View Full Version : Open season on Police Officers.

07-17-2016, 04:23 PM
What the heck is going on in in the United States of America? Three more officers killed in Baton Rouge, La...news says they were ambushed. Police are already jumpy enough and so what happens? MSN publishes another story by CBS with the headlines reading "White Ex-Officer Charged in the Death of Black Atlanta Man". Yup, stir the pot, encourage the slime to float to the top, endangering the lives of other police officers.

So what happens next? Well watch Captains are going to tell their crews to be careful out there and everytime someone sneezes at the wrong time they will be shot by a jumpy, nervous, police officer on their beat, and probably shot again by their pardner and responding support. Can you say Wash, Rinse, Repeat?

Sorry, I just have to vent. This once great country is rapidly going down the tubes. We need to restart America starting from the top down.

Now they are talking about trying to ban open carry in Cleveland for the Republican Convention. News like this just attracts maggots.

07-17-2016, 05:26 PM
I rode through a predominantly negro community this AM, in northern part of Palm Beach County.

In the news, it was said that the FBI gave south Florida police a heads up that they should be on alert.

I had no idea of the shooting until an hour later, but there were gathered up cruisers and police SUVs on every major corner, and along the road at civic places such as the local high school and community center.

There used to be a sticker, you'd see it on supporters of local police and on some police cars, back in the late 1960's and early 1970's. It simply read "Law and Order First"

Cant even find one on Google these days.

07-17-2016, 05:50 PM
In a normal society, BLM would have all been arrested and jailed without bail a long time ago. But our society is run by the people who fund BLM, so what we the people need to do is go find them and string them up like Mussolini.

07-19-2016, 05:35 PM
"What the heck is going on in in the United States of America? "

Agenda driven hate speech, INTENDED to divide; coming from very top!

07-21-2016, 02:38 AM
BLM, the Klan with a tan. They should be treated just the same as the KKK.

07-21-2016, 06:30 AM
BLM, the Klan with a tan. They should be treated just the same as the KKK.
Both associated with the Democrat party. We need to refer to them both as "Democrat extremists."

Wyatt Earp
09-14-2016, 06:07 PM
Some guy tried to run over three Phoenix Police officers this morning as they were completing a call at a QT. Drove his car into them and then fought with them before being arrested.

09-15-2016, 06:37 PM
After a series of shootings, Demo politicians pushed for LEO body cameras. The cameras served to justify LEO behaviors so now the Demo POSes are making LEO body cameras optional. I'm sure most departments will keep them.

01-02-2017, 09:34 PM
I don't understand what people are thinking either. I've been in law enforcement for 20 years and there have always been times when people thought that the police were the bad guys. But with the exception of a few incidents in the mid-90's where there were a few officers being ambushed in their cruisers by subjects that they had dealt with, this kind of stuff never happened. This is the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen, people are actually calling for officers to be targeted at random. The best one that I've heard yet was the female that stated that they just needed to do away with law enforcement altogether.

01-02-2017, 10:34 PM
I think Chicago would be a great test medium for doing away with law enforcement altogether.

Just walk away, even for a month. We'd have to bring in the Marines to sort the mess out but then don't tie officers hands behind their backs.
Throw away the fine print, gut feeling is probably cause for a chat.
Profiling highly encouraged.

01-02-2017, 11:50 PM
A month? it would take but about a week for them to want the police back. "If you need help call your local drug dealer"

01-03-2017, 09:24 AM
A month? it would take but about a week for them to want the police back. "If you need help call your local drug dealer"

Oh I agree, probably only days but I want them to suffer for awhile. Guess subconsciously I'm wanting payback for the last 8 years of their native son.

Longitude Zero
01-05-2017, 07:32 AM
A month? it would take but about a week for them to want the police back. "If you need help call your local drug dealer"
