View Full Version : New member! Buy used pm9 or wait for gen2?

05-11-2016, 10:52 PM
New member here!

My search for a reliable 9 small as possible led me to the pm9, I've got a line on a used pm9 for 425. (Deal worked out for an RMR and 50$) with 3 mags build date 1/2014.

When I called kahr and asked about the build date they said they would not warranty the pistol if I bought it used, does this sound right? Still has 2.5years left, factory warranty card still in box

In my search I've found the gen2 has reversible mag catch, major points for me,any rumors of a gen 2 PM9 or should I not hold my breath?

I've got 3 options

1. Trade Trijicon RMR plus $50 at my lgs for the used PM9, though kahr states no warranty

2. Utilize kahrs NRA instructor discount for a new PM9 with 3 mags

3. Hold off and pray for a gen2


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05-12-2016, 10:22 AM

05-12-2016, 12:29 PM
The Gen 2s have been introduced, but they were supposed to be available in early 2016. The Kahr information does not show a PM version of the Gen 2 as even being on the radar. So, if you wanted to wait for a Gen 2 PM, you might have to wait a long time (years). They do show a P version though, which could be available whenever they come out. The P version is the closest to what looks like a "carry" version to me, and it is larger than a PM.