View Full Version : M1SB manufacturor

03-26-2016, 09:34 PM
I am a newbie here and am looking for some general information. Who actually makes the Thompson M1SB. I see that AO is stamped on the barrel with a address in Mass, but I read that Kahr owns AO. I guess my question is would my form 3 read AO and the maker or Kahr?

I don't really care who makes it and what the form says, it is just a question that is bugging me and I can't seem to find the information-

Appreciate any help in satisfying my curiosity.

03-27-2016, 12:31 AM
Kahr owns Auto Ordnance. They are still marked Auto Ordnance so while I don't have a for sure solid answer I'd say your form would say Auto Ordnance. Kahr being the parent company.

03-27-2016, 07:46 AM
I found this on the Kahr/AO website. This is the same address for Kahr Arms. It appears AO shares production facilities with Kahr Arms in Worcester MA.

Kahr Arms | Auto-Ordnance Factory

130 Goddard Memorial Drive
Worcester, MA 01603

TEL: 508-795-3919
FAX: 508-795-7046

03-29-2016, 10:58 PM
You're welcome.