View Full Version : Does the CM9 seem to like one bullet weight and type?

06-27-2016, 02:07 PM
Most of my 9mm handguns prefer 147 gr FMJs for practice (or maybe it's just the way I shoot?). The lighter bullets, especially the 115 gr ones seem to print quite a bit under the point of aim, maybe 8-10 inches in those guns. I found that using the heavier bullets my point of impact was closer to my point of aim. I am speaking of ranges around 20-25 feet, which is as far as I'm ever likely to fire this pistol.

I have not shot the CM9 yet, but plan to burn up some Blazer Brass 115 gr FMJs as I work toward that recommended 200 round count. Any particular load I ought to try to avoid? I heard somewhere that the CM9 isn't too picky, and many folks just Winchester's 9mm "white box" ammo. I never use steel cased ammo, but I have used aluminum cased ammo without incident in many other pistols.

Also, regarding carry loads; what is the consensus? Any bullet type that the Kahr CM9 does NOT like? My usual carry load is Speer Gold Dot 147 gr JHP. But I also occasionally carry Federal's Hydr-Skok in 124 and 147 gr. Suggestions are always welcome!

06-27-2016, 08:59 PM
Don't seem to have much of an issue with POA using most any 115 hrain at 7-10 yards with my PM9. Using Federal Aluminum, Blazer Brass, Tull brass, or reloads. All 115 grain.

06-27-2016, 09:12 PM
I tend to apply a bit of Kentucky windage so I am probably no help advising on POA/POI. But I can tell you that my groups are tighter shooting 124 or 147gr.

06-28-2016, 06:53 AM
Thanks guys, that helps. I believe I'll just burn up my remaining stock of 115 gr Blazer Brass then find a good 124/147 gr FMJ practice and 124/147 gr carry load.

Anyone found a carry load that the CM9 does NOT like? I know there are differences in bullet design that sometimes will not work well in a particular pistol. So far my other 9mm pistols are not like that, but they are all larger pistols with a more feed-conducive design.

06-28-2016, 09:17 AM
124gr Speer Lawman TMJ

124gr Federal HST


06-28-2016, 03:09 PM
I like Lawman TMJ ammo. I use it for practice with many of my handguns.

I have read a bit about the Federal with the HST bullet......so that one works fine in your CM9, right?

06-28-2016, 03:18 PM
I actually have a PM9 model PM9193, and yes both the HST and TMJ rounds cycle without incident, with very similar shooting feel.


06-28-2016, 05:05 PM
My CM9 is not ammo picky at all. I shoot any ammo on sale for practice. I carry Federal HST.
My CW9 and CW45 are fine with any practice rounds, but not 100% with all H.P.'s.

06-29-2016, 07:15 AM
My CM9 is not ammo picky at all. I shoot any ammo on sale for practice. I carry Federal HST.
My CW9 and CW45 are fine with any practice rounds, but not 100% with all H.P.'s.

Do you recall which HPs it doesn't like? Or at least a general description?

06-29-2016, 08:58 AM
Most of my 9mm handguns prefer 147 gr FMJs for practice (or maybe it's just the way I shoot?). The lighter bullets, especially the 115 gr ones seem to print quite a bit under the point of aim, maybe 8-10 inches in those guns. I found that using the heavier bullets my point of impact was closer to my point of aim.

This is pretty much true with most handguns, most notiably short barreled ones such as the CM9, K series, S&W Shield, Sig 938 etc... The heavier bullets are slower when compared to the lighter & faster bullets. The speed/recoil has an impact on POA. This is why for the most part we experience tighter groups with heavier 147 gr bullets Vs 115. Both are accurate, however we more times than not see tighter groups with the heavier bullets... They're slower.

For the record, both my CM9 & K9 has been 100% reliable with Hornady critical defense, Hornady custom 124 & 147 gr. XTP's. Win Train & defend 147 gr. JHP & FMJ's. Fed 124 gr. hydra shok, Monarch brass 115 gr FMJ's. Blazer brass 115 fr FMJ's, Independance 115 gr, aluminum, Fed american eagle 115 gr FMJ's, Freedom munitions 124 gr FMJ's (new & reman) Win PDX1 +P 124 & 147 gr. JHP. Sig elite 124 v crown. I have not tried fed HST's in 9mm simply cause I can't find them locally however I never heard of them not feeding in a kahr pistol.

I've experienced Iffy performance from Perfecta and your results may vary however with me, more times than not when/if I buy perfecta I noticed more deep set bullets per box than any other brand.... Perfecta is the only brand that will NOT feed in my .40s&w CW40

06-29-2016, 05:57 PM
CW45 :All hardball 100%. Would not consistently feed Federal HST, Remington Golden Saber, or Speer Gold Dots, Only reliable self defense ammo 100% was CorBonPowRBall.> Installed Lakeline follower results were 100%, shooting with weak hand only ,for Federal HST and Remington Ultimate Defense Compact Handgun and Remington Golden Saber 185 gr. +P (stiff recoil). Most other rounds were OK with either strong hand hold only or 2 hand hold, but I ruled them out to carry.
CW9 100% all Hornady, all hard ball. FTF Federal HST, Rem. Golden Saber 147 gr. , Gold Dots and Gold Dots+P. Installed Lakeland carrier and again used worse case scenario of weak hand only hold. Results= 100% Federal HST. Gold Dots and Golden Saber varied with strong hand hold only, or for two hand hold, so while they may be OK with a 2 hand hold I ruled them out for carry. My favorite carry is Federal HST,so as long as it 100% I didn't bother to do a more extended search.
Caveat; each pistol is different, as is each shooter. I have small hands. Your results would likely vary,but if any problems with ammo feeding buy a Lakeland follower.
QUOTE=Papersniper;372334]Do you recall which HPs it doesn't like? Or at least a general description?[/QUOTE]