View Full Version : UPDATE KAHR GONE Help me decide... PM9 like new for $350 or new Glock 43 for $380

04-23-2016, 05:46 PM
Hi, new to the forum. Local gun shop has a like new PM9. Only one mag has been fired through it. Comes with 1 mag no accessories. Guy willing to make me a deal at $350. Its marked for $389.00. My other option is a blue label Glock 43 for $380.00. I carry a Glock on duty but need something I can always have on me, don't like to wear oversized clothes. So, opinions are welcomed! Thanks guys.

04-23-2016, 06:31 PM
Both seem like a heck of a deal. If you carry a Glock and like Glocks, I'd probably stick with the Glock. The Kahr and Glock triggers are a world apart, but the PM9 is smaller and lighter.

04-23-2016, 06:31 PM
$350.00 for a PM model?, I'd go for it! Does it come with the case?

Welcome to the board! You do know that asking that question here is going to be biased. You will get more votes for "buy the kahr" here, and probably more "buy the glock" on a glock site. I own both, and carry the Kahr more often, just because it is smaller and lighter. Good luck with your decision!

04-23-2016, 07:00 PM
No Gluck's here................................it's PM9, or ANYTHING else.............................................. .......................:rolleyes:

04-23-2016, 08:09 PM
At those prices I'd buy both and then decide. That's a helluva price on the PM.

04-23-2016, 08:18 PM
When I was trying to pick out my new pocket carry pistol a few months back I rented both the Glock 43 and PM9 (as well as many others) and I loved the PM9 and the glock felt weird to my hands AND jammed on me on the first mag I shot. And this is coming from a guy who loves his Glock 19!

04-23-2016, 08:22 PM
Lol I know there will be bias, but maybe some guys can help me that aren't brand miopic. Both are great guns, just want best for situation. The PM9 does not come with a case, just the gun and one mag. I'm very tempted on value alone. Just want some of the advice from y'all who have valuable knowledge to guide my decision.

04-23-2016, 09:45 PM
I once owned a CM9 and I've shot several boxes through a G43 range rental. I didn't care for the G43 as it beat up the middle finger of my grip hand, but it functioned fine. The CM9 was easier on my hands and functioned just as well. That said, I'd recommend you stick with the same manual of arms as your service weapon and go with the G43.
Of course, at the price mentioned, you could go with the PM9 then if you don't like it sell it for little or no loss.

04-24-2016, 04:18 AM
I have compared both, size wise, the PM is smaller and easier to pocket carry. I carry my PM9 as a BUG and wanted something for a front pocket. However, I think Greg has a point about sticking with the same operation as your service pistol. If you're accustomed to the Glock Trigger, might want to stick with a Glock trigger.

04-24-2016, 05:48 AM
I would normally say if you want a 9mm for pocket carry BUY the kahr cm9 But if you carry a glock on duty then buy the glock 43 . The grip angle is the same and the trigger type is something your use to now . What should be your natural point will be the same . Buy a foxx little hybrid for carry as its fine for front side 2:00 carry with the pistol canted to the rear for easy tucked in shirt if that's your style .

04-24-2016, 07:24 AM
What's a Glock?

04-24-2016, 08:53 AM
Both seem like great deals. Can you shoot them before you decide? If you like shooting the Kahr a lot, that might outweigh the advantage of having the same operation as your duty gun.

04-24-2016, 09:29 AM
This is a tough question. I like Glocks and I like Kahrs. I shoot a glock 17 in competiition, and carry a Glock 26 every day. I have tried to use my Kahr P9 (Covert) in competititon; but found that I would occassionally short stroke the trigger when trying to shoot fast, being used to the short reset on the Glock trigger. I have tried a G43 and was not impressed even though I am a Glock fan.

Bottom line is if you like the Kahr trigger and can deal with the long reset and not short stroke it, then I would get the Kahr hands down. See if you can try out a Kahr first. The trigger is going to be revolver like in reset.

04-24-2016, 02:43 PM
What's a Glock?

It's a thing that hangs on the wall so you can see what time it is....DUH!!!!

04-24-2016, 03:36 PM
My opinion. If you are going to pocket carry,Kahr is the superior choice. If not, I would base the choice, on if you can transition between the Kahr and Glock trigger? Also consider that the Kahr uses "a dot the i "sight.
I much prefer the Kahr trigger and sights once I became accustomed to them.
IMHO since you are familiar with Glock, and if not going to pocket carry, I would stick to the system you are used to.

04-24-2016, 07:56 PM
Pocket carry i would pick Kahr, IWB or belt, maybe glock or a bigger kahr.

04-24-2016, 08:39 PM
Thanks for all of your advice. I just switched back to Glock for my duty gun. I had gone to an FNX Tactical with Red dot for a couple of years, so I'm getting acclimated to a Glock again. I used to own a Kahr CW9 and I really liked it. Gave it to my ex when we split up so she would have something for protection. I shot well with it. I am leaning Kahr because of size and weight. Want something shootable but light and concealable. Not willing to go 380. I owned a DB9 for a little while and did not enjoy shooting that thing.

04-24-2016, 08:52 PM
At those prices neither gun will still be there by 5/23. Those are grab and run prices. (Glock Leg scares me off the Glocks.)

04-25-2016, 07:39 AM
Glock leg. Just looked it up...couldn't that happen with a Kahr? Course Kahr leg doesn't sound as good.

04-25-2016, 07:49 AM
OK, I'll bite...what is Glock Leg? Glock leg is the result of improperly holstering or drawing a Glock and shooting yourself in the leg. The problem isn't exclusive to Glock, but seems to be more prominent among Glock owners.

04-25-2016, 08:27 AM
Glock leg is the result of improperly holstering or drawing a Glock and shooting yourself in the leg. The problem isn't exclusive to Glock, but seems to be more prominent among Glock owners.

I think that's mostly because there are more Glocks. Also, its the default gun of choice for police administrators and other desk jockeys who.. well, you know.


04-25-2016, 07:43 PM
If the PM9 is gone you could grt a cm9 even cheaper.

04-26-2016, 10:07 PM
That PM9 is a great price.

I am not a fan of the G43, but love the G26 and G19.

That PM9 would be GONE if I knew where it was!

04-27-2016, 08:40 PM
Hands down for me, it's the PM9. Personal preference, though. I've entertained the Glock, but my faithful PM9 always talks me out of it.

04-28-2016, 12:53 AM
One is backed by its manufacturer with a lifetime warranty, the other isn't (2nd hand gun status or it would have been 10 years new). Should answer your question unless you trade and sell frequently.

05-02-2016, 10:03 PM
Case or not, I'd get that PM9 before someone else did. We don't see those going for that cheap here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

07-24-2016, 02:21 PM
I've owned a Glock 19 (Gen 1) for over 25 years, as well as a Glock 26 and 27, both or which I have sold. That being said I'm intimately familiar with the Glock and given the choice between the 43 and the Kahr PM9 I bought the PM9.
The PM9 is significantly smaller then the 43 (as I pocket carry 95% of the time) and just feels like a more solid and better made product. Don't get me wrong, the Glocks are super reliable and great guns, I just wanted the smallest lightest sized 9mm I could comfortably carry. I also own a Diamondback DB9, maybe the smallest 9mm commercially made but it doesn't shoot nearly as well at the PM9, nor is anywhere as reliable (even though I've never has any issues with my DB9). I understand price wise the PM9 is almost 50% more expensive then the 43 in most places but that wasn't a big determining factor in my purchase.
Just my 2 cents worth.......................Peace...

07-27-2016, 04:37 PM
I own um both, actually I own two PMJ9, and about a year ago bought a G43 and had it tunes and set up the ay I wanted. It is a fantastic gun IMO, but out of the box the PMJ9 is so much snoother it is not worth arguing over, but after tuning my glock and installinig fiber optic sites and a stipple grip job and magna porting (as all my PMJ9's are). I can shoot cirelce around my PMJ9 with my G43. I never was a good shot, but the G43 actually made me feel good when shootig it. It it was as smallas my PMJ and as light as my PMJ9, it would be in my front pocket where my PMJ9 has road for over 7 ears. It is just big enough (G43) tha tit doesnt ride good at all in my front pocket. I do not dress to carry.J9 rides there very nicely and has for over 7 years. Its the trigger system of both guns that makes the accuractry change for this ol timer. the kahr has no safety so the 3/8" trigger travel is there for a reason. iF U CAN SHOOT a wheel gun double action then a kahr is no problem, otherwise the shorter trigger stroke of the glocks proves to me and to most more accurate to shoot.

what ever groupsd I can shoot with my PMJ9 at 7 yards, I can do half that size with my G43, but that being said, my G43 is now mostly mywifes shooter and my range gun shooter also. I never carry it. We take alot fo granited with kahr but glock made their G43 as smallas they could and yet it is bigger and heavier than a PMJ9. Alot of inovation in tat little gun.

I luv um both for different reasons though... If ur gona waist band carryt, then IMO the G43 would be ideal, and but a Taran tactical extra round mag, which if you have not seen one on the Glocks, is unbelievable as to just howw small this extr round mag is.