View Full Version : Storing magazines

Brian G
07-18-2016, 04:09 PM
Looking for some advice from the senior members. I am trying to decide how to store my new T9 in the home. My first idea, was to keep the pistol in the factory case, unloaded. I have purchased two small combo locks for the two holes in the case handle. This keeps it safe from "inadvertent" or "casual" opening without knowing the combinations to the locks. Inside of that case, there are cutouts in the foam for holding three magazines. I would like to keep the three magazines, loaded in that same case. This keeps everything in one place, but locked. Of course, the plastic factory case is not a "safe" so if someone wanted to bust it open with a sledge hammer or a saw, they could get in. We have no children in the house, so I am not worried about accidents. But then I start reading the threads that
talk about never storing magazines in the same case as the gun, never keeping magazines loaded at all, locking ammo in a separate container from the gun, never keeping the gun or ammo in the same place, concerns about transporting, concerns about how to present the firearm when approaching the desk at a range, etc.

What is/are the proper protocol(s)? Are there smart options and stupid options? Legal options and illegal options? Or is it all personal preference?

07-18-2016, 04:52 PM
It depends on what you're trying to do with your pistol. If you want it ready for home defense I would keep it loaded with one in the chamber. All of my pistols are usually in that condition and kept in holsters to cover the triggers.

If you don't worry about kids or morons in your house, I wouldn't encumber your pistol so much with locks and magazines separately located and locked up. I want my guns ready to use and my pistols at hand.

Now if your leaving the gun behind when you go out, even your locked plastic case is no deterrent to theft or access by anyone. I have a 3-cubic foot safe for real storage and really only use that for trips most of the time.

I don't know what your concerns and practices are, so it's hard to advise you, really. I just want my weapons readily accessible and loaded for use. I do warn or advise company of my weapons' status. We don't have kids around and very few visitors, especially overnight, but they know my policy at home.

Edit: I did not emphasize magazines, but I like 10 or so per pistol and keep several loaded in the vicinity of the matched pistol for defensive use. I have a bunch more that I only load when I go to the range. I have 15 mags for my P40... the most next to almost that many for my P9. When I do store my mags in the safe, I just grab the loaded ones to go with the pistol. I keep spare mags with my pre-positioned pistols around the house. Unloaded ones are kept in boxes in my "storeroom" with cleaning materials and ammo... kept in surplus or new military ammo cans in metal cabinets.

I see you're in Upper Kalifornia :D so I don't know what the legal requirements are for storage and accessibility. That may be something you need to consider.

Wynn :)

07-18-2016, 06:25 PM
Storing ammo, magazines (loaded or not) with the firearm, is a personal choice only you can decide to answer. Its as profound as deciding whether to carry, or even whether to own a firearm at all. You must learn, weigh, consider, and decide.

The only thing I can say for you, is that there is no mechanical, no physical harm with storing a well made magazine, such as Kahr magazines. Springs are depleted dynamically, so constant tension, within the designed application of the spring, is just fine. Very, very old 1911 magazines, loaded since WWI were uncovered, and tested back in the early 1960's (or late 1950s). Thirty-five to forty years of constant loaded storage. They were fine, as also was the ammo!

Brian G
07-18-2016, 07:15 PM
Thanks. Your perspective makes sense. So, if I am comfortable with the "security" of a pistol and 3 loaded mags in a locked case from the perspective of "accidents"... I am not being foolish. This of course does not cover the "break-in", "theft", or "quick access for defense" scenarios. I need to make sure I understand Oregon law about transporting that case to the range.

07-18-2016, 09:55 PM
IMHO it is prudent and desirable to lock your guns in a bona fide safe, thereby protecting your family, your neighbors, guests, (especially children) , from a horrible accident, as well as theft. Safety is of paramount concern and halfway measures should not be used. Then, having been responsible in safe handling and storage, whether you keep them loaded is up to you. If you own a gun... be responsible with it's care and storage.

07-18-2016, 10:32 PM
Thanks. Your perspective makes sense. So, if I am comfortable with the "security" of a pistol and 3 loaded mags in a locked case from the perspective of "accidents"... I am not being foolish. This of course does not cover the "break-in", "theft", or "quick access for defense" scenarios. I need to make sure I understand Oregon law about transporting that case to the range.

I may be way off base here, but your sentence about "security" and "accidents" is telling me that you are very new to guns and still afraid of them. There is nothing wrong with that, and welcome to the hobby. Please get some training for you and your wife, and get familiar with your gun. A healthy respect is good, but being afraid of it is not. With only you and your wife in the house there is no need to keep it locked up because you are worried about accidents. If you keep it in a good holster readily available and you are good to go. It will not go off until someone takes it out of the holster and pulls the trigger. I can only assume that you got the gun for home protection. If someone is breaking into your house, or god forbid, already in your house, do you really want to fumble with unlocking your case, loading a magazine, and chambering a round? You got the gun for that worse case scenario, why not be as ready for it as possible. Again, I am not advocating doing anything you aren't comfortable with. Safety is always #1, but for me having the gun available when I need it would be a close #2.

As for storage when you are away from home. One thing I would advise is to stay away from the inexpensive small pistol safes. They can be broken into in a matter of seconds. You know your home better than anyone. since you only have the one gun, my advice would be to find a good hiding place where no one would ever look.
I hope I didn't come off too harsh here. Be safe, and do what you feel comfortable with. Take a couple of classes and you will be surprised how safe and comfortable you will get.

Brian G
07-18-2016, 11:51 PM
I am not new to guns, I am newer than new to guns. I have never owned a firearm and purchased this about a week ago. I did not buy it for defense, but for target practice. My stepson just became a police officer and I bought it as a way to understand his world. We went to a shooting range for the first time so that he could teach me some basics.

I am "afraid" in the sense that I have no family history with weapons, I have no role modeling, I did not grow up with them, so they are a foreign experience for me. I am not afraid in the sense of doing something stupid or in the sense that they are dangerous. I did grow up with my dad teaching me about table saws, power tools, and learning how to respect them. Nothing more dangerous that a 10 inch blade spinning at 1800 rpm two inches from your fingers. My table saw training keeps me humble around powerful machines.

My main concern is to develop a personal approach to safety that is not naive but also not paranoid. I feel perfectly safe with it in a plastic case with a combo lock, so that I know that no one will accidentally stumble upon it and hurt themselves. However, there is the issue of having a theft while on vacation or at work. I will explore this as per Ripley's remarks above. I also am trying to develop my own philosophy about all of this so that I feel comfortable with my decisions. Since this is so new, I find the input from experienced folks very helpful. Thanks.

07-18-2016, 11:56 PM
... I need to make sure I understand Oregon law about transporting that case to the range.

Yes. Please do review your state laws about transporting your firearm (to the range or otherwise). Here in Ohio that can be pretty tricky. Here we must keep guns separate from their ammo and in compartments that cannot be reached from inside the vehicle. It gets simpler if you have your CCW.

As for in the home: Do what you feel is safe. Safety is paramount. Not providing access to curious little hands or thieves is the goal. Every firearm not on your person should be in a safe. I'm not a fan of hiding guns around the house because I cannot guarantee their safety. But many do it. I really don't feel comfortable with guns stashed around when I've left the house. YMMV.

Storing loaded magazines is fine and a good idea IMHO. But they should be just as secure as your guns. But if you are not using your T9 for defense, storing loaded mags isn't any advantage. Then again should the need arise...

Brian G
07-19-2016, 12:53 AM

07-19-2016, 07:16 AM
My two carry guns, CW380 and PM9 are alwalys loaded with one in the chamber and an extra mag. They are left in pocket holsters that cover the trigger. I also keep a Browning BDA45
in a drawer beside the bed. No children in the house and I am very comfortable around guns. I keep a small Hornandy pistol safe in my car that may work well for you. It has a cable teacher and locks on three sides with a hinge in the forth side. Pretty secure for a $60 safe. A plastic box is next to useless and he cheap safe teathered to something will at least make someone work for it. Your plastic box is a 30 second deterant.

07-19-2016, 10:26 AM
When away, I keep them unloaded and locked up. When home, they are close, loaded , and ready with one in the chamber. An unloaded pistol is a hammer.