View Full Version : Gun free zones

sas PM9
05-09-2016, 01:49 PM
Guys and Gals:

The NRA annual meeting is in Louisville on May 19 - 22. I'm close to there and I plan to attend.

The actual convention center is not posted as a gun free zone ( as far as I know ), but I was hoping to catch Toby Keith when he is in town, however the venue, KFC Yum! center IS posted as a gun free zone and they have metal detectors set up to back it up!

I absolutely refuse to go to a venue that is requiring me to disarm to attend. Anyone else?

BTW, I just got back from a visit to St. Croix USVI, and they do not honor CC permits from the states. I felt naked the whole time. Snorkeling there is fantastic though.


marshal kane
05-10-2016, 08:05 AM
Naked is OK especially if you found Virginians.

05-10-2016, 08:49 AM
I also will not go anywhere I am prohibited from carrying my firearm. Too many other places to enjoy that don't infringe on my rights............................................ .......

05-10-2016, 08:35 PM
I remember reading somewhere that Toby Keith's restaurant in Cincinnati [I believe], bans firearms. I don't have a link or source but will see if I can find it.

05-13-2016, 01:28 PM
gun free zones are soft targets for the bad guys.

05-13-2016, 05:14 PM
https://lh3.ggpht.com/uS7MuCfYygd_Q6Xji65whv_6s8jMmaY9twjnIZmb5YEBYKRK_p HXDQRblIUnmuKj5A=h900

06-28-2016, 05:18 PM
Lots of luck if you have to go to a hospital in northern Virginia or, indeed, other places of similar importance such as a courthouse or US Post Office property (banned anywhere on the property and not just in the building) where guns are banned. At the least/most in can be inconvenient -- such as where do you stash the firearm while you are in there. On US Post Office property you cannot simply leave it in your car legally if it is parked on actual Post Office property.

06-28-2016, 05:32 PM
Wait we're talking "Concealed" carry right?

06-28-2016, 06:14 PM
Wait we're talking "Concealed" carry right?
+1 to that. That's what I'm thinking.

06-28-2016, 07:07 PM
You cannot conceal in post offices or govt buildings around here = metal detectors. They also have metal detectors at large sporting and concert venues. So Toby Keith is gonna hafta pay his bills without my ticket money.

06-28-2016, 09:43 PM
A wheelchair is right handy dealing with them metal detectors. Once in a great while they want to pat you down but usually they just wave you through. I mean really, what's a derelict in a wheelchair gonna do? Hmmmmm?

06-29-2016, 07:59 AM
They've got the metal detectors up for the first time this year................Summerfest and the State Fair. They didn't get my cash before, they certainly won't now. First they complain that they don't feel safe, then they complain that it takes to long to get in. They want it both ways. I hope that they have to stand in line for days. None of the vendors or set up people are checked for weapons at these venues. Was just up for the Budweiser truck and tractor pull. Didn't see any of this foolishness up nort. Someone asked my wife yesterday, if she was going to Summerfest. She told them that there's not 120,000 people she wants to hang around with.

04-05-2018, 03:48 PM
I'm planning on being at the YUM Center in Louisville for an event in the near future. It's looking like being able to legally conceal carry is not going to be an option. Does anyone have any updated information on whether everyone entering the facilities must go through the metal detectors that were apparently installed a while back?

04-05-2018, 05:01 PM
I normally don't go to places that are gun free or "open season" zones but I do go some places like my Doctor which has a no gun sign on the door armed and just keep it concealed....Last year we went to the Georgia Aquarium which I knew was a gun free zone and they even made me leave my new Benchmade pocket knife with security which I thought was somewhat over kill but rather than cause a big fuss I did it but when it was time to leave they claimed to not be able to find it.....That's when I pitched a BIG fit and called the head of security and a cop to get them to look again and guess what, they located it pretty quick that time....Last trip to that place for me....Except for work I carry everywhere I go because you just never know when it might go down...

04-05-2018, 06:04 PM
never understood how the N freak'n R A will not allow carry at their convention.

04-05-2018, 06:09 PM
Funny, here in Kali, I don't see many no guns signs---go figure?

04-05-2018, 06:20 PM
I noticed that my local Target took down their signs. I can now shop there again. Apparently I wasn't the only one who didn't agree with their firearm stand. Must have hit them in the pocketbook.

04-05-2018, 06:52 PM
^^^ vote with your wallet...as I always say...

04-05-2018, 07:26 PM
Here...."No Firearms" signage does not carry the force of law. So merchant postings can be and are routinely ignored.

Yeah, I know. But I choose to shop them anyway so just save the electrons.

04-06-2018, 11:19 AM
^^^ vote with your wallet...as I always say...

Agree 100%....I have shopped for groceries at my my local Kroger for years and one of the reasons was that they always had a real nice selection of shooting and firearm related magazines which I enjoyed looking over and picking up copies of my favorite American Handgunner.....Last week I noticed there were no gun related magazines at all so I asked the store manager what was up and he said due to the recent Florida school shooting the area manager decided it wasn't in the companies best interest to sell gun related reading material....Well I normally spend $200.00 a week at Kroger but no more, from now on I'm going all P.C. And taking my money and business over to Publix on the Corner....

04-06-2018, 12:09 PM
I don't give it much thought these days. If we didn't do business with any place that had anti gun leanings, we'd all starve, and do without a lot of stuff.

I try to avoid them of course but who has time to do back grounds on every business.

I even have a couple of gun shops I refuse to visit due to their attitudes, almost as bad as the anti gunners far as I'm concerned. Sure a turn off to new shooters and old as well obviously.

04-06-2018, 02:56 PM
You cannot conceal in post offices or govt buildings around here = metal detectors. They also have metal detectors at large sporting and concert venues. So Toby Keith is gonna hafta pay his bills without my ticket money.

Just out of curiosity, does your local post office have someone there manning the door where the metal detector is? I mean a pocket knife, keys, flashlight, etc will set off a detector. Unless someone is there to see what is setting it off, how is a concealed carry any different from anything else?

I know fed law says we can't carry on USPS, but I've never seen a metal detector in one of them. Now we do have metal detectors and a guard at our county courthouse, but not where I go to pay my property taxes.

04-06-2018, 03:20 PM
I don't do back round checks on business's, but if they have a door sign, I'm out of there. Our local post offices have a sign up above the desk that says no firearms. I have ignored it many a time. One of our local large malls have a sign at the main entrance on the door, but there are many other doors around the building that do not. What sign? Many of the places in my area that used to have signs, now do not. I do think it was the pocket book hit. I don't do business with other groups with which I don't agree with their politics. Progressive Ins., AARP, United Healthcare, anything even remotely to do with Hollywood or Commiefornia, and these are just a few examples. Maybe it doesn't do squat, but if it makes you feel better............................................ ................................

04-06-2018, 09:07 PM
Just out of curiosity, does your local post office have someone there manning the door where the metal detector is? I mean a pocket knife, keys, flashlight, etc will set off a detector. Unless someone is there to see what is setting it off, how is a concealed carry any different from anything else?

I know fed law says we can't carry on USPS, but I've never seen a metal detector in one of them. Now we do have metal detectors and a guard at our county courthouse, but not where I go to pay my property taxes.

For all I know the Post Office metal detectors are placebos. I never tried it. The major venues make you empty your pockets, they check girls’ purses, etc. I figure those are real...

FYI. Carrying past a posted sign is a misdemeanor IV in Ohio. Whatever that means.

04-06-2018, 10:44 PM
Agree 100%....I have shopped for groceries at my my local Kroger for years and one of the reasons was that they always had a real nice selection of shooting and firearm related magazines which I enjoyed looking over and picking up copies of my favorite American Handgunner.....Last week I noticed there were no gun related magazines at all so I asked the store manager what was up and he said due to the recent Florida school shooting the area manager decided it wasn't in the companies best interest to sell gun related reading material....Well I normally spend $200.00 a week at Kroger but no more, from now on I'm going all P.C. And taking my money and business over to Publix on the Corner....
now magazines(the reading kind) are offensive...jeesh

04-07-2018, 09:14 AM
For all I know the Post Office metal detectors are placebos. I never tried it. The major venues make you empty your pockets, they check girls’ purses, etc. I figure those are real...

FYI. Carrying past a posted sign is a misdemeanor IV in Ohio. Whatever that means.

They may well be. I can't see a working machine not alarming on keys and whatnot that people carry. And if there is no one that manning it it's probably not in actual operation. I cannot recall an incident in a post office that involved a gun which was used by anyone other than a postal worker. Perhaps they should put it by the employee's entrance? And turned on.

04-07-2018, 11:35 AM
It reminded me of the times when I would go in to a Kohl's Dept. store to shop, and the front door alarm always went off, coming in and out. I just could not figure out what was causing the alarms, and the stares and the turning around and saying that I didn't steal anything started to get old. Finally figured it out. I had been carrying a Bodyguard, and on the side was a bar code sticker that I hadn't taken off, because I was going to sell the firearm anyway. Damn bar code set off their alarms very time. No one else's..............................

04-07-2018, 11:43 AM
Just out of curiosity, does your local post office have someone there manning the door where the metal detector is? I mean a pocket knife, keys, flashlight, etc will set off a detector. Unless someone is there to see what is setting it off, how is a concealed carry any different from anything else?

I know fed law says we can't carry on USPS, but I've never seen a metal detector in one of them. Now we do have metal detectors and a guard at our county courthouse, but not where I go to pay my property taxes.

The ones in my post office are fake or not plugged up. Don’t ask me how I know, but I inadvertently do know. I try to make sure not to test it but sometimes it is tested.

04-07-2018, 11:49 AM
It reminded me of the times when I would go in to a Kohl's Dept. store to shop, and the front door alarm always went off, coming in and out. I just could not figure out what was causing the alarms, and the stares and the turning around and saying that I didn't steal anything started to get old. Finally figured it out. I had been carrying a Bodyguard, and on the side was a bar code sticker that I hadn't taken off, because I was going to sell the firearm anyway. Damn bar code set off their alarms very time. No one else's..............................

Ive had that same thing happen. Turned out in a pair of slacks I bought there was an “inventory control device” that was sewn into the waist that wasn’t deactivated when I bought them. I found it by accident one day and cut it out. That thing would set off the alarm in drug stores, dept. stores, every place that had a detector.

04-07-2018, 05:59 PM
The ones in my post office are fake or not plugged up. Don’t ask me how I know, but I inadvertently do know. I try to make sure not to test it but sometimes it is tested.

Better to be tried by twelve....

04-07-2018, 07:38 PM
Better to be tried by twelve....

Mebbe....it depends

04-07-2018, 09:06 PM
Mebbe....it depends

well said

04-08-2018, 02:36 PM
I wouldn't carry on USPS property, but will in most posted local places (private businesses) because they won't know anyway. The exceptions there being public venues that are put off limits by the state.

04-08-2018, 05:45 PM
I can't remember which State it is but if a business or venue declares itself as a gun free zone, they are obligated to provide you with a secure locker where you can safely stash your firearm.
95% of the time we stay OUT of gun zones i.e.. shooting galleries, but sometimes life forces us into those nasty places

04-08-2018, 06:08 PM
If a private business property is posted in Texas, it's not a crime to carry concealed on it. It is however, if the carrier is "discovered" and asked to leave, but fails to comply. In that case it is a criminal trespass misdemeanor.
No private business or venue is required to provide a locker.

In some cases I will not enter a posted business, particularly if it is known that they donate to anti-2nd Amendment organizations.

When open carry passed & went into effect in Texas a couple of years ago, a lot of businesses were approached by the "Million Mom Marcher" types who persuaded them to post both their "no open carry" and "no concealed carry" signs at their entrances. Many of those businesses put both signs up, as they didn't understand the new law's requirements. They thought if they wanted to disallow open carry, they had to post both signs.

Of course LTC folks and the Texas State Rifle Association did a lot of footwork educating the businesses that they didn't have to put up both signs - and were going to lose some long time customers. So many of them took down the "no concealed carry" type signs, but did leave up the "no open carry" signs. A few still have both. They don't get my money.

04-09-2018, 05:00 PM
Interesting. Signs that distinguish. Around here it's simply No Firearms or a variation thereof. As I noted before, they don't carry the force of law and I patronize several that do post because the signs are a corporate dictate that don't reflect the view of the individual shop owner.