View Full Version : Hello from NC with question...

06-17-2016, 07:23 PM
Good evening, jack here from NC. A little about myself...
Been in and out of firearms only for a few years, I still consider myself a definite novice, but I am a little smarter than the average bear. Because of my shopping habits, it turns out I only own a couple of pistols at a time. Kinda weird I guess.
I own a Springfield Milspec 5" which I love (ahh the simple things in life).
I have also owned (in order) a Bersa Thunder CC (gave up after I couldn't shoot it right), a Diamondback DB380 (no real issues except with cheap ammo), and a SW 642 (shot like a Stormtrooper with that one, gave up after 200 rds). So, just today I bought my first Kahr, a k9090, bought for $420 before trade. Planning on cleaning it, lubing it, so on. Always wanted to try a Kahr. The weight, steel frame, DAO trigger appealed to me.
So, my questions: I tried to find some history on it, my guess after Google is its mid to late 90s made, carbon steel frame. Anything I should be wary of off the bat? I figure I'll treat it like any older firearm: polish it up, maybe beadblast the black finish on the slide and frame, get wolff springs, new magazines. Any recommendations? Opinions are most welcome, and thanks a bunch.

06-17-2016, 07:49 PM
I'd give it a good clean and lube. Then shoot it and see how it runs. Don't fix anything that don't need fixing.
Kahrs come with Wolff springs so unless they are actually worn out it isn't an upgrade.

If it shoots good then you can prioritize on the cosmetic things.

The early ones were carbon steel frames but that's not a bad thing either really.

I think usually these things don't get shot very much. Certainly exceptions of course but most shoot enough to stay proficient and some not even that much. Not really a go to the range and blast all day kind of gun, although many here have done so myself included.

Shoot it and let us know how it goes. If it needs some tuning there's lots of help here.

06-17-2016, 07:55 PM
Welcome from New Mexico

06-17-2016, 08:53 PM
Thank you much for the wisdom, its much appreciated. I'll keep you posted. Thanks New Mexico.

06-17-2016, 09:07 PM
Welcome! I agree with Bawanna. Shoot it. If you grow attached to it, you may want to do some changes from there. They usually shoot just great, no matter their age.

06-17-2016, 11:22 PM
welcome from Wyoming.

06-18-2016, 09:52 AM
Howdy from Austin, Texas.

I treat my MK9 like a mini 1911. It has always worked for me.