View Full Version : PM9 ammo range test 115 Speer GD, 124 HST, 147 HST, Golden Saber 124 +P

04-10-2016, 03:09 PM
What you'll read below is my experience with my PM9 pistol. It is not a recommendation. It is just my thoughts going through the process of finding the most accurate self defense carry ammo for me and my PM9. Here are the results of me testing 4 different ammunition brands, weights and pressures. I chose this group because I made a general determination not to use +P in the gun. The ones I had tried (HST +P in 124 and 147; Gold Dot +P in 124 and 147) were not accurate enough for me (but I soon found this not entirely true as it relates to higher pressure, more later). Simply, they shot low and broad. I'm sure I could tame them, but why?

I use the PM9; it is the old style with a squared-off nose. I use Lakeline followers and a heavier 10.5 pound recoil spring but otherwise the pistol is stock. I shot from a manageable 5 yards. 5-shot groups. Groups are measured center to center, longest to longest. I shot standing, freehand. Here are the results:

Gold Dot 115:
Group #1 3.1" without flyer; 6.0" with flyer (1 in the 10 ring; 2 in the 9 ring)
Group #2 3.78" (1 in the 10 ring; 3 in the 9 ring)
Note: I had a guy in the next lane shooting an M4 at an indoor range. This was distracting. So I will make notes if I felt this was an issue.

HST 124:
Group #1 4.9"
Group #2 3.75" (2 in the 10 ring; 1 in the 9 ring)
Note: This was a surprise because I wanted this one to be the one as I loved its gel test. This is still a very hot round for standard pressure.

Golden Saber 124 +P (unbonded):
Group #1 2.0" (1 in the 10 ring; 3 in the 9)
Group #2 3.0"
Note: I was surprised by this. This was not only +P but an older version. Better think about this one, if I can find the unbonded.

HST 147:
Group #1 2.8" (without flyer), 4.5" (with flyer) (2 in the 10 ring; 1 in the 9 ring)
Group #2 1.75" (this was the nicest group of the day, once Mr. M4 put his rifle away) (2 in the 10 ring; 3 in the 9 ring)
Note: I was impressed with this heavier bullet. I would call it a tie with the GS.

My thoughts are that the Golden Saber 124 +p and HST 147 standard pressure might be the best match for this particular PM9 pistol. As mentioned, I'd already tried the +P's in HST and Gold Dot. I will always keep an open mind, however. I would take any of these selections as carry ammo as they all produced good real-world group accuracy. Group numbers don't reflect the placement and clusters.

That said, I then ended the visit with 50 rounds of 380 Magtech through a SIG P232 ST. I did this to make sure I was still able to shoot tighter groups than many of these produced with a small pistol. Thankfully, I did. Please use this information as you see fit. I have over 2000 rounds of HP defense ammunition I test from time to time in multiple guns. I've learned the gun must like the ammo and if the gun doesn't... it won't protect you. If you can't hit the target, then the impressive bullet weight and cartridge pressure won't bring down the bad guy. It's worth testing. :D

04-10-2016, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the info. Also good to know there were no reported function problems.

04-10-2016, 06:14 PM
Awesome, I was just about to order a couple hundred of your most accurate JHP rounds tested, this makes me a little more confident on my choices!

Side question, why do folks throw the 10.5 lb recoil spring on? Is it supposed to improve reliability or felt recoil?

04-10-2016, 06:24 PM
I carry 147 grain HST standard pressure in my CM9. Good stuff. Nice write up :)

04-10-2016, 07:01 PM
Thanks for the info. Also good to know there were no reported function problems.

There were no failures of any kind with any ammo.

04-10-2016, 07:08 PM
Awesome, I was just about to order a couple hundred of your most accurate JHP rounds tested, this makes me a little more confident on my choices!

Side question, why do folks throw the 10.5 lb recoil spring on? Is it supposed to improve reliability or felt recoil?

I did mine for reliability. It might change how the recoil feels, but the recoil will be the same due to physics.

It's my understanding that Kahr has always liked higher recoil springs on many of their pistols, but over time, the market had some issues with the difficulty racking the slide on these small guns, so they have subtlety lightened the spring. I've had this pistol for a long time and have always felt it would "like" a higher recoil spring. I got mine from Wolfe Gunsprings. It functions well for me.

04-10-2016, 07:12 PM
I carry 147 grain HST standard pressure in my CM9. Good stuff. Nice write up :)

Thank you. I'd like to emphasize, I had good multiple 10-ring hits with many of the others as well. The group sizes I posted are not reflective of actually looking at the targets, which are quite good, with nice clusters where it counts. I would carry any of them, but just wanted some way to pick a winner... and accuracy always wins.

I also opted for the 147 grain HST, but would carry the Golden Sabers as well, based upon accuracy out of my gun.

04-11-2016, 05:58 AM
My HP round of choice has been Corbon's 115 grain +p for several years. This was based on the research I did at the time both statistically and in-weapon.

While I don't feel unprotected, my PM9 is is making me reconsider my choice as it's such a small weapon. Maybe I'll stick with the Corbon but I appreciate the real world experience of others. Thanks for the post!

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04-11-2016, 06:10 AM
My HP round of choice has been Corbon's 115 grain +p for several years. This was based on the research I did at the time both statistically and in-weapon.

While I don't feel unprotected, my PM9 is is making me reconsider my choice as it's such a small weapon. Maybe I'll stick with the Corbon but I appreciate the real world experience of others. Thanks for the post!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Yes, the reason I go through this arduous process is because I get accustomed to something and won't change. I have to convince myself. Bullet technology is so much better now than even 10 years ago. I no longer use Hydro Shok for instance. It's accurate but there are better bullets now in the factory cartridges. It's the barrel length issue. The more popular small guns become, the more the factories have to make sure their offerings perform well.

04-27-2016, 04:07 PM
SHOT PLACEMENT trumps any round!! Period. Just sayin

04-27-2016, 05:09 PM
I carry 147 gr.HST's in my MK, and have found them to be very accurate, but sometimes can be a bit long for the smaller firearms. I've had a couple of issues with the HST's. I also carry the 115 gr. Hornady Critical Defense FTX's, and like them at the shorter distances.

04-30-2016, 03:27 PM
SHOT PLACEMENT trumps any round!! Period. Just sayin

Yes, that's what this post is about: testing which rounds are most accurate in my given PM9. Accuracy is needed for good shot placement.

04-30-2016, 03:39 PM
I just re-tested the Gold Dot 115, HST 124, HST 124+P, HST 147, and HST 147+P and re-averaged the three at 5 yards. The edge went to The Gold Dot 115 overall with the HST 147 behind that in group size. The GS 115 and the HST 147 were tied in number of 10-ring hits, which is more important than group size, at the end of the day. (I eliminated the Golden Saber 124+P, although quite accurate.)

I've been using the HST 147 in the pistol but I might drop down to GS 115 but I think I'll stay pat for now. This is a short-range pistol, after all.

04-30-2016, 06:17 PM
I just re-tested the Gold Dot 115, HST 124, HST 124+P, HST 147, and HST 147+P and re-averaged the three at 5 yards. The edge went to The Gold Dot 115 overall with the HST 124 behind that. (I eliminated the Golden Saber 124+P, although quite accurate.)

I was using the HST 147 in the pistol but think I'll drop down to one of these two in my little PM9 pistol. The average for all three were between 2.9" and 4.5", so I'm okay with any of them. They all had "that one spectacular group" so they are all better than this shooter.

Great feedback.

I had previously performed a similar comparison using the same gun (PM9193) and initially had decided on the 147gr HST, though have since revised my preference to the 124gr HST.

Here's the link to my previous post:



04-30-2016, 06:33 PM
Great feedback.

I had previously performed a similar comparison using the same gun (PM9193) and initially had decided on the 147gr HST, though have since revised my preference to the 124gr HST.

Here's the link to my previous post:



I just edited my post. I reevaluated the targets for 9 and 10-ring count and The GS 115 and HST 147 tied. So I will likely go with these two for the sake of accuracy over group size, and stick with the HST 147 for now. But every gun is different.

04-30-2016, 07:26 PM
FWIW, I prefer the 147 HST in my Beretta PX4 Compact (15+1). My Kahr PM9 (extended mag 7+1) still gets 124 HST.
