View Full Version : EPA to mandate no-lead ammo & fishing weights?

08-05-2010, 12:35 PM
What Obama can't get through Congress he back-doors through the regulatory process. They've already floated trial balloons on the cap & trade regulations through the EPA for example.

Now to ban lead ammo and lead fishing weights?

See 8/4/2010 - Groups Petition EPA to Remove Lead from Hunting, Fishing - Outdoors - Chattanoogan.com (http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_181244.asp) and the links off Where Has Patton Gone?: Now They Come for Our Lead Based Ammo (http://wherespatton.blogspot.com/2010/08/now-they-come-for-our-lead-based-ammo.html)

08-07-2010, 09:14 AM
I think I'm going to get riled up with idiots that are in office now. They just don't stop, nor apparently can they hear themselves. I guess that last part would be kinda hard with their heads so far up their asses. I'm going to go somewhere else and calm down a bit...

08-07-2010, 01:16 PM
I think I'm going to get riled up with idiots that are in office now. They just don't stop, nor apparently can they hear themselves. I guess that last part would be kinda hard with their heads so far up their asses. I'm going to go somewhere else and calm down a bit...

No pal,don`t calm down.Rave on,my friend,rave on.All the way to the voting booth this November and far beyond.And when we`ve gotten our enemies down,KICK `EM!!!

08-07-2010, 02:32 PM
I would like to see us ride a few out on a rail...

08-07-2010, 09:46 PM
Obama has nothing to do with this mess. It is a private group approaching the EPA. There are several wildlife groups and other firearm sporting groups that are fighting them. The EPA has not done anything to encourage this and will not do anything for a long time if at all. Please stop the hyperbol and stick to Khars and other like minded topics. And before anyone wants to start trying to bash me for what I just stated, I am not a Dem or a Rep... I'm independent. I think for myself and do not allow a political party affect my common sense.

08-07-2010, 10:29 PM
Obama has nothing to do with this mess. It is a private group approaching the EPA. There are several wildlife groups and other firearm sporting groups that are fighting them. The EPA has not done anything to encourage this and will not do anything for a long time if at all. Please stop the hyperbol and stick to Khars and other like minded topics. And before anyone wants to start trying to bash me for what I just stated, I am not a Dem or a Rep... I'm independent. I think for myself and do not allow a political party affect my common sense.

I do not think that common sense or thinking for oneself is the exclusive domain of Independents, Democrats, or Republicans.

Agreed on the proposal initiated from outside. Whether or not it is adopted and put into regulations, however, will be not up to the outside groups but will be decided by the political appointees Obama has put in place in the EPA. That's what we need to watch for. And redressing grievances to the government I'm sure we all can agree is not just the right but the duty of all citizens - whether those grievances are in force or proposed.

And bans on particular types of ammunition that: a) cause the price to go up and b) are demonstrated to be unhealthy to the shooter, in my opinion is a relevant topic for a gun forum.

And none of that is bashing you. I'm just thinking for myself. :)

Kahrbon 14
08-08-2010, 11:15 AM
I have recently joined a gun club, its range had been previously owned by the GEEA (General Electric Employee Ass.) and was their SHOOTING range for many many years prior to the range changing hands. The EPA mandated that the bearms be cleaned of lead before allowing new ownership to continue using it: as a SHOOTING range! :crazy:
This kind of control makes little sense and if allowed to grow will effect everyone. It will take many election cycles to reverse the current direction of our government, yet in the end it’ll be worth it.
It is our life choices they are trying to mandate. :eek:

08-09-2010, 11:47 AM
Anybody know where I can pick up some 230 grain depleted uranium hollow points.....Whats next? Let me guess, outlaw gunpowder because it causes global warming!!!!!....

08-09-2010, 03:18 PM
Anybody know where I can pick up some 230 grain depleted uranium hollow points.....Whats next? Let me guess, outlaw gunpowder because it causes global warming!!!!!....

No,tobacco products cause global warming.Along with dandruff,athlete`s foot,engine knock and hemmorhoids.

08-09-2010, 03:29 PM
Hey guys lead at the last time I looked is listed as PB on the periodic tables which means it is a natutally occuring element in nature and guess what...is mined from the earth....Oh My!!!!:eek: To quote Erkle "Did I Say that????"
Give me a break...so long as you don't eat it or vapoize it and breath in, it won't harm you oh of course unless you should end up as a backstop and get lead posioning by being perferated by the business end of my 45 ACP. Then if that should happen when the wind blows you'll be whistling dixie.

08-09-2010, 03:52 PM
Every time you fire a bullet that is not totally encapsulated by a non-lead jacket, you vaporize a bit of lead and possibly inhale some... yours... your neighbors, etc. It puts hair on your chest... or something... or does it cause mental problems like memory loss... I forget. What were we talking about??:confused:
Dang! I'm getting more forgetful every day.:eek:
When... er, Wynn:D

08-09-2010, 05:41 PM
The last time that the trap field at our club was mined, over $100,000 of lead shot was recovered. As I understand it, it was sold to China. Wonder why our shot prices are so high? Duh!!!!!!!