View Full Version : Check out these great new products at Kahrshop.com!

Webster Shopley
08-05-2010, 10:54 AM

08-05-2010, 03:07 PM
Are you implying sir that I wouldn't look smokin hot in a pink 380 shirt?

I sure hope so as that would reinforce your powers of observation immensely.

08-05-2010, 03:26 PM
I really HATE the whole pink gun thing. I really do.

08-05-2010, 03:44 PM
I really don't care for any of the unnatural colored guns. Green, digital camo, make mine stainless or Obama any day. I can't believe I said that? Pink just doesn't go well with my wardrobe. I bet the Pink Kahr shirts would go well with yours though and be a big hit at the range.

08-05-2010, 04:03 PM
They should make a flesh colored gun, that way the bad guys can't see me pointing it at them until its too late.

08-05-2010, 05:31 PM
I remember having a pink dress shirt in high school ~ 1963 ('64 Grad). It really went well with the burgundy tie, blazer, and socks. I may even have had pink socks... stuff had to match then. I had burgundy saddle/dress shoes... or Cordovan.

I had a nice seersucker jacket that was white with burgundy stripes, too. I don't remember what happened to the seersucker jacket... but I do remember wearing that in Las Vegas when I was only 20 and dropping over $200 at the Golden Nugget in April '67 on the way to Japan in the Air Force, after a short course in Vietnamese, Northern dialect.

What timing! The 6-Day war happened shortly after that and I missed out on going to Greece to use my Arabic training.

That reminds me of a Ricky Nelson song... I'm a Rambling Man....

Wynn:D :blah:

08-05-2010, 05:32 PM
They should make a flesh colored gun, that way the bad guys can't see me pointing it at them until its too late.

That's not a bad idea, but make mine purple to match my Harley.:eek:

08-05-2010, 06:41 PM
I've heard that word before but have no idea what it is. Seersucker, the things a mind can attach to such words.
Maybe advance Naru? Guess I can add fashion to my list of failures.

08-05-2010, 06:58 PM
Hey, while you're doing the FINE DINING thing on the really big boat, try the frog legs. I think that being amphibians, they are between fish and fowl and a nice white wine is appropriate.<snigger>.LOL.


08-05-2010, 08:11 PM
I just hope I don't throw up! Popeye the Sailor Man I ain't. (sorry popeye).

My theory on boats is never go further from shore than you can swim. I don't swim too good, so I stay pretty close. I expect the captain won't listen to me and will go way out there in the middle where it's really really deep. I've swam in 20 ft of water before but it's really really deep out there in the middle.

No guns, no knives, no wine, no frog legs. If they don't got whiskey and hotties to look at I got no reason to live.

I'm taking my Fatboy seat that Carmen sat on, can't leave that behind. Ha ha ha, behind!!!!!! Sometimes I amaze even myself.


08-10-2010, 10:35 AM
I really don't care for any of the unnatural colored guns. Green, digital camo, make mine stainless or Obama any day. I can't believe I said that? Pink just doesn't go well with my wardrobe. I bet the Pink Kahr shirts would go well with yours though and be a big hit at the range.

nope, I don't do pink. I do red. red=power

and a FEW guys can pull off a pink shirt. most can't though, IMO

08-10-2010, 10:48 AM
Why would a guy want to pull off a pink shirt? I don't care for the funny colors either (black, and wood kind of guy), but on the flip side, there is a certain market that it does appeal to. And if it draws them in, then we as a whole are stronger.