View Full Version : K9 range report. This is my new duty gun for Executive Protection

05-07-2016, 07:00 PM
So I finally got to out my K9 through its paces and shoot 1k rounds in a single range session. Its a used gun so I know it didn't need it, but I do this to all of my duty guns because I'm super anal about reliability and I don't trust any gun that can't shoot 1k hollowpoints without failure.

The k9 is by far my favorite compact gun I have EVER fired. I had no failures of any kind. Even the glocks I used to own would jam or stockpile around the 750 round mark. I got rid of my glocks bcause of the kabooms I had in my 26 and 22. The 22 gave me a nice scar on the palm of my hand.

I was easily able to shoot 5" groups at 25 yards standing if I took my time. Im sure I'll be able to tighten that up a bit when I get some night sights for it. At closer distances I was stacking rounds like I do with my custom built SA loaded target 9mm. That really shocked me since I am so used to shooting and carrying 1911's almost exclusively as of late and switching back to a DAO trigger was worrying me. But I do shoot a ruger SP101 and LCR .22WMR quite often so maybe that's why the Kahr k9 just seemed so easy to me.

With how easy this thing is to shoot I started carrying it in duty instead of my normal 1911 just to save on weight and bulk since I am confined to a toyota Tacoma for 8 hours a day. Its definatly making my life a lot easier.

I never thought I would say this but I think the Kahr k9 may just be my all around favorite handgun. It can do just about anything I need it to. Plus it looks sassy as all heck.

Now all it needs is a set of Tru dots, some checkered wood grips for my long skinny fingers, and possibly a good old black cerakote so I don't rust it out. I keep finding spots of rust in it. I live in Los Angeles by the ocean and y'all know what saltwater does to any kind of exposed steel.

Well, to say the least, this is by far the best gun trade I have ever made.

05-07-2016, 07:14 PM
Great to hear all that! The K9 sure is a looker. Glad you have such a positive impression of the little gun.

05-07-2016, 07:38 PM
1k? Damn! Great report.

05-08-2016, 01:59 AM
Next trip will be this Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll be shooting 500 rounds and exclusively getting to know my k9 a bit better. I'm going to order the parts so I can instal the elite trigger myself. No point in spending the extra 100 bucks to have kahr do it in a 13 year old gun.

I'll post some pictures of groups at 7 and 15 yards from my next range outing. 25 yards just seems pointless for it since the chances of me ever needing to use it on anything other than paper or steel. I'll also post a thread with all the work I do to it. I plan on doing quite a bit since I like it so darn much. If I like a gun, I always personalize it so I keep myself from allowing it to change hands. Maybe I'll get my initals engraved on it somewhere since they are somewhat comical. "SAK" LOL

05-08-2016, 10:11 AM
Thanks for the report, and congratulations on a fine pistol. By the way, what is "EP" in your thread title?

05-08-2016, 11:02 AM
Im thinkin Everyday Protection....?

05-08-2016, 11:04 AM
Could be Emergency Preparedness...?

05-08-2016, 04:55 PM
EP=Executive protection. I'm an executive protection agent here in the crappy city of los Angeles. I also do regular armed security work but most of my work is based around executive protection. hence why the Kahr k9 seems to fit the bill perfectly as a duty weapon for CA. 10 round mag limit so I don't have a lot of good choices and the all stainless single stack k9 seems to fit the bill perfectly for size and capacity.

In going to order a couple landline llc +1 mag extensions for my 8 round backup mags and one for my 7 round mag. That way I get 8+1 And then 9 And 9 for reloads. That way I'm not really giving up much capacity going from my 9mm 1911 to my newly beloved kahr k9.