View Full Version : I’m a veteran, and I hate ‘Happy Memorial Day.’ Here’s why.

05-30-2016, 11:00 AM

Thanks for your service!

05-30-2016, 11:13 AM
Yep, it's not about barbecue and hanging out at the lake.

05-30-2016, 03:41 PM
Unless you have served most will not understand!

05-30-2016, 08:35 PM
I can understand, but I try to not let it bother me. My shipmates were lost over forty years ago, and even so, I don't want to disrespect them by railing about it. The holiday I really hate is the 4th of July. Millions of people partying without a clue about why they're celebrating, or what freedom is all about.

05-31-2016, 12:42 AM
For those who are interested in how Memorial Day truly came about, look up Confederate Memorial Day. Yes, the southern states started it before the feds even thought about it. And, yes, the feds "copied" it. Most southern states still "celebrate" the day, though not all on the same day nor month.

I tend to "celebrate" the day in my own manner. Remembrance, prayers, grief, fond memories. More of alone time but done on more than one day a year.

05-31-2016, 08:06 AM
The holiday I really hate is the 4th of July. Millions of people partying without a clue about why they're celebrating, or what freedom is all about.

You really nailed it right there. Well said.

05-31-2016, 11:28 AM
The one I hate the most, though not an official holiday, is Cinco de Mayo. Talks about folks celebrating and not even having the slightest clue! The Mexicans don't even celebrate it.

05-31-2016, 05:12 PM
The one I hate the most, though not an official holiday, is Cinco de Mayo. Talks about folks celebrating and not even having the slightest clue! The Mexicans don't even celebrate it.

That's a fact! I was in Taco Land one year on stick de Mayo and not an extra Cervesa was poured.
Kinda like St Paddy's days, great liquor promo day....

12-17-2016, 04:39 PM
The way I figure is that Veterans Day is for those of us that made it home, Memorial Day day is for the ones that didn't.

12-17-2016, 05:46 PM
Don't forget about the holiday for single guys.....................................Palm Sunday...............

12-18-2016, 01:35 PM
Yeah, a few years ago a lady at the post office tried to hand me a veterans day pin. I couldn't help buy say NO, NO, I don't want it! Surprized myself, but in retrospect I realized it's not about the veteran, it's about the observers feeling good.