View Full Version : Posse comeback?

08-05-2010, 11:12 PM
You don't hear about posses too much anymore. Interesting story:

Ashtabula County 'Posse' Helps Nab Wanted Man - WJW (http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-ashtabula-county-posse-nabs-wanted-man-txt,0,3231302.story)

(That of course could never occur in Maryland, being such an anti-carry state that we are. We'd be the ones in jail right now.)

08-06-2010, 08:01 AM
A real gutsy move on the part of the citizens.Good thing it didn`t end in bloodshed or the mainstream media would be tossing words about like "vigilante justice", "rednecks with guns" "out of control mobs" etc.I guess if the people don`t have police protection they have to look out for themselves.Makes you wonder what the county commissioners are going to do,don`t it?

08-06-2010, 08:14 AM
It goes something like this poster....

This seems appropriate for posses.

08-06-2010, 04:37 PM
I saw a show several years ago about, I believe Sheriff Arpio(?sp) in Arizona, and he used what he called his Posse which consisted of local people who volenteered their time to the department to do radio calls and paperwork when the deputies made busts and so forth. These people carried guns and went through the department training to do so. Seemed like a good idea to me. Deputies got the job done and it didn't cost them anything extra.
I have felt for a long time that it would be advantageous for local Sheriffs to enlist the help of concealed license holders to act as a third level of response in drastic situations (ie, hurricane or flood relief).

08-06-2010, 05:16 PM
(Excerpt from article)

"I commend the people that did what they had to do and I'm thankful that they called us," said Sheriff William Johnson. He doesn't recommend this kind of community response, but he does understand why it happened. Ashtabula County is the largest, geographically, in Ohio. But only two sheriff's department cruisers patrol the area, down from five cars before, because of budget cuts. (my emphasis)

"I don't think anybody would be wrong by saying we're an accident ready to happen the way things are going and it's not going to be a good outcome," said Sheriff Johnson. The sheriff says he was short more than a million dollars after his budget was slashed by the County Commissioners. They didn't return calls for a comment, but the sheriff is now suing them for more money and claiming they're compromising safety."

Two cruisers to patrol 705 square miles and a county with a population just over 100,000. Unbelievable....but at the same time, just another sign of the times.

You don't hear about posses too much anymore. Interesting story:

Ashtabula County 'Posse' Helps Nab Wanted Man - WJW (http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-ashtabula-county-posse-nabs-wanted-man-txt,0,3231302.story)

(That of course could never occur in Maryland, being such an anti-carry state that we are. We'd be the ones in jail right now.)

08-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Not that many years ago, my sheriffs dept had a "Sheriffs Reserves" just like that. They were trained and they pulled shifts on a regular basis usually doubled up with a regular but sometimes solo. They had uniforms, guns, badges and everything, just like Steven Seagal.