View Full Version : Got me thinkin

05-31-2016, 12:07 PM
Went up to my other property for the holiday................got some work done, and had a relaxing weekend. About a month ago, a girl hit a bear on the highway about a mile from my place. Totaled her car, she didn't get hurt, and the bear took off in to the woods. I guess some people looked around a bit for the bear, but never found it. I talked to my neighbor down the road, and they saw a bear run across the road about a half mile from the house, a few days ago. Got me thinkin...............seems like they are moving closer to my house. I don't think that I have the proper firepower to take care of any bear issues. The largest I carry is .40 cal. It got me thinkin, do I need something larger?????????????

05-31-2016, 12:28 PM
I know many folks that work in Alaska, everyone up there carries at least a .44 mag when out in potential bear country. But they are worried about Grizzly bears, I'm guessing yours are black bears. I don't know if black bears are less of a threat or not, I would hate to be in a dire situation and just piss'em off with a little ole .40. They have a few bears around me, but they usually run when they see humans. IMHO, I would look into getting a pre-lock S&W 686 (.357) with a 6" barrel, and carry it in a cowboy rig. (Disclosure: I have been kind of hankering for a 6" 686 for a spell, and I would use the bear story as an excuse to get one.)

05-31-2016, 12:51 PM
Went up to my other property for the holiday................got some work done, and had a relaxing weekend. About a month ago, a girl hit a bear on the highway about a mile from my place. Totaled her car, she didn't get hurt, and the bear took off in to the woods. I guess some people looked around a bit for the bear, but never found it. I talked to my neighbor down the road, and they saw a bear run across the road about a half mile from the house, a few days ago. Got me thinkin...............seems like they are moving closer to my house. I don't think that I have the proper firepower to take care of any bear issues. The largest I carry is .40 cal. It got me thinkin, do I need something larger?????????????
I was doing some similar thinking a little while back, but in regards to a mountain lion. You've probably have more of a stopping power issue than I did.
I thought about going with a 357 Mag, but was inclined to believe it more likely I'd run into people (or a rouge dog pack) trouble, before that cat. So, I went with what I shoot best in a hurry and still have some capacity over the six gun....a full size 1911. I did keep a rifle in the Jeep during that time...perhaps that (or a shotgun) might be worth consideration in your situation. Here's hoping you don't have to find out.

05-31-2016, 12:55 PM
Black bears while considerably smaller than their Brown / Grizzly brothers and sisters are not to be taken lightly.

You cross them especially if they have cubs that are squalling near by and they can be bloody mean.

The 40 is fast and if you hit it right with multiple rounds should do the job just fine. My self, I'm pretty sure this chair will do 0 - 80 in about 4 seconds, about half a second faster than the bear.
Plus always bring along a friend who isn't as fast as you and you'll have no trouble.

I'm with Greg, hopefully you never need to test the hypothesis.

05-31-2016, 12:57 PM
I like what Greg said. Here is another thought, 10mm. Get a G20 and you get 15 rounds.

05-31-2016, 01:05 PM
I would go with a 44 mag. Better to be safe than sorry.

05-31-2016, 02:52 PM
I'd go 12g.

05-31-2016, 04:23 PM
I like what Greg said. Here is another thought, 10mm. Get a G20 and you get 15 rounds.
I thought about that for a second.......a friend has a Glock 20, but then I remembered it was a Glock......the thought left quickly..:o

05-31-2016, 04:27 PM
Black bears while considerably smaller than their Brown / Grizzly brothers and sisters are not to be taken lightly.

You cross them especially if they have cubs that are squalling near by and they can be bloody mean.

The 40 is fast and if you hit it right with multiple rounds should do the job just fine. My self, I'm pretty sure this chair will do 0 - 80 in about 4 seconds, about half a second faster than the bear.
Plus always bring along a friend who isn't as fast as you and you'll have no trouble.

I'm with Greg, hopefully you never need to test the hypothesis.
I'm usually with the wife.............I'm faster for the first 20 yds., then, she's got the stamina. I usually have 11 rds. so, maybe I would be ok.

05-31-2016, 04:35 PM
Well the wife alone might be protection enough if her mood is right.

30 years ago or so I was helping my boss do some stuff on his property north of town here. Clearing the overgrown driveway a bit and kind of messing around.

His wife (we called her Ma Squaw since I think she was indian decent) and his youngest son probably 5 or 6 at the time, maybe a tad older came out too.

They were fixing to leave and the son got a bit ahead of his mom and was nearing the car when out of the bushes came a black bear and a couple cubs. Not a great situation. The momma bear kind of snorted and took off towards the boy.
Well Ma Squaw kind of snorted herself and took off after momma bear some kind of ticked off.
The bear swapped ends and departed, followed by the cubs. I'm still in shock to this day.
Myself and the boss were in sight and I could hear a bit back in those days but too far away to do anything to help.

Guess it's all about attitude or maybe being a momma.

05-31-2016, 04:35 PM
I was doing some similar thinking a little while back, but in regards to a mountain lion. You've probably have more of a stopping power issue than I did.
I thought about going with a 357 Mag, but was inclined to believe it more likely I'd run into people (or a rouge dog pack) trouble, before that cat. So, I went with what I shoot best in a hurry and still have some capacity over the six gun....a full size 1911. I did keep a rifle in the Jeep during that time...perhaps that (or a shotgun) might be worth consideration in your situation. Here's hoping you don't have to find out.
It's not my permanent residence right now, so I hate to leave ANY firearm/rifle around. You have a slightly different problem. You'll usually never see the mountain lion coming, unless your in the open. I do shoot the .40 the best right now, so that's what I carry. Good enough? Like you said, hope I never find out. I'm trying to get the wife to carry her .357 to help me out a bit. So far, no go. I do worry a bit more about people and dogs. In that case, I think .40 will do the job. I hate to have to carry a rifle around in the woods, especially if it's not hunting season around here.

05-31-2016, 04:39 PM
From the looks of Greg's pictures I'd say he's in the open a LOT! Course them kitties are pretty quiet and move pretty smooth. Probably good at blending in and hiding behind a sage bush or cactus.

Your no doubt correct in the challenge of the kitty is knowing that he is coming with evil intent.

Sure like to take a close look at that desert country down there. Very careful look in between checking the ground for snakes, spiders, cats and other stuff that wanna ruin your day. And bring the 3 dogs along is probably a right fine idea too.

05-31-2016, 04:47 PM
Looks like beautiful country out there..........................that heat would kill me..................:)

05-31-2016, 05:41 PM
Yeah me too, I suspect that's why he plays very very early and then seeks shelter. I don't do very very early either so I'm probably not a very good fit.
If it did kill me at least it would be awesome scenery for the event.

05-31-2016, 06:22 PM
I think a good 357 will do the job. How about a nice 8 shot 327 revolver!

05-31-2016, 06:32 PM
When I was working at the Pen we had an escape one night. We contacted the Air Force Base and they sent out helicopters with heat seeking cameras on board. We are out in the brush when the pilot radios that he has a hot spot on top of a nearby hill. To this day I can imagine what the pilot saw, a bunch of little hotspots running up the hill trying to be the hero. Suddenly, over the radio someone yells "IT'S A BEAR!!" Again, I can imagine what the pilot saw, a bunch of little hotspots hauling ass back down the hill..

05-31-2016, 06:56 PM
I don't care for lions at all. As a kid, we used to hear them crying out at night near my Grandpaw's place in Virginia. First one I actually saw was walking on the road one night.

My wife and I were probably closer to one than we knew on Jan. 8 2004. We had gone hiking that morning at Whiting Ranch,. We made our way to and up Dreaded Hill Road, then took the Water Tank road out to where it ended and turned back. I even left her by herself for a ways so, I could jog ahead to Four Corners and get some water for her. We left Four Corners by Whiting road and made it back to the car without incident. http://ocparks.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=15841
We were shocked to later learn that a mountain lion killed one mountain biker and seriously injured another that afternoon near Four Corners. The cyclist that survived was probably saved by her friend (another lady) that grabbed her legs and held on as the lion dragged them both into a ravine. She put up enough of fight, bought enough time, that some other cyclists heard them and were able to drive the lion off. That took some cojones my friends.

Nope, no, I don't like big cats.


06-01-2016, 06:46 AM
Consider carrying Double Tap 450 SMC (https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/1350-fps-1911-doubletap-450-smc/)rounds in a full sized all steel 1911. Not for everyday shooting but certainly will do a lot of damage to a Black Bear.

Ken L
06-01-2016, 08:31 AM
Where I hike each Saturday has signs posted warning about bears. I hike pretty early, which increases my opportunity to see wildlife. I've seen Mountain Lions but no bears. My CW40 is always with me on my hikes, and my dog is my early warning device. When I hike where I elk hunt, I carry my 44. Just seems like the right thing to do.

06-01-2016, 09:12 AM
If one of your 40sw is in the 4" class like ct/tp40 or sig p320 then your fine for black bear . Might want to step up your ammo to a load like a underwood 155gr 165gr gold dot . I can manage 1320fps with a 15ggr load and that's more energy than most 158gr 357rem mags can manage from a 4" revolver and more than needed to kill a black bear with several rounds fired . If you think a colt 45 is even then the 200gr hc at 1000fps should serve you well . If you feel you need more as a house gun buy a 20ga pump shotgun. I grew up hunting with a 357 with hot heavy loads and around here 400 bears a year get killed in the surrounding 3 counties . Today I carry a 40sw with no worries on the trail .

06-01-2016, 09:26 AM
I carry either an HK P2000SK, or an M&P .40C.............................................. ....