View Full Version : What's your ideal Father's Day?

06-18-2016, 12:29 PM
For me, it's spending all day at the outdoor range (but not in this hot humid weather), by myself. If that makes me a crappy father then I plead guilty. I'm with the wife and kids every weekend already, can't I have a day off?

The girls are 5 and 15 - too young and too indoorsy to share my interests.

06-18-2016, 12:43 PM
I wouldn't mind a new varmint hunting rifle. I'm just undecided what caliber? I'm thinking Ruger American in 22-250

06-18-2016, 12:45 PM
My family treats me like every day's Father's day. No complaints. Only thing different is I get to pick what's for dinner, and I usually get a gift card I can use for ammo.

06-18-2016, 01:47 PM
My kids (never had a DNA test but I think they are mine) usually don't admit publicly that I'm their father.

I'm not sure what the ideal Fathers day is but I'm leaving in the morning driving to Reno. That is definitely not my idea of the ideal Fathers Day. Probably 8 hours behind the wheel and that only gets me to Kalamath Falls Oregon. Then another 5 or so Monday to get to Reno. Course the following Saturday have to drive home, straight through for 13 hours. That's even worse.
I said after the first year I'd never do it again, this is my 3rd year. Boy am I dumb.

I fail miserably of course but I believe we should treat each other like everyday is Christmas, Valentines day and your birthday all in one.

06-18-2016, 02:23 PM
^^ Amen to that.

06-18-2016, 03:19 PM
My kids (never had a DNA test but I think they are mine) usually don't admit publicly that I'm their father.

I'm not sure what the ideal Fathers day is but I'm leaving in the morning driving to Reno. That is definitely not my idea of the ideal Fathers Day. Probably 8 hours behind the wheel and that only gets me to Kalamath Falls Oregon. Then another 5 or so Monday to get to Reno. Course the following Saturday have to drive home, straight through for 13 hours. That's even worse.
I said after the first year I'd never do it again, this is my 3rd year. Boy am I dumb.

I fail miserably of course but I believe we should treat each other like everyday is Christmas, Valentines day and your birthday all in one.

Why don't you just fly?


06-18-2016, 04:49 PM
I flew to San Diego to watch my son graduate Marine Basic. First time in 30 years. Reminded me how much I really don't like to fly.
I don't like to travel nekkid.
No restroom facilities on any commercial planes for derelicts.

Plus seldom a rental car or van that I can drive which means I'd have to rely on the wife to drive which can be scary in itself.

06-18-2016, 04:56 PM
A nice motorcycle ride with the missus, oh crap, gonna be hot as hell! Guess I'll sit in the pool, watch the grandkids be foolish, and drink some beer! Low ambition day.

06-18-2016, 05:41 PM
I was not so patiently waiting on a Big Taco stainless RSA for my Walther PPS M2.
It arrived today!!!
Three 8 round mags and Mep NS are still inbound.
But the gun came with a 6 & 7.
So I bought out the three 7 italian mags at the LGS - LOL! (can't have too many mags right?).

Anyway, I'm starting out my Father's Day shooting my present to myself!!!:D

06-18-2016, 07:10 PM
My Daughter is making Lemon/pepper chicken and roasted asparagus for me tomorrow. We went shooting yesterday.

06-18-2016, 08:29 PM
My Daughter is making Lemon/pepper chicken and roasted asparagus for me tomorrow. We went shooting yesterday.

I'm traveling to Oregon for my Daughters wedding next week.
This is some of my wedding presents to her -

06-18-2016, 08:32 PM
Also, I just pre-ordered a semi-auto version of one of these (Happy Fathers Day to Me!)

06-18-2016, 09:07 PM
Bawanna, would they let you on a plane wearing a Depends? Not that you'd want to.

06-18-2016, 09:25 PM
Sometimes I think it would be simpler to wear Depends everyday.
Maybe my new slogan could be I wear Depends or nothing at all.

06-18-2016, 09:50 PM
How about, NO!!! ;)

06-18-2016, 09:57 PM
For me, it's spending all day at the outdoor range (but not in this hot humid weather), by myself. If that makes me a crappy father then I plead guilty. I'm with the wife and kids every weekend already, can't I have a day off?

The girls are 5 and 15 - too young and too indoorsy to share my interests.

I like everything you said but I'd add sleep late (maybe until 9am) and have eggs, bacon, and pancakes for breakfast before heading to the range all alone.

marshal kane
06-19-2016, 08:28 AM
I like to spend Father's Day with family. We don't spend the WHOLE day together so it's usually an afternoon followed by a Father's Day Dinner. I get some quality time with the grandkids.

06-19-2016, 09:10 AM
I'm spending this Fathers Day surfing the recliner in recovery mode, after 7 hours out riding my dirt bike.
Hawley Mtn Lookout Tower (fire watch):

06-19-2016, 02:04 PM
I'm spending this Fathers Day surfing the recliner in recovery mode, after 7 hours out riding my dirt bike.
Hawley Mtn Lookout Tower (fire watch):
Now thats awesome.

06-19-2016, 03:45 PM
I flew to San Diego to watch my son graduate Marine Basic. First time in 30 years. Reminded me how much I really don't like to fly.
I don't like to travel nekkid.
No restroom facilities on any commercial planes for derelicts.

Plus seldom a rental car or van that I can drive which means I'd have to rely on the wife to drive which can be scary in itself.

I remember that...hence the facetious question.

As some may know from previous comments, I was a 42 year, hard core commercial air travel road warrior. I want nothing to do with it any more unless it's unavoidable essential, and haven't been on one of them there flights since May 2014. We do Maine twice a year, a family reunion in PA at least every other year, plus other one-off travel. I drive, and wife flies 'cause she hates road trips if more than a day's ground travel. I'm a pre check qualified and grandfathered for life high end premium flyer with United Air Lines and I still won't do it. Fortunately for wife my credentials carry over to her as well and she seems to like the vip treatment.

06-19-2016, 04:31 PM
I'm spending this Fathers Day surfing the recliner in recovery mode, after 7 hours out riding my dirt bike.
Hawley Mtn Lookout Tower (fire watch):

Now thats awesome.
I'm in total agreement with you ygtszhj!

Thanks for sharing the photo Tilos :)


06-19-2016, 04:43 PM
Just hearing from my son would be nice but alas that just doesn't happen. Only calls when he wants something. I will spend the day with my wife and dog- my two best friends!

06-19-2016, 05:28 PM
Sorry about that, nmkahrshooter. I got lucky, mine said "let's go out to the land and pop some caps". 2 hours of great time! Lucky me, for sure!

06-19-2016, 07:26 PM
Very lucky indeed!