View Full Version : Help with Value? PM9094N with CTC Laser

04-12-2016, 10:03 AM
I have a PM9 with Crimson Trace Laser. I'm trying to get an idea of the used value of it and am having difficulty due to there being such a range of PM9 models available.

My PM9 is the Black PM9 with Night Sights (PM9094N) used for 800rds. It is the top of the line AFAIK, but I realize that they probably don't command a huge premium in the used market. I have 6, 7, and 8 rds magazines and box.

I have installed a Crimson Trace Laser, Pearce Grip Extension, and a Hogue rubber grip--obviously these are all reversible accessories.

I have several holsters too, but I'm primarily trying to get an idea of the value of the gun, mags, and laser.

What would you expect this gun to sell for (gun/laser/mags)?

04-12-2016, 08:00 PM
They go for around $500-$550 here in Texas. Some a little less, some a little more, but most in that range.

Cruce Dum Spiro Fido

04-13-2016, 07:57 AM

04-13-2016, 11:02 AM
They go for about 500 with or without the lazer around here.

04-13-2016, 11:52 AM
I concur. One really takes a beating on accessories. Like a scope, they are expensive but you never come close to recouping your money if you sell it on a rifle.

It helps the sales appeal but not the price much.

I'd say 500 is probably a realistic number.

04-14-2016, 06:44 AM
Thanks gents. That helps!!

04-14-2016, 07:51 AM
What kind of holsters ?

04-14-2016, 07:58 AM
I actually just posted them for sale in the Marketplace--pocket, Mitch Rosen OWB, Crossbreed IWB.