View Full Version : Florida teen shot at Gun range

07-04-2016, 09:51 AM
As an RSO/instructor, one of the things I fear most every time I am on duty.


07-04-2016, 10:10 AM
Tragic story. Some people just dont think and stay focused when handling a firearm.

07-04-2016, 11:10 AM
Everybody is different when it come to common sense. I have ridden motorcycles all my life. Many years ago an employee bought one and wanted to go riding. It took me less than a week to talk him into selling it before he killed himself. No coordination or common sense what so ever. Scary. The same is true with guns. Some folks should not be near them. Just read where June broke all the records for gun sales. Sounds good but can be a little scary when you think about it.

07-04-2016, 11:16 AM

07-04-2016, 12:05 PM
Everybody is different when it come to common sense. I have ridden motorcycles all my life. Many years ago an employee bought one and wanted to go riding. It took me less than a week to talk him into selling it before he killed himself. No coordination or common sense what so ever. Scary. The same is true with guns. Some folks should not be near them. Just read where June broke all the records for gun sales. Sounds good but can be a little scary when you think about it.

And we haven't even got into the panic season yet. Another month or two and you won't be able to get near a gun counter without standing in line, probably multiple lines.

I remember the last one. 5 or 6 AR's on the counter getting written up at the same time. Couldn't hardly see the rifle rack to see if any were left.

This time should be pretty much the same. I'm not sweating it this time. I wanted to get an AR while the prices were back to reasonable but probably not gonna happen. Guys at work prod me telling me I gotta hurry.
Not worried, I'll just grab one of the spares in the armory if needed.

07-04-2016, 12:53 PM
CRAZY stuff happens in gun ranges.

We had a guy blow his head off, intentionally (.41 Mag Redhawk)
We had another guy blow his head off, intentionally, I was right there for that one. (.45 Auto, A-O)
We had a guy blow his middle finger... mostly off. (Glock 17)
We had a guy shoot the floor/transmission of his 'Vette convertable (.45 Auto)
We had an ex-LEO send a shot down the sales counter, hitting boxes of ammo on the far wall (Glock 17)
We had a guy shoot himself in the leg, in the parking lot (Glock 17)
We had an active LEO shoot himself in the groin, missing his testicles narrowly (Glock 17)
We had a ricochet hit the floor and send a concrete chip thru a guys ankle (.357 revolver)
We had a guy let a full house 10mm go, right into the floor of the range waiting area.
We had a very old lady come in with her "deceased husband's" loaded and cocked Model 10, in a brown paper bag!...in a Taxi!!!!
We had a Super Blackhawk go kaboom, sending cylinder parts through the hand of the guy next to the shooter.
And I had a lady turn around and point a loaded and cocked Taurus .38 snubby right at me to ask a question while I oversaw her shooting.

So... the crap happens. And that's just the stuff I can remember.

Anecdotes -
The #2 guy who blew his brains out - we closed the range for a bit, cleaned the mess (overshoe/leggings of trash bags, gloves of trashbags, masks, goggles). Cleaned ourselves (Clorox), opened up again, and ordered out some pizza. A coping mechanism, the pizza was, for sure.

The guy who shot himself in the leg - tried to enter through the front, bleedin' like he just shot himself in the leg! We handed him a trash bag to put his leg into, and told him it was vitally important to save all the blood, so they'd know how much he'd lost. He bought it, and stayed outside with his leg in the bag, and a wad of blue shop towels pressed on his wound (no exit wound we learned).

The guy with the 10mm was a former range employee

The Vette guy had a great lookin' bimbo with him. "You ok?" I asked. "Yah, a little transmission trouble"... and he somehow drove off leaving a trail of fluid behind his Vette.

The ex-Leo argued just a short time (days) before he let one loose, that we should just "give him a safety certificate" because he was a trained LEO professional.

Middle finger guy, and close to the nuts guy both ignored all warnings, and deftly manipulated chambered Glocks into that terrible Gen1 case (with the post in the middle of the trigger guard).

And that black lady who pointed the loaded snubby at me (from like 18 inches away) is the only person I ever failed in my class!

07-04-2016, 01:07 PM
And the wife asks me why I like to go to the outdoor range in the boonies in the middle of the day when it's 95 degrees and I answer "because no one else is there."

07-04-2016, 03:16 PM
And the wife asks me why I like to go to the outdoor range in the boonies in the middle of the day when it's 95 degrees and I answer "because no one else is there."
+1111111 on that!

07-04-2016, 04:37 PM
My local in door range, has been in operation for about 38 months, I have been a member for about 36 months. I shoot in the last lane on the right, so I can easily recover my brass. I had a hot .45 ACP round go down my shirt this past weekend, burned me pretty good. I did not break the 180 rule, I did not flinch, I calmly safed my 1911 and then dug the hot shell out of my back waist band. You can't fix stupid. I had a negligent discharge when I was 22, I have been paranoid ever since. Everyone should be paranoid around loaded weapons. I have tried to introduce co-workers to the joys of shooting, some of them are just plain stupid, when it comes to safety. Maybe too much TV or something.

07-04-2016, 05:25 PM
There's no fixin' stupid....

07-04-2016, 06:15 PM
I don't wear collared shirts to the range, just a t-shirt....maybe some underwear and sandals.

07-05-2016, 08:41 AM
I'll bet you have an unusual tramp stamp from that one :p

07-05-2016, 10:33 AM
I'll bet you have an unusual tramp stamp from that one :p

You're not jealous are ya? I'll have to ask the ole lady.