View Full Version : Does long term topped off mag weaken spring?

08-06-2010, 06:15 PM
With a factory magazine that came with my PM6, does it affect the spring (and gun operation) over long term with the mag topped off ??

My Para Ordinanance dealer advises to to leave a round out of the mag so the spring is not so compressed. If that spring doesn't maintain its pressure, gun won't go boom!

Thoughts on the PM mag, please?

08-06-2010, 07:04 PM
I've got 20 year old 1911 mags that always stay fully loaded and have never failed.
"If" they ever do get weak, I'll just replace the springs.
I haven't owned a Kakr very long but I have 5 mags for it that stay fully loaded. "If" in a few decades the springs do get weak, I'll just replace the springs.
Kahr as well as Wolf sells mag springs. It's not like the springs are expensive or hard to find.
So, just load 'em up and have fun with your Kahr ... :59:

08-06-2010, 07:25 PM
I'm not familiar with the PM6(:D), but Wolff makes all Kahr springs and sells them more cheaply... the more you buy, the cheaper they are. They're a little stronger(+5%) and shipping is faster, too. Priority Mail.

Springs for KAHR ARMS Semi-Auto Pistols:
Magazine Springs for Kahr pistols are available in +5% extra power to assure feeding in pistols with weakened or broken springs

For use in:

* 9mm - 6 round magazines
* .40 S&W - 5 round magazines

SKU Description Price ($) Add to cart
79301 KAHR 6RND 9mm, 5RND .40 5% XP MAG SPRNG Pak of 1 7.49
79303 KAHR 6RND 9mm, 5RND .40 5% XP MAG SPRNG Pak of 3 17.29
79304 KAHR 6RND 9mm, 5RND .40 5% XP MAG SPRNG Pak of 10 47.99

^ Top of page

Magazine Springs

For use in:

* 9mm - 7 round magazine

SKU Description Price ($) Add to cart
79291 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 1 7.49
79293 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 3 17.29
79294 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 10 47.99

Springs for KAHR ARMS Semi-Auto Pistols (http://www.gunsprings.com/index.cfm?page=items&cID=1&mID=29)

Fill them up and don't worry. If you have problems years from now, just replace them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Wolff Gunsprings - Firearm Springs for Semi-Auto Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, & Shotguns (http://www.gunsprings.com/faq)


08-06-2010, 09:06 PM
Wynn, you must have heard of the PM6, it's even more compact than it's bigger brother, the PM9. This one can fit in the little compartment in your jeans where smokers generally put their lighter.

08-06-2010, 10:06 PM
Hmmm. Is that the 5.56mm rounded up to 6mm... rimfire? Like the .22LR?:D
I "retired" my Walther TPH .22 from CCW in favor of the P380, and by the time I received that, I already had the PM9 and the PM45. The center-fire rounds are more likely to fire after long-term carry than the .22LR.:blah:

08-06-2010, 10:28 PM
Wynn, you must have heard of the PM6, it's even more compact than it's bigger brother, the PM9. This one can fit in the little compartment in your jeans where smokers generally put their lighter.

Me wants one of them PM6's. If it's that small maybe I could keester stash it and get it on the big boat and I wouldn't have to be gunless for 8 days actually 7 1/2 but who's really counting.
Course that would have to be close to being gunless anyhow but even tiny is better than nothing. I'm already feeling naked and exposed.

08-09-2010, 12:45 PM
I am pretty sure the Kahr owner's manual recommends relaxing the magazine springs. I am sure it's in there.

I have a set of magazine springs from wolf in my tool box as replacements when necessary. Since springs are cheap, I keep the mags loaded to the brim.

08-09-2010, 11:50 PM
I've always wondered this. I'm sure it does nothing, but I still take all rounds out of my mags maybe once or twice a year. In my twisted mind, it "relaxes" the spring for a little bit.

BTW, the PM6 is sweet. The 6mm round is highly under rated. :)

08-10-2010, 10:52 PM
I've always wondered this. I'm sure it does nothing, but I still take all rounds out of my mags maybe once or twice a year. In my twisted mind, it "relaxes" the spring for a little bit.

BTW, the PM6 is sweet. The 6mm round is highly under rated. :)

Massaad Ayoob was asked about this. He said that all the metal/spring guys he has talked to tell him that keeping a magazine loaded will NOT effect the spring strength (metal guys will tell you there is no difference between a compressed spring or uncompressed spring in terms of wear, it is the act of compressing and uncompressing that wears out a spring). On the other hand he says some cops and armorers have talked about springs failing (possibly out of tolerance??).

So, he he goes with a rotation system to be safe. So he says when he changes his clocks at the start and end of daylight savings time, he also swaps out magazines, putting aside some to 'rest' and putting rested once into his carry gear. Taking a better safe than sorry approach.

I've operated under the they aren't supposed to fatigue fully loaded theory, but might switch to rotating to be safe.

What I won't do is load one down, because it's better to rotate or have an aggressive spring replacement schedule than to give up a round of capacity, especially in low round count guns like Kahrs.

08-11-2010, 05:32 AM
I've always wondered this. I'm sure it does nothing, but I still take all rounds out of my mags maybe once or twice a year. In my twisted mind, it "relaxes" the spring for a little bit.

BTW, the PM6 is sweet. The 6mm round is highly under rated. :)

twistedmind ornot, ifyou feel better doing it, JUST DO IT. been lots of stuff written on this subject. certainly most of iut is unproven to but still we wirite so do what is best. Some people change oil in their cars every 3000 miles, some go 6000 some go 10,000. For me, I change mag springs when I get that wild hair, but I probably change more than needed, but wenthe wild hair surfaces, I just gotta do it..

Magazine springs are designed to take a pre-set, and I think we feel when we take a mag spring out and lay it next to a new one and there is a difference in length, that it is worn out. According to wolff's gunsprings, that is buy design.

Just shoot it like you stole it...

08-12-2010, 12:10 PM
This has been brought up many times all over the net. I certaily do not have a clue if the springs go bad or not. I can say this however. I had a 1911 in a 38 caliber that I had for 15 years in a closet with a full mag in it, that my father inlaw gave me before he passed on. I never shot the thing but when I did it shot fine. I guess it's like Jocko said (and I agree) if you feel it needs it and it will make you feel better than by all means change the spring. It sure won't hurt anything.

08-12-2010, 09:26 PM
Do you put your car on jack stands when you're done driving to take the load off of those springs?

08-13-2010, 07:52 AM
Do you put your car on jack stands when you're done driving to take the load off of those springs?

Good point.
Couldn't have put it better myself.

08-13-2010, 08:34 AM
But then again automobile springs aren't really compressed like mag springs are they? I do not see that comparison at all.