View Full Version : Whatever...........soap opera?
07-05-2016, 02:39 PM
It's been a bit slow, so..................The wifey and I went up nort for the holiday. My neighbors to the NW were up to their property, hailing from Indiana. I stopped over to shoot the breeze, and have a beer. They informed me that they had just had a survey of their property done, that morning. We all have some acreage, so they are not close. Seems that, what they thought was some of their property, on the side of their driveway(woods) turned out to be my property. They had it staked out, and I could see where the property line was. They also told me that MY markers were right on, according to their surveyor. They had been mowing my property ever since they've owned their place. I told them, " I know." It really wasn't an issue with me, I had already seen aerial views and knew where my property started and stopped. They also found out, that what they thought was their neighbors property, was actually theirs, and the neighbors had recently dumped a huge pile of very large stumps on what they thought was their property, but in reality, some one else's. Also muddying up the waters, is that fact that my neighbors want to purchase a very small piece of their neighbors property, 142 sq. ft. to be exact, so they can put in a straight driveway to a new garage. Makes it easier to back in the boat. More mud, the neighbors with the land have a dog. My neighbor has a game camera with 106 pictures of their dog tearing up the ground by the neighbors septic tank. I'm not talking a little bit of ground, I'm talking 20 ft. in each direction. Trenches..............there's a lot of sand up there, so these are trenches. So, my neighbor asked my advice about how to handle the situation. First, I told him that I was aware of where my property starts and stops, and with a laugh, told him that if he wanted to keep wasting his time, mowing MY property, beat yourself up. Then I told him, that even if it wasn't intentional, neighbors dumping their stumps on your property is very disrespectful, at the least. Land, or no land, I would want them removed. We all have enough lumber lying around. No one needs extra. Then I told him that I would offer the neighbor $5.00 a square ft. for the land. Then I would show the pictures of their dog, to them, and tell them that you want the damage to your property fixed, and if you ever see the dog doing damage to your property again, you'll shoot it. None of us really care about other people's dogs in the area, they're all friendly. When they start causing damage, it becomes an issue. We'll see what happens the next time I see my neighbor..................................:cool:
07-05-2016, 05:13 PM
:popcorn:Tune in tomorrow at 2:39 for part 2.:popcorn:
07-05-2016, 05:23 PM
Same bat time...same bat channel...
07-07-2016, 12:06 PM
:popcorn:Tune in tomorrow at 2:39 for part 2.:popcorn:
good post. You've got us hanging so let us know more when you do.
07-07-2016, 12:44 PM
yeah show pix ask nicely for them to control their dog. If it isn't a big fix, I would repair the area myself esp if I am trying to buy their property. Of course if they agree to the sale, it will become a hassle with property taxes, deed, ect. so probably a real estate attorney will need to be involved. Might be more trouble than its worth.
Keep us posted.
07-10-2016, 09:18 PM
Got back today from up nort......................My neighbors from Indiana were not there. Their neighbors and my neighbors dog was out, chasing birds as usual. The area where the dog was doing damage to their property looked a bit worse, from a distance. The last weekend, before I left, the dog was in my driveway, and I pitched a few rocks at it. I was always deadly with rocks, sometimes I think that I should be carrying rocks instead of a firearm, I am so much more accurate with the rocks. This time, she came up the driveway as I was getting out of the car in the pole garage. All I had to do was look, which is what I did, and without a sound from either one of us, she turned around and trotted away at a quick pace. I think she got the vibe. I would much rather be friends with the dog, but their are some doggy mental illness issues there. So, as of now............a bit more damage, and I don't think the neighbors have had a chance to discuss the issues yet. It was a beautiful weekend. Temps at about 75 with a northwest breeze, no bugs, more fireworks, festivals, went to the races in Wisconsin Dells. I found another place to shoot also. A guy has a small gun/shop out in the boonies with a no frills range with a handgun berm, and a 100 yd. rifle area. about 15 minutes from my place. He's trying to sell it, but no bites in over a year. It does need a young energetic hand, and it could be a nice setup. Me, I just want to shoot, I don't care about the frills. As long as I can hang up a target, and it's safe, I'm good. He says $5.00 an hour, or $30 a year, or $55 for you and spouse. I asked what happens if he sells the place. He says, that if you haven't come at least ten times, he'd refund your money. He didn't sound too optimistic about being able to sell the place. I told him for now, I'd probably just be paying by the hour. Until next time.............................................. .......
One of my old bosses had a dog, a german shep puppie. Dog would jump on everybody. I had no use for ripped clothes and such, and while the boss was one of the best I ever had, he was not doing right by anyone with the obnoxious dog. One day, the dog came running at me when I entered the shop. It lunged, so I slapped it hard, right on top of its head. Knocked it senseless. It yelped. The boss said nada.
Next day, the dog came a running and got slapped hard in the same way.
Day after that the dog came, I put my hand up, and that was that. Cured. Dog would then approach me meekly, and I'd love it up. If it got a bit wild from the attention, all I needed to do was raise my hand. Got along famously with the dog after that. And, boss of bosses said not one little peep. I don't think he had it in himself to really discipline the animal.
marshal kane
07-12-2016, 11:23 AM
Sounds like some parents I've seen. Let the kids run wild hoping school will settle them down. Pity the poor teachers with kids like this in class. Some parents should be spayed and neutered.
07-12-2016, 04:13 PM
My polish neighbor down the road, used to be a groundskeeper. He's the only one with a manicured lawn. The rest of us just cut whatever grows in the sand, and we try not to cut much. The dog has been hanging around his property a lot lately. I think he may be tiring of the situation soon. He doesn't take too much crap..............if the dog touches his tomatoes, which he keeps under wraps so the animals don't get them, and treats them like his children, I fear there could be an anti freeze steak in something's future, or a bullet. Really hate to see this crap happening. It's not the dogs fault. I've talked to the owner on many occasions. She's a nice woman, and was very helpful when I first got my place. I may just have to be the peacemaker, and explain how other's feel about the dog, and what could happen. The last time I was up nort, a crew of coyotes went across my crap field at about 5:00 AM. I didn't see them, but the wife did. She said that they looked a bit thin and scraggly. The dog doesn't have a clue.............................................. .................................................. ........
07-25-2016, 10:23 AM
Went up nort this past weekend, got some shooting in at the new discovery range. We had a heat indices of 107. The wife was a trooper in the heat, and also learned a valuable lesson in slide bite. Ouch! She should have known better, and I didn't teach her that. We were soaked after an hour. Managed between the 2 of us, about 275 rounds down range. The neighbors were not up again, and when we left, the neighbors dog was tearing up their property again by the septic. The dog has been staying off of our property, which is good for the dog, but wait until the neighbors see the latest damage. To be continued......................................... ....
08-09-2016, 05:33 PM
Went up nort this past weekend. Heard the infamous dog barking, but never saw it loose. Did some more shooting at the new range(new for us) Shot up about 300 rds. We walked over to inspect the neighbor's yard, and low and behold, the dog damage had been repaired, they had stakes put in for what I assume to be, the/a driveway. I didn't see any stakes by the property that they want to purchase. I also saw a huge trailer by the pile of stumps that the neighbor had dumped on their property. I didn't get a chance to talk to the neighbor's, but it looks like everyone is being civil. I just don't know whether the land that they want, is still in the picture. I am glad that I didn't need to play be continued......................................... ....
08-15-2016, 07:42 PM
Just got back from up nort........................good weather. The neighbors were there..........they'd been there since Thurs. I saw that the dog damage area was still looking good.. I asked them if they repaired it and they said no, the dog owners must have. Apparently, they had finally had a chance to talk to the owners about the dog, and they had been keeping it tied up. They also talked to them about the wood and stumps that they had dumped on their property. I saw a trailer near the spot. My neighbors told me that that issue is moving very slowly. They also talked to the neighbor again about possibly purchasing that bit of property that they want for the driveway. They said, just go ahead and use it if you need/want it. They said that they couldn't without her fathers signature, because he's the owner(in his 80's). The neighbor is getting pissed, because times a wasting. Things progress slowly up nort to begin with. They don't want to have to pay storage on their boat again this year, hence wanting the garage. They can't figure out why this has become such a problem. They just want a yes or no answer, and how much$$$$$$$$$. They left on Sun. morning...............Sun. afternoon, the dog was running around again on their property. to be continued...............................
08-16-2016, 06:23 PM
That pooch is gonna get popped by someone eventually. Then it will cause bad feelings whether they know who did it or not.
Ken L
08-16-2016, 06:45 PM
^^exactly what I've been thinking. Although I think I know how this movie ends, it's still fun to stick around and with for the credits to roll.
08-30-2016, 06:37 PM
Went up nort this past weekend. The neighbors were new dog damage. The neighbors dog has been staying away from ours and the neighbors properties. The logs and stumps that had been dumped on the neighbors property are still there. They have made no headway in negotiations on the piece of property that they need for their driveway. I told them that they should probably forget about that idea, because nothing is ever going to come of it, and they will probably never get a answer that they can go forward with. I don't think that they are going to get anything accomplished except for maybe a garage. They are now hinting around that they may want to park their boat in my pole barn, with $$$$$$$$$ of course. I will have to turn them down. A boat in my pole barn with pocket change enumeration just isn't worth the hassle. I don't think that they will be happy, but they'll have to get over it. I don't want the responsibility or the hassle. They are from Illinois, and people from Illinois up here are referred to as fibs..........***#ing Illinois bastards. No one really likes Illinois people here because all they do is come up to my state and trash things, ignore rules and law. They come here because food, lodging and booze are about half of what it is in Illinois. I think they are going to have a real problem getting co-operation from anyone. I don't hold any personal grudges against them, and would like to see them accomplish what they desire, but the way it's looking, it may never happen. to be continued...........
08-30-2016, 06:58 PM
Please continue these updates.
Reminds me of when I was in the Navy, my grandmother used to write about once a month with all the latest gossip and goings on. I did not know half the folks, but really enjoyed the stories she told.
08-30-2016, 07:48 PM
Yeah, the updates are fun to read. We had an easement issue when we bought property to build our house. It played out like a soap also. The lane owner didn't want more traffic, couldn't blame her, but we bought the parcel before we even encountered them. We finally got the easement and built, so they moved away. Sold their house, now we have some great neighbors. Our saga turned out ok.
08-30-2016, 08:27 PM
I could tell stories of my other neighborhood in the city, and it would make up nort tame. That's why I head north whenever possible. I found a new gun club in another town close by me. The wifey and I took a drive over on Sat. just to take a look. One of my neighbors is a member. $20 a year. Clubhouse, pretty nice trap area with 2 concrete bunkers, very nice concrete shooting lanes. I just want to shoot handguns. I checked the area, and they have nothin fancy. Nice berms, and my neighbor told me that in about 8 years of being a member, he hasn't seen anyone there during the day, ever. My kind of place. You can practice many things that aren't allowed at most ranges. Could be the ticket.
08-30-2016, 08:32 PM
Yeah, the updates are fun to read. We had an easement issue when we bought property to build our house. It played out like a soap also. The lane owner didn't want more traffic, couldn't blame her, but we bought the parcel before we even encountered them. We finally got the easement and built, so they moved away. Sold their house, now we have some great neighbors. Our saga turned out ok.
I had to get an easement with my neighbor, so I could put up a wall and a fence. They were both very old, and I had to go to a nursing home, to get the husbands signature. Lot's of running around with a lawyer, while the cash register was rolling. PIMA.................what she didn't realize is that most people don't like to purchase houses that have easements on them. I found out that when the owner passes, it will be owned by the state. They may or may not want to get the easement off......................that would cost them$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:)
08-31-2016, 06:10 AM
Luckily, we didn't build anything on the easement, it's just road access. In our county, if the road is used once a year, access cannot be denied if a easement was ever granted. No land-locking.
09-08-2016, 02:09 PM
Went up nort this past weekend. We had guests up, and they had a fun, relaxing time. The weather was great, so we took them to the Necedah National Wildlife Preserve. There are not many birds there yet, but by the way they are starting to flock up, I dread that it will probably be an early winter. Last year, I went there with a buddy of mine in December, which was unseasonably warm, and saw more large birds in one place, than I had seen in my life. White swans the size of smart cars, trumpeter swans, geese, many different species of duck, egrets, ibis, heron, whooping cranes, eagles. 55,000 thousand acres of fricken birds. The cackling was so loud, we had to step around a building to hear each other. It was one of those bucket list moments for me. Probably never see anything like it again. My buddy agreed. The reserve is the headquarters of the guy with the ultralight, that flies with the whooping cranes every year. You may have seen something about it on tv or in the news..............The neighbors dogs were a non issue this weekend. Never saw them. What did concern me, was, we took the guests back to show them the property. One of the guests, who is an "up nort" guy, found some fresh s#!t about 75 yds. from the house. Upon inspection, it was very fresh, and happened to be bear scat, and he must have just been in the area. Looked to have been a young one, considering the size of the pile. We are going to have to keep one eye open..........we usually do anyway, but we'll have to stay vigilant. Those black bears can be very belligerent, and are probably the worst of the big three. I believe bear hunting may be starting next week. Sunday morning was a bit rough, considering the alcohol was flowing the night before. Until next time.............................................. ..................
09-26-2016, 06:41 PM
Went up nort this past Thurs. through Sun.....................................the neighbors driveway markers and locater flags were trashed, half of them down due to rainstorms. The Yellow River, along with some others, were 2 1/2 ft. above flood level, and things were quite wet. We have had so much rain in the last month, that everything is saturated. Areas of land, that were not flooded on Sat., were flooded on Sunday. When we left, all of the rivers were just about peaking. Fortunately, and on purpose, we don't live on a flood plain. We are situated between two large(lakes) bodies of water, and four rivers, of which none of them affects us. ...........The neighbors dog was not loose the whole weekend, and the other neighbor has not had any more dog damage..............................I believe, without some kind of help, my neighbors will never have a straight driveway, will never get this swath of land that they need, and will keep getting the runaround from people in official chairs about permits, due to the fact that they are from Illinois. Oh yes, there are many forms of discrimination. It's looking like once again, they will be storing their boat off property. I think it's been too wet for them to build, or put in anything anyway. I think that they'll still try............I tracked down the Vice Pres. of the shooting club up there, and joined the club, so I can have shooting privileges. They are having a banquet in a couple of weeks, and will be raffling off 40 rifles. I should probably be there, but I'm never lucky in those types of things..........we'll see. until next time...........
09-26-2016, 07:15 PM
I tune into this channel every episode just to see if there are any Hatfield/McCoy events. Their feud started over a pig the TV said so I figure a dog could start something entertaining.
09-26-2016, 07:48 PM
Ditto... Wifey is getting her popcorn ready for the debate... been drinking wine for about 3 hours up to dinner... drinks tea, usually, with dinner... then more wine. I just have wine with dinner... I'm the cook, too.
Flooding is definitely up there on my considerations of properties. We live on the side of a hill about 20 feet above the river and about 12 miles from the ocean, so not worried here!
'til next time!
Wynn :) :popcorn::popcorn:
09-26-2016, 11:26 PM
I have to admit that I tune in as this is the only soap opera I've ever been interested in. Keep the updates coming!
11-07-2016, 06:04 PM
Got back today from 4 days up nort. The leaves are color peaking and it's just stunning. I went to the newly joined gun club and shot 100 rds. through the MK, and 200 rds. through the M&Pc .40. Had the place to myself. Still working on the accuracy with the M&P. Their triggers aren't the greatest, I don't mind them, you just need shooting time.................................We went over to the Wildlife Preserve, and the birds are starting to come in, in large groups. Counted about 50 huge white swans, some herons, and lots of whooping cranes, too many to count. Thousands of ducks and geese. If the weather stays warm, we could see a repeat of last year, and that would be a one in a million.They have spotting scopes there, and what I found interesting was in every group of whooping cranes, there would be one heron. The cranes were mucking around and feeding on wild rice and crustaceans. The heron would give them a weird look when they went by, but there was no aggression. He would then catch a fish. He was using the cranes to stir up his dinner. Some of that symbiotic mumbo jumbo....................................I think that the neighbor's are done for this year. Looks like everything was cleaned, put away, and locked up for the winter. I noticed that all of their markers were repaired, and there were a few new ones. In fact, a couple of the new ones looked as if they were placed where the neighbor's piece of property is. Did they finally get that small piece of property that they needed? The markers were set up for a straight driveway. I also noticed that the other neighbor moved the pile of stumps that was on their property, just past the line. They have also kept the dogs tied up the last three visits I've made up there. But now, they just sit and bark instead. I think that there may be some health issues going on with the owners, because the dog's aren't even getting walked any more, hence the barking. They are not the kind/type to sit around. They need lots of exercise, and now all of a sudden, they're not getting it. Dogs do well on schedules, and eating and exercise are expected every day. I will have to remedy that somehow. I also noticed that my neighbor's boat was gone. I know that they were about to ask me if they could park it in my pole barn, and I am glad that I didn't have to say no. I wouldn't think that they were going to get their garage up this year, not enough time. Well, it looks as though they may have gotten their little piece of property. Now all they have to do, is get past the local rules, regs, and permits, of which I've mentioned before, that can be more difficult if your from Illinois. They better get things rolling as soon as they can, because no one moves real fast up nort. I won't know anything now, until next spring..................I heard through the grapevine, that a guy down the road is getting close to foreclosure on his property. He's had it up for sale way before my property went up for sale. Two story log cabin on 5.56 acres, all woods, considered two lots. He started at $139,900, and is now at $99,000. I hate to see someone lose their home, especially if it's through no fault of their own. It's still kind of a buyers market up there, but prices are on the upswing, and will probably continue to rise................until next time.
11-07-2016, 06:46 PM
Got back today from 4 days up nort. The leaves are color peaking and it's just stunning. I went to the newly joined gun club and shot 100 rds. through the MK, and 200 rds. through the M&Pc .40. Had the place to myself. Still working on the accuracy with the M&P. Their triggers aren't the greatest, I don't mind them, you just need shooting time.................................We went over to the Wildlife Preserve, and the birds are starting to come in, in large groups. Counted about 50 huge white swans, some herons, and lots of whooping cranes, too many to count. Thousands of ducks and geese. If the weather stays warm, we could see a repeat of last year, and that would be a one in a million.They have spotting scopes there, and what I found interesting was in every group of whooping cranes, there would be one heron. The cranes were mucking around and feeding on wild rice and crustaceans. The heron would give them a weird look when they went by, but there was no aggression. He would then catch a fish. He was using the cranes to stir up his dinner. Some of that symbiotic mumbo jumbo....................................I think that the neighbor's are done for this year. Looks like everything was cleaned, put away, and locked up for the winter. I noticed that all of their markers were repaired, and there were a few new ones. In fact, a couple of the new ones looked as if they were placed where the neighbor's piece of property is. Did they finally get that small piece of property that they needed? The markers were set up for a straight driveway. I also noticed that the other neighbor moved the pile of stumps that was on their property, just past the line. They have also kept the dogs tied up the last three visits I've made up there. But now, they just sit and bark instead. I think that there may be some health issues going on with the owners, because the dog's aren't even getting walked any more, hence the barking. They are not the kind/type to sit around. They need lots of exercise, and now all of a sudden, they're not getting it. Dogs do well on schedules, and eating and exercise are expected every day. I will have to remedy that somehow. I also noticed that my neighbor's boat was gone. I know that they were about to ask me if they could park it in my pole barn, and I am glad that I didn't have to say no. I wouldn't think that they were going to get their garage up this year, not enough time. Well, it looks as though they may have gotten their little piece of property. Now all they have to do, is get past the local rules, regs, and permits, of which I've mentioned before, that can be more difficult if your from Illinois. They better get things rolling as soon as they can, because no one moves real fast up nort. I won't know anything now, until next spring..................I heard through the grapevine, that a guy down the road is getting close to foreclosure on his property. He's had it up for sale way before my property went up for sale. Two story log cabin on 5.56 acres, all woods, considered two lots. He started at $139,900, and is now at $99,000. I hate to see someone lose their home, especially if it's through no fault of their own. It's still kind of a buyers market up there, but prices are on the upswing, and will probably continue to rise................until next time.
I appreciate these updates.
I appreciate these updates.
11-15-2016, 11:53 AM
Heading up nort this week....................4 days. My wife and I love the north, and the north woods. Pretty much got everything done the last time we were up, as far as being prepared for winter. May have to crank up the heater in the pump house, but we should have a free weekend to enjoy. We will probably have to stay out of the wood's this time, because deer hunting with rifle is open. In this state, 750,000 people with firearms in the north woods. We stay away..................I sure hope that the birds at the Wildlife refuge are still around. Weather is supposed to be in the low 60's until Sat., then it's supposed to get downright cold. Something that we've noticed. We have many very small towns in the area, and it seems that each of them has a community supper for the people, once or twice a month. There is a combo 2 town supper this week, my town and another, sponsored by an electric co-op, and a Shell Travel Mart. Hot roast beef sandwiches, mashed taters and gravy, vegetable and desert. At the end of an advertisement, it says the volunteers will be a local girl's basketball team, and to please spread the word, invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers. See you all there. Also at the local Moose Lodge, on Thanksgiving day, they are having their 24th annual free Thanksgiving dinner for anyone. You can dine there, or if you call and leave a name, address, and ph. #, and how many meals you want, someone will deliver them to your house. Now, fortunately, we can feed ourselves, and have not taken advantage of these services, but it sure is nice to know that they are up there, and people can get a good meal, especially if they are down and out. There are many, many people up there, who may not be the richest, or the most educated, and half of them are downright eccentric, that's why they live up there, but they are salt of the earth, and would give you the shirt off their back. Most of the time, the meals are paid for by local business, or by donations from the populace itself. There isn't much of a "gov't" help going on, and they have to fend for themselves up there. It's probably one of the lower income areas of the state, but it seems that the locals have big hearts. In the city, they have free meal sources, but you have to worry about someone trying to steal your free meal. It seems that, even though they have the same problems as the big cities, the kids are getting a good education, and I don't just mean public schooling. It's a big reason why we like it up there. Younger adults actually say excuse me, thank you, and have respect for the older generation. They always laugh because whenever we get a chance to converse with kids up there, we always tell them, they don't have to kiss our @$$, all they ever have to do is be civil.:p I'm hoping that I get a chance to talk to the neighbor, but I think they're done for the year..............until next time.
11-15-2016, 11:33 PM
Welcome to Small Town, America. Small town folks tend to take care of each other, regardless of where in the country they might be. Best people on the face of the earth, IMHO. That is until the city folks discover these tiny little areas and bring money into them and their "ideas" and ruin them.
11-16-2016, 09:56 AM
Welcome to Small Town, America. Small town folks tend to take care of each other, regardless of where in the country they might be. Best people on the face of the earth, IMHO. That is until the city folks discover these tiny little areas and bring money into them and their "ideas" and ruin them.
11-22-2016, 12:27 PM
Got back from up nort yesterday..............................Thurs. and Fri. were a balmy 65 and 67 respectfully. Sure wasn't good for the hunters..........................Saturday we had hurricane force winds(not really) at a constant 25 to 40 mph. With that and dropping to 17 degrees Fri. night, most of the deer I saw , were the one's on the side of the road that had been hit by vehicles. I though for sure that some trees on my property would be coming down. Talked to a buddy of mine who hunts about 25 miles away from me, he said that it was pretty much the same. I didn't see any deer on vehicle's on the way back to the city, so, not a good deal for hunters. The hunt goes until the 27th, and it's looking like it will be in the balmy 40's, with a bit of rain possible later week. Otherwise, it was a quiet weekend. I didn't hear many shots in the distance.......................................... .........................The wife and I will be spending Thanksgiving alone, and so, figuring out what we are going to do about food can be difficult, because I'm not a turkey lover, and the wife is. Lot's of leftovers, and I can eat it twice, and then it's over. Don't get me wrong, the rest of a turkey dinner is usually to die for, it's just the turkey. Our local county Moose Lodge is having it's 24th annual dinner, for anyone, so, I think that maybe we'll hit that this year. I usually don't like to take food out of someone's mouth who really needs it, but this is different. They are looking for numbers. It could be delicious, it could be horrible. It won't bother me either way really.................... The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will once again be stopping in a town near me, on Dec. 7th. It's a good deal. People will be bringing food and money donations to feed those who otherwise would go without. They stop for like a half hour or so, and every pound of food and every dollar at each stop stays with that local food bank. Since 1999, they've raised more than 12 million in cash, and 3.9 million pounds of food for North American food banks. Anything raised in the community, stays in that community. Canadian Pacific makes donations at each stop...................... Feeling sorry for the neighbor's dogs. They're not getting any exercise, and barking more.................................. We are heading up again Thanksgiving day. It's the time of year when it's very quiet, and the sun sits lower on the horizon, kind of an eyrie light. Wishing everyone a good holiday, and don't eat so much that you pass out and fart in front of the children..................till next time.........
11-22-2016, 12:51 PM
Have a great holiday. A nice peaceful day alone with the Mrs. sounds kinda nice. Smiley and I don't get many of those. But a great day with the families is good too and we'll be headed up to my sister's. She asked us to bring non-traditional dishes to eat. Sounds like she's tired of turkey too! :-) Enjoy.
11-22-2016, 01:35 PM
We will be eating baloney sandwiches in the Truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just joking!
But, for one of the few times it will just be the two of us and we shall have a good meal one way or another.
11-22-2016, 01:39 PM
We'll be going to my sisters too. They have the biggest house. Lots of new little ones and a few of the olders now gone. Guess I'm now in the older category.
I have a grandson due any time now, I think today or tomorrow was the projected date so they may or may not be there.
Wife got an extra turkey and if they don't make it we'll take them dinner.
I love turkey myself. I make a conscious effort not to over do, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
Don't much care for leaving the country and driving to the city (45 minutes) to visit but nice to see nieces and nephews we don't see often.
One of the nice things for us about living in Colorado is that closest family members are over 1600 miles away. We get to do Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter/etc relaxed and by our ownselves.
11-22-2016, 04:26 PM
I'd be good with that but I kind of like folks and family around once in awhile. Gives me a bit of a break. The wife isn't mean and nagging to me near as bad when other people are around.
We're at long last empty nesters for the last few months and it's been trying for me.
There should be a Husband Protective Services agency for guys like me.
11-22-2016, 05:44 PM
I'd be good with that but I kind of like folks and family around once in awhile. Gives me a bit of a break. The wife isn't mean and nagging to me near as bad when other people are around.
We're at long last empty nesters for the last few months and it's been trying for me.
There should be a Husband Protective Services agency for guys like me.
We have a local bar nearby that has a sign outside....
"Husband Day Care Center" [is on his sign].
11-22-2016, 05:46 PM
We have a local bar nearby that has a sign outside....
"Husband Day Care Center" [is on his sign].
I'll meet you there one of these days.
11-22-2016, 05:54 PM
We have a local bar nearby that has a sign outside....
"Husband Day Care Center" [is on his sign].
..that is TOO funny and TOO true
but thankfully not for my guy!!!
11-22-2016, 06:52 PM
..that is TOO funny and TOO true
but thankfully not for my guy!!!
You mean me? Oh you probably mean your real in person guy.
You don't want to start seeing other people do you? I'd be crushed.
11-23-2016, 08:49 AM
You mean me? Oh you probably mean your real in person guy.
You don't want to start seeing other people do you? I'd be crushed.
Yes, I'm talking about my in person husband. Don't worry Bawanna, you'll always be my one and only cyber Husband!!
11-23-2016, 09:19 AM
Sounds odd to some but we're spending the day with her ex's family. We do it every year. Everyone gets along really well. We watch football, eat way too much, and generally yuk it up a lot.
11-23-2016, 09:59 PM
Hmmmmm, ex's. I've got one, thankfully no little ones from that union. Haven't heard from her nor care to for well over 20 years.
My wife is in Texas helping with her mother, again. The MIL hasn't been doing well for the past few years and things aren't looking better as time goes on. She's been playing with house money for about 5 years now.
My grandson and I will be spending Thanksgiving with my brother and his family and, for the first time in many years, with our dad. He finally moved up here to CO after losing everything in the floods in south LA back a couple of months ago (not Los Angeles). Tried to get him to move up here when we moved up but he's just a tad bit stubborn. Might have with him being 84, I don't know.
11-28-2016, 12:20 PM
I'm back from up nort.........................all I heard was everyone complaining about not seeing/shooting a deer. Windy, damp, not good weather for hunting. The wife and I laughed.............on the way back, about 40 miles from our home, there was a field full of deer. I stopped the car, and the wife counted 216 deer, in one field. They are sneaky creatures aren't they? Just drive around at night, and you'll get one with the car........................Before getting up there, we stopped at the local Moose lodge for our free Thanksgiving dinner. It was sit down and they served us each a plate of turkey, real mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, roll, and coffee or water. For dessert they had an assortment of homemade pies, including mince, lemon merange, pumpkin, cherry, apple, rhubarb, and cranberry. We grabbed a cherry and an apple and they were tasty. There were probably about 30 people there when we arrived. We noticed that there weren't too many contributions being made, so we dropped a $20 in the box. They were happy. It started to get busier as we left............................................. Went and checked out the preserve. There were lots of sandhill cranes, ducks, geese, heron's, and in the distance, the infamous whooping crane, and some very large white swans. One of the volunteers at the preserve was explaining how most of the birds were still in Canada due to the still warmer weather. We were treated to a show on Friday, when huge lines of sandhill cranes were coming in. Most were averaging about 20-30 birds per group, but some numbered close to 200. We were able to witness that on two different days, about an hour before sundown..............................When we were entering the preserve, the wife caught a glimpse of an eagle sitting in a tree about 20 ft. off of the ground. I drove right underneath him, and stopped, backed up, and we just sat there, and stared at it for about 10 minutes. We stayed in the car, as to not spook it, and eventually it flew off.The wing span was only about 6 ft., a small one............................................... ...................Did you ever have one of those times, when you know what you should do as a civilized human being, but for some reason, your mind will just not let that happen. It won't be satisfied with being compassionate. It needs some closure. It happened to me Sat. night. I was tired and I hit the sack about 9 o'clock. The neighbors dogs had been barking non stop since about 9 that morning. I mean non stop. Barking at everything and nothing. I was already tired of that, and thinking about a cure. I go to bed, and lay there from 9 until midnight, listening to the dogs bark non stop for 3 hours. My wife had gone to bed in another room as to not disturb me(which is nice) when she was awoken by someone screaming obscenities, out of control, and looking for immediate relief. I was so far past pissed, I could see the worried look on the wife's face. I knew that the neighbor was working 3rd shift at the Kwik Trip, so, I put on my clothes, got the car out of the pole barn, and headed for the gas station. It was short and sweet. She came out from the back of the store, and I told her about my issues with her dogs. She didn't believe me when I told her about how long the dogs were barking. She said that she couldn't stop them from barking at deer, or other dogs. I told her, are you friggen nuts? It has been non stop. She says what am I supposed to do. I say, put them in the friggen house. She says that they'll pee in the house. I say I don't give a s#!t it's not my problem. You want to be a dog owner, then take some responsibility. Otherwise, I will, and my way is neither compassionate or civilized. Then she starts yelling at me for coming to her workplace. I say again, I don't give a s#!t about what you want. I'll just call the sherriff, and let them take care of it. I was on hard volume, and there were a few customers in the store, staring at what was going down. I left, without making any threats, and went home, where the dogs were still barking. By now, it's 1 o'clock in the morning. I'm still jacked, and had had enough, so I grab up some rocks from my driveway, and head towards the dogs. I pick up some more when I hit her driveway. I get about 30 ft. from the house, the dogs are barking away because it's stranger danger, and I begin my barrage of rocks, reigning them down every where. The porch, the garage, every where, where I won't break a window, or damage the house. I did this non stop for about 5 minutes, until my arm hurt. Listen...............quiet.....................I start walking back home....................listen.................qui et...........................for the rest of the d@m# night. The wife said she wished she'd have known about the rocks, she would have done that sooner. I explained that the rocks were not a woman thing, that they were a guy thing, especially when people have lights, and cameras, and guns. She agreed and went back to bed. We called the sherriff the next day, and gave them the story, minus the rocks of course. They asked if I had talked to her, and I said, oh yes, I've talked to her. They asked what she said and I told them that she didn't believe me. They said that they would "investigate" the matter, whatever that means. If we have any more trouble, call. I noticed that her awol boyfriend was back all of a sudden on Sun. I affectionately call him Lurch. He's got less brains than the girlfriend, but more brawn. It is HIS dog that causes the issues. The other dogs never barked much before that. So, he was either there to shut the dogs up, or for protection, since a madman was yelling at her, at her place of employment. I wanted the shock value, just to show how serious I am about this issue. They let the dog run around all summer, finally figuring out that it doesn't listen to or like humans. Let it dig up other people's property, and chase birds continuously. Now, because they get no exercize, they bark. Not happnin..............till next time.
Ken L
11-28-2016, 04:32 PM
From my experience in the Nort Woods of Wisconsin, you're way more civilized than most. Given all the drama that those dogs have caused since you've started this little missive, in some places they would have succumbed to the 3 S's long ago.
11-29-2016, 10:47 AM
Oh yes, the dogs are lucky that they live around here........................there are people up here that would eat them...........
11-30-2016, 08:30 AM
Sounds rougher than Yooper country. They don't eat dogs there. I live in Marinette co. Wi. and don't know any dog eaters here either.
11-30-2016, 08:28 PM
Sounds rougher than Yooper country. They don't eat dogs there. I live in Marinette co. Wi. and don't know any dog eaters here either.
I can testify that my sister and brother in-law are Yoopers (they live in the keewanaw penisula) and they don't eat dogs!!!! However, that is where they moved when they retired
240 inches of snow is normal up there. But then again their son, daughter in-law and grand kids live there. Those darn Grandkids will do it EVERY TIME!!!!! We understand!
11-30-2016, 08:34 PM
Yup, the best laid plans go right out the window when it comes to grandkids. I got a grandson overdue. Waiting for him to decide to make his appearance.
Hoping for this week.
Guess my thoughts of Wyoming are way on the back burner now. Grandma wouldn't be part of that plan and I'm miss playing with the granddaughter too.
11-30-2016, 08:43 PM
Be hard not to watch your legacy grow up, and pitch in a bit of wisdom every now and then!
12-01-2016, 07:53 AM
Snow is pretty, but the Florida sunshine is great in Feb and March.
12-01-2016, 09:31 AM
I was semi kidding about dogs getting eaten but like most states, we have our pockets up nort with people I'll just refer to lovingly as hillbillies. They live in 40 year old trailer's, thin as paper, with no running water, outhouses, they drink a lot, and all though somewhat harmless, I wouldn't turn my back on them, or leave my children or dog in their care.:o
12-01-2016, 09:34 AM
Snow is pretty, but the Florida sunshine is great in Feb and March.
It is, but we have a beautiful state, and winter is short enough, and we don't have palm trees and swamp everywhere, and mosquitoes that carry away small children. We also don't have the oppressive heat and humidity for as long. We have great forests, great water, and down to earth people.
12-01-2016, 11:45 AM
I live in Wisconsin and visit Florida for two months. I may begin to stretch it to three months from mid Jan to mid April. If you become a friend of the hillbillies you can trust them with anything. I don't think a more loyal people exist. if you are an outsider and cross them you had better get away fast.
12-01-2016, 12:22 PM
I'll let YOU trust them.............................................. .....most of their children up here have major drug issues.
12-12-2016, 05:49 PM
Got back from up nort last night. It snowed from about 4 pm Sat. to about noon on Sun. It was 4 hrs. to clear the decks and blow the drive. The neighbors dogs WERE QUIET. I don't know if the sheriff had a talk with them, or my rock barrage put the fear in them, but nice and quiet it was. Heading back home was slow. The weather got progressively worse the closer we got to home. We were greeted by lousy plowing and the same amount of snow, just heavier being close to the lake. I couldn't believe how well they keep the roads up nort..........much better than the city. I am still recovering from removing snow, since my snow blower in the city has been held for ransom since Nov.2nd. I knew I should have taken it in back in August. I wanted to stay longer, but was worried about the deep freeze that's on it's way. I couldn't leave all of that snow around, it would have been there until spring. I haven't been to the local pawn shop up nort for a while to check out the firearms. I'll have to hit that the next time...........until next time................
12-12-2016, 07:06 PM
Thanks for the update.
12-12-2016, 08:56 PM
Really enjoy the nort stories!
12-25-2016, 03:18 PM
Got back from up nort today.............................was welcomed up there on Thurs. with about 10" of snow from 2 falls. I told the wife I'd better get moving with the snow blower, it's dark at 4:00 o'clock. She said it was going to snow again, so I should just wait. No, it was feeling wet and heavy, and if I would have waited, the blower wouldn't have moved it. I'm glad I went with my gut. The 10" we had was a chore, but the 8" of stuff that fell on Fri. was worse because it was about 2 degrees warmer than the day before. All total, spent about 8 hours with decks removing snow, with the wife's help. Luckily, when we returned to the city, it hadn't done anything, so no snow removal there. It was a good thing, because the soreness in my body couldn't take a third day of horsing heavy stuff around. I did finally get my city blower back from being held hostage......I have to say that it was beautiful up nort, just like a Christmas card. All the snow was clinging to the tree's, so the surroundings were very white. The day after, with the temps the way they were, you had the tree torpedoes...............chunks of snow falling off of branches. We stood outside and could hear absolutely nothing. No cars, trains, neighbors, birds, wind............all you could hear was the torpedoes falling from the trees with a thump in the woods, and there were hundreds of them falling constantly. Another thing we didn't hear was a barking dog. My wife thinks it was my rock barrage...............the neighbor said hello to my wife at the gas station, so my tirade apparently didn't ruin her life, which is good but.................the dogs barked a few times, and that was it. The wife also mentioned that maybe she got a shock collar for the dog.......................lots of cool small town decorations in the small towns and villages in the area. Took a drive and checked them out. Lots of deer going through my property and in the area in general. Lots of turkeys feeding in the fields on the way up and back. I just got back, and we are heading back up this coming Thurs. I'm liking the city less, and less, and.................until next time.........
12-25-2016, 04:38 PM
Glad you folks had a nice Christmas.
12-26-2016, 07:38 AM
Love the updates
01-02-2017, 10:35 AM
Got back from up nort yesterday. Pretty uneventful this time. We did see lots of eagles this trip. In 4 days, we saw about 25, which is pretty good. They are mostly fishing by the large rivers because there is still open water in places. Lots of crows and ravens and hawks. The birds up there are so much larger than in the city. It's so much easier to see/notice them. There are still geese hanging around. Whenever there is open water, they stick around. Saw hundreds of turkey's feeding, and lots of deer doing the same. It was pretty cold up there this trip. We had to really dress up for it, except for Sunday. It was beautiful and in the mid 30's. Figures, it always gets nice when we have to leave. The neighbors dogs were quiet. Hmmmmmmmmmm. On New Years Eve, I went to bed at 9 o' animal. At midnight, someone had some mighty big explosives of some type. It was booming and echoing through the trees for a good hour. I'm talking BOOMING. Somehow, it's more enjoyable/less annoying to listen to explosions versus dog barking. We loaded up the car, and before we headed back, we stopped at Buckhorn State Park. They had a Friends of Buckhorn first hike of the year. The Ranger was there with the back of his truck full of coffee and hot chocolate and some kind of doughnuts. There were about 25 people there to take the hike. Nice bunch. We hiked a trail that was about 3 miles. Everyone kept up and it didn't seem that far when your talking and walking. Hung around for a bit after and had some coffee for the trip home. We won't be heading up again until the 12th. Until then...............a few pics from the park.
01-02-2017, 10:39 AM
01-02-2017, 10:46 AM
a few pics of my yard....................front yard...................back yard
Ken L
01-03-2017, 08:06 AM
Nice! Snowy hikes are my favorite.
01-03-2017, 10:21 AM
Used to be for me too, now I get stuck too much. Got stuck in the wood shed over the weekend, high centered on a damn piece of wood. Had to dismount and manhandle that heavy arse chair off and remount. 1/2 hour of my life I'll never get back.
Need to keep my phone with me I guess. Had my gun of course but didn't want to give the horses a heart attack ya know?
01-03-2017, 11:20 AM
I got stuck in my shed part of my parka hung up on a wheel barrel handle, that was hung up on a wall. I couldn't get that d@*n thing un-hooked for the life of me. I started laughing, relaxed, and it came undone. I had my gun also, but I am in the city on this one, and if you discharge a firearm, you'll have the swat team assembled in your back yard.:o I STILL don't have no stinking cell phone.:p
01-03-2017, 11:24 AM
I got stuck in my shed part of my parka hung up on a wheel barrel handle, that was hung up on a wall. I couldn't get that d@*n thing un-hooked for the life of me. I started laughing, relaxed, and it came undone. I had my gun also, but I am in the city on this one, and if you discharge a firearm, you'll have the swat team assembled in your back yard.:o I STILL don't have no stinking cell phone.:p
You have no cell phone? Bless you! Hold out forever!!!!!
01-03-2017, 11:38 AM
I have one only to text, can't hear good enough to talk on it. It's primarily in case the van breaks down or I get stuck in the snow etc.
Usually I don't have it when I need it.
They have gotten so big now days almost like a lap top to pack around. Have a friend who still has a tiny little flip phone. They have tried and tried to up grade but he won't give it up. He's had to shop ebay and stuff to find stuff to fix it.
Sadly he refuses to text. He says I can text him but he won't respond??????
He's a few hours away so not like he'd rescue me from the shed anyhow I guess.
Technology just drives me nuts some times. My home computer is playing games again, way over my head. I think I need the geek squad or something.
01-05-2017, 09:40 AM
I (*%@$I) have and old flip phone. It makes calls and takes voice messages. It will do a lot of other things including text, but I just want a phone and nothing else, and it is small and rugged. When I call people up and ask them just what the *%@$ they think they are doing sending me a text they get the idea that I don't text.
01-05-2017, 04:26 PM
People my age managed to get through childhood and life without a phone attached to our hand. If we had trouble, we found a way to take care of it without a phone. Problem solving skills are learned. Granted, these days, folks aren't as friendly/safe as they were back then, but I continue to get through life without one. Everyone else looks to their phone to solve their problems.............................which is why todays youth have no problem solving skills..........JMHO, and no offense to the millennials.:D:D
01-05-2017, 05:24 PM
True on all counts. I remember the days of my youth in Missouri where if you saw a vehicle with a flat tire or broke down on the side of the road there would be half a dozen pickups pulled off behind it helping the person.
You see that now days, they are stripping it for parts.
I also clearly recall one of my last visits when my grandparents were still alive. I was using his car to visit and get around and he got no less than 6 phone calls wanting to know if his car had been stolen. He wasn't driving, my grandmother didn't drive a car (and I didn't look nothing like her either) so they did the math.
He explained I was his grandson visiting from Washington and of course they knew my dad. I think they all visited before I got out of town too.
Everybody knew everything it seems like but also took care of each other.
Just like that little button (every senior citizen should have Life Alert) every derelict should have a cell phone. I get stuck on the mower, in the power chair, got my mom in the van just before Christmas and couldn't get her out parked outside my house. Texted the wife and had her come help.
01-05-2017, 09:30 PM
I have a love hate relationship with my cell phone. A little more hate than love but it has saved my *** a few times. Kinda like run flat tires
01-17-2017, 12:48 PM
CRAZY WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! came back from up nort yesterday. Took us an hour and a half longer than usual because of the rain/ice mix. We left just in time, because later on, it was bad. Everything was like a friggen ice rink. A guy at the gas station said it rained like heck last Tues. and Wed., and then the temp dropped like 20 degrees in what seemed like minutes. My driveway was solid ice. Luckily it's flat, so no real issues. Harder walking then driving. I don't like ice dams on roofs, makes me nervous, but there wasn't anything you could have done. Everyone was doing the teaberry shuffle getting around. If you ever have a roof done, and they want to charge you extra for the roof damn protector that they put down underneath the shingles, tell them to go fly an old kite. When it's freezing rain, they don't do a thing. Come to think of it, they don't do anything for snow either................................. Once again, the bald eagles were a plenty, fishing the rivers that are all open. You can tell the youngsters, because they aren't black and white yet, kind of a mottled brown. There are also a lot of deer kills, so the hawks and ravens are on the same carcasses feeding. Counted 21 eagles in 4 days, which is quite a few. We could tell that a lot of our sightings were not the same birds, by the color and size. They sure raise them large up there, When they get down to the lower elevations, you can see the size of their wingspans, and they are quite unbelievably large. Also saw a huge gray owl sitting in a tree, looking out over a field. The wife and I are not bird watchers per se, but it's hard to ignore up nort, when the shear numbers and size of the birds are hard to neighborhood dog issues, which was good. Lots of handgun shooting in the distance on Sat. from all directions. It was a relatively warm day, and I could tell that they were handguns. We checked out some tracks that we had never seen before in our yard, and around the house. We tracked them from the road, up our driveway, across the front of the pole barn, and straight over to the well house. Then around the well house in a circle, then next to the house and back down the driveway. The prints were a bit melted, so we decided that it was either the neighbors dog, or it was a coyote, who knows that mice hang around the well house all of the time because of the heat. The total way the tracks looked, the size, and how they looked very efficient, no messing around, in and out, I'm going with the coyote. Everyone hunts them up there, and they pay you for them.............................................. ...............We may be getting closer to getting a dog. We went to a local shelter, and checked out some dogs for adoption. Most of them were not for us, except what I thought was a blue heeler. border collie mix. On the smaller side, very nice and calm in his cage. Paid attention well. The guy that we were talking to said he was from Kentucky. He had been there at this shelter for a while, and just got back from 2 weeks with a friend who wanted to test him out for agility training. He said that the facilities for animals in Kentucky are horrendous, so whenever they get a chance, they rescue them. They know that many that they rescue, will never be adopted, and will become permanent residents. It was a very nice, clean, warm facility. He was just about to go play ball with the dog we were looking at, so we took his place. That's where the goodness ended. This dog is so ball possessed, that when outside, nothing else matters. The psychological damage that has been inflicted on this poor dog would be near impossible to fix, unless you were an expert in dog care, or had lots and lots(years) of time on your hands. It makes me so angry, that so many people get dogs, and then just mess them up, thinking that they are doing the right thing. Then, when they have them messed up, they blame the dog, get rid of it, and do it again to some other dog. People are the main cause for so many of these animals. They want to treat the dogs like they are humans, and when they don't learn, they cast them off. Makes me sick. We will continue to look. We're trying to key more towards older versus younger dogs. We're not sure if we want the puppy thing. Been there. Not that I don't like puppies. The wife always has to start pulling on my sleeve to get me to leave places. If we can find a young(year or two old) dog, it's a start. We understand the work that will be needed to make a dog comfortable and trusting after other human idiots got done with it. Not all of them are the extreme cases like we witnessed. I've never seen a dog so fixated on one thing. Doesn't recognize any commands, name, anything a normal dog would know. That dog will probably be one of the permanent residents. The search continues............until next time.............................................. ....................
01-17-2017, 03:05 PM
Instead of messing my dog up I just let her train me. The system worked so well that she never tries to dash out the door or run off. People are amazed, but I know she just doesn't want to start over training someone else.
02-13-2017, 09:12 AM
Went up nort this past weekend. All is quiet on the home front. Just the way I like it. Talked to my neighbor down the road. He just got done having shoulder surgery a while ago, and he was showing me how well his shoulder was working. I was amazed, because it's only been about 6 weeks of healing. He's a real go getter, and I told him in a nice way last year, that since he was older than me, he should probably take it down a notch, because he was going to hurt himself. I told him that I had to do the same after double hernia surgery. It's not easy because you get used to doing things, so slowing it down is difficult. I thought that he may have taken my comments to heart, after having hernia surgery himself last summer. Apparently not, hence the shoulder surgery.............................We have no snow in the city, it's been melted off for a couple weeks now. Not so lucky up nort......still a lot of snow on the ground, although the coming weather should have a good effect. We saw some tracks around the house that looked like coyote tracks. Our dog was having a sniffing smorgasbord. It seems to me the way she uses her sniffer, she may have some type of hound in her. She is very sight and nose oriented.................They are showing 50's for the coming week, so I'm hoping all of the snow disappears. I managed to get the snow off of the decks, that had been frozen on there real good. It would be nice to just transition right in to spring, when the snow is gone, but I'm being optimistic I'm sure. I haven't seen the neighbors since early fall.......kind of curious to hear about the property issues and the garage planning..................until next time.
03-06-2017, 05:19 PM
Went up nort Thurs. for a 4 day stay, got back today. There was about 5" of snow on the ground, after being totally melted the last time I was up. After the temps we had over the weekend, it all melted again. The river that flows through the nearest town was 4 ft. above flood stage, and people on a flood plain got wet again............................................I got out in my woods for the first time since Dec. I get to the end of my property, and what? A survey co. had done surveying at the edge of my property, and put up metal posts with pink flags, and also tied pink streamers on some of the tree branches. I was standing at one corner of my lot, and at that spot, I have a tan spray painted metal post, with a 6" by 12" no trespassing sign attached. Nothing cheap, it looked good. Now, I have pink streamers on it, and a pink flag in the ground next to it. I started walking down my property line, and saw a metal post with a pink streamer on it, about 25 paces up the line, with a few streamers on the trees. They continued with this down the line, in kind of a random fashion. It went down past other peoples properties in the same fashion. I get to the opposite corner of my property, and there, was an exact replica of my other no trespassing sign. There was also the neighbors post and sign, right next to mine, where their surveyor for their property put it. It also looked good. These signs also were used as property markers by both my neighbor and myself. They're not there any more!..... Now in the general vicinity, is a green metal post with pink streamers, and a small flag that was my neighbors surveyors flag, and the surveyors stick in the ground flag, and anything that resembled my stuff is gone. SSSSSOOOOOO, neither me, nor my neighbor knows where our original markers were STUCK IN THE DIRT..... We both had surveys done on our properties, me when I purchased, and my neighbor, last year. They took my friggen sign, and they took my neighbors sign. Signs that have absolutely nothing to do with theirs, or anybody else's survey. They were multi use signs, property markers and stay off my property signs. I was going to bring one of their flags home, and give them a call, but in the packing the vehicle mode, I forgot. Old age too................................I called the sheriff, and had him come out, so I could have him at least make a report, since I can't prove diddly. I didn't find out just what this survey is for. Between my property, and property behind me, there's a sand road that divides our properties. This road runs along many properties. At one time, it was going to be a regular road, but it wasn't needed, so it became a walking path, a 4 wheeler trail, etc. No one abused this trail/road, and we have never had any problems. They didn't survey the opposite side. If this was originally going to be a road, one would think that they would already have a survey of some type.......... I said to the sheriff, that this was probably going to be one of those times where I have to bend over and grab my ankles. He laughed and said, " probably". I told him that it wasn't so much the money($20) but now the neighbor and I don't know where the property markers should be. I took time to make a nice sign, and someone just takes it. We were never notified that someone was going to be on our property. Our properties are posted. I told the sheriff that I usually tried to get permission before I went walking around on someone else's property. They have a lot of rifles up there. He agreed. He said if I signed something, he'd put the report in to the local crimestoppers. When I gave his pen back, I told him "nice pen". "I won't try to steal it". I said, " Was that a Parker?" He said, "Yeah, I've had it since my first day as a deputy, 21 years" I said, "Oh, that's your stay alive pen". " I'll make double sure that I give it back". He chuckled ...........................................regardl ess, I'm pissed off about it. I'm sure that If I call the idiot survey company, they'll just deny it anyway. My neighbors don't know about any of this yet. You never know, somehow, all of that pink stuff could just disappear. All the way down the line. Since I am not a permanent resident yet, I'm not up on all the comings and goings with the signs. I haven't decided on any type of plan...........yet.............. I am a big believer in revenge............................I have a new neighbor down the road. Talked to him for a minute, after he got lost trying to figure out where his lot lines were. He was WAY OFF......................I told him that he was kind of taking a chance walking around in other peoples woods. I told him that I could hear people talking in my woods, so I had to investigate. I told him that I was friendly, but others may not be. He said that he hears people talking in his woods too. That makes me nervous. He said we'd talk again...............until next time.............................................. ......
03-06-2017, 05:49 PM
My first real career in life was working for a fence company. I could tell you boundary dispute stories that would make you throw up a little bit in your mouth.
People resorting to fisticuffs over 6" of property in a ravine that was not use to nobody.
I still chuckle about it from time to time.
My boss's favorite phrase was better 6" on your property that 1'' on theirs.
03-06-2017, 05:56 PM
We all(neighbors) understand that the only time it would make a difference, is if someone sold their property. Stranger things have happened. With me, it's the principle. You were on my property without permission. You took something that doesn't belong to you. You took something that didn't interfere in anything that you were doing. You took something that has time and money invested. It's like walking in to someone's open garage and taking something. You don't belong there. Boundary disputes are exactly one of the things I'm trying to avoid.
03-06-2017, 06:02 PM
It's like if I went in to your work area, and took that picture that's in the backround by your bench and replaced it with one of say, Moms Mabley. It just ain't right.:D
03-06-2017, 06:41 PM
Hope you didn't misunderstand. You are totally in the right, they are totally in the wrong.
Stay the hell away from my bench. PULEEEEEZE.
Usually the people whining about the line were the neighbors, not our customers. Many didn't like chain link fencing and just didn't want it anywhere. Some even went to the trouble of putting up a wood fence right next to the chain link to block it.
We didn't do wood. Thank goodness. Woods is rotten in 10 years, chain link is forever.
03-06-2017, 07:06 PM
Jocko's tatoo...
03-06-2017, 08:55 PM
Instead of messing my dog up I just let her train me. The system worked so well that she never tries to dash out the door or run off. People are amazed, but I know she just doesn't want to start over training someone else.
You sound like my live in Hubby. When we have a dog, he thinks he's a litter mate
His words not mine.
It's not really that bad, but he is a softy with the dogs. I'm not mean, but the dogs know they can't run me.
Unfortunately, we are currently dogless, it's very sad but we won't bring a fuzzy friend into our home unless we are able to do our part. Lord willing it will happen again one day. Dogs are amazing!
03-07-2017, 09:01 AM
I think when you own a dog, there's nothing wrong with treating it like a pack member. When they understand that your their pack member, is when the bonding starts. Too many people try to treat them like humans, and that's when the trouble begins. Our new dog loves it up north. All the smells and the forests. We've taken her to the park and the refuge many times, and she's just gets overwhelmed by all of the smells, which are much better than the city. We had a group of turkeys go through the back yard, about 20, and she saw turkeys for the first time. She actually barked, just once, but a bark it was. My wife prefers that she never barks, but barking is natural, so I don't mind. Warning barks would be good. I took her out and she immediately started tracking them. We don't know what she's mixed with, but I think it's some kind of hound dog. Her sniffer will get her in trouble every time. She would make a hell of a tracker or sniffer dog. As far as protection, nah, a sweetheart. It's been going on 2 months now, and she's getting to know the rules pretty well. She's got all the usual's down. Sit, lay down, no, park, walk, paw, dinner. She waits at every door now, until we pass through first. She lays down when we're feeding her, until we say it's ok to eat. When she comes in from outside, she sits and waits until she gets her paws wiped off before she comes upstairs. All in all, she's doing very well. The most surprising thing is how she is growing. When we got her, she was right around 50 lbs. She has filled out and gotten really strong. Her coat looks very healthy now, and her muscles are developing. She is friggen strong. If she doesn't want to move, it takes all of your strength to pull her away. I questioned when the HS said she was about 3 yrs. old. From what we're seeing, I'm saying a year and a half at most. We met a couple who saved a lab when we were at the refuge. A big boy, but a very good boy. They told us about the rescue, and how much they've spent on surgeries for him. Very dedicated owners they are. Since we owned a lab in the past, we understood why they loved him so much. One of the best dogs on the planet. Soft mouths, big hearts, good with people and kids, and good hunters and retrievers. We generally feel it was the right thing to do, rescuing a dog. Those kill shelters down south just have no heart............................................. .................
03-07-2017, 06:59 PM
I have a property dispute with my neighbor. He thinks I own about thirty feet more than I do. It is woods and no fence so I am not about to argue about it. Some day a future owner of his property may want it and will get a few spruce trees I planted that are a few feet on his property, but hopefully they will like the natural barrier and the privacy it affords. If not I still have plenty on my side of the line.
03-08-2017, 08:56 AM
My neighbor found that out last year when he had his survey done. Found out that he'd been mowing a large patch of grass/weeds that belonged to me for years. I told him, if it makes you feel good, keep mowing it. In fact, get a riding mower and do a real good job. He also found out that land that he was told was the other neighbors, was actually his. This is why I had the markers in the first place, so there is NO question.
03-09-2017, 10:06 AM
Well, I did some investigating, and pulled in a favor from my realtor. Found out that the 80 acres of pine and oak woods that sits behind my property has been sold. Hence, the survey. I got the name of the owner, and she passed my number along to him. He called me yesterday, and I explained my signage situation to him. He had a really long first name, I believe it was dumber than a box of rocks. He said that neither he nor his son removed any signs. I told him that I believed him, and was 99.9% sure that the co. he hired to do the survey was the culprit. He lives about 20 minutes away and said that he wanted to come and take a look so he understood what I was talking about. I said fine. He calls me from my property, and I guide him back to the end of the lot. He is now staring at the back of my property. Part of the conversation. " So tell me how I can help you." I said, " do you see the no trespassing sign'? He says, " Yes, the yellow one on the tan post?" I say yes. I tell him to look down to the opposite corner of the lot. He says, " There's a green sign and a pink flag." I said, " Do you see anything else?" " Nope". I say, " that spot was an exact replica of the other sign you're staring at, and now it's gone, along with the neighbors sign." " They were not only trespassing signs, but also lot markers." He says, " There's a green sign with a pink marker from another survey co." I say, " Yes, and it's been moved." I told him that both of us have lost our property markers. Once again, he tells me that he didn't move any signs. I proceeded to ask him if there was something in the water where he lives. He asked why. I told him that it must be the water, because I have to keep repeating myself, and he seemed to have difficulty understanding my native Wisconsin tongue. He says, " Oh, now your going to get sarcastic." I said, " No, I'm being totally serious." He said he would talk to his surveyors and get back to me. He called back, and told me that they said they didn't remove any signs. I said of course they said that. Why do you think I'm talking to you. He said I was getting sarcastic again. He said that they have surveyed thousands of acres for him, and he believes them. I said that's nice. I don't. I said that we've never had a sign issue in years until his survey co. came through. What a coincidence. I told him that I wanted my sign replaced. He hired the co., so he was at least partially responsible. He said that he would talk to his surveyor. I said that you told me you already spoke with them and they denied being responsible. Your going to talk with them again? Why? They've already denied it, so why waste your time. Unless you lied about talking to them the first time, so which is it. I told him that I have a hard time taking someone seriously, when they use their mothers cell phone. It's amazing what you can find out on the interweb. I told him that he didn't have to do anything if he didn't want to. I had pictures of before and after. I told him that I would then have to take a different course. I also told him that the neighbors were not aware of the changes and theft, and he would probably have to deal with them also. He said he was not going to deal with anyone, the survey was complete. I told him once again, that was his decision, but I would be giving the neighbors his info along with the survey co's info. I would also be passing this info to the sheriff's dept., who have taken a theft report and put it on the local crimestoppers. I said all I wanted was my sign replaced. He said he's get back to me................................................ ...............the worst part of the whole thing is that they are going to clear cut all 80 acres, and put in an irrigation field, to grow snap peas, soybeans and potatoes. I told my wife that I now was worried about our water system, because they were going to be sucking water from the neighborhood's water supply. I also told her that they use fertilizer and pesticides, which will also/could leak in to the water supply. When I questioned the owner about the usage, he basically came out and said that 99% of the farmers up there use fertilizer and or pesticides. I don't know how long it takes to clear cut 80 acres, and de stump the area and prepare it for planting, but I have a feeling that my peace and quiet for this summer may be gone. He owns huge dairy farms, and other farms, and I looked up the gov't subsidies he receives for his farms. He's 17th on the list for receiving the most subsides in the area. I hate big ag.........I'm just the little guy. I don't think that others in the area are aware of what's happening............................but I could be eating well:o The wife, trying to be optimistic says, " Well, what would you rather have, more homes and a neighborhood behind us, or a field with crops?" She had a point...............until next time....................
03-09-2017, 11:15 AM
I think when you own a dog, there's nothing wrong with treating it like a pack member. When they understand that your their pack member, is when the bonding starts. Too many people try to treat them like humans, and that's when the trouble begins. Our new dog loves it up north. All the smells and the forests. We've taken her to the park and the refuge many times, and she's just gets overwhelmed by all of the smells, which are much better than the city. We had a group of turkeys go through the back yard, about 20, and she saw turkeys for the first time. She actually barked, just once, but a bark it was. My wife prefers that she never barks, but barking is natural, so I don't mind. Warning barks would be good. I took her out and she immediately started tracking them. We don't know what she's mixed with, but I think it's some kind of hound dog. Her sniffer will get her in trouble every time. She would make a hell of a tracker or sniffer dog. As far as protection, nah, a sweetheart. It's been going on 2 months now, and she's getting to know the rules pretty well. She's got all the usual's down. Sit, lay down, no, park, walk, paw, dinner. She waits at every door now, until we pass through first. She lays down when we're feeding her, until we say it's ok to eat. When she comes in from outside, she sits and waits until she gets her paws wiped off before she comes upstairs. All in all, she's doing very well. The most surprising thing is how she is growing. When we got her, she was right around 50 lbs. She has filled out and gotten really strong. Her coat looks very healthy now, and her muscles are developing. She is friggen strong. If she doesn't want to move, it takes all of your strength to pull her away. I questioned when the HS said she was about 3 yrs. old. From what we're seeing, I'm saying a year and a half at most. We met a couple who saved a lab when we were at the refuge. A big boy, but a very good boy. They told us about the rescue, and how much they've spent on surgeries for him. Very dedicated owners they are. Since we owned a lab in the past, we understood why they loved him so much. One of the best dogs on the planet. Soft mouths, big hearts, good with people and kids, and good hunters and retrievers. We generally feel it was the right thing to do, rescuing a dog. Those kill shelters down south just have no heart............................................. .................
Sounds like you folks are doing a great job with your new dog!! It's a win win deal!
03-09-2017, 05:39 PM
Just think of all of the peas you can can for the winter.
Ken L
03-12-2017, 02:10 PM
One unintended consequence of the pea field is that you will be seeing a lot more deer and other wildlife.
03-12-2017, 03:37 PM
It must be working early.................we had 20 turkeys walk through last time, along with 7 deer in the back property, and five in the front on Sat. morning.........:):)
03-24-2017, 12:36 PM
Well, I haven't heard from the land owner since our last conversation. What a surprise. Looks like they may have started cutting at the opposite corner of where we are. One of my neighbor's down the road, got to meet the dog for the first time, They are in their 80's, an old polish couple. Their dog died a few years ago, and they love dogs. We are trying to get her not to jump on people, and that's exactly what she did to the neighbors, but they were getting such joy out of it, that the wife was just worried that she would knock them down. I let them come on my property and pick mushrooms to eat. They schooled me on which one's are safe, and which one's are not. Sorry, I still ain't taking any chances. I'll get mine from the store thanks. I asked him how he learned about the mushrooms. In broken English, he said he would pick them for his mother in law...........If she was still around, he knew that they were good. I told him about what was happening to the forest. He just shook his head. He told me about a friend of his who resides in a town about 20 minutes away. He purchased his property, and never had a proper survey done. He just believed what everyone told him. He thought that he had 5 acres. He came home one day, and his property had been carved down to about 2 acres, and the rest of his backyard had been clear cut and removed. Now, when he looks out his back door, he sees nothing but open land. Not a tree forever. Sad. He told them that they couldn't do it, but a proper survey showed that indeed he owned 2 acres not 5. I told the neighbor that there is no zoning in the area, so people can basically do what they want, which is a reason why people live there to begin with. He said, "What, are we supposed to make the zoning?" I guess that to protect yourself, it's pretty much like every where else. You have to buy up as much property as you can around you. I talked to a neighbor in the city, and he said with the proper equipment, they can clear cut, de stump, and remove 80 acres in a week. Maybe noise won't be much of a problem. He also said, that he believes that if they did a well for irrigation, it has to be at least 225 ft. deep. My area pulls water from about 40 ft. The water supply is still a concern. They still will be taking water out of our source, and will still be using chemicals on the land. I have to do some more research to either alleviate my concerns, or make them worse. I have to try to find out if our water source is flowing or not. If it's flowing, could be a lot better thing.......................Maggie the dog is doing well, learning every day. She is turning in to a very good dog..............until next time..............................
08-15-2017, 09:31 AM
Well, it's been a while and they have finished cutting all of the trees down. Now they have to de stump and clean up the many piles of dead stuff. Luckily, they have left the buffer of land between my property and the road. The train that occasionally goes through is a bit louder. The sunset is more easily seen. There is more light coming through my woods. I have a new neighbor, and saw him cleaning up the yard on a hot sweaty day. No better way to break the ice, than walk down the road with an ice cold Pabst, and introduce myself. By the speed in which he guzzled the Pabst, I could tell he was grateful for an icy beverage. Seems like a nice guy. He's cleaned up the property well, and was showing me all of the work that the previous owner had not done. He showed me how the previous owner had a gas fireplace, he's on the gas line, had a gas furnace, but used his stove to heat the place. I said maybe that's why the place was ready for foreclosure. I told him I had only talked to the guy once, and he didn't seem too swift. The new neighbor installed a pellet burner. He's a veteran of the Vietnam mess, and I thanked him for his service. He then proceeded to show me his shooting range setup in the back. kind of guy. I told him he needed to be careful because people still occasionally walked down the road in back. He was excited because he's going to have a grandson shooting with him for the first time, and deer hunting with him for the first time this year. Since he had no berm set up, the range was questionable to me. It's his property........................heading up next week. I took a look at my riding lawn mower blades the last time I was up, and they looked like I'd been riding over metal pipes. Time to do a blade change, which is a pain in the @%&$%*. We've been getting so much rain the last month or so, that the grass is growing at a fast pace. I've had to mow more than any summer so far. I noticed that the other neighbor has had people coming to give estimates for their garage. Maybe? Finally? They must have settled the issue of the piece of land they needed from their neighbor. We'll see how fast this goes. The only speed up there is slowwwwwwwwww. Until next time........................
08-15-2017, 08:49 PM
Sounds like it was a nice visit, other than the grass. Always nice to have neighbors with similar interests.
09-05-2017, 07:04 PM
Well, went up nort for Labor Day and it was a nice quiet weekend. Fall is here..................watching the birds, and feeling the cool nights, it's definitely going to come sooner than last year. Trees are starting to change colors about 3 weeks ahead of last year...................My Murray lawn tractor that I inherited when I purchased the property finally took a $#!t. Figures. I've been nursing it for 3 seasons. I put new front shoes on it. I changed the oil and lubed everything. Got a new battery. Just put new blades on it. Got off of it while it was running, to move some dog poop, and it just quit running. I thought it was out of gas, and no, the seat safety never worked. I turned the key and nothing. Then I saw some smoke. Lifted up the hood and saw smoke coming from the front, but couldn't see exactly where. Smoke(not heavy) dissipated after about 25 seconds. there was no smell to the smoke. I traced all wires from the key switch, and the bundle all the way back, and nothing was burned. Soooooooooooo...........I'm done with the dinosaur. It's probably something simple, like maybe the starter, whatever. So, I'll be on a quest for a new mower next year. Looked at Husqvarna, and Cub Cadet so far. Looked at some rear engine deck mowers, but you get a lot more use out of a garden tractor. At least I do. I like both mowers but the Husky has that plastic drive train/ tranny cover underneath, and to me, the less plastic the better. They have enough as it is. I guess it was just for a few years, and next years model is going back to metal. I like the Cub, the way it handles, and the ease of maintenance. Supposedly, the best warranty in the business, but if you read the fine print, they don't cover much. I could get this years Husky model and save some dough. They have one left at the hardware store. I could save some dough, but that damn plastic........................................... Still no garage at the neighbors. The wifey said that we'll probably be in a vase before they get a garage. That's one reason I like her. Warped sense of birds at the Sanctuary which was kind of surprising. I've been seeing V's of geese heading south, down in the city. I know if we keep hitting the sanctuary, we'll eventually see thousands of all types of large birds. We're not bird fanatics, but it's amazing when you see groups of large birds, such as swans, and cranes. When they are in groups from 60 to 250, it's unreal how much sky they block out, and how much "chattering" you can hear. Last year, we got lucky, and were standing on a deck in the middle of the sanctuary at about 4:30 pm. We saw cranes in the distance heading our way, and for the next hour, we had huge groups of cranes flying right over the top of us at a guesstimate of about 60 ft. I was really worried about being crapped on. Some groups had over 200 birds in them. Bucket list moment for me....................until next time.
As always....sounds like an overall great time/place.
Fall ain't here, here, yet. But it will be by the time we get back from soonest visiting it in Maine.
I no longer have fear of plastic. Properly done. And Husky anything is one of my preferred brands. But, if going back to metal next year....
Now,wasn't that there really helpful?
Being pragmatic...first thing I thought of when you got into the directly overhead birds was that getting crapped on thingy you mentioned. Second was, that sounds seriously cool.
09-06-2017, 10:30 PM
I got a 42'' (smallest they make I think) Cub Cadet Zero Turn this year, my trusty Husqvarna tractor gave up the ghost. Loved it. Still got it, might put an engine in it some day.
I absolutely love the Zero Turn, just a blast to mow with and I actually enjoy cutting grass. Nobody knows I'm a derelict when I'm riding a mower.
The tractor is of course better if you tow anything but the zero turn is super fast. Probably half the mowing time but I tinker around and do a better job since I like riding it. Thought about finding a few neighbors I could mow to help pay for it and gas to boot, nothing so far.
09-07-2017, 09:28 AM
Too bad I'm not next could mow mine whenever you liked. A buddy of mine, who has more grass to mow than me, got a Toro zero turn. I talked him into a zero turn(not that particular brand) because he was always b!tc#ing about how long it took him to mow. I can't believe how fast he can mow now. Flies around. Cut his mow time in half. I think I'm going with a lawn tractor, I can put the trailer hitch on, and pull a small trailer, and they're cheaper for the most part. I don't have too much stuff to go around, and I still do a bit of weed whacking around the house. I think now that I'll have a field behind me, I am going to start working on some type of berm for shooting. I have lots of sand, but nothing to berm it up with, and I am definitely too old to be shoveling anything. I hate paying for dirt/sand, so I'll have to start looking for someone who won't charge me and arm and another arm. Tired of having to go to other places to shoot.
09-07-2017, 12:15 PM
As always....sounds like an overall great time/place.
Fall ain't here, here, yet. But it will be by the time we get back from soonest visiting it in Maine.
I no longer have fear of plastic. Properly done. And Husky anything is one of my preferred brands. But, if going back to metal next year....
Now,wasn't that there really helpful?
Being pragmatic...first thing I thought of when you got into the directly overhead birds was that getting crapped on thingy you mentioned. Second was, that sounds seriously cool. Normally, I wouldn't fret on the plastic, but up by me, it's all sand and the underneath goodies, blades and deck really take a beating. May revisit the Husky next year.
10-09-2017, 05:45 PM
Got back from up nort today...............rained everyday until Sunday. Perfect day and weather on Sunday. I looked at the neighbors property, and what did I see?????? Kind of a sandy, muddy driveway, and some wood stacked up, along with some trusses. It looks like the infamous garage that was going to be built could finally be under way. I don't know what happened, but by the size of the trusses and wood, it looks like it will be just large enough to put a boat in with a bit of spare. Me personally, after all the trouble they had, would have built something that would have been a bit more useful. They have lots of sales right now on metal buildings. I think that they wanted wood, but after getting cost estimates maybe they had to downsize. I also look at resale value if you ever decided to move. Looks like they only have one guy doing the work. We saw the guy stop by, take a look and leave. They have some sand down, but it doesn't even look close to being ready for a slab yet. Curious to see how this goes. They have pretty strict driveway codes when you first start building and they are enforcing them more than in the past....................................Had lots of bluejays in the yard. The linebackers of the bird world. They get really big up there and basically defend their territory like bullies. Down here in the city, they get about as big as a robin, but up there, they are very stocky, and about the size of a good sized hawk. We took the dog to the nature preserve for a little hike. Lots of birds in the area, mostly Trumpeter swans. Of course the dog loves it, but is still in the process of learning manners. Her nose just gets her in trouble every time. One of her good qualities is, because of her nose, she alerts us if anything is in the area. She'll smell a dog on the trail minutes before you actually see it. Strangest thing is, we get back to the refuge building, and the wife uses the ladies room. The dog sat and waited and as soon as she came out, we headed towards the car. She immediately started pulling, much more than any time that day, and by the time we got to the car, she was pulling with all of her might to get in to that car. Normally, she just hops in, or if she has a bug up her ass, plays around a bit, but this time she wanted in that car. She even tried to get in the front which has bucket seats. She has never sat in the front or even wanted to. I looked around for the longest time, because the wife thinks she smelled something that frightened her. I say that the dog just has a screw loose, but that's just me.:p The wife thinks that maybe she smelled a bear. Her nose is top notch for a dog. We don't know what her experience is in the woods for the first part of her life, but it is possible that she has had a run in with that smell before. We didn't see or smell anything so we'll never know for sure................................until next time.
10-09-2017, 06:44 PM
Maybe they are doing a pole building. With mine the slab came last. Sand was a big mess. Until final leveling and then the cement.
10-10-2017, 09:39 AM
I thought about that.....................I didn't see mine being built, so I don't know how they do it. I assumed that the slab was first.
10-10-2017, 12:53 PM
Loved the part about your dog's nose.
My buddy Bill had a Springer Spaniel that hunted with us...Scooby by name. Scooby had a great nose. We came back from hunting one time and were enjoying a few beers when we noticed Scooby laying by Bill's pack across the room. Scooby would almost always be over by Bill's feet so we joked about him having found a new object of affection and went on with our beverages. Bill later told me that when he went to hit the rack that night Scooby was still laying near that pack. A quick look revealed that Bill forgot he had stashed one of his breakfast burritos (wrapped in foil and wax paper) in that pack. The report I got was that Scooby enjoyed that burrito. :)
10-30-2017, 01:25 PM
Went up nort Thurs. 19th., came home Tues. 24th. A bit of rain but a lot of sun. Good weather for working outside. No one came to work on the neighbors garage on Thurs. Someone was there on Fri. for about an hour. The wife commented that it was perfect weather for garage building. I commented that it was also good weather for drinking. The owners showed up on Saturday. No one was there until early afternoon and when they came, they talked for a few hours while doing nothing. Finally I heard some hammering and noticed that a guy was doing a bit of work. Well, that stopped shortly. He got there about 3 and left about 4. I took note of how the garage looked. I'm no carpenter, but from what I saw. there were very few horizontal boards, and posts in the ground, which looked cheap and not very secure. Less vertical boards than horizontal. Looks to me like they are building this thing as cheaply as they can get it to stand up, until they leave. No shock towers. Personally, I have never seen anything like it. Doesn't look like it would even be safe to hang pictures. When I compare it to mine, and mine is no fortress, it doesn't even come close. The owners left Sunday. I'll be going up again next week. I can't wait to see the progress, or lack of. Seems that they've tackled this garage issue the same as all the rest. I for see unhappy campers once again .......until next time.
10-30-2017, 01:33 PM
I'm happy with my finished garage, not thrilled but happy. But it's construction was very similar, I think the company had each crew working 3 or 4 jobs. They'd show up work for an hour or two then bale and go someplace else.
The finished garage is nice, how it got there left a lot to be desired.
A friend years ago had one built by the same outfit. It was turn key ready to occupy in 3 days. Slab, doors whole deal.
Mine took 2 to 3 weeks and I had to do the slab prep myself. Mine is 28 by 36, originally I was going 28 by 48 but cut off one bay on the cheap.
I regret that every day. that last bay would have been ideal for the boat, kids motorcycles and saddles and horse stuff.
I think they call the 20/20 hindsight.
10-30-2017, 01:46 PM
Mine is 32' by 40'. Thought it was pretty big, but now that we're thinking of making it our future full time home, it kind of shrunk. Can always use extra room....................................:)
10-30-2017, 02:17 PM
Garages and man caves, and motorcycles are NEVER big enough. I started to say boobs but Ixti might be on line.
Well, I could use a third bay in the garage. But 1300 sq ft man cave is large enough. Bikes, when I rode back in the day, were big enough screamers. As were wife's boobs.
10-30-2017, 06:01 PM
I don't consider the garage a man cave. I have a room in the house, it's probably less than 200 sq feet but prior to the disaster it was full of guns and knives.
Very few boobs.
10-30-2017, 07:53 PM
If you built it 50X100 it would just take a year longer to fill up. It is one of the laws of nature.
I don't consider the garage a man cave. I have a room in the house, it's probably less than 200 sq feet but prior to the disaster it was full of guns and knives.
Very few boobs.
Me neither. Garage is for vehicles, car/truck and lawn/garden routine maintenance tools. Man cave is 1300 sq ft carved out of unfinished basement....with a nod to small footprint HVAC and a couple large wall racks of household supplies and archive stuff storage. Ironically, I was just thinking today that one of the benefits we thought of when buying this house 24 years ago was it's a ranch. No stairs to climb, except for the basement, for when we aged. Now aged and retired I'm down and up those damn stairs a good ten times a day, if for no other reason than to escape the boobs.
10-31-2017, 08:06 PM
One time I was going to build me a man cave out back, about 10x16. I was sitting drawing up plans when the wife saw it. She asked about it so I started describing the lay out. Told her my plans to run water to it and all was good till I got to the satellite TV and recliner I had planned, then she figured out it was to get away from her and the kids (and inlaws at the time) so that didn't go over well.
Well, the inlaws left and we moved to another town not long after and bought a slightly bigger house so I had more room and some garage space. I'm still looking at that building but now it will probably be for garage stuff. I'll then make the garage into a big room (my cave) and maybe put a pool table too. I'll need to make some kinda carport though I guess for her car.
10-31-2017, 08:24 PM
Hate to bust the bubble on the man caves
but the "Convict" and I are happy in a 40 foot camper (8 or 9 months a year)
..but we have only been married 12 years so maybe that has something to do with it!!
Interestingly enough when we bought our home in Michigan we wanted to make sure we each had our own SPACE
. Because prior to our marriage we both enjoyed living alone
we loved our "personal" space. I guess we are blessed that we are flexible!
10-31-2017, 08:55 PM
Hate to bust the bubble on the man caves
but the "Convict" and I are happy in a 40 foot camper (8 or 9 months a year)
..but we have only been married 12 years so maybe that has something to do with it!!
Interestingly enough when we bought our home in Michigan we wanted to make sure we each had our own SPACE
. Because prior to our marriage we both enjoyed living alone
we loved our "personal" space. I guess we are blessed that we are flexible!
Actually the term Man Cave is probably not a good fit. I certainly welcome woman (well you and my wife and a very select few others) into it.
But it's exactly what you describe as "personal space". It's my don't mess with anything room. Wife goes in gets what she needs, batteries, sometimes tape, a few other items but it's the one part of the house where everything goes back where it's found. I taught my kids the same thing.
Wish I could have such luck with my garage but not even close.
Wife has her adjacent room that I have to pass through to get to mine but I don't mess with her stuff there either. Actually the whole house is her space, my man cave is mine. If I leave stuff out it gets put in the man cave or bedroom or someplace. I'm ok with that.
It works good. So you coming over to visit my personal space. Maybe we should come up with a new name for man cave.
Trying to remember what Hugh Hefner called his inner sanctum. That might work.
For the record, if I was in a 40' camper for 8 or 9 months a year with my wife or any other human regardless of gender identity I'd be licking windows and lying on railroad tracks. I need a bit more space and room options.
Course the older I get the more I'd much prefer just staying home too. I like it here, I'd like it anywhere home is, just prefer to stay there.
I don't even like to go to work, I'd rather stay home.
11-01-2017, 09:58 AM
I'm single but have a girlfriend that is pretty understanding so my Man Cave starts where my driveway meets the road. She may move in when her mother dies and I'm not sure what will happen then.
11-01-2017, 10:04 AM
I know exactly what will happen then but I'm not gonna prematurely ruin your life. You'll have to experience it for yourself.
I guess a little teaser wouldn't hurt. Your Man Cave will no longer start where the driveway meets the road, far from it.
Actually the term Man Cave is probably not a good fit. I certainly welcome woman (well you and my wife and a very select few others) into it.
But it's exactly what you describe as "personal space". It's my don't mess with anything room. Wife goes in gets what she needs, batteries, sometimes tape, a few other items but it's the one part of the house where everything goes back where it's found. I taught my kids the same thing.
Wish I could have such luck with my garage but not even close.
Wife has her adjacent room that I have to pass through to get to mine but I don't mess with her stuff there either. Actually the whole house is her space, my man cave is mine. If I leave stuff out it gets put in the man cave or bedroom or someplace. I'm ok with that.
It works good. So you coming over to visit my personal space. Maybe we should come up with a new name for man cave.
Trying to remember what Hugh Hefner called his inner sanctum. That might work.
For the record, if I was in a 40' camper for 8 or 9 months a year with my wife or any other human regardless of gender identity I'd be licking windows and lying on railroad tracks. I need a bit more space and room options.
Course the older I get the more I'd much prefer just staying home too. I like it here, I'd like it anywhere home is, just prefer to stay there.
I don't even like to go to work, I'd rather stay home.
Bizarrely profound...:yo:
11-01-2017, 10:05 PM
There's a lot more room than you think in a 40' RV. Your man cave will have to be outside. Unless you use the back area of the RV, where the atv storage is........or the fold out deck. I could live in a 40 footer easily, even with the wifey and dog. I have a room now, I like to call it the duty room. It's where all the tools are, along with all the various fix it things you need when you have a house. Small work bench where I clean my firearms. If I move up nort, that will disappear, no duty room up there. I'll have to construct something in the garage.
11-01-2017, 11:04 PM
My transportation mode doesn't bode well for RV's really. I really don't need a lot of space, be nice to live near where we vacation each summer, perfect would be on the lake with a great view out my work room and a 1000 yard shooting range out the other end.
Lake front and shooting range don't fit well together though unless I owned the whole lake and I don't see that happening.
11-02-2017, 08:46 AM
If we ever travel during the summer we would definitely head your way
Actually the term Man Cave is probably not a good fit. I certainly welcome woman (well you and my wife and a very select few others) into it.
But it's exactly what you describe as "personal space". It's my don't mess with anything room. Wife goes in gets what she needs, batteries, sometimes tape, a few other items but it's the one part of the house where everything goes back where it's found. I taught my kids the same thing.
Wish I could have such luck with my garage but not even close.
Wife has her adjacent room that I have to pass through to get to mine but I don't mess with her stuff there either. Actually the whole house is her space, my man cave is mine. If I leave stuff out it gets put in the man cave or bedroom or someplace. I'm ok with that.
It works good. So you coming over to visit my personal space. Maybe we should come up with a new name for man cave.
Trying to remember what Hugh Hefner called his inner sanctum. That might work.
For the record, if I was in a 40' camper for 8 or 9 months a year with my wife or any other human regardless of gender identity I'd be licking windows and lying on railroad tracks. I need a bit more space and room options.
Course the older I get the more I'd much prefer just staying home too. I like it here, I'd like it anywhere home is, just prefer to stay there.
I don't even like to go to work, I'd rather stay home.
11-02-2017, 09:48 AM
Grotto Hugh had a Grotto. My man cave is now a Grotto.
Workshop. Den. Then we be started with this Man Cave stuff. Now Grotto. Is there no end to creative ways to call in friendly fire on one's position?
11-10-2017, 04:30 PM
Went up nort for a few days. More cranes starting to show up at the preserve. A few groups of geese, and some Trumpeter swans. I was surprised...........there were actually walls up on the neighbors garage, along with a roof. There were two guys actually there for two full days getting it done. I thought for sure that they were going all wood, but I am sure after the sticker shock, they went with metal. Dark brown to match the cabin. I think that they'll regret the size. It does look kind of cheap. Hope they have a good snow rake, but they usually shut it down, and don't come up in the winter. Had some snow up there, nothing that lasted but it's here. They haven't done any concrete work yet. That would worry me if I was footin the bill. We'll see if they are going to put in a driveway. So far it doesn't look like it. The town may or may not agree with their decision. Rules and regs you know. Looks like it's time to run the snow blower and get some fresh gas.......heading up for the Thanksgiving holiday, hopefully some decent weather. Hopefully, more birds at the Preserve, the dog get's a kick out of it like the owners..................until next time.
We need a like button.
Hasn't that been suggested/brought up before?
11-28-2017, 06:12 PM
Went up nort for the Thanksgiving holiday. Stopped by the church and picked up a couple free turkey dinners at the local church, gave our usual donation, and headed home to eat. There are many people who can use that free meal, which is why we donate. More because we hope that they continue, than a real religious reason. I have to say that it wasn't quite as good as last year, but beggars can't be choosers. Turkey, mashed taters, stuffing, corn, gravy, pie. I gave the wifey my pie(that's the kind of nice guy I am) and I've never been much for turkey. I like all the other stuff. If your a senior citizen, or any age for that matter, and your low on the denaro, and you have transportation, and if you plan it right, you can get a free meal everyday somewhere. All of the towns nearby have free suppers on different nights all year round. Half are church connected and the other are just the towns doing a good thing from donations...........................a kid that had been missing since June was found by a couple of deer hunters. Coroner says it looks like suicide. He was found in an area not searched by a very large search crew....................Took the dog over to the bird refuge on Friday. Not a bird in sight, which has me baffled now. The so called weather experts say an early winter is predicted with more snow/rain, and the indicators I see say the same, but not many birds. The weather has been on the warmer side during the day, so December should/could be another month like the previous years, where they all show up at once by the thousands. We're hoping............................................ ...................The neighbors got there slab poured, and the garage looks just about complete. Surprising. With as slow as people move up there, and the problems the neighbors always seem to have, I didn't think they would finish this year. They told me since the beginning that the reason for building the garage, was to save on storage fees for the boat every year. Funny thing is, is that they had the boat parked in the yard all summer and even after construction began. Now, the boat is no where to be seen. They towed it away somewhere. I don't know if they were worried that it was going to snow or what, but they are defeating the whole purpose of the garage for what ever reason. I'll never understand some people's reasoning. Luckily it's not my job.................The weather was nice enough a couple of the days, that we got some deck time with the mutt and soaked up some sun. The dog loves the decks and would just lay there day and night if possible. Three does came out Fri. morning and were brunching out on my crap field. Getting chased around by those pesky bucks can make a girl hungry. They keep an eye on any movement in the house, but they don't look too worried. More the dog than anything else................Got all snow removal equip. started, oil changed and ready for another one. Getting to hate winter more and more each year. I like the rest of the seasons, so I have to put up with this one. With a bit of greenery, I'd take fall year round..............I used to think that lawyers were the most overpaid on the planet. Now, I think dentist's have taken over first place. Had some issues with a tooth. Got some treatment. Treatment didn't work, dentist thinks I cracked a root. The tooth was a crown that had a root canal. Cracked a root? I had never heard of that happening. $5500 for a bridge, $6200 for a post. One tooth. If it was in the back, I would say pull it, but it's not. Now I've got decisions. Yeah, they took over first place..................................a few neighbors have their Xmas lights out, looks nice, very minimal. The next door neighbor has one blue tree in the middle of nowhere in the woods, very cool. He has 2 pink flamingos by his mailbox, so go figure. My 85 year old neighbor down the road went crazy last year with the 3 d stuff. I see now he has a lot more things in the front yard, but I have yet to see them in the dark. Next time..................................until next time.
11-28-2017, 06:27 PM
I don't play dentist games and haven't for quite a while. If it hurts out it comes. I look like I come from Arkansas but even though I have insurance I ain't playing.
Might get me some of them fake choppers one of these days, not the wooden ones like George Washington had but them new fangled plastic jobs that kind of look like real teeth.
Back when I had just one dentist he's refuse to yank. Now I go to clinic so you never know what your gonna get. I think they are a training station as they don't seem to stay around long. Probably open their own offices after making a million or so in 6 months.
Some really cute ones too but we don't need to go there.
I think mebbe I'd be missin' out on these updates is a big reason I done not be lettin' da cancer kill me.
12-11-2017, 06:07 PM
Got back from up nort today...............................about a 5 degree difference in the temp. between north and south. Being close to the big lake(MICHIGAN) it's a tad warmer. Up nort, we're close to the second and fourth largest lakes in Wisconsin, but apparently, it doesn't have as much effect...............No birds at the sanctuary, and that's not good news. It means it's been warmer later in to the year the past few years, but this year it got cold earlier. Had a bit of snow, and it was single digits a couple of nights............................................ .......Looks like the neighbors garage is finished. I don't know if they put gravel down, or just sand, but they have 2 driveways now. One to the garage and the other skirts my property on the opposite side. I would hope that they checked out the local rules and regs, because you have to put down at least 6 inches of gravel if you're going to have a driveway......................saw many areas where you can see deer tracks and rabbit tracks, with prints that look like a smaller dog, which would be coyotes running right along side. Lots of coyotes this year. Up there it's basically shoot them on site , and they have contests and pay for hides. People up nort don't like them for the obvious reasons. They kill deer, especially the younger one's, and they get a lot of people's dogs, along with any other animals or birds they have around. They do get rid of mice and rats, so they're not all bad. I figure, they've got to eat too.......................................Picked up a copy of the local small town rag and the front page had the headline " Elroy Chief of Police's toddler accidently shoots himself in stomach with handgun." Elroy is a small town about 12 miles away from me. Me thinks that there are some questions to be answered. They said that the kid was 3 years old, and did it with the fathers firearm. When the paper contacted the City Administrator, it was no comment. When the father was interim Chief in 2015, he was put on administrative leave after an investigation revealed that he was at a party where minors had been served alcohol. Somehow, this doesn't sound like it's going to turn out well for somebody.......................................... ...................otherwise, it was a cold, beautiful, quiet 4 days. Heading back up for Xmas. Until next time.............................................. ...........
12-11-2017, 08:50 PM
^^^^ living near the Cuyahoga National Park (where we are not allowed to hunt), we are overrun with deer. Their greatest predator is cars. Other than that, we got lotsa coyotes and even a couple big cats moving in. Around here they are doing much more good than harm. Just keep your dog in at night.
There was a deer carcass in the field next door once. Maybe a pack of coyotes got it or more likely it died there after getting hit by a car. Regardless, the coyotes were feeding on that carcass every night for a while. They drove my dogs nuts. We got one of them electric fences that the dogs will not cross. They would stand there on their side of the fence barking their heads off. And the coyotes were just 50 feet away whining and howling back. Great fun!
Enjoy it up Nort. Sounds like paradise. But steer clear of Elroy.
12-12-2017, 09:40 AM
That Cuyahoga Park and valley looks like a gem amongst the living. We don't have a deer shortage either. My property is covered with tracks. If I was a hunter, I could just sit on my back deck and wait. I'd get one every year.........I notice down in the city, the cops and sheriff's look reasonably fit. Up nort, many of them look like the only time they could give chase, is if there was more than one kind of donut at the buffet table. Also, in the city they are very aggressive, and have a lousy attitude. Up nort, they slow things down, and aren't in too much of a hurry, more like when they get around to it. When I complained about some of my signage missing last year, the sheriff wouldn't even walk back to see where they were(about 100 yds.). I usually don't have too much knock against LE, but many of them seem to have graduated 149th out of 150th in their class, the Jethro Bodine School of Coppin. It's a shame because the wifey and I have been to Elroy many times and it's a quaint little town.
12-12-2017, 10:13 AM
Just got caught by a county cop yesterday driving my SXS on the road. Illegal in my neck of the woods here in Wisconsin. I explained that I was just stiring up the gearbox oil before I changed it and was not going to run down the county road that he was on. He just said it was good I wasn't going out on the county rd and asked for no ID and gave me no dressing down. Very reasonable since the road I was on was not legal in the SXS either.
12-12-2017, 12:56 PM
My road is also an ATV illegal road.....................people still drive them on the road, but no one complains until they start getting stupid, like last year. 2 people were reported for going like a bat out of hell, and there are kids around down the way. I believe the fine is $748...........don't ask me why they just didn't make it $750.
Okay, I'll bite. Why didn' they just make it $750?
I'm such an ass!
12-12-2017, 08:20 PM
That would be excessive. 748 is reasonable. Rediculous compared to speeding fines.
12-13-2017, 10:11 AM
Our road happens to be a non ATV road. There are tons of ATV roads around. Our area must have decided(I wasn't a part of the decision) that they don't want to listen to them all day long. My neighbor down the road has an ATV(he's 85) and he drives it around. He says if they want to fine him, go ahead. He keeps an eye on other people's properties which is fine with most. The problem being that these ATV owners have to go as fast as they can. I live on a dead end, and I have seen them hit my circle at probably close to 60 miles an hour, fast enough to go up on two wheels. If they don't make the turn, guess who's property they are going to tear up. Same with snowmobiles, not allowed, but once again, if they respect the area, because they are operating on other's private properties, no one makes a stink. They like to tear up other's properties, so, they get called in. The whole area is nothing but ATV and snowmobile heaven. They have multitudes of places to use both. Can't respect other's properties or cause dangerous situations, your going to get called in. Simple really. I wish they would raise the fines to a couple thousand. Would stop the crap in a minute.
12-13-2017, 11:06 AM
Most cops and I assume this would apply nationwide, take in the circumstances. As in dustnchips case, he wasn't doing anything crazy, probably not going fast or damaging property, so no ticket, no hassle, off you go.
Stopping a guy going 60 or ripping up somebodies property, they get the citation and probably a verbal thrashing.
Years ago in my vertical days I tool my 400 Suzuki for a quick trip down the road, dirt bike, not legal, I only wanted to make sure it ran before I put it on the truck and went someplace to ride it. Course neighbors called the cops (probably democrats from California) and the cops actually showed up.
I only made one pass down and back and was done. Officer shows up and talks to them for a bit and then of course comes over to chat with me.
I told him what I had done and my reason for doing so. He was totally understanding. Told me to act like I was getting my arse chewed out, put my head down and act sorrowful. He pointed his finger like he was poking me in the chest all the while asking about reed valves on his mikuni carburetor on his Kawasaki.
Many towns around us are suddenly putting up for vote the idea of making riding ATV's on public roads legal. I'm not sure where it's coming from, haven't heard any talk about it or anybody even advocating it. Seems weird.
Funny about the Suzuki dirt bike thing.
Many years ago (I was 15 yrs old), I crossed the road on my Suzuki 250 motocross bike sitting side saddle with the engine running, and in 1st gear. Just too lazy to walk it across.
A young pup LEO patrolling on his Harley saw me, and being full of piss and vinegar, he gave me a citation. I only crossed from our driveway to the private property directly across the street.
Didn't matter - he cut me no slack.
Fast forward 15 years, and I had become his Chief.
Karma. :cool:
12-13-2017, 03:00 PM
I had a high speed pursuit with a county deputy on my Honda Mini Trail 70 when I was in the 13 or 14 age range. Was giving my sister a ride to her friends house. About a block on a main drag and then onto a side street. Deputy timed it just right and saw me on the main drag.
I got to the side street and opened her up but with my sister on the back we didn't have no get up and go. Told her to jump off and go between some houses into the woods and she could circle back home easy.
She wouldn't jump off, figured they would shoot me or something and I'd go down like Bonnie and Clyde. Still mad about that. I could have easily eluded if she would have got off.
Turns out they thought it was great fun, didn't give me a ticket or even chew me out, felt sorry for me that my sister wouldn't get off.
Just told me to ride on the green belt along the main road and they didn't care if I rode on the side street. Didn't give my sister no more rides after that.
12-27-2017, 01:35 PM
Got back from up nort yesterday. Not a lot of snow, so no snow removal needed. Good for me. Problem was, we basically had to huddle in the homestead, because the thermometer never got above 9 degrees, and the 23rd through the time we left, never got above 2 degrees. With the wind chill, it was around -23 degrees for 3 days..........................................They 're basically done cutting trees behind us, and just have a few huge piles of roots to get rid of. I saw the well drilling equipment on site a few weeks ago, but I believe that this weather made them forget about it until next year. They did drag in the huge sprayer on wheels............................................ .....With all of those trees gone, we get a lot more light and sun, which a a double edged sword. Good in the winter, not as good in the summer. We still have a lot of trees and bush, so it's not like it's bare of trees, it just used to be better. We see more of the sunset, and hear the trains, which have become a bit louder...................Our mutt Maggie has been frustrated because of the cold. She doesn't get the usual walks, and can't spend much time outside. This kind of weather freezes pup's paws. I refuse to buy her booties, I don't even have booties. I see people walking their dog's for too long in this weather. I realize that their paws can take a lot more than say our feet, but when it's this cold out, it's dangerous for man and beast. I honestly don't know how the animals survive these cold snaps. It's paws and beaks, and ears freezing time.............................................. .My nearest neighbor to the northwest is a Vietnam vet. The reason I mention this is, the wife was walking the dog and bumped into him on the way back, when he was out shoveling. I don't have the exact story, and the wife said she was trying to be polite at -20 below, and just wanted to get back in the house. Apparently, my neighbor had fathered a child while serving his country, and serving something else. It wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence. Since my neighbor is 70 yrs. old, I am assuming that his son is a fully grown man. That was confirmed when the wife said that the son had children. From what we can determine so far, apparently the son found out where his father was. Now, he says he's going to bring them all over here, to live with him. He said that he's going to have to figure out how to put an addition on a log house. With the weather getting to be like it is now, it would have to be a well insulated addition...............................if this does happen, the wife and I feel for them. They are going to have nothing but difficulties with the people, the language, getting employment, etc. I don't know how much longer my neighbor will be with the living, but if they don't get accustomed real fast, they could be left in the dark. At least in that area, they will have a very tough time of it. Unfortunately, there are many who would wish that they would stay in their own country. Who knows, they may be having just as hard a time in their own country. We'll see what happens................We'll be heading up again next week. It doesn't look like there is much snow in the forecast, but the temp looks like it's going to stay cold for a while....................................until later.
Not as bad, but it turned single digit/teens cold here, also. Right at the solstice. I 've had to dig out my winter shorts.
01-08-2018, 09:03 PM
Got back from up nort today. Actually, nothing too eventful. Quiet, ice cold until Sun. when it hit 29. The dog was a bit disappointed because of the cold, she didn't get enough walking in. The neighbors had really nice decorations this year. Down the road was my 86 yr. old neighbor with his 4 or 5 3D rigs in the yard. My neighbor to the east had some nice ones also. I kinda still like my closest neighbors decoration the best. One lone blue tree in the woods back behind his cabin...................Had some damn fine soup. If there's one thing the wife CAN cook, it's soup. We both like soups a lot. Could be the perfect food??? With some good bread??? Cabbage soup, pepper soup, chicken soup, tomato soup, cauliflower soup, pork soup, vegetable soup, you name it, we can make a soup out of it. This last trip was leftover cabbage beef soup, and cauliflower soup. No, surprisingly, there isn't a "fog" hanging in the house. We cook the "$#!t out of it. I can read minds................until next time.
01-20-2018, 03:37 AM
I feel for you all with your cold winter. We had our coldest winter in quite a few years. The temperature dropped to about 18°C, or 64°F in your units. Brrrr. I had to rug up to go out sailing hahaha
Life is good.
01-23-2018, 11:24 AM
Got back from up nort yesterday...............................crazy weather for winter. It poured rain all of Sunday night in to Monday, and had lakes of water/ice everywhere. We had to put a heater in the well pump house to try to keep it somewhat dry, in case the temp was going to drop. Fortunately, we have some warmer weather and sun for the next week, so hopefully, things dry out. The garage door froze to the cement, and there was ice everywhere. Had to tiptoe around to keep from falling down. This has been the weirdest weather since we've owned the place. We were right on the weather cusp. We got the rain/ice, and north of us got 14" of snow. I don't know which is worse.........Pretty boring football games on Sunday. The Patriots game was the most interesting I guess......................Found some interesting footprints on the property which shouldn't have been there. They went across the driveway and ended at the opposite edge of the property right before the woods. I've been wanting to get a trail cam for quite some time, and have been waiting for a sale. No sense getting a cheap one, because the optics just aren't that good. There is no good reason for anyone to be snooping around. They were smaller prints, more from a woman than a man, or someone younger........................ I had to snow blow for the first time this year. It wasn't too bad. I'm glad I did. I could have waited for the warmer weather and rain to melt it, but the lakes would have been larger....................It looks like the neighbors actually brought their boat back and put it in the new garage. Saw tire tracks in the snow. It was quiet and I didn't see any of the neighbors so I didn't get any info/gossip............................until next time...........
04-03-2018, 02:11 PM
It's been a while.......................................I was going to head up nort this week, but we're supposed to get up to 10-12 inches of snow up, we were up a couple of weeks ago. Almost all of the snow was melted, and it almost looked like spring. I went over to the neighbor's house, because I had seen him working outside. He has built a small wooden workshop on skids, I guess to avoid taxes on another building? Very nice with windows and insulation, and a nice small wood burner. It was a kit, and I guess, about $6000 denaro. I was then invited in, to see his house for the first time. I had seen pictures of it on line, but it just didn't do it justice. I don't know why he decided to show me his house(inside) for the first time that day, but I went with it. Log cabin, all wood outside and inside. The last owner was basically a slob, but the place cleaned up great. He did a lot of hard work on the place, and it looks nice. I guess that his son and wife and 2 children will be arriving from Vietnam in May. He has the whole basement made up nice for them, and the pellet stove is right there. He has no idea what they can and cannot do. He's going to stay upstairs, they will stay downstairs, and the main floor is for one and all. He seems very excited about the whole thing, I think he likes people around. I guess that his son can have a job immediately at the cranberry bogs. This is cranberry country up here and Ocean Spray and many others are up here.........................................he takes me up stairs and it was the best part. A nice loft bedroom, and sitting area taking up the whole upstairs, but that wasn't the good part. I can see rifles hanging on the walls. Not just one, but many, and many of them were gifts made to him. He would never spend that much of his own money on all those rifles. They were all in mint condition. Because of how they were mounted, you couldn't see all of them from just one angle, so I didn't see all of them. I am no rifle expert, so I didn't know exactly what I was looking at, but they were beautiful guns. It looked like a couple of large bore lever actions rifles, and a few smaller bore lever actions. The one that caught my eye was on the opposite wall. Short rifle, octagonal barrel, dark wood with horizontal striations of a lighter wood. Tiger maple???????? A spark and bang. I remember him telling me a bit of a story about how he got it from a woman DNR person. It was her husbands, who got it from some other relative. She gave it to my neighbor, apparently liking him a lot. I didn't get the whole story, or any other stories about the other rifles. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Maybe next time, I'll hit em up on some rifles again. If I had to guess, I'd say that the rifle was from as early as the late 1700's but most likely from early to middle of the 1800's. It was in such beautiful condition, it looked new. I asked if it had ever been redone, and my neighbor said that her husband would have never owned a redone firearm. I remember talking about how it was the perfect size for the woods and on a horse. I believe the caliber was in the 30's.........................he told me that the neighbors were pissed because they still had to pay for storage for their boat this year, because the guy that built their garage took too long in to the season. My neighbor went over and asked them how much they had paid for the garage, but they wouldn't tell him. He said it looks nice and I agreed. Then it got fuzzy...........................he said that it ought to look nice, they're contractors. I said, "What". He said, "yeah, they're contractors". Why??????????? I said that I know them as Dan and Bob. They're relatives of someone who owns a famous bar up nort. Dan is an engineer, and Bob used to work in the steel mills, but now works in a spring factory. My neighbor looked dumbfounded. I said " Who's zoomin who?".................................................. .........we're hoping that the snow melts up nort, before our next trip. Gotta ask some more about those rifles. I knew that he deer hunted, and carried a 44 mag when in the woods, but these.................................till next time............
04-03-2018, 05:21 PM
Sounds like a good neighbor! I'd love to take a look at the rifles myself. Before the avalanche my long guns out numbered my side arms probably 4 to 1.
About damn time we got an update. :) Neighbor sounds great.
04-03-2018, 08:07 PM
Almost makes me want to move up Nort.....Nay, no way.. but keep the saga going.
04-03-2018, 09:22 PM
I know the torment of meeting a guy with guns like that. You want to ask questions and hear the story of every single one but you also don't want to wear out your welcome or come across like your casing the place.
I tell everyone who visits (before the sink hole struck) to look, behold, enjoy but forget where you seen em as soon as you cross the threshold.
04-04-2018, 01:18 AM
I know the torment of meeting a guy with guns like that. You want to ask questions and hear the story of every single one but you also don't want to wear out your welcome or come across like your casing the place.
I tell everyone who visits (before the sink hole struck) to look, behold, enjoy but forget where you seen em as soon as you cross the threshold.
How many of you remember the day/night/afternoon when your mother-in-law (or anyone else you have a great relationship with, and would give a real answer) asked, How many guns do you have?) ? And, you immediately looked at the ceiling while doing mental calculations?
When I meet someone like the man mentioned above, I ask I have a LOT of questions because Im genuinely interested, AND Im in awe, at this moment. Exactly how many questions can I ask before we need to schedule another gun tour? Remember..., he initiated the conversation...
In my experience, you dont know a person owns guns, unless that person also knows you are interested or own some yourself, AND HE/SHE WANTS TO SHOW THEM TO YOU.
SO, similar to Bawanna, (Ill show you a lot, if not everything, and I hope you enjoy it. But, there is a code. That code says that you will forget what you see, until we meet/speak again.
04-04-2018, 08:53 AM
I can verify that the two of us are the only real firearm owners in the area. My neighbor down the road shoots Russian rifles with his sons, but just has one for protection. I am also aware of the code. Loose lips sink friendships, and although I don't like all of his bird feeders(attracts bears) if that's the only issue I have, I'm lucky so far. I'm a good neighbor. I usually just don't drop by unless I'm invited, and we're quiet as a church mouse.......unless I feel like going out back and ripping off a few.:p
04-04-2018, 09:42 AM
I recall all the dropped jaws at a dept retreat 15 years ago or so before the sink hole and all. They kind of roasted new guys. I'd been here 5 or 6 years but hadn't been to a retreat before. They put you up front and pepper you with questions, kind of a get to know you kind of thing.
One asked how many guns I had, went in to that look at the ceiling thing mentioned above and told him more than the department has.
It was a lot, but alas that damn sink hole followed by the devastating flooding, lost it all.
We will rebuild.
04-04-2018, 01:50 PM
Well, you guys have your avalanches, floods, & sinkholes.
Down here some of us are foolish enough to go deep sea fishin' on the Gulf with our entire collections.
04-04-2018, 02:27 PM
I imagine that would be a tough thing. All that salt air. Leave the dock with a bunch of fine guns and get back with a bucket of rust and some sea bass........
Sad and not a very good trade off me thinks.
I imagine that would be a tough thing. All that salt air. Leave the dock with a bunch of fine guns and get back with a bucket of rust and some sea bass........
Sad and not a very good trade off me thinks.
Yeppers. A similar big reason S&W, god bless 'em, invented the Model 60. Damn jungle environment was seriously hard on the blued Chief Specials.
So berettabone, do you happen to remember anything else about the kit your neighbor built his workshop out of? Was it just something that he picked up at Home Depot or Lowes and then built himself the "skid" to build it on? Or were the skid materials part of the kit? Were it me, details of his shop would have left my mind soon after seeing his collection, so if you don't recall I would not be surprised.
I have plenty of room for a small shop but with the way my house, utilities, and drainfield are situation on my property placing it is a challenge. The idea of having it on skids is appealing and might help me in my particular situation. Also do you know the approximate dimensions of it?
04-05-2018, 04:15 PM
I didn't ask too many questions. He didn't say where he got the kit from. I am guessing it's about 12'x10'. He put it on wooden skids. The skids were not part of the kit. His words were putting it on skids would keep him from paying more property tax because it wasn't a permanent structure. I don't know if I buy that, but we'll see. I'll see if I can get more info next time around.
Thank you Sir. I can believe what he says about the taxes. We have something similar here. If your structure is less than 200sqft and/or not permanent you don't need a building permit. Not exactly sure about the taxes but given that here they don't classify structures that are lacking a foundation as permanent I would not be surprised to learn that they would not levy taxes on it.
The skids are interesting to me because the best place I could place a small structure is over my water and power lines coming from my well and the electric box to my house. If it could be dragged I could conceivably move it in the event I had to dig up either.
If you do happen to remember to ask him I'd appreciate it.
04-16-2018, 06:11 PM
I got back from up nort today after heading up on Friday. We were going to go up the week before, but the weather was supposed to be horrible. High winds, 12" of snow. We get there this time and of course it's bone dry. No snow, no nothing but beautiful clear property. Then Saturday afternoon it starts. Snow cone ice starts falling. By Sunday afternoon, there's six inches of ice on everything. Luckily, all of our utilities are underground, but it wreaks havoc on trees. Listened to ice fall for basically 24 hrs. straight. Then the temp drops, and it turns to snow. 8" worth on top of 6 " of ice. Green Bay, Wi got 18".....................I didn't feel like dealing with any of it, so I didn't. Comes time to leave and I tell the wifey that we should just be able to pack up and drive out over the top of the snow/ice. Wrong..........I get stuck in the driveway, and was lucky to get the car back in the pole barn. Now I'm pissed off. POS Honda, with the kick down tranny when the tires spin is useless in icy snow, or any kind of snow for that matter. Absolutely no traction. I'm forced to fire up the snow blower, which I thought I was done with this year, and cut some tracks. The wife said that the last time she heard language come out of my mouth like that, was also snow related. Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to talk to my neighbor................maybe next time..............
04-16-2018, 06:16 PM
^^^ youre making me glad that our up nort is down south. :rolleyes:
A ton of snow over a thick sheet of ice and you're blaming the Honda? Now that there is just funny. :)
I bought my first 4x4 truck in 1975. Pretty much haven't been without one since.
I got back from up nort today after heading up on Friday. We were going to go up the week before, but the weather was supposed to be horrible. High winds, 12" of snow. We get there this time and of course it's bone dry. No snow, no nothing but beautiful clear property. Then Saturday afternoon it starts. Snow cone ice starts falling. By Sunday afternoon, there's six inches of ice on everything. Luckily, all of our utilities are underground, but it wreaks havoc on trees. Listened to ice fall for basically 24 hrs. straight. Then the temp drops, and it turns to snow. 8" worth on top of 6 " of ice. Green Bay, Wi got 18".....................I didn't feel like dealing with any of it, so I didn't. Comes time to leave and I tell the wifey that we should just be able to pack up and drive out over the top of the snow/ice. Wrong..........I get stuck in the driveway, and was lucky to get the car back in the pole barn. Now I'm pissed off. POS Honda, with the kick down tranny when the tires spin is useless in icy snow, or any kind of snow for that matter. Absolutely no traction. I'm forced to fire up the snow blower, which I thought I was done with this year, and cut some tracks. The wife said that the last time she heard language come out of my mouth like that, was also snow related. Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to talk to my neighbor................maybe next time..............
Glad you had food, shelter, and heat to see you through. You never know, it might be a good thing that you didn't make it to the road. Sounds like some nasty driving weather for sure. Would have been way worse except for the global warming....
04-16-2018, 07:09 PM
I got back from up nort today after heading up on Friday. We were going to go up the week before, but the weather was supposed to be horrible. High winds, 12" of snow. We get there this time and of course it's bone dry. No snow, no nothing but beautiful clear property. Then Saturday afternoon it starts. Snow cone ice starts falling. By Sunday afternoon, there's six inches of ice on everything. Luckily, all of our utilities are underground, but it wreaks havoc on trees. Listened to ice fall for basically 24 hrs. straight. Then the temp drops, and it turns to snow. 8" worth on top of 6 " of ice. Green Bay, Wi got 18".....................I didn't feel like dealing with any of it, so I didn't. Comes time to leave and I tell the wifey that we should just be able to pack up and drive out over the top of the snow/ice. Wrong..........I get stuck in the driveway, and was lucky to get the car back in the pole barn. Now I'm pissed off. POS Honda, with the kick down tranny when the tires spin is useless in icy snow, or any kind of snow for that matter. Absolutely no traction. I'm forced to fire up the snow blower, which I thought I was done with this year, and cut some tracks. The wife said that the last time she heard language come out of my mouth like that, was also snow related. Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to talk to my neighbor................maybe next time..............
WELL, the convict normally comes up with his own language when things like that OCCUR!
04-17-2018, 09:28 AM
Yeah, arrived home to be greeted with a snowed in/plowed in vehicle. Same ole, same and snow on top. Just going to leave it for now. More language.........:p
04-17-2018, 09:57 AM
Our annual trip to SW Colorado was snowless this past Christmas, but my son got married just north of Columbus, Ohio, mid January. We drove up there, leaving about 12 hours earlier than planned because a big winter storm was coming in. We beat it there then had lots of Winter Storm Hunter. I got to play around in a big parking lot practicing slides, spins, and drifting, with recoveries. I love my AWD GMC Savana Van. I put a bed frame in the back and we spent the first night there in the Hollywood Casino parking garage. That's camping out... that and Rest Areas... for us these days. We left town as the edge of Winter Storm Inga arrived there. We saw bad accidents and traffic backed up on the other side, but we outran the storm in a few hours and had a nice drive back. It has been cooler lately, but we've seen temps approaching 90 a few times. Yesterday I had some shopping to do and took that opportunity to go over to the top of the dune at the beach. It was a beautiful day with temperature at 71 and about a 10-mph wind from the West. :-) Sunny and 61° now. Jacksonville Beach yesterday: g?_nc_cat=0&oh=f82771dde6bdc530e4d34720392c75fa&oe=5B6716B5
04-17-2018, 11:24 AM
I sure want me one of them AWD Savanna's myself but so far it just ain't happening for me. The search continues.
Your looking mighty fine with the whiskers and all.
04-17-2018, 11:48 AM
^^^ thems whiskers? I thought the picture was upside down. :rolleyes:
04-17-2018, 12:19 PM
Danged selfies and whiskers make my face look fatter. :D
04-17-2018, 01:05 PM
Arms aren't long enough.
I had to have my granddaughter (3) show me how to turn the flashlight (torch) on with my new phone. I asked if she knew how, she asked if I did, I said of course but wanted her to show me. She did, now I know how. Damn kids.
Arms aren't long enough.
I had to have my granddaughter (3) show me how to turn the flashlight (torch) on with my new phone. I asked if she knew how, she asked if I did, I said of course but wanted her to show me. She did, now I know how. Damn kids.
Now that there is just...crying sad.
05-07-2018, 11:42 AM
Got back from up nort yesterday. A bit of rain at night, but 4 days of high 70's to low 80's temps. Had 4 does feeding outside my bedroom window. Could have reached out and touched them. Beautiful. Unfortunately, the idiot dog from down the way had to come over while my wifey was trying to walk the dog. Heard the commotion, and tore out of the house in socks. People who let their dogs run loose don't understand that a dog on a leash feels unable to protect itself from an aggressive dog, and gets pissed off. Well, that's what happened. After chasing the dog off of my property, with rocks and sticks, I could hear the owner calling the dog, which he's been doing for 4 years now, and still doesn't realize that the dog doesn't listen. So, I walked a bit down the road so he could hear me. I called him a few choice words, asked him why he built a large fenced in area on his property, then leaves the gate open. Told him I was sick of people like him who try to skate through life with an IQ of 7. Then I told him that the next time his dog comes on my property, I will kill it. Period. Hate to be that way, but I am tired of irresponsible owners. So I have to take it in to my own hands. We'll see how this goes. The neighbor down the road with the pit bulls must have gotten the word from the new neighbors down their way. I guess the dogs were coming across the way and screwing around with his garbage. Hopefully they told them the same thing I told my neighbor. I haven't seen them out a chance to talk to my near neighbor for just a couple minutes. He's planning on trying to start a bit of a lawn for his Vietnamese visitors, who should be arriving the end of May. He was destumping the smaller trees in the yard. He's also getting an area ready for a garden. His son, who lives up there in a small town about 45 minutes away has a very large garden. I happen to have about 30 round steel tree/veggie protectors with stakes sitting in my garage, and offered them up since I have no use for them. I could get plenty of organic veggies in trade. I asked about his workshop. I know this probably won't help much. He bought it from a Antique/restoration place outside of Sparta, Wi. They had 3 different models assembled out front. They must have someone making them for them. It's 10' by 12'. Stained wood, don't know what kind. Metal roof, small porch on front. No insulation. Came with all attachment pieces, screws, nails, etc. $8600. I believe that they had it sitting on skids, and he talked them in to including the skids. Seemed a bit stiff for my blood. I would think that if you shopped around, you could find something just as well made for less. Delivered.................I have to start figuring out what I'm going to do about a lawn mower. Heading back up soon. We'll see what the next trials and tribulations will be. The older I get, the less patience I have for pretty much everything that's negative. I may just take the blow gun up there. Very stealthy, very accurate, very quiet, and with a good blow, the spring steel darts will go through a tin can at 20 ft. If you shoot it at drywall, you have to get the pliers to pull them out. Next time, if I'm not in jail......:p
Thanks for checking on your neighbor's shelter for me. I do see those types of pre-builts around here but have not seen them offered as a kit. They may be though. Either way they would look better than a cargo container and I wouldn't have the issue with condensation that the containers do.
Bad thing about the darts is that they're gonna stick in whatever you hit with them. Something to think about there. But, who needs a neighbor's dogs on their property? I sure wouldn't want it happening to me.
05-07-2018, 02:43 PM
I use the little plastic blunt projectiles with my blow gun. Haven't had to use it for years, no dogs or other blow gunnable things to shoot at.
Last one my wife got. Hit the dog right on the nose with one of them blunts, never did see that one again.
Last one for me was a pitbull, nice dog, kind of liked him but chewed anything it could get it's mouth on. Chewed lots of stuff. Go to his house just down the street and the owner would answer the door checkbook in hand to replace whatever he chewed.
He was up one day when I was building something and chewed the cord off my wormdrive saw. I made a cut, put it down, picked up a second later to make another cut and no go. Checked the plug, still plugged in, noticed the cord chewed in half. No pitbull and never came to visit again neither.
Had to hurt something awful I expect. I never did like getting electrocuted. If I ever cross over the other side, hang me, don't fire up ole sparky.
05-07-2018, 02:55 PM
Thanks for checking on your neighbor's shelter for me. I do see those types of pre-builts around here but have not seen them offered as a kit. They may be though. Either way they would look better than a cargo container and I wouldn't have the issue with condensation that the containers do.
Bad thing about the darts is that they're gonna stick in whatever you hit with them. Something to think about there. But, who needs a neighbor's dogs on their property? I sure wouldn't want it happening to me. He also put a small wood burner in it, and it has a couple of windows also. As far as the darts, that's the general idea.:o
05-07-2018, 03:06 PM
I use the little plastic blunt projectiles with my blow gun. Haven't had to use it for years, no dogs or other blow gunnable things to shoot at.
Last one my wife got. Hit the dog right on the nose with one of them blunts, never did see that one again.
Last one for me was a pitbull, nice dog, kind of liked him but chewed anything it could get it's mouth on. Chewed lots of stuff. Go to his house just down the street and the owner would answer the door checkbook in hand to replace whatever he chewed.
He was up one day when I was building something and chewed the cord off my wormdrive saw. I made a cut, put it down, picked up a second later to make another cut and no go. Checked the plug, still plugged in, noticed the cord chewed in half. No pitbull and never came to visit again neither.
Had to hurt something awful I expect. I never did like getting electrocuted. If I ever cross over the other side, hang me, don't fire up ole sparky. They make the cone ends for the darts. Catch more air. I've even seen nice miniature broad heads. I have a 6 footer, and I use plastic beads with a center hole. Just heat up the end of the spring steel and when it's red, slide it right in to the center of the bead. The darts fly pretty straight the first couple of shots, until the spring steel gets a bend in it from impact. If you find them. If you want to get nasty, you just heat them enough to stay on. Whatever you hit, the bead will pop off on impact and you won't have anything to grab on to, to pull it out. I've had the blowgun for probably 35-40 years. When I was a lot younger, we used to practice with it and could hit a soup can from 30-35 ft. with power. It has come in handy over the years a few times.
05-29-2018, 07:53 PM
Got back from up nort yesterday...
.blistering heat. Mid to high 90's for 4 days. I have never seen the mosquitoes and ticks so bad, since we first started going there. Our average for this time of year is a bit over 3 inches of rain for the month. We're over 6 inches and the month isn't over yet. The poor dog got bit to hell every time she had to use the ladies room...
...It doesn't help that I haven't mowed the yard yet because of no mower. The grass is getting taller by the minute. I decided to have a guy pick up my dinosaur mower, and see if it can be fixed. I am hoping that I can stretch it out a few more years. I really don't want to have to shell out for a new mower. Fingers crossed...
..Didn't see or hear any Vietnamese children at the neighbor's place. They were supposed to be here by the end of the month. He had his small camper out front for sale. I know that he's trying to recoup some cash that he's spent, preparing for his arrivals. It's nothing I would do, but I give him credit for what he's doing, which is taking some kind of responsibility for bringing a human in to this world, and giving them a better life...
..Got a fried chicken dinner Fri. night from the Roadhouse. All white, with slaw, and extra broasted potatoes. Always good. On Sat. we picked up homemade cabbage rolls from the Polish deli, also always good. Ate good, slept good, bugs were really bad, but all in all, a good trip...
..until next time.
05-30-2018, 08:32 PM
If it ever got into the 90's here I'd have to believe we are being sucked in close to the sun! We crack 80 about 4-5 times a year and that is too much for me. Also, no ticks, fleas or mosquitos here. Too high for the ticks and fleas and no standing water close enough for the mosquitos.
Have I ever said I love where we live (state politics aside)?
06-11-2018, 07:51 PM
Got back from up nort today...................eventually. If you ever drive a distance, try it at between 50 and 55 mph, and see how oh so long it takes to get back.............................................. .Got up nort early for a change, and there was my lawnmower sitting along the side of the house. Tarped, and ready to go. The place I took it to said that the wire from the solenoid was jinged up, so they put in a new wire and fuse, a new battery and it was running. It started right up, and it was mowing and running very well, considering that the grass was over knee high. Got to the opposite side of the house where it died the last time, and it needed fuel like the last time, so I headed for the garage and filled her up. Went back to my mowing, and I $#!t you not, it dies in the exact same spot as last time. This time, I didn't see smoke, but could smell that something fried again. Un fricken real, was not happy. Called them up, and they picked it back up today. I was already heading back, so I didn't get a chance to talk to whoever picked it up. I managed to get most of the grass cut, which was good, because the mosquitoes and ticks were still pretty bad. I should have known that the latest mower incident was some kind of bad ju ju
..talked to the neighbor and found out that the other neighbors have been letting their dog run around again, on my property of course. I guess it's time to get bad...
.We're cruising down the expressway about a third of the way home, at about 80 mph in a 70 limit. There aren't too many LE on the highway, so it's pretty safe. We come upon a slight curve with a semi in the right lane doing about 55 mph. We are in the left lane and proceeding to pass this thing. All of a sudden, in the middle of the lane was a couple skid loads of coiled pipe. I had no where to go. The wife saw it about a second after I did. I couldn't go right because of the truck, and I couldn't go left because the pipe covered the whole lane. Just no where to go. We both prepared for impact, not knowing what kind of pipe it was. I still don't know what type of pipe it was. Kabbooooooom
...front tire done. Luckily, we were right by a type of emergency area which they sometimes have, on the left side of the highway, just for wonderful occasions like this. I managed to keep control of the car. The way it felt, it was like some kind of hard PVC type stuff, because it kind of exploded. Heard all sorts of bad noises underneath at impact. The wifey has AAA, which we have gotten our $$$$worth out of over the years. They were there in a half hour, put my doughnut tire on, and told me where a tire store was on the way back. Love that AAA. The tire had a 2 inch dia.hole in the side wall. I told the wifey it was just our luck. Somehow, a piece turned completely sideways, and punctured the side of the tire. Otherwise, we could have just gone over it unscathed. We got off of the expressway because we didn't feel like getting run over...
.We found the tire place, but of course they didn't stock my tire, but could have one by Thurs...
.By about this time, if I would have been on a plane that ran out of gas, I would have told them not to try any fancy landing, take this b1tc# in full tilt, I don't want to be a vegetable...
...Hence my beginning statement. I said F it, and headed back to the expressway, where we had a cruising speed of between 50 and 55 mph, ticking off everybody. I had my flashers on, and stayed to the right of course, but that doesn't matter...
.a normally 2 1/2 hr. drive turned in to the equivalent of driving to Minneapolis/ St. Paul, which is in another state, about a 6 hr. drive...
..after we got back, I had a chance to look at the rim. Whatever type of pipe it was also gouged the rim where the tire needs to seat...
.Tires, aluminum rim, this could turn out to be very costly indeed...
.fed up until next time.
Ken L
06-12-2018, 07:08 AM
I feel your pain with the tire. I've blown out two and had one go severely flat but caught it before it blew. The blow outs were both on the interstate when I was going about 80, so they got changed on the side of the road which sucked big time. The one that was flat happened on a stretch of 2-lane in northwest Nebraska, and I managed to limp to a convenience store in the middle of nowhere to change it in their lot. It was about 90 degrees that day, so quite a work out.
06-13-2018, 09:28 PM
I've driven coast to coast a few time thanks to the peanut farmer with the speed limit of 55 so I feel your pain.
06-13-2018, 09:58 PM
I came back from Germany in 1986 and drove from the DC area to Colorado, got married, and then drove to San Francisco, to Castle AFB, and a few months later back through Colorado to the DC area. My wife was stationed at Andrews AFB and I was going to Loring AFB in northern Maine. She flew out to join me for the ride back, I had a 1985 Audi 4000 Quattro and we drove mostly 110 or so... had a good Escort Passport radar detector. Did get one ticket in AZ for 85mph, was just starting to accelerate after a stop. Wifey was driving on two-lane road in Kansas at 110+ and the sparrows were used to 55mph, I guess, as they swooped out for bugs over the road. I was really trying to get her to go slower, and 110 was what I got! When I got my import inspection in Maine a few weeks later, there were 3 expired sparrows in the engine area.
My van is governed to 100mph and I did test it just for grins on one of our recent trips... still works, but I generally try to stay at or below 85. I have Valentine One that tells me how many and which direction the radar signals are coming from and I keep it updated/upgraded.
I've really backed off on my speed, but don't like to poke along. I can go with the flow, though, without going nuts. I've mellowed quite a bit. I still have super reflexes and I'll be 72 soon. I sure don't feel that old!
My 2005 GMC AWD Savana has 5 full-sized aluminum wheels and I have used the spare when I tore up the right rear quarter, including the tire and wheel. When I got my second set of replacement tires November 2016, I bought 5 new tires and got a matching aluminum wheel to start 5-wheel rotation. I was afraid to keep counting on the full-sized spare and steel wheel that had never been on the ground, but was over 12 years old!
06-14-2018, 08:53 AM
I got lucky I guess...
...the gouge in the rim was just short of the seat area, so they ground it smooth and water tested it. Bought 2 new tires and put them on the front. Figures, the wifey just had them rotated. I told her, no more rotating now. Kept the other tire for emergencies. A rim was a bit short of $400, so all in all bad luck, good luck. Still waiting for word on my mower. Maybe I can get lucky #2. Just glad we didn't get hurt.
06-14-2018, 09:51 AM
Yikes... my wheels have only run about $130 to $150 used online. I got USAA to pay for my wheel and tire and I was out only the $250 deductible for about $5,000 damage with the car rental.
I was leaving the gun range and one of those long, low car trailers was partially blocking the driveway exit. I thought I had cleared it and had to turn quickly to enter the nearest lane stopped for me with two more more lanes. I felt like I had just touched the trailer and it kept getting to be more of a drag and noisier. I thought Damn, this has to be the end, but the "scrape just kept going and I had to get off the busy highway... a 6-lane divided boulevard. I pulled in front of the tow truck and saw how bad the damage was! It was like a big can opener had started with the the trailing edge of the front side door, through the rear side door about 3-4 inches deep, through the wheel well, the tire and into the rim of the wheel, finally meeting enough resistance to kick the van away a little bit.
I took pictures and everything and looked at the trailer... no apparent damage. I was okay and the driver said he would try to get better parking... and left. I felt bad that I had driven into a parked vehicle, but later I realized it was more his fault for improper/illegal parking. I caught the left rear tip of the trailer and it had no damage at all!
The first picture is of the new tires 11-06-15. The accident was on March 17, 2017. I had the van back in about 2 weeks. Parts took a while... that large right rear panel.
Anyhow, I was devastated over the damage to my vehicle and it seemed that USAA was trying to see about totaling the vehicle with all of the pictures they wanted, but could see that it was in great condition and well cared for, so they had ti fixed. I put my matching spare on the van and drove it until the dealership could get the parts in and fix everything. I was pretty lucky to have complete coverage and USAA paid for everything. I found out later that Sam's Club would have pro-rated the tire and replaced that under my road warranty with them on the 17-month old tire, but the dealership had kept the damaged tire. I had wondered about my road hazard warranty... something to consider in tire replacements.
They replaced the right rear panel and the door. Everything was like new, so I'm happy. This is my favorite vehicle ever and I love it... great for trips and can handle snow and the sandy beaches with the AWD. It was built for me in August 2004 and I got it in September, amazing me and the dealer.
GM stopped making the 1500 Vans ans no more AWD and mine has the left passenger doors, too. I would have to look for a 2014 for a replacement, the last year they made these Savanas and Chevy Expresses.
I get around 12 mpg around town and 16 to 17 on the road. I seemed to get 17.5 or better on the trip to southern Illinois and back last month, at mostly 80-85mph. It's a great travel vehicle with 7 feet of room behind the single rear seat for our bed frame and storage underneath that. And I have a cassock potty, aux battery and 2KW inverter to run our Keurig coffee maker, and a 55-qt DC cooler, so we can do overnighters or naps as needed on trips. :)
06-14-2018, 11:31 AM
I been watching for one of the last year AWD's for quite awhile.
06-14-2018, 12:09 PM
Looking for you and myself, I've seen a few nice ones and they're not cheap... loaded 2014's for $27K! <sigh> Mine has over 114K miles and is running strong, but would like to be able to stand up and turn it into an RV, but there's lots of a/c ducting and stuff in ceiling.
06-14-2018, 01:16 PM
I just called the place where my mower is. They said 2 different people ran it and cut some grass with it and didn't have a problem. He asked me how long I ran it before it died. I told him about 2 1/2 hours. He said they each ran it about 2 hrs. and didn't have any issues. Now I don't know what to believe because it definitely died, so either they screwed up the first time and don't want to admit it, or I am having delusions of non grandeur. The mystery continues.
06-14-2018, 01:19 PM
Sounds like something electrical is getting hot or something and kicking out. Be interesting to see if once it cooled a bit if it would start and run again.
Hard to believe they had two mechanics? who had time to cut grass for 2 hours testing your mower. I'm detecting a bit of a forked tongue.
06-14-2018, 01:23 PM
Looking for you and myself, I've seen a few nice ones and they're not cheap... loaded 2014's for $27K! <sigh> Mine has over 114K miles and is running strong, but would like to be able to stand up and turn it into an RV, but there's lots of a/c ducting and stuff in ceiling.
Yup, not cheap and once I got one I have to jump through hoops and rings of fire with the state to get the needed equipment in it so I can drive it.
that's usually another 20 grand plus but the state covers that if I jump through the hoops and rings of fire properly. It's a nightmare.
Even a 2014 I'd have to have a mechanic inspect it and assure them that it will not have any issues for 5 years. Course you could do that with a 52 dodge if you did the needed repairs and such. Just like any insurance, looking for an out so they don't have to pay.
06-14-2018, 01:23 PM
The word forked is close to what I was thinking.......................................... ..
06-14-2018, 01:28 PM
An old girlfriend had a van like yours but 2 wheel drive. A comfy ride which wasn't bad to drive, but it was horrible in the winters up nort here. Used to drive it to Illinois to see her parents. I can see how AWD would be a huge plus.
06-14-2018, 02:32 PM
Chains and getting stuck on a hill (I live on a big one) are just not an option for me. I don't know why I worry really, been on the hill for 30 years.
If it snows or is bad I just stay home. Work is not worth risking limb and vehicle. The issue is if it goes bad while at work. If I get reports it getting bad I bail and head for home, been real close a few times but always made it so far.
Just nice insurance to have that AWD. I'd prefer one of the aftermarket versions where they take a brand new van and put 4x4 under it but unless I win the lottery, that will never happen.
06-14-2018, 03:19 PM
I bought two sets of cable/chains to fit my tires, but may never have to use them. Chains are required sometimes in the mountains, but my van can handle just about anything.
At my son's wedding in the Columbus, OH, area mid-January, I had a chance to play in the snow in a large parking lot and do some skids and recoveries, and some awesome drifting! This was way above and beyond the Winter Storm that got there after we arrived. We left town on the leading edge of the next one... great timing!
We spent the first night in the LARGE Hollywood Casino on the western part of the Loop, so we could arrive early the next morning. We camped out in the van as planned, of course. It cost less than a motel room for our stay... not bad. :)
Ken L
06-14-2018, 05:25 PM
Next time you get up nort' and pick up the mower I'll be interested to hear where they mowed 4 hours worth of grass. I'd have them show me, to see if 1-it exists and 2-if it was similar to what you had to cut. If the mower just idled at the shop, I'd point out to the fella that it's not exactly the same as cutting grass.
06-14-2018, 05:52 PM
I think what he probably meant was that they ran it for a few hrs. and cut some grass with it. My guess is what Bawanna mentioned. I think it got over heated a bit from the tall grass. I didn't have to pay anything, so I don't think they're trying to pull my grundle. We'll see, it's all I can do. I'm just getting too old to be raising my blood pressure. They do have to come with a trailer and it's 20 miles each way, so in that respect, how can I complain really. Just hoping that this is the last issue with crossed fingers.
06-14-2018, 05:53 PM
I now drive an all wheel vehicle. They are wonderful in the snow. Should have done it ages ago............................................... .......................
Got my first 4x4 in 1975. Haven't been without since. Since 1999 wife and I have each had our own personal cars for daily use and the trucks have been joint bad weather, whenever, back-up, recreational, and sometime vacation vehicles. Current is an '08 Avalanche with 51K miles on it since we bought it new in Nov 2007.
06-14-2018, 09:35 PM
In my youth I once had 4 4x4 rigs in the driveway. All ran, all ready to go. I went from a 4x4 Chevy S10 to a Chevy van for construction and haven't had one since. If I get a 2014 or so AWD or any 4x4 van it will be for keeps.
07-01-2018, 05:42 PM
Got back from up nort today....................right before the nasty storms started rolling through. Four days of heat indicies of over 100. Kept me from mowing the lawn, or doing much of anything for that matter. 60 mph winds up nort, 60 mph. winds back home. Heading back up for the holiday. I guess it's supposed to be hot again. I was was hoping for a repreive.......................................... .................................................W ell, I knew it would happen eventually, and it did. The wifey took the dog for a walk down the road. In the distance, she saw the 2 pitt bulls coming out on to the road from their property. She turned around and was hoping that they didn't see her, but they did. This is the distance of approx. 100 yds. She turned around and started heading back home, walking fast, she didn't want to run. Our dog was starting to get agitated because she was sensing what was happening. The pit bulls were running towards her and they pretty much caught up to her before she could get on to our property. Luckily, my neighbor was relaxing on his porch and heard my wife yelling, and he flew down there with his walking stick that he uses for balance issues. Unfortunately, he didn't have the 44 mag. He got them to stop long enough, so wifey could get on to our property, and get her and the dog in the house. Apparently, while my wifey was briefing me, the neighbor went down to the dog owners property. I don't know what was said. Next thing I know, is I have some suv flying up my drive. This short little women gets out, aggressively, and starts walking towards me on the deck. You know how they say that dog owners look like their pets? Look and act. Enough said. I asked what I could do for her. She said she wanted to talk to the wife. My wife would have talked to her, but I didn't think it was a good time. I told her that my wife was upset right now, after being chased up the road by a couple of pit bulls. That's where my bad word generator kicked in. She asked me to stop swearing and I told her to go F herself with a broom handle, and that she wasn't invited there, and if she didn't like it, she could take a long walk off the short pier in to the FU river. Then I said that I see they sent the man in the family to take care of business...
.In short, I told her that my wifey was grabbing for the revolver, and her dog's just came within a blink of dying. She became defensive, even though I never heard a defense. She just wanted me to stop swearing, and I explained that we are past that. I told her again that her dog's were going to die. I told her that once her dog's leave the property, they are out of her control. If I don't kill them, the neighbor will. He has young children that don't know any better coming next month. I told her that the neighbors are all done with this. If your dog's die, it's your fault. Keep them on your property, I AM warning you. She said what lousy neighbors and I should call the sheriff. She said she was going to call because the neighbor was swinging a stick at them. I said that I WAS going to call them and we did. To make the story shorter, we filled out reports, and she also got one from the neighbor. The deputy said that she talked to the dog owner and she was defensive, bordering on hostile. She said that she was going to issue them a dog at large citation. This starts the process. After that, they keep going up in jing until eventually after so many, the county steps in and gives you the choice of putting up a fence, or getting rid of the dogs. She also mentioned that she has a friend on the force that has dealt with them. I found out that her friend is also a deputy, and related by family to the new neighbors across the road from the pit bull owners. They have already had dealings with these people. I told the wife that you can tell that the owner still doesn't get it, and to be prepared to do what's needed in the future. I think she may need a few more citations before it sinks in...
..if the dog's are still alive...........................until next time.
Do a with witnesses about "set up", and shoot 'em in the face....dogs and/or owner, as appropriate.
07-02-2018, 10:05 AM
Sounds like you need a "Judge" loaded with buck shot.
07-02-2018, 01:52 PM
They would have gotten .357 from the wife. I really don't want to fire a firearm close to my dog's ears unless I have to. We have to find a good spray to use that doesn't break the bank. If I had endless income, I would just get a canister of bear spray and give them the full dose, but at $50 a pop, why should I have to? Last time I checked, the wife's .357's are .80 cents a piece.
07-02-2018, 02:19 PM
Maybe 357's and ear muffs for your dog.
Had a high school friend with the coolest german shepard ever. Goofy dog preferred to chase rocks rather than sticks?
His little brother a worthless doper human, threw a firecracker and said ROCK!. Dog of course went and picked it up and blew in her mouth.
Little brother got a pretty good beat down for that one. I don't think he or the dog were ever quite the same after that.
This stuff is nasty. Gotta hit 'em in the face though. My guess is one "treatment" and they'll run away next time they see you (or your wife). Price is right...
Yeah, but then they maybe not and still be around. My vote would be for a handheld .410 solution, such as the Judge, as easiest permanent to apply.
07-02-2018, 06:07 PM
This stuff is nasty. Gotta hit 'em in the face though. My guess is one "treatment" and they'll run away next time they see you (or your wife). Price is right... I saw the discussion about the Sabre. That is a problem, hitting them directly in the face. That means letting them in to your " inner circle ". Even with the bear spray, you don't get too many shots. I've been discussing it with wifey. All we can do is hope that we don't have to go down that path. Personally, I'd feel worse shooting a dog much more than a human being. They can't help getting a fool for an owner. Just me...
...I've tried to find out how much the issued citation was, we forgot to ask, but the closest info that I can find is $263.50. The wife did some checking and said she found someone up nort dere who's 4th ticket for dogs at large was $2100 for each dog that they had.
07-02-2018, 06:20 PM
Maybe 357's and ear muffs for your dog.
Had a high school friend with the coolest german shepard ever. Goofy dog preferred to chase rocks rather than sticks?
His little brother a worthless doper human, threw a firecracker and said ROCK!. Dog of course went and picked it up and blew in her mouth.
Little brother got a pretty good beat down for that one. I don't think he or the dog were ever quite the same after that. We had to train Maggie to not pick up rocks. It wasn't easy. Had to watch her like a hawk for a few weeks, until she figured out that maybe it was a bad thing. I don't think that she would have swallowed any, but like you said, goofy. You never know. Every once in a while, she'll go grab a rock, like she's just telling, she knows it's bad, but I'll just keep you on your toes. Damn animals are usually smarter than an 8th grader.
07-02-2018, 07:17 PM
If you don't believe dogs trane us you are naοve.
Ken L
07-05-2018, 06:42 AM
Instead of bear spray pick up some wasp and hornet spray. Has about a 20 foot range and a nice concentrated spray pattern. I really doubt the dogs will advance any after getting a face full of it.
09-17-2018, 06:33 PM
Got back from up nort today. It was hot so basically chilled for 4 days. It's usually not 90 friggen degrees in Sept..............Skipped mowing yard till next time.............................................. ......................The vietnamese family visitors arrived late last month at the neighbors. We minded our own business and stayed away, giving the neighbor some space with his new experience. Heard a lot of Vietnamese language from the kids and the parents, and a lot of "no" out of my neighbor. Well, we found out when the wife ran in to him while walking the dog, that things changed. I found out that they had left, and moved in to a Vietnamese community in Commiefornia, where they speak the language, the kids can immediately start school and learn English at a slower pace, and it's less stressful for the parents with a better chance of some type of employment. I also think that without him saying it, he found out that this whole experience was a daunting task, with a very long time frame to get them up to even functioning semi normally here in this country. He tried, and at least he got them here, legally I might add, and now they are probably where they should be. All the stuff he did to prepare for their arrival around his homestead. Oh well, at least it's improvement, whether it's currently utilized or not...
.No dog issues, a very quiet weekend, just like I like them. If it wouldn't have been so hot, I would have taken a hike out back, and got me some taters. Hopefully next time......until next time.
12-07-2018, 05:28 PM
Got back from up nort today. We've been taking the more scenic route, and staying off of the expressway. It's absolutely crazy, the stuff you see on the expressway when your on it for a few hours. Nobody paying attention to the road, and doing the phone thing. You can always tell. They speed up and slow down constantly, and do the drift about every 15 seconds. Then this time of year, you have to watch out for the "sheet killers". The big slabs of ice or snow that fly off of semi trailers at 80 mph. Had one hit us last year, and I thought that we were goners. It hit the windshield so hard that I thought for sure I would have to pull over. It's been 10 degrees colder, we've had more snow and it came earlier than average. From last Sat. night till Sun. night, we got about 6 inches... neighbor was going to close up and head to Commiefornia to see relatives. Instead, (which I thought was the smarter thing) he adopted a dog from the Humane Society. I could always tell that he and our dog Maggie really hit it off. So now he has Morgan. Looks just like Maggie, only a lot younger. Still got those sharp puppy teeth. Ball of energy. I'm glad for him and Morgan. I think it's what they both needed. I know I would rather stay by the beautiful countryside, than go to see relatives in Commiefornia
..Showed the wifey how to use the snowblower the last time up, and so this time, she went out and remembered everything I showed her. Started on the first pull...
...lots of turkey and deer out right now. Lots of coyotes too. The dog smells deer tracks, but she really buries her nose in those coyote tracks. She always knows when they are out in the woods at night by the house, and goes on the defense. Hopefully, this isn't a gauge of the weather for the rest of the year. Later...
Thought mebbe you'd given up on this thread. Happy you haven't. Thanks for the update. :)
And...wrt the drivers thingy. Sounds like Missouri between Columbia and St Louis on I-70...without the phones. I drive that stretch a good six times a year now on my regular summer vacation travels and it's been that way for as long as I can remember...decades.
02-05-2019, 03:55 PM
Got back from up nort.................between the snow and cold that came last week, and the snow that came a couple weeks back, we had about 18 inches. Getting too old to have to move that stuff around if you know what I mean. That 50 below zero stuff was really getting old. Even my heat tape had to be reset. Got lucky. It was soooooo cold, it sprung the reset...
...Here we go again...
..I'm sitting in a chair taking a breather and having some water, I turn towards a noise, and I'm staring at 2 pit bulls and some type of smaller hunting dog. WTF??????????? I stand up and pull my firearm out, but they didn't come too close once I got up. Then I hear the neighbors calling them by name. We didn't see any vehicles at their house when we arrived, so I don't know whether they are their dogs or if they were babysitting them, or they had visitors. I sure hope it was the latter. Now we have to deal with 6 dogs???????????? The wifey said that she saw the dogs in their back yard when we got home, and I didn't see any other vehicles at their house...
..guess I won't know till whenever. Since my last contact with them, it's been quiet. Since I am a man of my word, I called the sheriff, just like I told them I would do from now on, whenever I saw their dogs loose. The sheriff came, and I showed him the dog tracks in the yard. He said that he had already seen them. We were lucky that Maggie wasn't with us. I don't know what those other dogs mind frame was, or what they are used to. People just don't realize(because they're stupid) that when you let animals roam, everywhere they go is their territory. Packs of dogs get weird about territories. I told him the same thing I've told every other deputy. I will kill them if necessary...
.not that I want to, and it pisses me off when people put me in that position. He didn't seem to be in disagreement. He said he'd go have a discussion with them. I just wanted it on paper so the next time, it's fine time. These people don't realize that once they are on paper, you've got them by the dinguss. $265 per dog for roaming dog, and it goes up from there. I guess it only takes 3 or 4 times and it's up in the thousands. I warned them...
...Now my other neighbor has his place up for sale. Restless soul. He hasn't been there very long. Couple summers. He's got it listed for $36,500 more than he paid. I guess he thinks that the work he put in justifies the price. He did fix it up nice, and now with a shed, and heated workshop separate from the house and a pellet stove, it is much nicer and cleaner than when he bought it...
.I can't wait for spring. It's too much work in the winter. I would much rather cut grass than remove snow...
...till next time.
Ken L
02-06-2019, 05:54 PM
I really love it how people think that they get away from the city and rules don't apply. Especially regarding dogs. Ya can't fix stupid.
02-25-2019, 08:02 PM
We got an electric co. email power outage alert for up nort on Sunday morning. I didn't feel like making the trip, so the wifey went and her friend volunteered to be co pilot. Lots of snow and wind on the highway. The wife said part of the trip was whiteout conditions. A bit nort of us, they had a 131 vehicle pile up, the largest in state history. The last time I was up there, we had a total of about 20 inches on the ground. Now, as of last weekend add another 12", and we have more on the way, on and off for the week. Supposed to be another 10". My windows are about 3 ft. off the deck and the snow is even with the bottom of the windows.The pic of the wifey's girlfriend is my driveway, and the two trees are normally about 15 ft. apart. They are now touching. The way it looks, I don't know if I even want to go there until the spring thaw. Everything turned out good as far as the electric. Ours was still on. The place needed to be checked out anyway. We've had a crazy amount of snow this year, most I've seen in a while. Must be that global warming thing again. Along with the below zero wind chills...
..until next time.
02-25-2019, 09:18 PM
They driving something that can drive up that driveway once they beat the snow off the branches.
We had quite a pile of the white stuff on our end of the continent last week, I think it ended up about 30'' total, threatened more this week but so far it hasn't happened which is just fine and dandy with me. Had to stay home 3 or 4 days, then had to go to work in the truck for a couple before we got the driveway cleared so I could drive the van.
Used the love the snow, had several 4x4's, good fun. Not so much fun anymore.
02-25-2019, 09:21 PM
131 vehicle pile up
Ever notice how people drive nowadays....3 feet off the car in front of them's bumper! They are totally surprised when everyone crashes into each other, especially when sooooo many can't put down their cell phone "even in bad driving conditions". Pretty hard to feel sorry for most.
02-25-2019, 09:38 PM
They driving something that can drive up that driveway once they beat the snow off the branches.
We had quite a pile of the white stuff on our end of the continent last week, I think it ended up about 30'' total, threatened more this week but so far it hasn't happened which is just fine and dandy with me. Had to stay home 3 or 4 days, then had to go to work in the truck for a couple before we got the driveway cleared so I could drive the van.
Used the love the snow, had several 4x4's, good fun. Not so much fun anymore. They never even tried to drive up the driveway. The car would have never made it. It's still all piled up as we speak. A nice 5' high pile that the plow left right in front of the drive. Lot's of work. That's why I mentioned not going up again till the thaw.
02-25-2019, 09:41 PM
131 vehicle pile up
Ever notice how people drive nowadays....3 feet off the car in front of them's bumper! They are totally surprised when everyone crashes into each other, especially when sooooo many can't put down their cell phone "even in bad driving conditions". Pretty hard to feel sorry for most. 1 person killed, a science teacher. 71 taken to the hospital. Miracle that more weren't killed. One person said that they had been hit 4 times. I just don't understand how you can drive so fast when you can't see a foot in front of you.
02-26-2019, 04:50 PM
Even 100 yards visibility is not enough under some conditions, especially on ice and packed snow. You have to allow for stopping within the distance you can see. 100 yards could actually be like tail-gaiting if the conditions don't allow you to stop before running over the car(s) in front of you! And, what about those 18-wheelers behind you! :eek: I'm usually more worried about being struck from behind, so I try to stop in the longest distance possible to allow extra braking distance for those behind me. Stopping too quickly can ruin your day, too!
They never even tried to drive up the driveway. The car would have never made it. It's still all piled up as we speak. A nice 5' high pile that the plow left right in front of the drive. Lot's of work. That's why I mentioned not going up again till the thaw.
Good choice. I wouldn't, either. Denver area's been pretty snow quiet, again, this year, Snow blower has only been run once this season...part of that due to our great, nature installed, snow removal system....the sun. Given a few clear days between storms there's little to no cumulative effect.and I can just count on melt.
04-22-2019, 04:54 PM
Got back from up nort today. Finally, all of the snow was gone except for a thin strip of ice along the garage. The Yellow River is in my area, and it was 3 ft. above flood stage, so there was flooding in areas. The dam is right in town, so water never affects the town, but it was high. Highest I've seen it...
..the whippoorwill is back again, went on for a couple hours...
.I'm sitting in the living room and I hear fast loud steps by the side door. The wife and the dog come piling in the house. She tells me that a pack of 3 dogs was out running around again on our property, and the idiot owners were out calling them, AGAIN. I didn't even hesitate, not even on Easter Day. Told the wife to call the man, AGAIN. 2 sheriffs came this time, and we told them the story, AGAIN. They did some checking and said that this was my 5th complaint, so that warranted a citation for failure to control their dog/dogs. I said that I hated to do it, especially on a holiday, but I've had it. They are just not getting the program. He said that they may fight it, and we might have to come up for court. I said whatever it takes. He also told me that the local ordinance states that you can only have 3 dogs a property, unless you are licensed to have more. He said that he was going to ask them about it, but without a warrant, and the dogs in the house, there's not much he could do at the time. They also said that dog aggressiveness is not required to take action. Just the dog alone on your property is enough. The ticket is $255.50 and they have the right to ticket for each dog. If they get more than a couple tickets, it then becomes the judges discretion as to how much he'll fine them. I'm sure hoping that they aren't planning on having a kennel...
...they look like they're building some kind of enclosure next to the garage. Looks like the fenced in area in their front yard just couldn't hold these dogs. Two of the dogs look like some kind of mastiff/boxer/pit type, and the other looks like some type of lab mix...
..otherwise it was a quiet 3 days. Got the wifey to help me jack up the stairs on the side of the house. Being all sand underneath, they like to sink down a bit on occasion. She said she was amazed at what you can do with a small hydraulic jack and some pieces of wood and some bricks. I told her that's why you pay attention to your father when he's got a jack and some wood out, instead of playing with your dolls. The swelling in my eye should go down in a day or two. Could be an interesting summer...
.till next time...
Ken L
04-22-2019, 05:25 PM
Too bad the do owners just don't understand the program. I wonder if it would change if one or more of those loose dogs died from lead poisoning from having to defend yourself or your wife.
I'd be curious as to the estimated age of the negligent owners. I know cluelessness comes in all ages, but sometimes younger folk seem to feel more entitled than more seasoned individuals. Or is it an "I'm away from the city and I am not subject to any rules" type of mentality?
Thanks, berettabone. I look forward to these updates, Was just the other day wondering when the next, this, one was coming.
04-22-2019, 07:27 PM
Too bad the do owners just don't understand the program. I wonder if it would change if one or more of those loose dogs died from lead poisoning from having to defend yourself or your wife.
I'd be curious as to the estimated age of the negligent owners. I know cluelessness comes in all ages, but sometimes younger folk seem to feel more entitled than more seasoned individuals. Or is it an "I'm away from the city and I am not subject to any rules" type of mentality? The age of the owner of the dogs in question is 50...
07-08-2019, 12:54 PM
Got back from up nort yesterday...
..all was quiet on the home front, besides the fireworks and regular firearm shooting in the area. The neighbors with the dogs seem to be constructing some kind of fortress. A nail gun was going all Sun. afternoon. Actually, I don't care if their building a castle, as long as I don't have to deal with dogs. The wife caught a glimpse of something running in the woods. We didn't know if it was connected but a car came up the road and people were calling out " brandy". I figured that either they were looking for some brandy, which is pretty easy to find in Wisconsin, or searching for a loose dog. People that don't even live here can't seem to control their dogs either..... The water????????? The brandy?????? Otherwise, whipped and mowed the property, which is a 3 hour tour and it was warm out. I actually enjoyed soaking up some sun for a change. The ground is pretty saturated from rain and there is still a lot of flooding going on in the area................................Spent a lot of deck time watching the eagles fly around, the giant woodpeckers hammering on the trees. The whippoorwill is back, loud as ever. Ticks weren't too bad and the mosquitoes are very bad with all of the rain...............
.Probably head back up in a couple of weeks...
.the wifey and I love the woods...
...I really have to watch my speed on the back roads. I've been pulled over twice this month by LE and both times they let me off. They asked me about my speed and both times I just told them I had no story or excuses. Once by a captain in the Marinette county sheriffs dept. and once by a Monroe county sheriff. One young in age and one seasoned officer. In both situations I told them right away that there was a firearm on my right side tucked between the seat and the console. Both times they said no problem, do you have a license? Gave them my license, they said please keep your hands on the wheel if you don't mind, which I didn't, and everything went smooth. I never told them that the wife had access to her .357 in the inside pocket of the door. Got warnings both times and I guess it pays to be civil...
.till next time...
08-21-2019, 02:44 PM
Well, it's been a while and we went up nort a few weeks back and the area is a changin........................................... .................the property that butts up against mine has been vacant and visited a few times over the years by the owners who reside in North Dakota. Been vacant since 2005. We got up there and they were putting sand down with gravel for a driveway. They had an area cleared out at the end for whatever living accommodations they were planning. The thing I couldn't figure out was the fact that they went through the trouble of clearing trees and land for a living area, but didn't do anything with 3 different dead trees that I would estimate to be about 45 ft. high. They are right next to the cleared out area. I don't know about you, but my sense tells me that as long as your clearing trees, wouldn't that be a good time to get rid of those trees? They can't possibly be getting ready to plop something down without taking those trees down? Unless they think that they are on my property???? Usually before you build, things are staked out and measured, at least in my world. It's also a pretty small clearing so far, but doesn't look like they are going back any further in to the woods. I remember a conversation I had with the female half of the owners during one of their "visits" to their property. I explained that the farther back in to the woods she went with the build, the dollar bills just keep on rolling. Every foot farther is a lot of denaro. I remember she kind of poo pooed me. I notice that the clearing is VERY close to the road. Poo poo this...
.we'll be heading up nort next week. I'm always curious as to how things are going. It never ceases to amaze me how people do things(or don't)...
.I heard the dog neighbor out cussing. I think one of the dogs got loose. Must have stayed on their property fortunately...
...All this rain, I had to mow again. I've never had to mow this much in a year. With all of the sand, it's usually a good weed whack around the house and a couple of mows a summer. This year I've had to mow and whack every time we've gone up...
.still better than removing snow. The last time we were up, a storm came through and we had one of those close lighting strikes that make the hair on your neck stand up. The wifey and I just stood and looked at each other, eyes WIDE open:ohmy: Reminded me of the strike that we had last year. We weren't up at the time but a tree on a neighboring property was obliviated. I found pieces on my deck, roof, driveway. The tree was originally about a 40 some ft. dead oak, and after, it's about a 10 ft. tree with not one piece of bark, or branch, or leaf, with a whole in the center that goes down about 4 ft. I took a neighbor in to the woods and showed him the carnage. He used to work in the Sate Parks and said that he has seen many tree strikes in the woods but can't remember one that was that vicious. I didn't see any trees exploded this time, but I didn't look very far. I told the wifey that lightning may not strike the same place twice, but that doesn't mean that it won't strike right next to the first one.:p Until next time...
03-21-2020, 04:42 PM
I can't believe that it's been this long since I posted last.............................time does fly. Went up nort a few weeks back. I thought I could take it easy. Down in the city, there hasn't been any snow on the ground for weeks. Got up there and I still had a good 14"-16" of snow in the driveway. Hadn't been up since New Years. We have our own weather system up there. I really believe that a contributing factor is because we are right by the second and fourth largest lakes in the state. ...........So much for relaxing. Had to empty the car and carry all the stuff up to the house. PIMA..................took about 2 hrs. to clear the drive. I didn't do as much of it as I usually do. Otherwise had nice weather. Just waiting for warmer weather to arrive. Now that we have this virus issue, the wifey and I have basically been staying hunkered down as much as possible. We were thinking about just closing up in the city, and just staying up nort for a while. The population density by me up there is zilch. We're still debating...
03-21-2020, 05:31 PM
I hope that y'all have enough TP on hand! That seems to be the favorite emergency supply. :D
We're isolating in place, except for trips to scout for supplies and a few consumables. We have plenty on hand, but will continue to restock as permitted.
I've gotten all of my gas cans and LPG bottles filled and we're ready for hurricane season, as well... pretty early, too. Gas is $1.779 at Sam's today.
Take care. :)
03-22-2020, 11:25 AM
I vote for stay up nort'! As for snow, we had a little over a foot a few days ago. Thankfully, we had good sun shiny weather for over a week before so that the drive way was 95% dirt. First time it was that clear since October. I always get a fresh 5 gallons of gas for the snow blower every year, and the most I've used in the past is just over half of the gas can. Right now I have enough gas to maybe clear the drive two more time, and we the most snow in March and April. Our last snow is normally at the tail end of May.
06-03-2020, 11:20 AM
Well, I just got back from up nort.................mowed lawn, cleaned gutters, replaced some front and back deck boards, planted a pine tree, cleaned and reorganized the pole building, trimmed raspberries out of my mowing paths, and wasp sprayed for wasps right before we left. The wasps and ticks are horrible this year, have to watch like a hawk. Mostly deer ticks, which is odd. It's usually the standard ticks we always have. Deer ticks are not good news since they spread Lyme's Disease which is on the rise in my state. Really bad for dogs...........................................met my new neighbor down the road. Single gal from Winona, Mn. She offered me a beer so she can't be all bad. Filled her in on the area. Just came back home to try to get haircuts, attend to some other business, mow lawn, and then head right back up. My county up nort has a population of about 30,000. 4 cities, 6 villages, 19 towns, 13 unincorporated. They have 22 Covid cases in the county that they know of. I usually just go to the gas station anyway so not to many worries up there. You don't see very many masks on the general populace. More guns then masks. I guess that's a good thing.
06-03-2020, 11:25 AM
Masked gunmen?!?!? [emoji846]
King Rat
06-03-2020, 11:34 AM
Well, I just got back from up nort.................mowed lawn, cleaned gutters, replaced some front and back deck boards, planted a pine tree, cleaned and reorganized the pole building, trimmed raspberries out of my mowing paths, and wasp sprayed for wasps right before we left. The wasps and ticks are horrible this year, have to watch like a hawk. Mostly deer ticks, which is odd. It's usually the standard ticks we always have. Deer ticks are not good news since they spread Lyme's Disease which is on the rise in my state. Really bad for dogs...........................................met my new neighbor down the road. Single gal from Winona, Mn. She offered me a beer so she can't be all bad. Filled her in on the area. Just came back home to try to get haircuts, attend to some other business, mow lawn, and then head right back up. My county up nort has a population of about 30,000. 4 cities, 6 villages, 19 towns, 13 unincorporated. They have 22 Covid cases in the county that they know of. I usually just go to the gas station anyway so not to many worries up there. You don't see very many masks on the general populace. More guns then masks. I guess that's a good thing.
I take Lyme disease very serious. I spend a lot of time all year around in the woods. I am OCD about protection. My SUV has a very large container of Peridine lotion ready to use. Plus I spray my clothes down with it all the time. Actually soak them. Had a friend of the family, nice looking Vivacious lady taken down with the disease. You could not recognize her. Now paralyzed.
I hunted two years ago and this was in Nov. Came home Sat. night. Found a tick embedded in my neck. I went immediately to the ER. TheY had to use a scalpel to take it out. Followed by stitches and anti-biotics and the Antibiotic especially for Tick Lyme Disease. Doctor told me it was wise to come in right away. She said there is a 24hr window to give the most preventtion for the Anti-biotic, but even that did not mean total success. Be careful with Ticks. Take there very seriously.
And Please take care of your Dog if you have one.
Sounds like you got things squared away up nort. We don't have a lot of ticks but we do keep our dogs applied with flea and tick meds regularly. For anyone interested Costco now sell Pet Armor brand for $28 for 6 applications. About a third of the price of the other leading brands, and they are effective.
06-03-2020, 04:05 PM
@berettabone The reason for a cottage is that you do not have enough work at home to keep you entertained. I'm lucky, I have a friend with a cottage that lets me do all of the work I want.
06-04-2020, 10:12 AM
It's a house, not a cottage, and I haven't mentioned all the work I have at my "other" home.............:)
06-20-2020, 07:56 PM
Went up nort for a few days last week.................nice weather, the ticks weren't as bad, and we replanted some pines we found on the property. The neighbor stopped by with a couple beers, so we shot the breeze for a while. She said she's really liking the area and the quiet. ............................After we got home, we got a call from her and she said that all of the neighbors dogs were loose, and basically keeping her hostage in the house. She had a visitor staying over in a tent and she was stuck in the tent for over an hour. She has 2 dogs herself, and they are not used to other dogs at all. She doesn't ever let them loose. We told her to call the sheriff. I told the wife that she'll probably him and haw around and not call. I was close. She did call and had a visit from the sheriff, but apparently she waited too long to call, so he wasn't going to issue them any citation. The last complaint was me, last year. Another call, and most likely they'll get one. I have warned these neighbors repeatedly, so I guess we're at the final crossroads......................................I' m getting a feeling that at some point, I will be forced to shoot one. Then the tears will start rolling for the owners. I told my wife that even though it's mean, I may just shoot one in the hip, and let the owners decide whether to take it to the vet, or put it down. Maybe that will wake them up.....maybe. I'd much rather empty their pocketbook though. I don't like being forced in to a corner with these dogs. I also have a new neighbor next door in the city. More great news...they own 2 pit bulls and one of them went after my other neighbor's dog already. We are really close to putting up the for sale sign and just moving up nort. It's in the beginning stages and these irresponsible people with their animals are just hurrying the process along. I haven't spoken to the new neighbor yet, but I WILL make it clear that pit bulls are a waste of dog food, and if they ever go after my dog, my wife, or come on my property, I will kill them. Sure hate to be put in these positions but you gotta do what you gotta do................................................ ..........
06-21-2020, 08:33 AM
I've got to argue with you about pitbulls. I don't have one, but know several people with them. They are all wonderful, playful dogs. With people and other dogs. It comes down to the owners. I would not approach a strange one on the street, but they are far from bad dogs. My niece has one and she takes in dogs that are being transported to new homes on a regular basis. Her dog plays and share with different strangers almost every week. Blame the owner/trainer, not the dog.
06-21-2020, 09:52 AM
You can argue all you want. They have a reputation for a reason. Insurance companies hate them for a reason. Law enforcement hates them for a reason. They have to deal with them every day. You can argue with the parents of young children who have been killed or maimed by their "family" pet. You can argue with the owners of family pets who have been killed by the "family" Pitbull. They turn in an instant. I don't really concern myself with who's fault it is. When the safety of my family and myself are in play, don't care. I wouldn't hesitate to kill one in an instant. My wife and I, along with a previous family lab have been attacked twice by Pitbull's. The first time, my wife was alone, no conceal carry at the time, and our lab had to have numerous stitches and months of healing time. Lucky he survived. The second time, we again were attacked with no conceal at the time. My hands were a bit chewed up in that one. The owners had a total of 110 loose dog tickets. In both cases, if conceal carry would have been in effect, all of the Pitbull's would be dead. My local LE hates them with a passion because they have to deal with these dog food wasters. I would also suggest to ANY owners who have children, think about another dog for your family. Look at the history and records of the thousands of deaths and injuries associated with Pitbull's. I understand your reasoning concerning the owners and what degree of fault lies with them and their dog's behavior. Once again, I don't really care what the cause is. It's reality and these animals need to be kept on a short leash constantly. I will never understand why the ownership of a Pitbull would be anything but an insurance nightmare, a trust nightmare, and an animal who unfortunately can never be trusted 100%, and the unfairness of having to keep a dog locked or tied up all of the time because otherwise they may go off. When Noah loaded up, he should have left those POS behind.
06-21-2020, 10:29 AM
You can argue all you want. They have a reputation for a reason. Insurance companies hate them for a reason. Law enforcement hates them for a reason. They have to deal with them every day. You can argue with the parents of young children who have been killed or maimed by their "family" pet. You can argue with the owners of family pets who have been killed by the "family" Pitbull. They turn in an instant. I don't really concern myself with who's fault it is. When the safety of my family and myself are in play, don't care. I wouldn't hesitate to kill one in an instant. My wife and I, along with a previous family lab have been attacked twice by Pitbull's. The first time, my wife was alone, no conceal carry at the time, and our lab had to have numerous stitches and months of healing time. Lucky he survived. The second time, we again were attacked with no conceal at the time. My hands were a bit chewed up in that one. The owners had a total of 110 loose dog tickets. In both cases, if conceal carry would have been in effect, all of the Pitbull's would be dead. My local LE hates them with a passion because they have to deal with these dog food wasters. I would also suggest to ANY owners who have children, think about another dog for your family. Look at the history and records of the thousands of deaths and injuries associated with Pitbull's. I understand your reasoning concerning the owners and what degree of fault lies with them and their dog's behavior. Once again, I don't really care what the cause is. It's reality and these animals need to be kept on a short leash constantly. I will never understand why the ownership of a Pitbull would be anything but an insurance nightmare, a trust nightmare, and an animal who unfortunately can never be trusted 100%, and the unfairness of having to keep a dog locked or tied up all of the time because otherwise they may go off. When Noah loaded up, he should have left those POS behind.
What this guy typed.
I think people get Pitbulls for the same reason guys get the biggest truck they can make a monthly payment on, put the biggest mirrors on either side, lift it up even higher, put the biggest wheels guaranteed to pick up rocks and shatter windows, and hang a set of plastic testicles off the's a warped "status symbol" that the rest of us don't understand.
Gang bangers and wannabe's get them since open carrying a gun won't work with their criminal records.
People out to "prove" the dogs are "misunderstood" get them because well, it's a personal failing that person has.
Been attacked by two pitbulls, neither without any provocation. A few minutes before and a few after, the dog acted like nothing would happen or had happened. It's a dog bred to kill and breeding matters for every other breed...why not for pitbulls?
About 15 years ago a pair got loose and literally ATE two small children. I wish I had been there with my 870 and 00 buckshot.
I have German Shepherds. Like pit bulls, they're good, steady, and dependable dogs. Until they're not. A dog's personality is not entirely the product of its upbringing, or its owner. Certain things get handed down. They can be tempered somewhat, but the propensity for the darker, hidden things in their character are still there. And can come out unexpectedly with little to no warning. If I had a dollar for every story I've heard or read to the tune of, "he was just a sweet dog, I would never have expected that kind of behavior from him", I'd be wealthy. A long time back when we had one shepherd, who had come to us with serious fear issues, and one Golden Retriever, it was the Golden that bit my 10 yr. old daughter's lip when she had her in a small room and was getting after her for something or other. Not in a mean way, but instinctively the dog did not like the conditions in which it found itself. When the Sheriff showed up after our ER trip, and our Shepherd wanted at him from his inside kennel, we could read the disbelief on the officer's face when we told him it was the Golden that bit, not the Shepherd. All this to say that all dogs can be dangerous in the right/wrong circumstances. And it's hard to predict what those might be, in advance. But with some breeds they seem to be closer to the surface. Like pit bulls. And shepherds
06-21-2020, 05:11 PM
I own a Shepard mix myself.............................statistics show exactly what they show. Pitbull's are the most dangerous dogs on the planet period. I'd have to be foolish to think that other breeds can't bite, or cause issues, but once again check the statistics. From surgeries, to limb damage, to hospitalizations, bite pressures, deaths, recovery times, every statistic that they keep track of, Pitbull's are the leading cause of all of them as far as dogs go bar none. Like I mentioned, when it comes to safety, I don't really care if it's the breed, the owner, the seller, the neighbor, won in a raffle, rescued from a shelter, trained, untrained, etc. They are useless food wasters who turn on a dime trained or untrained and I will kill them when they show any threatening action towards my dog or family members. I would like to see how many "bull" owners have small children. They should have their head examined. Anyone who wants to be sued for every penny or have a child killed or maimed taking a chance on owning one of these POS deserve everything they stupidly asked for. Good, steady, dependable dogs. Good for nothing, steady in their actions, and you can almost depend on them causing some bad things to happen. Like to play the odds, get a Pitbull. I'll take those odds.
06-21-2020, 05:46 PM
My sons dog agrees..
06-21-2020, 05:48 PM
Vicious sumb!tch ain't it. You keep that on a strong chain?
Damn cute little bugger, I don't care who you are.
Not arguing about which breed is the most dangerous bb. I don't own a pit bull, won't own one, don't trust them, and to be honest they scare the bejusus out of me. But, there are a lot of breeds that have been known to kill and maim both other dogs and people. The degree at which it happens with each breed tells the story. But we should never trust any breed around our little kids, or dogs, at least not entirely. Just read a couple of stories fairly recently in which two shepherds killed family members, infants. But I've also read stories about pit bulls and shepherds that have kept kids alive when lost in the woods or when other animals turned aggressive.
Years ago we took our kids trick or treating in our neighborhood and went into the house of a new neighbor at their request, to talk for a minute. They had a good sized pit bull that was sniffing at our legs. I was sure that dog was going to bite and was relieved to get out there without any holes in any of us. Then again many years ago I used to feel the same way about dobermans, and didn't really get over the apprehension until I owned one, and she turned out to be a true sweetheart, to everyone but one person. Dogs, big and small, should always be watched carefully. And never taken for granted.
06-21-2020, 06:21 PM
His name is..... Chico. I think hes fixin to draw up a list of demands for change, or else he might lift his leg on the Alamo.
He had better watch out for his cousin Nutcracker though....
06-21-2020, 07:23 PM
Gotta agree with dust there.
I blame the owner regardless of the breed of dog.
Nope, can't agree with that.
The Shepherd that we had before the two we have now came to us damaged. He was three months old when we picked him up. He was in the back yard of his owners with some of his siblings. But while they came running up to the fence he stayed back, aloof.
But he was the one that we wanted and so we took him home and loved him. The first time he went for someone he was six months old. We had him neutered awhile after that but it didn't help. With my family and me he was a big baby. He never lifted a lip or showed any signs of aggression toward any of us. By the time he was a year old he would tolerate nobody and nothing else be it person or animal, with two exceptions only. He treated the Golden we had at the time just fine but she was there when we brought him home at 3 months. We took him to a behaviorist after the first time he went after someone and she told us that the dog was just wired wrong. She was able to work with him but even after leaving him with her for two weeks he still would not tolerate others. We ended up getting another Golden puppy awhile later and while he came to accept and even play with him it took all my strength to keep him off the puppy when we introduced them at a neutral site, as suggested by the second behaviorist that we took him to. That one eventually refused to work the dog any longer and suggested we give him to the Army. But he was part of our family and we weren't about to give up on him. He was very loving toward the four of us, and our other two dogs, but that was the beginning and end of it. He ended up dying of internal troubles when he was six, after an emergency surgery that was necessary to save his life a year earlier. He was a great dog to us and we loved him to pieces. But something was wrong inside his head, as we were told by those two behaviorists, and the 4-H leader that the kids worked with when he was between 4 and 6 months old.
The two Shepherds we have now are sound of mind and are accepting of everyone we have in the house. I have no doubt they would protect us if need be but it's obvious they are just much healthier in the mind. Still, if I had little ones around I would not leave them unattended. We don't treat any of our dogs badly or even differently from the others, but that one turned out very differently from the other four. So, now I would not say it's always the owners fault, though of course there are those that own dogs for the wrong reasons. And should not.
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