View Full Version : My day at the range (WITH VIDEOS!)

07-31-2010, 06:19 PM
Hubby took me to Paul Abel's outdoor range in Shawnee, Oklahoma called "Shoot-n-iron". http://www.shoot-n-iron.com/ He has a lot of reactive targets, which is new to me. We had a lot of fun. I put about 250 rounds of 9mm and .380 thru my Kahrs.

Paul is a character. He was in law enforcement for 40 years and LOVES to tell stories! Really a neat guy though. Enjoyed visiting with him.

I need to get an OWB holster. After that much shooting and with 100+ degree Oklahoma temps, the guns get pretty warm and can get a little uncomfortable if you touch em to any soft skin while trying to put them back IWB. :o

Here are some videos we took, just got them uploaded to youtube.

YouTube - 2010-07-31_10-14-48_457.3gp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub99n1Fy9X8)
YouTube - MVI_0015.AVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eehrVtNF2A8)
YouTube - MVI_0016.AVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NbAAh89OpY)

YouTube - 2010-07-31_11-08-45_467.3gp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca6fZl55zKw)
YouTube - MVI_0012.AVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzCbtEMK0aM)

07-31-2010, 06:23 PM
Oh, and Paul teaches a class called A.R.T. (Assault Response Training). I think I may take it next time he offers it.

He demonstrated a few techniques on my 6'4" officer husband that took him out QUICK. I couldn't help but tease him on the way home, a 73 year old man took him down repeatedly w/o exerting any force what so ever. I thoroughly enjoyed that part. :D

07-31-2010, 06:29 PM
All I can say is well done!!! Great post and with videos too.I feel sorry for the bad guy who decides to cross your path.

07-31-2010, 06:55 PM
Outstanding, TD2K! Super shooting and that looks like a heck of a lot more fun than b-o-r-i-n-g holes in paper targets... boring... ho hum.:D
Great post. You're a serious shooter and a real threat to bad guys.

07-31-2010, 07:08 PM
thanks guys! appreciate the compliments :)

and yes, it was WAY more fun than just shooting paper targets in a lane.

07-31-2010, 07:58 PM
thanks guys! appreciate the compliments :)

and yes, it was WAY more fun than just shooting paper targets in a lane.

Will you be my BFF. I'll try not to tick ya off.

Was just wondering earlier where ya been, now we know.

The moral of this parable, don't mess with old people?

07-31-2010, 07:59 PM
Hey Bawanna! Welcome back! How was your trip?

07-31-2010, 08:04 PM
Hey Bawanna! Welcome back! How was your trip?

It was awesome, home for a week and then off to Alaska on a boat. Not a shrimp boat but a really big boat.

Finally somebody who noticed I was gone. I feel oh so much better now.

Hey nice shooting on the video too, I was so focused on staying on your good side and the BFF thing I plumb forgot to sign my praises.

I got to shoot reative steel targets with fellas at our PD range years ago. They had them set to require a double tap out of their 9mm's at the time. I used my 45, no double tap needed. When I was lucky enough to hit one that is. Blind hog gets an occasional acorn.

07-31-2010, 08:12 PM
I know what you mean, sometimes it took a double tap with the 9 to get them to fall. I'd have to hit them high with the .380 if I wanted them to fall at all.

I had a little trouble with the little 4" ones, but I'll get better.

Hubby says I need a full sized gun. I'm not sure what I want yet though. I'm considering a full sized Kahr, but I might also look at a 1911.

07-31-2010, 08:17 PM
I know what you mean, sometimes it took a double tap with the 9 to get them to fall. I'd have to hit them high with the .380 if I wanted them to fall at all.

I had a little trouble with the little 4" ones, but I'll get better.

Hubby says I need a full sized gun. I'm not sure what I want yet though. I'm considering a full sized Kahr, but I might also look at a 1911.

I looked in my crystal ball and saw a vision of you holding a S&W M&P compact. It's a little foggy but I think it was a 45? Where did that come from. Maybe I'm getting interference since thats floating around in my extremely small brain in the wanted/add too area.

Those steel targets are adjustable, you tighten or loosen a bolt setup to go down easy or a little harder, at least that's how ours work, guess yours might not be the same.
I know no matter how they are set, a 12 gauge pile drives em, specially if you mess up and load slugs. A no no for us but one slipped in, could happen to anyone.

07-31-2010, 08:21 PM
I know what you mean, sometimes it took a double tap with the 9 to get them to fall. I'd have to hit them high with the .380 if I wanted them to fall at all.

I had a little trouble with the little 4" ones, but I'll get better.

Hubby says I need a full sized gun. I'm not sure what I want yet though. I'm considering a full sized Kahr, but I might also look at a 1911.

Well gosh darn my crystal ball rolled off the table when the lamp cord got caught in my back wheel and shattered on the floor. Got out my trusty spare crystal ball and this one showed a Dan Wesson Cbob 1911.
That's on my list too, ya think we might be twins separated at birth? I think I was cheated, you got the looks and the brains. What did I get?
Guess I better go crystal ball shoppin tomorrow, I'm down to 3, don't want to run out. Darn the luck, that last one was my favorite, near always said what I wanted it too, go figure.

07-31-2010, 10:08 PM
my full size carry is a glock22. i love it. 16rds of .40cal ready to go with 1 clip. never a problem & shoots like the day i bought it 9yrs ago.
Hey bawanna, u do an alaska cruise?

08-01-2010, 08:16 AM
My hubby has a Glock22 for rainy days (he doesn't wanna carry his 1911 in the rain). I've shot that and his G19 a few times, but I just don't like the feel of a glock. I don't like all the plastic, seems like I don't have control of it. The weight and thinness of my MK9 was what drew me to it. I hate having to reload magazines every 6 or 7 shots, but I love how thin it is.

08-01-2010, 09:43 AM
my full size carry is a glock22. i love it. 16rds of .40cal ready to go with 1 clip. never a problem & shoots like the day i bought it 9yrs ago.
Hey bawanna, u do an alaska cruise?

Leave saturday for Alaska. Saw a picture of the boat, its a big son of a gun. I might need more reel capacity if I'm gonna do any trolling off the back of that bad boy.

08-02-2010, 08:51 AM
nice. i'm a fan of cruising & have gone on 6 & i'm trying to talk the wife into alaska but she's a stuck on goin to the carib. have fun. no guns allowed tho! not even allowed to shoot clays off the back!

08-02-2010, 10:35 AM
nice. i'm a fan of cruising & have gone on 6 & i'm trying to talk the wife into alaska but she's a stuck on goin to the carib. have fun. no guns allowed tho! not even allowed to shoot clays off the back!

That's the scary part, no guns, fella told me they even took his knife away. One guy bought a knife up there they took it away until they docked down here again.
Will be a real reality experience, maybe in canada or europe.
Told my wife Alaska is the only place I'd cruise to. Carib, too many foreigners.

08-02-2010, 03:55 PM
nice. i'm a fan of cruising & have gone on 6 & i'm trying to talk the wife into alaska but she's a stuck on goin to the carib. have fun. no guns allowed tho! not even allowed to shoot clays off the back!

they don't shoot clays off the ships any more. BLAME the fu--ing inveriomental people It was polutting the sea with lead shot and the clays at that time were supposably toxic. IMO They should send some of those invireomental people out of some of those clay traps and let us guys really have some fun.

Don't try to bring anything on those ships.PERIOD. My son trie dto put a bottle of booze in his baggage and they caught in through their detectors and took it out and gave it to him when he left the ship. They would catch a knife probably unless it is one of those knives that look like forks:33:

08-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Hopefully, there won't be any Inuit moonlighting as pirates, since there will only be you "sheeple" on the ship. BAAAH... another reason I'll never take a cruise.
Surely you can hide some kind of weapon in or on your chair... or maybe fashion a shank after you get aboard.:D

08-02-2010, 04:08 PM
I'm contemplating backin out of the whole deal. I never cared much for somebody else having that much control over me. No respect for authority I guess. Now I hear that you go thru the gas chambers everytime you get back on the boat. I found out the boat stops in Canada on the way back down so I can maintain relaxation mode on that stop. Not getting off and fighting the queens hounds on top of the boat police too.
Maybe my other son can go with mom and I can stay home and feed the livestock and do whatever I want, carry metal around, fondle my toys, and just be myself.

08-02-2010, 04:12 PM
Hopefully, there won't be any Inuit moonlighting as pirates, since there will only be you "sheeple" on the ship. BAAAH... another reason I'll never take a cruise.
Surely you can hide some kind of weapon in or on your chair... or maybe fashion a shank after you get aboard.:D

I can hide all kinds of stuff on this chair, usually they don't put alot of effort into searching but I dont want to spend a minute worrying about being caught either, not worth it.
My hands are licensed as deadly weapons and insured with Lloyds of London for $2.50 each. Anything happen to em, $5.00 bucks cash money in my pocket. So I have those, my wits and the blonde left handed swede to get us thru.
I'm not a praying person, well I am but not enough but I'll be talking to the man on a regular basis in an effort to keep Murphy at bay.

08-03-2010, 11:12 AM
they took my wifes travel iron on our last cruise. so to get the wrinkles out of our clothes we hung em all up in tiny bathroom & blocked exhaust vent then cranked up the hot shower for 1/2hr. instant sauna & wrinkle free! by the way: in the carib, we are the foreigners. and you def gotta watch your back especially when u leave the tourist areas. mallcops in jamaica had a-k's last time i was there!

08-03-2010, 11:19 AM
they took my wifes travel iron on our last cruise. so to get the wrinkles out of our clothes we hung em all up in tiny bathroom & blocked exhaust vent then cranked up the hot shower for 1/2hr. instant sauna & wrinkle free! by the way: in the carib, we are the foreigners. and you def gotta watch your back especially when u leave the tourist areas. mallcops in jamaica had a-k's last time i was there!

What was their logic in taking a travel iron?

Don't waste a second worrying about me in Jamaica or any of them 3rd world tourist traps, I won't be there. This will probably be my first and last cruise, specially if they take travel iron's. Got a whole lot of this country to see before I cross any more water. Went to Cody Wyoming couple years back, might go there again, very cool area.
Thinkin of loading up the wagons and moving east some, eastern Wa? Idaho, Wyoming. Better class of people.

08-03-2010, 11:34 AM
It might have been to keep you from blowing circuit breakers or overloading the circuitry.

In 1985, when my wife-to-be and I were in a hotel in Toledo, Spain, she plugged in her hairdryer and blew the power for the whole hotel... not a small one, either. They weren't happy with us.
Jeez, modernize and get decent electric wiring! What if I had wanted to cook a quick snack with my George Forman Grill??


08-03-2010, 11:48 AM
Maybe they were thinking it would be forgotten and be a fire hazard on the boat?
I wish I'd known some of this stuff before my activity coordinator booked this. I'd of took her on a road trip to kansas or something safer instead.

No guns, no knives, for 7 days, they be able to cut the wool off me and make a sweater.

Lets give RD2K? back her thread and discuss my travel woes over on useless August stuff. Don't want to run her off stomping threads.

This talk from Bawanna, the master thread stomper??? Crap I'm already a sheep.

08-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Fire hazard... safety hazard for sure. You might have dropped it in the tub or something.

Put your head down and Baaah a lot when they heard you up the chutes.


Dang! We put my wife's 9-year-old Volvo S40 in the shop today... the Volvo one. She's out running all over in MY VAN... shopping. That's her thing when she's off work. She doesn't always find something to buy, but she does her thing and burns some gas.
I hope that she doesn't hurt my van... sniff. It's quite a bit bigger than her little car.:(

08-03-2010, 12:08 PM
Whoooah is me.

08-03-2010, 12:26 PM
Thread jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-03-2010, 12:28 PM
I knew it! Now we've gone and riled her. I tried to tell you guys.

So much for being my BFF. I'm out.