View Full Version : Another CM9 Holster

04-08-2016, 09:42 AM
I am currently breaking in a Leather OWB holster by Tagua. I never heard of this company until I saw an on ebay that was very well priced compared to others. The holster I ordered is the Open Top Belt Holster Product Code: BH3-1165 98.

It seems to be quality built. Sturdy thick leather, The fit is perfect!

So far I am very satisfied! Ebay price was $34.95 shipped! There is no cant on this model.
I'll update after I wear it a little longer, but so far it is very comfortable!

06-30-2016, 06:22 PM
No update yet ?

07-02-2016, 06:23 PM
I have several of these style holsters from Tagua. They're fantastic for the type of holster they are. If you like OWB carry for carrying concealed, they are super comfortable. Retention is not a big feature on these, so open carry with one is probably not recommended, unless you choose a model with a thumbstrap.