View Full Version : CW380 vs LCP

05-17-2016, 12:18 PM
I'm looking at picking up a pocket pistol (or IWB with something like the Versacarry) for when I don't want or can't carry my Sig P320sc. Do any of you have experience (more than just holding/dry firing) with both the CW380 and LCP? I'm wondering if the CW is worth the extra $100 over the LCP. It isn't a primary carry weapon, and I won't put near as many rounds through it as I will with my Sig. The barrel is almost .2 shorter in the Kahr, which doesn't sound like a lot, and if locked into a vice, probably wouldn't affect accuracy, but these small pistols are already difficult to be accurate with as it is if you have somewhat large hands, so I figure every little bit helps, right? I see the height of the 380 is a little more than the LCP, but it really depends on where that difference in height is. If it's not in the handle, it's a null talking point. Anyway, looking for opinions from experienced users of the two. Also, if I choose the LCP, it would be the Custom since it supposedly has a better trigger than the base model, and I might file the sites down a little to reduce any possible snag issues - which SOME people have reported with the Custom.

05-17-2016, 01:21 PM
The Kahr has a much better DAO trigger and is a better quality gun, IMO. The recoil of the Kahr is nothing when compared to the LCP. I've fired both and ended up going with the Kahr CT380. My wife loves it. She also preferred the CW380 over the LCP.

05-17-2016, 02:11 PM
I have both. I bought the CW380 first, followed the "prep" thread and had a event free break in. The little Kahr is reasonably accurate and has less felt recoil vs the LCP. Because I'm a believer in having at least two guns in each caliber, I picked up a Stainless LCP when the prices dropped. Very early, it had two or three failure to feed (needing a slight tap on the back of the slide to go into battery) but settled in to work well. Both guns have fed my carry choice from the get go. Gold Dot. I shoot the Kahr better than the Ruger, but that may just be due to more practice. It is pretty noticeable so it may turn out to stay that way in my hands.

Both micro 380s have a very limited use for me. I carry one of them on my morning walks in my subdivision. They also can be carried when my G43 or my 642 are too big to conceal. Rarely the case.

05-17-2016, 02:35 PM
I've owned both. I sold my LCP and bought a P380 and later a CW380. The main reason was the LCP "smiley" issue which you can google. I was not comfortable with the nose of the bullet being banged and dented by the ramp, and after the Ruger factory couldn't fix it and my internet searching convinced me was inherent in the design, I looked at everything else and went with the Kahr. One thing I noticed was all the serious gun writers who had settled on the P380. Even guys who, like Massad Ayoob don't carry 380s.

Having switched, I found I enjoyed shooting the P/CW 380 much more. Its striker fired, not hammer fired. It locks back when the mag is empty. Its smoother and more solidly built. The trigger is a joy. There's noticeably less recoil, and its noticeably more accurate for me. I just feel its a more serious weapon.

There are some trade-offs - its a tiny bit heavier, and the recoil spring is a lot more robust, ..its much harder to rack than the LCP. Tolerances are tight so there are some types of ammo that many have trouble cycling - mostly anything short or bulgy. Some people have had problems with them working properly although mine have been spectacularly reliable and I think that's true for most.

Of course you're on a Kahr forum, so ... Maybe pose the same query on the Elsie Pea forum.

05-17-2016, 02:42 PM
The LCP is KelTec! Jeeze!

05-17-2016, 02:47 PM
I own an LCP with Crimson Trace laser. Love it. But I like my Kahr CT45 better. But she don't fit in my pocket.

05-17-2016, 03:25 PM
The LCP is KelTec! Jeeze!

WHAT!!?? I'll trade you my Ruger P-3AT for it!!

05-17-2016, 03:53 PM
Never had an LCP but have had a CW 380 and CM9 (also CW45 and CW9). I have small hands and liked the .380, surprisingly little recoil and great trigger.
My Daughter took my CW 380 and kept it. Since my CM9 is not all that much bigger or heavier, and I pocket carry 95% of the time with business casual pants, the CM9 is perfect. The 380 was actually too small. In tight jeans pockets the 380 CW was better. A good belt makes a huge difference.

05-17-2016, 04:02 PM
Thanks guys. Can those of you who have/have had LCP's tell me which generation? Supposedly they fixed some owner-gripes on the Gen 2, and I'm assuming the Custom goes a step further to address much of those concerns (ie better trigger, usable sites etc).

05-17-2016, 04:46 PM
Thanks guys. Can those of you who have/have had LCP's tell me which generation? Supposedly they fixed some owner-gripes on the Gen 2, and I'm assuming the Custom goes a step further to address much of those concerns (ie better trigger, usable sites etc).

Mine is the Gen2. The Gen 2 trigger is much improved over the original. I tried a "custom" and couldn't tell much difference between my gun and the galloway style custom (other than the red trigger pinches my finger more easily). The custom sights look too easy to snag for me as well. I put red fluorescent paint on my front sight and they are now usable. I also much prefer a stainless gun when it is to be pocket carried in the sauna where I live.

05-17-2016, 05:35 PM
Had the Kahr, it pinched my finger something awful. Had to wear tape when I went to the range. LCP Gen 2 no pinches at all. Go figure.

05-17-2016, 05:47 PM
I have an early model LCP. Trigger is terrible, not fun to shoot, but it has over 1000 rounds and I never had a trouble except with Independence Ammo. The new LCP's have a better trigger. But I almost never carry it any more.

If I don't have a Kahr I have a j frame in my pocket. 5 rounds of .38 +p and only 16 oz. loaded.

Like CJB said its a kel-tec but it actually works.

05-17-2016, 08:59 PM
I liked my early LCP, but retired it last year in favor of my new, softer-shooting CT380. The only downside is the difficulty racking that stiff CT slide.


05-17-2016, 09:42 PM
380 is not my favorite caliber, and I wouldn't have one except my son gave me an LCP for Christmas four years ago. Obviously, since it was a gift, I've kept it. I've put about 100 rounds through it, just to make sure it works. It's an okay gun but has a terrible trigger and no sights to speak of, but it might be all right in a 15 or 20 foot point and shoot gunfight. If I had paid money for a 380, it would have been another pistol, probably a Kahr.

05-18-2016, 12:23 AM
The KelTec P3AT .380 was surprisingly accurate at 7 yards The Generation 2 that is being sold is a nice piece if you need compact. I pocket carry the Kahr CM 9 in a RJ (Lisa) Hedley pocket holster but go to the KT with dress pants.

05-18-2016, 12:25 AM
I sold my .380's after replacing them with my CM9, which by the way is slightly bigger than my M&P bodyguard i had...

05-18-2016, 07:38 AM
I sold my favorite pistol I've ever owned to (CZP09) in order to afford to replace my lcp 2nd generation. I actually really liked the overall size and feel of the pistol including the low profile sights but after a broken trigger bar, chipped trigger where it was pinned in and rotates, and three broken extractors, I couldn't convince myself to carry it anymore. I was pretty upset because my LCP is smooth as butter and feeds reliable until the extractor breaks. It's still in the safe with a brand new extractor since it is not worth my time to sell for $100.

One thing I love about Ruger, is a 2 minute call to them always resulted in me receiving any problematic part for free by mail. With KAHR you really need to fill out warranty information and make a strong case for any issues.

If you buy the KAHR, I recommend purchasing the lakelineLLC striker for it for preventative maintenance and KAHR P380 slide lock. I had the original MIM part chip off on me. Was still reliable but would not lock the last round after. The P380 slide release is much better. The striker because there are many reports of originals breaking and the LakeLine striker seems to solve this. Also, rack the slide 200 times prior to shooting. I personally believe it's true break in is around 500 rounds for full reliability but serviceable after 200 as long as it's clean. Who can complain about more shooting?

As as far as design for pocket carry, striker is the way to go. Hammer fired pistols are constantly getting lint and other pocket stuff down in the hammer path. With a striker fired pistol, this is almost a non issue.

One last note, the trigger on the KAHR is an absolute dream to shoot. I actually outshoot myself with it than any other pistol I've shot, including my Glocks.

05-18-2016, 06:39 PM
My first 380 was a CW. It was a dud and never should have left the factory. Plagued with battery failures. After 600 rounds and a trip back to Kahr which did not fix the problem I bought an LCP.

The LCP is a gen2 and it has been reliable from day 1 and not finicky at all about ammo. I liked it so much I bought a second one.

The Kahr shoots a little better because its bigger and heavier but the LCP pocket carries better because its smaller and lighter.

Triggers? The Gen2 LCP is just fine, as is the Kahr. I wouldn't say one is better than the other, it's a matter of preference.


05-18-2016, 09:26 PM
My P3AT went bye-bye when the LCP came out [no issues, just didn't like the bolt on the extractor]. LCP went bye-bye when the CW380 came out [again, no issues other that sucky trigger]. The P and CW380s are at the head of the class in the micro-plastic 380s.

05-20-2016, 06:44 PM
I have an early model LCP (after the the first fixes they issues) and a CW380.

The LCP trigger is awful/rough to use and it affects my accuracy. However; it never had a problem with any ammo and it is easier to conceal over my CW380. I have shot the newest custom LCP with the red trigger and it shoots a hell of a lot better than my LCP; but no slide lock on the last round on these means I probably won't get another.

My CW380 had some early teething issues but has been extremely reliable with Hornady CD ammo. It is the softest shooting 380 I've shot and I'm very accurate with it from self defense distances I might use it for. I like it a lot and it's my main summer carry piece.

05-27-2016, 04:32 PM
I bought a CW380 4 months ago instead of going with the LCP Custom and I regret it. I sold my reliable K9 to buy this 380 and it's been a nightmare. Rounds 2 thru 6 in every single magazine fail to feed and cause me to have to tap the back of the slide. I would never trust my life with this gun. I'm waiting on Kahr to send me a return slip to see if they can fix it. If I get it back and it still acts up it's gone! The gun feels like quality and looks great though.

05-27-2016, 04:52 PM
I bought a CW380 4 months ago instead of going with the LCP Custom and I regret it. I sold my reliable K9 to buy this 380 and it's been a nightmare. Rounds 2 thru 6 in every single magazine fail to feed and cause me to have to tap the back of the slide. I would never trust my life with this gun. I'm waiting on Kahr to send me a return slip to see if they can fix it. If I get it back and it still acts up it's gone! The gun feels like quality and looks great though.

what ammo do you use?

05-27-2016, 06:56 PM
I've had both...trigger pull and snappiness of LCP led me to buy a P 380. P 380 is a much softer shooter and the accuracy with which you can shoot it will surprise you. It is ammo finicky where the LCP is not. Just check some of the threads to make sure you don't buy ammo the CW doesn't like. I gave the LCP to my son. You can also put night sights on the P 380 if you so desire. Unless they have changed the LCP there isn't much in the way of sights of course they are both just up close and personal point and shoot type self defense pistols anyway, so that may not make a difference to you. Go rent them at a range and judge for yourself before you buy.

05-29-2016, 06:46 PM
The CW wins hands down. More comfortable to shoot and more accurate. Owned a LCP for 8 years and I can honestly say the kahr is a better gun.

05-30-2016, 08:16 AM
what ammo do you use?

So far I've tried Sig Sauer FMJ, Federal Premium FMJ, Perfecta FMJ, Tula steel cased FMJ, and Hornady Critical defense. All of these have had the same failure to feed issue! The ammo is not the problem.

05-30-2016, 09:04 AM
So far I've tried Sig Sauer FMJ, Federal Premium FMJ, Perfecta FMJ, Tula steel cased FMJ, and Hornady Critical defense. All of these have had the same failure to feed issue! The ammo is not the problem.

I am not an expert and have only a little range time with the CW380, but have you tried adjusting your grip? My understanding is that the CW380 is very particular with requiring a high, firm grip. You might also make sure that your thumbs are not impeding the slide in any way. I ended up going with the CT380 to avoid much of the problems folks seem to encounter with the micro .380s. Also, folks have noted issues with applying pressure the base of the magazine and causing ftfs. This usually only occurs while using the 7 round extended mag with the pinky extension, but could possibly happen with the 6 rounder if pressure were applied just right. Good luck.

05-30-2016, 08:27 PM
So far I've tried Sig Sauer FMJ, Federal Premium FMJ, Perfecta FMJ, Tula steel cased FMJ, and Hornady Critical defense. All of these have had the same failure to feed issue! The ammo is not the problem.
I can say from personal experience, that Tulammo in 380 is a terrible idea. The polymer coating on the casing heats up and melts into the chamber causing not only the Tulammo to stick, but causes other brands to fail as well. This happened with my lcp and my KAHR and is a ***** to clean. My theory is, these little guns heat up quickly and to hotter temperatures than larger pistols due to less material to disperse heat causing the polymer coating to melt. I had one stick so badly that I had to slam it out with a cleaning rod. My point is, I wouldn't discount poor choice in ammo so quickly. I would clean the crap out of the chamber and use federal or Winchester and call it a day.

Also, fiocchi and perfecta are the same and designed out of spec. They will not feed without modifying your pistol.

05-31-2016, 06:21 AM

Never handled the Kahr .380 do own a LCP, first iteration. I understand the more recent LCP's have better sights and a better trigger. My LCP is a great gun ... have put app. 500 rounds thru it with 0 malfunctions. Even with the almost non existent sights I am able to qualify with it which involves some rounds fired at 25 yards. If you shop around you can pick one up for around $200. Have seen them for that price on Sportsmansguide. I would highly recommend the Ruger.

06-05-2016, 08:38 AM
I have owned a CW380 for about 18 months, had some issues with pre-mature slide locking, but a new slide lock corrected that (free replacement from Kahr). Anyway...I recently purchased a new LCP Gen2, they were on sale for 199.00 (cash only). Hard to pass up a deal like that.
I took both to the range yesterday, and fired 25 rounds of Federal American Eagle and 15 rounds of Golden Saber Hollow Points through each. Both ran fine, the LCP is much snappier and stung a wee bit. It is not a fun pistol to shoot, the CW380 was much milder. Performance wise, accuracy was about the same with both, the Kahr I shoot a tad high, the LCP a tad low. Neither has much for sights.

I did get bitten by the LCP trigger on several occasions. When I released tension on the trigger, my finger would get pinched between the top of the trigger and the frame, a little polishing on the trigger return stop might fix it. Have to see. I like them both. The LCP is smaller, and lighter, but also snappier. If I could only have one, I'd go with the Kahr, because it shoots easier, and I would practice more.

06-05-2016, 09:08 PM
I work for LGS and the best ammo for a 380 has been either Magtech or Federal in FMJ. Hornady works excellent for CCW ammo.

06-05-2016, 10:13 PM
I had an Ruger LCP for a while and now have a Kahr CT380. The difference is amazing to me. The Ruger was NOT fun to shoot at all. The CT380 is a pleasure to shoot. Not that either is a range pistol or target pistol but I like to get fairly regular practice with a weapon that I carry. To me the Kahr wins easily. I can't comment on the CW380 as I haven't fired one, but the CW45 that I carry also at times is also another one that to me is a pleasure to shoot - and both the CT380 and CW45 hit where I aim too.

11-18-2016, 11:17 AM
Old conversation but I have had an LCP and now have the CW380. The LCP was a terrible fit for me. Never new where the bullet would hit. I generally practice at 5-7 yards and really couldn't put the bullet anywhere consistently. The lack of confidence made my decision to part with the gun very easy. Wanting to have a deep conceal pistol again led me to the CW380. It won't feed all ammo, but it's a pleasure to shoot, pockets easily and has sights that I can use if I need to make a shot more than a few feet away. Unfortunately, the risk of being in an active shooter scenario is conceivable and my S&W Shield is sometimes a little too large for the concealment that I need. The LCP would leave me afraid of hitting a bystander. With the Kahr I know that I can hit the target at 50' if I have to. This is not the case for everyone. I'm sure there are people that can use the LCP very well. Not me though.

11-18-2016, 03:00 PM
Have you looked at the new LCP-II? Lots of improvements over the old! Still sticking with the Kahr myself, mainly cause the LCP isn't on the California roster. :P

11-18-2016, 05:41 PM
Have you looked at the new LCP-II? Lots of improvements over the old! Still sticking with the Kahr myself, mainly cause the LCP isn't on the California roster. :P

I picked one up. On the plus side, it is easy to rack and the slide locks back after the last round. On the minus side, the hammer is fully cocked on it and it has a single action trigger with a Glock style trigger safety. Pretty much cocked and not locked without even as much as a firing pin block. Ruger's manual, probably due to their lawyers mostly, says it may fire if dropped. But, the trigger, whether safe or not, has a nicer pull than the old LCP if not the Kahr. The LCP II's single action trigger has enough take up, that it isn't noticeably shorter or lighter than the Kahr trigger. It is sort of two stage like, so some may like that. The Ruger sights are part of the slide, and black on black unless some paint is dabbed on them, making them much less useful than the Kahr sights. I still choose my CW380 over the LCP II when I am carrying a little one.

11-18-2016, 08:10 PM
Have you looked at the new LCP-II? Lots of improvements over the old! Still sticking with the Kahr myself, mainly cause the LCP isn't on the California roster. :P

I'm not not switching back to Ruger. I'm totally happy with my Kahr for deep concealment.

11-21-2016, 08:18 AM
I'm not not switching back to Ruger. I'm totally happy with my Kahr for deep concealment.

Oh, and though it shouldn't matter, the LCP II is hideous. Just saying.

11-22-2016, 09:57 PM
The Kahr is more enjoyable to shoot, meaning more likely to see the range, crucial if you're going to carry a tiny semi-auto. With LCP most won't practice enough.

11-23-2016, 07:56 AM
The Kahr is more enjoyable to shoot, meaning more likely to see the range, crucial if you're going to carry a tiny semi-auto. With LCP most won't practice enough.

had a Gen 1 LCP, sold it, bought a Gen 2 with a Crimson Trace laser, still didn't care for it, picked up a CW380 used on a whim, and it is perfect for me! Interestingly enough, the guy I bought it off of had FTF issues with it and sent it back to Kahr for a spa treatment. Since I've had it, not one jam or FTF, which makes me wonder if it was his ammo or he was limp-wristing it or something. Anyhow, love my Kahr and wouldn't think of trading it!

11-23-2016, 08:36 AM
My MK9 is superior in accuracy and ability to shoot than any .380. The only .380 I own is a Israeli Police surplus CZ 83. It is a very good car gun and great backup. Like any CZ, it is extremely accurate and reliable. The CZ 83 is not a pocket pistol.


Mine is blued.

11-23-2016, 08:36 AM
My MK9 is superior in accuracy and ability to shoot than any .380. The only .380 I own is a Israeli Police surplus CZ 83. It is a very good car gun and great backup. Like any CZ, it is extremely accurate and reliable. The CZ 83 is not a pocket pistol.


Mine is blued not SS.

Ed M
11-23-2016, 02:47 PM
And this is why I like my CW380 so much.

A box of Underwood Xtreme Defender 65gr +P at 10 yds.

I can shoot my M&P Bodyguard 380 pretty well if I bear down on it, but the little Kahr is just so easy to shoot well.
