View Full Version : Old k9 parts interchange? Trigger bar.?

05-24-2016, 08:12 AM
Hello...first post so I thought I'd make it count.

I've had an old kahr for an about a year now and she broke last night.
Trigger bar is broken and the firing pin is cracked.

Gun is within the first 200 produced. 1995 sn ac01xx.

Anyone have luck using the new internals?

Kahr wants $65/HR PLUS $25 return shipping plus overnight shipping to get it there...plus parts

That's more than I have to spare right now and the wifes carry gun is out of commission.

Please and thank you
God bless
- Shred

05-24-2016, 08:17 AM
The folks at Kahr are about the only ones who know what will work, and how to make things work, in your K9. They should be able to get it fixed for less time and money than anyone else. You could reduce the shipping by having your FFL ship it for you or this should be less expensive for shipping: http://www.shipmygun.com/go/

05-24-2016, 09:21 AM
It would have the old style trigger bar spring for sure. I don't recall exactly how much different the bar itself is.

As I recall and my recall isn't what it used to be, Greg has some experience with just this situation.

I don't remember if it was a K or MK or one of the Tupperware models.

Course not everyone has Greg's MacGyver working skills.

I don't think the old parts are available if I remember correctly. A guy might get lucky at like gunpartsinc or one of those places.

05-24-2016, 11:31 AM
It would have the old style trigger bar spring for sure. I don't recall exactly how much different the bar itself is.

As I recall and my recall isn't what it used to be, Greg has some experience with just this situation.

I don't remember if it was a K or MK or one of the Tupperware models.

Course not everyone has Greg's MacGyver working skills.

I don't think the old parts are available if I remember correctly. A guy might get lucky at like gunpartsinc or one of those places.
Yep, http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?11897-Old-kahr-k9-vs-new-kahr-k9-New-guy-need-advice&p=352106#post352106