View Full Version : East is East, West is West a view from the other side....

04-11-2016, 10:23 AM
East is East, West is West,
By: Major General Jerry Curry, USA , (ret.)
The British poet Rudyard Kipling, understood today's situation in Afghanistan better than our State Department when he wrote:
"I have eaten your bread and salt.
I have drunk your water and wine.
The deaths you died I’ve watched beside
and the lives you led were mine."
There are (2) points Congress members, the President, Secretaries of State and Defense should keep in mind as they evaluate future involvement in the Mid-East and how to address them. Both are easiest illustrated by real life situations.
Point One (1)
Many years ago I attended the Infantry officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning , Georgia . Ten percent of the students attending that ten month course of instruction were from foreign countries. For about half of the course my table-mate was an Arab. We studied, completed homework assignments together, got to know each other's families, and generally enjoyed each other's company. Part of that time we students were immersed in reading about, researching, and discussing wars and problems of the Middle East . In time my Arab classmate and I had (I thought) become close friends. A question popped into my mind and without evaluating it I said, "I have a question to ask you, and you may find it impertinent, or perhaps offensive." "That's quite all right", he replied. "We know each other well enough to be honest with each other. So go ahead and ask your question." "Well," I began, "Each time you Arabs start a war with Israel , they beat your socks off. Why don't you learn your lesson and quit making war on them?" The words hadn't passed my lips before I felt that I shouldn't have asked that particular question, but I was wrong. My Arab officer friend didn't get angry. He didn't even think before replying. "My dear friend," he said in his British accent, "You are absolutely right. Each time we attack the Israelis they whip us. But have you noticed that with each loss we get better. We get whipped not as badly as in the war before." Then he got a faraway look in his eyes, pounded on the table and said, "sometime in the next thousand years, we will win!" Up until then I’d never thought in terms of a thousand years, and I don't think I'm very good at it today. But for those formulating foreign and defense policy for our nation, it is worth making the effort. For it’s difficult to think in terms of the immediate future while negotiating with a nation whose leaders are thinking in terms of hundreds or thousands of years.
Point two (2)
During the 1st Gulf War , US and Arab forces fought side by side and some of the officers became close friends. When the war ended in victory there was a celebration in the Officer's Club with congratulations all around. A lot of handshaking and hugging was going on. It was a time of displaying real brotherly love. Seeing this, one of the senior Arab generals felt the need to set the record straight. "Look," he said to a cluster of American generals. "We’ve fought together and some of us have died together. I know you feel that makes us brothers. But that’s not the way it is in my world." He looked around the circle making eye contact with all of them. "I don't want to see you hurt, so I need to share this with you. There is no tomorrow for us jointly. No matter how much you have helped my country and you came and helped us when we desperately needed your help and no matter how friendly you feel toward us, we are still Muslims and you are still Christians. That means that in our eyes, we can never be brothers. I'm sorry, but to us, you will always be Infidels!" Yes, we Infidels have liberated Iraq and Afghanistan , but we’ve not made their countries, nor their people, depositories of freedom and liberty. No matter how hard we work to rebuild their government’s infrastructure, educational, and medical institutions, and no matter how desperately they need our help-as the Arab general noted, we can never be brothers to each other. I understand what Kipling meant when he wrote: "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet". He was pointing out to the Western world that to Muslims, we Christians will always be Infidels!
Jerry Curry , USA , Maj. Gen. (ret.)

Ken L
04-11-2016, 11:54 AM
That actually explains a lot. Thanks for posting it!

04-11-2016, 12:53 PM
They plan for the next thousand years while many of our politicians are planning for the rapture to occur within their lifetime. This adversely effects, not only our foreign policy, but our economic policy and our ecological policies. They are so sure the world will end soon, they will not even consider the possible long-term repercussions.

04-11-2016, 05:44 PM
And yet, this is a time when Christians have a chance to convince Muslims that Islam is a lie.

04-11-2016, 09:06 PM
And yet, this is a time when Christians have a chance to convince Muslims that Islam is a lie.

I have heard it from a good source that the muslim refugees landing in Greece that were actually persecuted by ISIS are converting in droves. Unfortunately there are too many male military aged ones that are coming for other purposes too. That's the report from the non-orthodox churches anyway. Plus the Christian minority from Syria is being slaughtered.