View Full Version : new vs used?

07-31-2010, 02:48 PM
Well i found a black pm9 used for 619$ and I found a pm40 brand new for 720$.

So um unsure if i want to take the chance on spending 100less dollars for a used gun i have no idea on the condition of the gun other then the mag realese, appearance and slide lock. Whos knows if they cleaned it before they shot it when they bought it or dropped it in the dirt and fired it.

Whats your opinion on the matter? should i defend my life on a used pistol.

07-31-2010, 02:54 PM
I do, but I know what to look for in a gun. I bought my P45 used, and my GP100, all of my center fire rifles are well used (WWI WWII vintage bolt guns). Personally I like the 40 better than the 9, but that is your call to make. I would have no qualms about a used gun.

07-31-2010, 03:05 PM
what do i look for? I wouldnt believe a reputable gun shop would sell a crap gun...

07-31-2010, 03:38 PM
Usually the general appearance of the outside is some indication if it's been used and abused. Look for wear. A reputable dealer would not sell crap, but the trick is to verify reputable dealer.
I'm 180 from Jlott, I'd go 9 over 40 all things being equal just cause the 40's a dragon in that small package. I have an all steel and we get along fine but I prefer my PM45 to my K40 and the PM has to be worse. I like 40's and many here have them and love them. In a bigger gun, I'd have no issues with one.
Only you can decide, I do both new and used depending on the situation. I'd not be afraid to kick shins on used either. Usually even reputable dealers get a pretty good deal buying and again when they sell. Make em earn it.

07-31-2010, 04:42 PM
I came across a used PM9 that I did buy. First thing I did was look for any unusual marks on the exterior of the pistol. Noticed it had night sites. Then racked the slide back and looked inside to see if I could see anything obvious in there. I found nothing that jumped out at me that this pistol had been abused in any way. I then asked the sales guy if he minded field stripping the gun. He said he wasn't sure how to do that. (I was not suprised a bit by this)He's just a salesmen. So I said I do so may I break it down? He said no go head as long as you can put it back together correctly. I broke it down right on the counter in front of him and thought to myself, this pistol doesn't look like it had enough rounds through it to call it broken in.
So then I put it back together and went to the case it came in to check the paper work. Much to my suprise the tape seal on it had not been broken. Then I opened the paper work and found the warranty papers were not filled out and sent back to Kahr. It was at this moment I said lets put this on layaway. If I had to guess there was maybe 50 rounds put through the pistol because the thing looked new inside and out. I picked this all black PM9 with night sites up for $565 at the LGS.:D Who knows why people buy guns and then put a few rounds through them and resell them? The Owner of the LGS told me it happens all the time. He then told me he must have ten pistols in the cases in the same exact condition as the PM9 . His reasoning was people just don't do there homework on them before they plunk down the credit card. Instead they listen to what there friends have to say and take that as gospel.:crazy: Before and even after I put the PM9 on layaway I read everything I could get my hands on. I wouldn't think twice about buying a used pistol from a LGS but you could be darned sure I'd do my homework first before I put my cash down on it.
The PM9 has been flawless from the first round I put down the pipe. I'm a very happy PM9 owner. I still find it hard to believe why someone would turn this gun back in. I guess it proves one more time again no one size fits all. Good luck

07-31-2010, 04:55 PM
I look at frames, slides and anything that should or shouldn't be. I also do my homework as well. Like Bawanna says, make em earn it. A pawn shop is more likely to have crap roll through, but I have seen a couple of cracked frames that came through an LGS, small and missed on the insides. Take the thing apart if you buy used and look real close for anything that is not right. If you find something that doesn't look right ask about it, and I have been known to take a jeweler's loupe with me if I've been eyeballing a particular used piece. I had a Rossi that I had to disappear to a hock shop. The little guy would rotate the cylinder backwards during the cycle. I took it to a pawn shop that didn't know better and got what it was worth out of it. The guy behind the counter was more impressed with the fact that it came with a high polish stainless finish than anything else. I don't feel bad about it either, because if he didn't hardly look it over then, likely a gang banger will end up with it anyway. Let it fail on them. Again, what works for me may not work for you, and I have no qualms about inspecting a gun, or walking away from a deal.

07-31-2010, 05:29 PM
well, with my inexperience i think im better off buying new and taking the hit:75:

07-31-2010, 05:47 PM
well, with my inexperience i think im better off buying new and taking the hit:75:

What part of the world you live in f44? Maybe we got people close by that could help. I'd do your homework, figure out exactly what your wanting and then let the search begin. You have more patience than me or you'd already own one of those so thats a big plus for you.
New is good, doesn't garantee a for sure good thing but you are assured of getting it right if it isn't. No alarm intended here, most are perfect out of the box but all things with more than one part, well think Murphy.
I always check Buds to set the ground work price wise. Gunbroker, Guns International both have NIB guns for sale too.
Figure out what you want, then work on making it happen. We're all here to help ya and since we're not financially or sentimentally attached we might keep a more open mind and tighter grip on the wallet.

07-31-2010, 06:34 PM
my PM9 and CW9 were used when I got them. no problems at all. my CW45 I bought new. no problems at all.
Lemons come new and lemons come used.

07-31-2010, 06:39 PM
Lemons come new and lemons come used.

thats my ultimate fear

07-31-2010, 06:43 PM
What part of the world you live in f44? Maybe we got people close by that could help. I'd do your homework, figure out exactly what your wanting and then let the search begin. You have more patience than me or you'd already own one of those so thats a big plus for you.
New is good, doesn't garantee a for sure good thing but you are assured of getting it right if it isn't. No alarm intended here, most are perfect out of the box but all things with more than one part, well think Murphy.
I always check Buds to set the ground work price wise. Gunbroker, Guns International both have NIB guns for sale too.
Figure out what you want, then work on making it happen. We're all here to help ya and since we're not financially or sentimentally attached we might keep a more open mind and tighter grip on the wallet.

I live in nashville off of harding place exit....

Believe me i went to a shop rjyound reccomended and i seen a used pm9 for 619 with extra mag, i look at it drop the mag, open the slide, physically inspect it and that is all i can do.... I honestly left biting my tongue my card almost came out my wallet.....they had a few cw and p in the low 400 high 300bucks...but i want a pm9 or pm40...i dont care if it has night sites or a laser i can always add that...black or silver slide dont matter....all i know is i need the 40 beveled on the end for the "newer" addition. Ive been in 3 gun shops this week and havent bought a thing...its real hard.

07-31-2010, 08:12 PM
I live in nashville off of harding place exit....

Believe me i went to a shop rjyound reccomended and i seen a used pm9 for 619 with extra mag, i look at it drop the mag, open the slide, physically inspect it and that is all i can do.... I honestly left biting my tongue my card almost came out my wallet.....they had a few cw and p in the low 400 high 300bucks...but i want a pm9 or pm40...i dont care if it has night sites or a laser i can always add that...black or silver slide dont matter....all i know is i need the 40 beveled on the end for the "newer" addition. Ive been in 3 gun shops this week and havent bought a thing...its real hard.

Bingo, there ya go. Link up with ryoung. He's been around these shooting irons long enough I think he knows of what he speaks. In my chats on and off the forum with him he seems like a standup guy, perhaps a bit shady but honest as the day is long. If he recommended that shop, maybe he can drop by and check it our for ya, kind of a second opinion so to speak.
I really don't think you'd go too far wrong and don't blame ya a bit for wanting the PM, they are a nice gun. You used great restraint not letting that card hit the counter. If only I had such restraint.
I'm waiting for the monkey to eliminate all credit card debts so I can start over again. Good for the economy.

07-31-2010, 08:36 PM
My PM looked good - put it on layaway ("used"). When I picked it up, I asked to look at it closer. Looked new - everyone in the shop said it looked unfired. Turns out, some woman bought it, let it sit in the safe, then sold it to the gunshop. I got a deal. It seems to work super now.

I would only buy used IF you are saving a pretty big chunk - say... $100-150 over a $650 new edition. And... think about warranty, etc.

Lots of folks I've read posts from believe that Kahr will back up their guns period. Some say no - only the original owner.

07-31-2010, 08:37 PM
i pmed him woull see what happens...i plan on buying something this weak...i want the fun to begin...probably buy something early in week, clean it, shoot it, take her to the range and next sunday get my permit class taken care of.

07-31-2010, 08:39 PM
My PM looked good - put it on layaway ("used"). When I picked it up, I asked to look at it closer. Looked new - everyone in the shop said it looked unfired. Turns out, some woman bought it, let it sit in the safe, then sold it to the gunshop. I got a deal. It seems to work super now.

I would only buy used IF you are saving a pretty big chunk - say... $100-150 over a $650 new edition. And... think about warranty, etc.

Lots of folks I've read posts from believe that Kahr will back up their guns period. Some say no - only the original owner.

thats my other fear....the warranty....buy it used it takes a dump um up poop creek.

08-01-2010, 06:14 AM
Sounds like your in a hurry

My number one rule when buying a gun is never ever be in a hurry to buy one. This is how poeple end up buying the wrong gun for there needs. Take your time, be a smart shopper educate yourself on all the pistols your interested in. Time and patients will win out in the end.
Go to different gun shops and compare prices and listen to what they have to say. If you can talk face to face with other owners of the pistol your interested in so much the better. Your wallet will thank you for it later and you will end up being much happier.
Allot of gun owners love people in a hurry it gives them the opportunity to buy some very nice barely used pistols at a good price. I know if I ever met the person who traded my PM9 in I'd buy him dinner.

08-01-2010, 07:32 AM
If you don`t mind paying the extra $$ for new and that would ease your worries,buy new.Even in the unlikely event that something was wrong with the new gun,Kahr has an excellent reputation for customer service.Which ever way you decide to go in,check out the Proper Prep for a Kahr that Jocko posted in the Kahr Tech subforum before you go to the range.We will be here to help in any way we can.Good luck!!!

08-01-2010, 11:16 AM
I've been lucky so far with used pistols. My PM45 was used but unfired, and I saved about $150 on it. It now has well over 600 rounds, and has had no problems at all. I can't imagine how a new one would have been any better.

I bought my nickle plated SIG P220 used at considerably less than half price at my LGS, and it has also been perfect, but P220's nearly always are.

My latest used pistol was the S&W 4586 I bought three weeks on Bud's blow out sale. AT $259 I didn't see how I could go wrong, even if it needed work. Turned out that it was pristine inside, and just needed some sanding and polishing on the SS to look almost like new. Even the NS's work. I haven't shot it yet, but I hand racked a mag of EMPTY 45 cases, and it loaded every one. I'm guessing that if it will feed those, it won't have any problems with any ammo.

08-01-2010, 11:23 AM
but a 4586 is a SURE bet, and SW WILL take jer back if it is not right!!!!! No risk there.

Again, I've heard of people get used Kahr's serviced free of charge - but I'm not sure it is like Smith.

08-01-2010, 01:06 PM
but a 4586 is a SURE bet, and SW WILL take jer back if it is not right!!!!! No risk there.

Again, I've heard of people get used Kahr's serviced free of charge - but I'm not sure it is like Smith.

Kahr serviced my used PM45 free and even paid shipping. Although it had functioned flawlessly for 200 rounds, it didn't have the "notch" cut at the front of the slide. To avoid future problems, I called and they said sent it in. I did, and they replaced the slide and recoil assy, and polished the ramp. It was returned in 6 days including a weekend.

08-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Popeye's PM9 story rings a bell. He said many people buy based on what a friend says and not doing their homework. My son is a Glock guy and really wanted me to get one for my first carry. I did my homework and tried to like it - I really did, but it just does not fit my hand comfortably, so I got the PM9 instead and really like it.

My son has a lot of influence but after giving it the college try, he agreed it's not the one for me and supported my decision. Looking at him answers all questions tho, his body size is straight from my dad while mine is from my dad's dad. He's 4" taller than me with really big hands. I'm more a computer nerd and he a bare-knuckled grizzly fighter (poor grizzly).

08-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Popeye's PM9 story rings a bell. He said many people buy based on what a friend says and not doing their homework. My son is a Glock guy and really wanted me to get one for my first carry. I did my homework and tried to like it - I really did, but it just does not fit my hand comfortably, so I got the PM9 instead and really like it.

My son has a lot of influence but after giving it the college try, he agreed it's not the one for me and supported my decision. Looking at him answers all questions tho, his body size is straight from my dad while mine is from my dad's dad. He's 4" taller than me with really big hands. I'm more a computer nerd and he a bare-knuckled grizzly fighter (poor grizzly).

My son is a Cop, Chief actually, and paramedic, and he is a Glock FANATIC, while I lean toward SIG, Kahr, and S&W. We've had words about it over the years, but since we had a shoot-off last year with my SIG's against his Glocks and he lost, he's been relatively quiet.

08-01-2010, 04:06 PM
Well I need another opinion, if i purchase that brand new .40 and it for some reason it is an old model without the bevel at the muzzle what is the chance it wont work right?

08-01-2010, 05:24 PM
Well I need another opinion, if i purchase that brand new .40 and it for some reason it is an old model without the bevel at the muzzle what is the chance it wont work right?

I'd say infinitely small chance it won't work. It'll work. Since it's new your not taking any risk at all. Absolute worse case scenario it'll have to take a trip back to Mass to get looked at and you'll be alone for a week or so.
But that most likely won't be the case. If you want te bevel don't settle for the old model, order up a new model?
Steer completely clear of that buyer remorse stuff.

08-01-2010, 06:38 PM
k thanks definately will give a full review of whatever i get....thanks for the support guys