View Full Version : TP9 recoil

03-31-2016, 02:09 PM
I am thinking about buying a TP9 but having arthitis I can't help but wonder how stiff the recoil is and how hard it is to work the slide. Any advise appreciated.

03-31-2016, 05:14 PM
The kahr pistols in general have heavy recoil springs but they tend to soften after the first 100 rounds . You may not find a tp9 to rack but a a ct9 or 40 or tp40 will do as the recoil spring in the same try ether as 9mm or 40sw as they are the same . One of the members here has been working toward a new slide back that will have "ears" on it to help with racking the slide . Also wolff springs has a reduced pressure striker spring that will lighten the trigger pull about one pound if wanted . They work well and hold up well .

I have a tp40 and have swapped guns at the range with a tp 9mm owner . With standard pressure loads it was an easy to control pistol for sure but felt like mine racking it .

Your just going to have to try one of the 4" barreled 9mm or 40sw pistols to know for sure .

03-31-2016, 06:44 PM
I been a guitar player my whole life and am scared to death of the "A" word (arthritis). I don't know what I would do. And worse yet if I couldn't rack my Kahr slides. It's no advice I know but I do have empathy for your plight. I hope you find one that works for you. And keep Lakeline LLC in mind. The owner Al is the one working on an assist lever. Best of luck to you. And stick around and join the fun.