View Full Version : New cm9, range report & problem

05-25-2016, 03:11 PM
Took out my new cm9 today, no ftf or fte with 50 rounds of Perfecta & PMC 115 gr ball. Suprised by the accuracy of this little pistol.
After ~ 35 rounds the slide would not lock back after the last round, with both rounds. This is a brand new pistol & magazine. Pistol was field stripped, cleaned & lubed before firing.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Haven't field stripped for cleaning yet, thought I'd get some feedback 1st.
** Also noticed that the magazine wouldn't drop free, where it was dropping free before the problem. I would pull out the magazine, reinsert it empty & the slide would lock back then. After firing again, same problem.

05-25-2016, 03:27 PM
Took out my new cm9 today, no ftf or fte with 50 rounds of Perfecta & PMC 115 gr ball. Suprised by the accuracy of this little pistol.
After ~ 35 rounds the slide would not lock back after the last round, with both rounds. This is a brand new pistol & magazine. Pistol was field stripped, cleaned & lubed before firing.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Haven't field stripped for cleaning yet, thought I'd get some feedback 1st.
** Also noticed that the magazine wouldn't drop free, where it was dropping free before the problem. I would pull out the magazine, reinsert it empty & the slide would lock back then. After firing again, same problem.
Do you shoot right handed?
If you do: as it's locking back when you manipulate it by hand, perhaps you are riding the slide stop, especially after a little fatigue sets in. I've done it myself (especially with SIGs). I think I'd clean it, lube it well, and hit the range again. If you have similar results, try switching hands to see if that helps with the slide locking back.

You might also check that the mag spring is installed correctly and that the follower moves full length in the tube without binding. Clean the tube while the mag is apart, but forego any lube.


05-25-2016, 04:27 PM
Do you shoot right handed?
If you do: as it's locking back when you manipulate it by hand, perhaps you are riding the slide stop, especially after a little fatigue sets in. I've done it myself (especially with SIGs). I think I'd clean it, lube it well, and hit the range again. If you have similar results, try switching hands to see if that helps with the slide locking back.

You might also check that the mag spring is installed correctly and that the follower moves full length in the tube without binding. Clean the tube while the mag is apart, but forego any lube.


Thanks Greg, I'll give it a try & also check the magzine.

05-25-2016, 11:04 PM
And check follower for cracks/damage.

06-03-2016, 06:13 PM
Took out my new cm9 today, no ftf or fte with 50 rounds of Perfecta & PMC 115 gr ball. Suprised by the accuracy of this little pistol.
After ~ 35 rounds the slide would not lock back after the last round, with both rounds. This is a brand new pistol & magazine. Pistol was field stripped, cleaned & lubed before firing.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Haven't field stripped for cleaning yet, thought I'd get some feedback 1st.
** Also noticed that the magazine wouldn't drop free, where it was dropping free before the problem. I would pull out the magazine, reinsert it empty & the slide would lock back then. After firing again, same problem.

50 ronds, IMO u need more rounds thru it to get the recoil spring to take its designed set.. Also, try shooting a magazine of defense ammo which is usually alot hotter than thge ammo ur shooting now. I would be it will then lock open with ease. Just load 3 rounds in the magazine to test and retest for locking. Kahrs are tight when new, recol spring is stronger than heh also. The 200 round breakin in usually gets everythig running right to. My PMJ9 never dropped the magazine freely, and personaly I like that to. I think we make to much to do about that part, just my 21 cents on that. Give the gun some more break in time and I think it will be OK..

06-04-2016, 05:18 PM
Anyone ever use the Pearce "pinky finger" extension, & if so, how are they & any problems?
Bought a new magazine & when checking it out realized with a 2 hand hold my "pistol hand" little finger was under the magazine base plate & pressing against it. I tend to hold a pistol very hard from years of colt 1911 .45 recoil control. Just wondering if that might be what was causing the slide not locking after last round & magazine being a "little stuck"?
** Jocko I also bought 100 rounds of Fed 115 gr. for the range tomorrow :).

06-04-2016, 10:42 PM
Anyone ever use the Pearce "pinky finger" extension, & if so, how are they & any problems?

Yes I have used one. No problems but I just took it because it doesnt work well in the pocket.

06-06-2016, 04:21 AM
Range trip yesterday, 75 rounds fired. At about round 35 the slide failed to stay back on last round. Looked, & I had my pinky finger under the magazine & pressed hard against it with weak hand pressure. Fired 3 more magazines with same mag & ammo while keeping my pinky off the magazine, no problems. Had no problems with 2nd magazine.
Conclusion (not 100% ), operator error. 1st time owning, shooting a "2 finger grip" 9mm pistol, I'll try the Pearce extension or develop a 2 finger grip that doesn't create problems.
Thanks for the feedback & help folks, appreciated.

06-06-2016, 10:44 AM
Excellent report, thanks for the follow up!

06-07-2016, 12:31 PM
Final update (I hope) on slide problem, it appears to be the original magazine that came with the pistol. Put on the Pearce extension & the same thing happened, even without much pressure exerted. No problems with the new magazine I bought. The original magazine appears to be "narrower", the follower will not drop into place, needs an assist from the spring when reassembling the mag. Anyway, I called Kahr tech support, explained what was going on, & was told to return the mag for a new one. Fellow was easy to talk to.
Good news is I've put ~ 240 rounds through the pistol, 5 different brands, FMJ & HP with no failures to feed, fire or eject.

06-07-2016, 01:44 PM
Good to hear! Did you send Kahr and email about the follower?

06-07-2016, 04:18 PM
Emailed when the problem 1st appeared, they sent me a new follower but it did nothing. Called today, explained the problem & history & they told me to send the magazine back for a new one. Good service.
I might have picked up on the problem magazine earlier but this is my 1st Kahr & I only had 1 magazine to start with. Hopefully this is it. Main thing for me with a new pistol is it reliable & there were no hiccups firing the pistol except the slide problem.

06-07-2016, 07:45 PM
Glad to see that Kahr took care of the problem and have made you a happy owner!

06-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Still getting a failure to lock back after last round, maybe 1 out of 5 times. Called Kahr & was told it was the way I was holding the pistol? I know I'm not touching the slide or slide stop. Have > 300 rounds through the pistol, so shouldn't be a break in problem. New to Kahrs, is this possible?

06-11-2016, 10:59 PM
If you are right handed, shoot several mags left handed and see what happens. When the gun is fired, our fingers sometimes go places we don't think they do! Try pulling the slide back with the empty mag in it. Does it lock back every time? If it always locks back when you do it manually and when you shoot left handed, then Kahr likely correct.

06-12-2016, 05:22 PM
If you are right handed, shoot several mags left handed and see what happens. When the gun is fired, our fingers sometimes go places we don't think they do! Try pulling the slide back with the empty mag in it. Does it lock back every time? If it always locks back when you do it manually and when you shoot left handed, then Kahr likely correct.
Good advice.

06-15-2016, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the advice, I guess it was me, although I can't figure out what I was doing.
2 magazines right hand 2 handed, squeezed hard, doesn't lock back. 2 magazines left hand 2 handed, locks back. 2 magazines right hand, 1 hand, locks back. 3 magazines right hand, 2 handed, lighter grip with weak hand & didn't squeeze the pistol hard on the sides with the left hand, locks back. Still not sure what it was unless I was squeezing the grip too hard at some point?
Anyway, working as it should (so far :)), lucky it's a 9mm & easy to control.

06-17-2016, 04:41 PM
I don't think you can squeeze a CM too hard.............................................. .............

07-09-2016, 01:20 PM
"....After ~ 35 rounds the slide would not lock back after the last round,..."

My new CM9 was just the opposite; would not slide lock on the first 30 or so rounds, then worked perfectly. Before I shot it after purchase I cleaned the pistol, but not the magazine.

I have to use two hands to get the mag release to drop an empty magazine; hold the pistol in my strong hand, use the index finger on my week hand to push and hold the mag release until the mag drops free. But this might be due to my 70 yr old strong side thumb not being strong enough to work the release button, or more likely, things are still pretty stiff with a new pistol.

07-18-2016, 12:23 PM
Just an update: After ~ 650-700 rounds fired I have one magazine that the slide locks back after the last round & one magazine where it doesn't??? Anyway, fired 650-700 rounds and no failures to feed, fire or eject. Took me awhile to get used to a small DAO 9mm pistol (my 1st small, "plastic" pistol), & it's more accurate than I am (shot a couple of magazines from a bench rest). I'm happy with this cm9, reliable & accurate enough at 7 yards & fits well in my front pocket with a ground down Pearce extension, which is what I bought it for.
** Still screwing around with the 2nd magazine, it's bugging me <grin>.

07-18-2016, 01:37 PM
Just an update: After ~ 650-700 rounds fired I have one magazine that the slide locks back after the last round & one magazine where it doesn't??? Anyway, fired 650-700 rounds and no failures to feed, fire or eject. Took me awhile to get used to a small DAO 9mm pistol (my 1st small, "plastic" pistol), & it's more accurate than I am (shot a couple of magazines from a bench rest). I'm happy with this cm9, reliable & accurate enough at 7 yards & fits well in my front pocket with a ground down Pearce extension, which is what I bought it for.
** Still screwing around with the 2nd magazine, it's bugging me <grin>.

I've got the original and a second magazine for my newish CM9. It's had about 200 rounds through it. Luckily both my magazines function fine. The only problem I had/have is slamming the magazines into the grip with too much force....that tends to cause a nose dive when I release the slide stop. If I use a gentler touch I do not have nose dives. I recently bought a third magazine and will try it next time I go shooting. I use a Dremel tool to mark my magazines 1, 2, 3, etc so I can keep track of who might be a bad boy.:cool:

I am slowly but surely getting more used to the take down and reassembly of my CM9. It is without doubt the most difficult of the 30 or so pistols I've owned! But then, I liked the CM9 I bought CW380, which will be even MORE difficult to take down I suspect as it's smaller. Ha!

07-18-2016, 04:25 PM
"I am slowly but surely getting more used to the take down and reassembly of my CM9. It is without doubt the most difficult of the 30 or so pistols I've owned!"
I take it you never owned a Ruger Mark I :). It gets easier, in fact the only thing I still "screw with" is the reassembly "jiggle" for the last 1/8" of the slide.

07-19-2016, 07:54 AM
"I am slowly but surely getting more used to the take down and reassembly of my CM9. It is without doubt the most difficult of the 30 or so pistols I've owned!"
I take it you never owned a Ruger Mark I :). It gets easier, in fact the only thing I still "screw with" is the reassembly "jiggle" for the last 1/8" of the slide.

Ah, you're RIGHT - I did forget about the infamous Ruger Mark 1! I have resorted to only running an otis cable-cleaner down its barrel. I've owned that pistol for probably 20 years, and quit trying to disassemble it maybe 15 yrs ago! I rarely shoot it anymore, or I'd worry about my lack of a thorough take down, but then its accuracy was still going strong the last time I shot it, so why worry?:cool:

Yep, wiggling and trigger pulls, and taking it apart for another try seems to be the only way I can get the thing back together! Practice will help I know. I recently bought a Walther PPS and it's SOOOOO much easier to take down and reassemble, but that's a horse of a different color as they say!

07-20-2016, 03:07 AM
I finally sold my Ruger after buying a Colt/Umarex 1911 .22.
Was that a PPS M2? How do you like it, good/bad? I was looking at the PPS M2 when I bought the CM9. Went with the Kahr because of size, but still interested in the Walther.

07-20-2016, 08:04 AM
I finally sold my Ruger after buying a Colt/Umarex 1911 .22.
Was that a PPS M2? How do you like it, good/bad? I was looking at the PPS M2 when I bought the CM9. Went with the Kahr because of size, but still interested in the Walther.

Not sure to whom this was directed, but I have both the Kahr CM9 and the Walther PPS M2 9mm. I agree about the size, it is MUCH smaller than the Walther, which is about the size limit for my choice of a carry pistol. I got my CM9 mainly for motorcycle riding as it's about as small as my other motorcycle carry pistol, a Glock 42.

I have been very pleased with the Kahr CM9. I had reservations about how I could shot it well due to its size and weight, but no problems there. I do have some issues with nose-dives when inserting the magazine with too much gusto; but I am learning how to control that. I've posted about that above also.

I have not shot the Walther PPS yet, just bought it a few days ago. I did a take down for the usual cleaning, and was very impressed with how much easier it went than my CM9! Although I am getting better at taking down my new CM9, it still takes a lot of effort and fiddling around - see my posts above. I believe I will get much better with more practice, but then I rotate carry with different guns so often that it might be months before I shoot the CM9 again. So I will always have to have the CM9 directions in front of me! I don't feel that same urgency with the Walther, its take down is much more simple. Of course, those are two totally different pistols, with far different intended roles. But it you have questions about the Walther I will be posting my experiences on the WaltherForums.

07-20-2016, 12:37 PM

[UPDATE: Just saw where you said you would post thoughts on the Walther forum -- will check that out.]

At the risk of thread-jacking (sorry), could you post your thoughts on your PPS M2 after you shoot it, especially compared to the CM9 in how well it shoots for you? As you know, I have the CW380 like you, and that is my pocket pistol. I am really on the fence on the CM9 or the Walther PPS M2. I know it is heavier and larger, so it would be for IWB carry only and the CW380 for pocket use. Everything I've read, people just gush over how easy the PPS M2 is to shoot. I'm trying to find a range that has the new M2 as a rental, but no luck, yet. I'd also be interested in your thoughts on the weight difference for IWB -- if the PPS M2 feels burdensome to carry after carrying the ultra light weight CM9.



07-20-2016, 01:23 PM
Salty, check out the WaltherForums in about a week for a mini-review on the PPS M2 9mm; look my post (Papersniper).