View Full Version : Straight 8 sights?

05-23-2016, 09:32 PM
Are the stock sights on a CM9 called Straight 8 style? Just wondering, because I love them. My 57 yr old eyes don't pick up the sights on my PCR and Rami as easily as they used to. Yesterday I shot my new CM9 for the first time (had one a few yrs ago) and I was able to pick up the sights much quicker. I'm thinking about blacking out my rear sights on the CZ's and painting a white dot to make them like the CM9. Any reason why I shouldn't ?

05-23-2016, 09:42 PM
No reason not to if it works for you. I have a few like that an they work for me.

05-23-2016, 11:28 PM
Are the stock sights on a CM9 called Straight 8 style? Just wondering, because I love them. My 57 yr old eyes don't pick up the sights on my PCR and Rami as easily as they used to. Yesterday I shot my new CM9 for the first time (had one a few yrs ago) and I was able to pick up the sights much quicker. I'm thinking about blacking out my rear sights on the CZ's and painting a white dot to make them like the CM9. Any reason why I shouldn't ?
I think you'll find them ( i ) more often called "bar/dot" or "dot the i" vice the "Straight Eight" ( : ) of Heinie fame.
As to rest, I agree with Bawanna. If the paint doesn't hold up try http://www.nitesiters.com/

05-24-2016, 03:19 PM
My old eyes also prefer the bar/dot sights. I recently blacked out the 2 dots on the rear sights of one of my compact pistols and "painted-in" a bar instead. I used one of the white luminescent paints. On another pistol I used bright pink finger nail polish for the bar. And no, the finger nail polish was not mine,I borrowed it from my Daughter-in-law.

05-24-2016, 03:39 PM
You can't afford your own nail polish? How sad is that. I found the most charming Lavender shade the other day and I think it's truly my shade.......um too much information.

Close the closet door on your way out will ya?

05-24-2016, 04:24 PM
You can't afford your own nail polish? How sad is that. I found the most charming Lavender shade the other day and I think it's truly my shade.......um too much information.

Close the closet door on your way out will ya?
http://i68.tinypic.com/2itq6b9.gifThanks for the chuckle:D

05-24-2016, 08:41 PM
Www.nitesiters.com (http://Www.nitesiters.com) no worky for me.---finally worked for me!!

05-25-2016, 09:57 AM
I like the dot the I sights myself............................so much so, that I put XS Big Dots on a firearm I own, same thing only larger. I use Testors paint for any/all sight changes.

05-25-2016, 08:31 PM
You can't afford your own nail polish? How sad is that. I found the most charming Lavender shade the other day and I think it's truly my shade.......um too much information.

Close the closet door on your way out will ya?I got nothing, no witty reply, no comeback. Once again checkmated by the Grand Master.
But, however much I disagree with your color choice, I will absolutely defend your Constitutional right to go to the closet any time you need to.