View Full Version : First PM9 Problem

04-15-2016, 05:19 PM
I have a brand new PM9, which I've completed breaking in. The pistol runs like a champ, with no feed or extraction problems. I do wish it was a little easier to rack, as my 72-year-old hands don't have the strength they once did, but I manage.

Today at the range, as I was shooting rounds 250 through 300, a rather strange thing happened. I felt something sharp next to my trigger finger. Looking down, I saw that the pin that (I believe) holds the trigger housing in place had worked its way out to the right. I used the end of a magazine to push it back in, but after two mags it came out again.

I called Kahr and they were great -- immediately sent me a prepaid Fedex label -- and I just shipped it back to them for repair. The customer service fellow I spoke with said they might have to replace the frame.

Just wondering: Has anyone else had this sort of issue with their PM9/CM9, and if so, how was it resolved?

04-15-2016, 05:39 PM
We've heard of that pin slipping out before. It goes in and I believe there's a little blind cross pin on the left side that rides in a little groove in that trigger pin.

It may be that they missed the placement of that cross pin on yours.

I believe some have pushed the pin back in and added a drop of super glue to keep it in place.
But if Kahr stepped up to the plate and offered to take care of it, that's the best. Other than it being gone for a spell. Hopefully not too long.

I've been using one of them hand squeezer exercise deals now and then. Trying to keep up the hand strength a bit. Seems sometimes I have to run my hands under hot water to get them moving.

Wonder if a guy could add some grease fittings to the joints, or soak the hands in Kroil or something. Can't hurt ya think?

04-15-2016, 07:20 PM
Grease fittings to the joints! Genius! Why haven't the doctors thought of that? Too obvious, I guess. Like using superglue to hold a gun's trigger assembly together. :cool:

I'm sure Kahr will make it right. Mine's the MA/CA model with the enhanced trigger, which is simply amazing. It also has the safety, which I don't use (I believe the only reason it's there is that MA wanted it there), and the LCI, which I don't really notice. It doesn't have a magazine disconnect. I wonder how MA missed that one. ;)

04-15-2016, 07:31 PM
The doctors have come up with a joint lubricant. It's called Synvisc. Unfortunately it's put in with a needle. I had both knees shot up with the stuff for years before I had both knees replaced. Believe it our not the stuff is made from chicken combs.

04-15-2016, 08:52 PM
Okay, you guys are hazing the newbie, right? :o

04-15-2016, 09:22 PM
Sure sounds like it, OBD!

04-15-2016, 10:28 PM
At least it isn't made from snipe...

04-19-2016, 08:30 PM
The doctors have come up with a joint lubricant. It's called Synvisc. Unfortunately it's put in with a needle. I had both knees shot up with the stuff for years before I had both knees replaced. Believe it our not the stuff is made from chicken combs.

The chicken combs is no B.S. My ex-wife had the same injections in her knee before replacement.

04-20-2016, 06:12 AM
Thanks for the backup Sharptop. Most times these kids believe anything I tell them. The old muggster never lies, though at times I do prevaricate.

04-21-2016, 07:56 PM
No problem muggsy! I thought the doc was giving me a line of shat when he told me what the injections were. A good friend of mine, who also had the injections before knee replacement, verified it.

04-21-2016, 11:00 PM
Hmmm... both of you had those "chicken" injections and the needed knee replacements. I think I'll skip any chicken injections!

I've had the prostate Roto-Rooter operation and the three hemorrhoid bandings in the last 2 months and I go in tomorrow to get my replacement bridge and opposing crown replacement installed.

I can pee like a young man and am cleared for running and impact-type exercise(as if I would do much more than walking an hour or so on the treadmill :) )

Hopefully, by noon Friday I'll be able to chew on the left rear side of my mouth again and brush, floss, or Waterpick without something falling out!

I even thought about getting my bike out of the attic and airing up the tires... been a FEW years!

My main exercise has been walking around at gun shows, Costco, Sam's, Wal-Mart, and Total Wine... with some time at Lowe's and Home Depot.

Wynn :)

05-22-2016, 03:28 PM
Well, here it is, five weeks later, and still no word from Kahr except "It's in the queue." Doesn't do me a lot of good there.

05-22-2016, 04:16 PM
Remember when you were a kid and couldn't wait for Santa to arrive, how the anticipation built up?

Yeah, just like that.

Kahr wants you to really enjoy that feeling cause once you get the gun back, it will fall back into just another routine day with a great firearm.

What other manufacturer would do that for you?

05-22-2016, 06:27 PM
Interesting way to look at it. Helpful, too ;)

05-23-2016, 12:44 PM
Kahr called this morning to let me know that the hole for the trigger housing pin had been drilled incorrectly, and they replaced the entire frame. Consequently, the gun has to be sent to my FFL and re-registered as a new gun, with the cost and delays that entails. Not what I expected from a fairly expensive pistol.

05-23-2016, 01:44 PM
At least it's been sorted, not anything that you should have to go thru though.