View Full Version : Took the wife shopping after she picked up her ccw and got an early birthday present

04-17-2016, 12:09 PM
I was finally able to persuade my wife that she should get a CCW, so she relented and got that squared away. When it arrived in the mail, she said "Let's go gun shopping!" Being the supportive husband that I am, and a martyr to my own generosity, I relented.:D

So we wind up at one of our local shops, and she soon finds a wheelgun she likes, a S&W .38 Airweight. The clerk asks me if there's anything I'd like to look at, which I replied in the affirmative, and my wife jokingly pipes up with something along the lines of "As long as it's not one of those black AR things." The clerk asks why not, since they're having a sale on top of a sale, so before you know it we're at the rifle counter. I commented that I liked the Smith & Wesson and it got good reviews, so the clerk hands one to me and explains the new features on the Sport II model. Oooo, dust cover...Oooo, forward assist that wasn't on the Sport I model. I ask a few more questions about sights, zeroing, etc. and my wife says "Well, since you helped me get the CCW and get the info together and pictures, let's call this an early birthday present from me and the kids." So I put one on order and should be picking it up soon.

Needless to say I'm a happy camper.

04-17-2016, 12:22 PM
Adopt me...... please :o

04-17-2016, 04:58 PM
Sounds like a keeper to me!!!!!!

04-17-2016, 08:56 PM
If he handed you one why did you have to order one. Why not that one?

I only ask because even though your wife seems like a dream come true, its in their gender to change their minds without cause and without notice.

Sooner you can get that puppy in hand and locked down the better.

Brownells has specials on 10 packs of 30 rd PMags. Better get 3 or 4 of those 10 packs and you'll be set.

You got a nice wife, I got a nice wife, she'd be perfect if she had more money.

04-18-2016, 01:01 PM
I am looking at one of those also. Great value for the money.

04-18-2016, 03:53 PM
If he handed you one why did you have to order one. Why not that one? They were having a sale on that model, ran out earlier that day but were expecting a shipment in shortly and guaranteed the sale price for me. The item I handled was their "floor" model for lack of a better term. Oh and don't worry, the wife isn't changing her mind on this. She is a woman of her word and she is very serious about that.

04-19-2016, 09:34 AM
Excellent choice for a "beginner" AR. You might want to upgrade the hand guard to an insulated one. I put a Magpul on my Sport I:


04-19-2016, 04:25 PM
Armybrat, that's downright spooky...the timing of your post that is, because as a matter of fact my order for a Magpul stock, grip, two 30 rnd magazines and hand guard were waiting for me when I got home today.:) I'm a sucker for the dark earth scheme. I've got. Vortex Sparc II Red Dot II MOA on order too.

04-20-2016, 02:42 PM
Excellent choice for a "beginner" AR. You might want to upgrade the hand guard to an insulated one. I put a Magpul on my Sport I:


I really like your hand guard

04-20-2016, 05:43 PM
I'm an idiot...it's not the SPARC II, it's the Vortex SPARC AR Red Dot that's slated to be released this summer (http://www.brownells.com/optics-mounting/electronic-sights/red-dot-sights/sparc-ar-red-dot-2-moa-bright-red-dot--sku100019202-83619-178357.aspx) (http://www.brownells.com/optics-mounting/electronic-sights/red-dot-sights/sparc-ar-red-dot-2-moa-bright-red-dot--sku100019202-83619-178357.aspx)

I really need to get off these cold meds!


04-20-2016, 07:33 PM
I really like your hand guard

It was $25 at a local Academy Sporting Goods store. I've seen them on sale for $20 since then (of course).

It was a 2 man job to switch them out, as I don't have the AR compression tool made for that purpose.

04-20-2016, 07:36 PM
I'm an idiot...it's not the SPARC II, it's the Vortex SPARC AR Red Dot that's slated to be released this summer (http://www.brownells.com/optics-mounting/electronic-sights/red-dot-sights/sparc-ar-red-dot-2-moa-bright-red-dot--sku100019202-83619-178357.aspx) (http://www.brownells.com/optics-mounting/electronic-sights/red-dot-sights/sparc-ar-red-dot-2-moa-bright-red-dot--sku100019202-83619-178357.aspx)

I really need to get off these cold meds!


I hear good things about the Vortex line, but have yet to buy an optic. I did buy another AR, a Colt LE6920MP-B. Have had that one for a year & a half, but haven't even cleaned the factory muck of it yet, much less shoot it. Will probably just give it to one of my sons & keep the Sport, which is fun to shoot.


04-20-2016, 07:36 PM
I am not a fan of Vortex, it's all made in China.

04-20-2016, 07:41 PM
I am not a fan of Vortex, it's all made in China.

Probably 50% of the stuff you buy is made there or has components that are. :eek:

I have no idea who makes what anymore. My 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport has a Toyota transmission.

04-20-2016, 08:00 PM
Probably 50% of the stuff you buy is made there or has components that are. :eek:

I have no idea who makes what anymore. My 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport has a Toyota transmission.

Is the Jeep a stick? The 2000 models with automatics went back to Chrysler Torkflights from their Renault automatics [which were best trans Jeeps ever had].

04-20-2016, 08:03 PM
My choice in scopes normally are either Triicons or Leopulds both American made as far as I know.

04-22-2016, 05:05 PM
Is the Jeep a stick? The 2000 models with automatics went back to Chrysler Torkflights from their Renault automatics [which were best trans Jeeps ever had].

It's the 4 speed automatic. Just Jeeps in Austin does the maintenance on it for me - they said it has a Toyota tranny, so I took their word for it. They've been in business for 40 years and I know very little about the Cherokee - except that mine is the best vehicle I've ever owned outside the 1967 Malibu coupe bought new with 3 on the tree and the 283 V8.

04-22-2016, 05:36 PM
Bet you'd like to still have that Malibu huh? I think they call that 20/20 hindsight or something.

I had a 66 Mustang that I wish I still had.

05-07-2016, 03:09 PM
Oh, got the AR a Magpul Makeover.

05-07-2016, 03:34 PM
Looks good! Really similar to mine except I ended up doing the SL handguard