View Full Version : Greetings from North Idaho

06-18-2016, 12:45 AM
Hi All,
I'm a re-entry handgun guy. I bought a used Kimber Pro-carry II last year, and while I liked it, I wanted something a little easier to conceal for every day carry. Last week I traded it for a used blunt nose PM9. While it's taking me a bit to learn the trigger, I love this little gun! Way more accurate than I thought possible and recoil is much more manageable than expected. I've owned quite a few handguns over the years, including Glocks, a few H&K's and and some CZ's but this Kahr may be my favorite. Super easy to carry, seems to be high quality and eminently shootable. Hopefully it is durable also.
Now to master that DAO trigger...

06-18-2016, 01:11 AM
Plenty durable. Stick with it and you'll get the hang of that trigger.

Welcome. Glad you found us.

06-18-2016, 06:23 AM
Welcome from New Mexico

06-18-2016, 09:10 AM
Welcome, Noidslo! The pm9 is definitely a good choice. Shoot the heck out of it!

06-18-2016, 05:48 PM
Welcome to the forums, Noidslo.
I also love my PM9. Very comfortable to shoot and carry concealed.
North Idaho is such a beautiful area. I miss Coeur d'Alene.

06-18-2016, 07:39 PM
Excellent choice. Welcome.

06-18-2016, 07:55 PM

06-18-2016, 08:06 PM
Welcome. CM9 is my every day pocket carry. I like and prefer the long smooth trigger pull and the Kahr's "dot the i "sights. Took just a little getting used. I agree with all the reasons you listed on why you like the Kahr.

06-19-2016, 05:34 PM
Welcome aboard!

06-19-2016, 09:25 PM
Welcome! I love my PM9s. Welcome!

06-23-2016, 08:51 PM
welcome from Wyoming.