View Full Version : For Sale TN Sig 220acp with Optima sight ->>>SOLD<<< - Request to close

07-06-2016, 07:48 AM
>>>SOLD <<< - Request to close ad
For Sale Sig 220 45acp pistol with Optima 2000 sight.
Price Reduced - new photos <link below>!

$620 shipping including shipping to the lower 48 states.

**This item will be listed on other sites, so please email papersnipeRR AT gmail.com if you are interested and include "Sig 220" in the subject line. First with the money gets the pistol!!**

**For the S&W Forum: "The seller must require that “I’ll Take It” be posted in the ad, if it sells within the first 24 hours. The buyer
should follow it with a PM or email in a timely manner."**

This is an older, full sized pistol. I bought it used around 1988. I had it hard chromed with a matte finish so that it looks like
stainless steel. The pistol is in perfect shape with no scratches or tarnish marks. I added an Optima 2000 micro-red dot sight. Unfortunately I have lost the original rear sight, but that can easily be found if you need it. The last time I fired the pistol it functioned 100%, although the battery that powers the sight went dead a few years ago. Three magazines are included, unlike the pistol the mags show some wear marks.The pistol has not been fired in about 10-12 years, although I cleaned and lubricated it every couple of years.

I am a collector more than a shooter, and I need to make some room in the gun safe.

Photos (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/DKRPhotoPlace/library/Sig%20220%2045acp%20Optima%20sight)