:00 PM
Glad you found us.

03-19-2016, 05:26 PM

Relax, take yer shoes off.

Be sure to raid Jocko's fridge, now that he's back in the swing of it

Shoot it like you stole it

And don't be afraid to speak yer mind!

03-19-2016, 05:47 PM
Welcome to the forum. The PM9 was my first polymer pistol and it seemed the most popular one here. It's a great pistol, but I prefer the P-series now. My smallest is the P380 which I carry the most... around the house.

Wynn :)

03-19-2016, 07:03 PM
Welcome to the forum. The PM9 was my first polymer pistol and it seemed the most popular one here. It's a great pistol, but I prefer the P-series now. My smallest is the P380 which I carry the most... around the house.

Wynn :)

Thank you.

My PM9 seems to serve the purpose I need right now without re-tooling or re-purchasing something. I'm kind of a pragmatist. It's the best tool I own for the job at this time. What I like in a large pistol is not available in a very small lightweight pistol. So I have to learn and adapt to it. I think it's still one of the best in its class.

03-19-2016, 08:44 PM
Welcome. A CM9 is my every day pocket carry.