View Full Version : 9mm snake shot?

07-22-2016, 04:40 PM
Anyone ever try the CCI 9mm snake shot in a Kahr CM9? If so, does it cycle & feed? I carry the CCI 45 snake shot in my Colt gov't & it feeds & cycles fine. If I get any positives I'll give the 9mm a try, a lot less weight to carry around :). I suppose I could buy a .22 revolver but all it would be used for is the snake shot, & I'd like some "real" rounds behind the snake shot.

07-22-2016, 04:54 PM
I HAD some but never fired it. I chambered some in my K9 and an unfired round couldn't be ejected by racking. I don't know if it would cycle the slide when fired, either. I hope someone has more info for you. I would definitely make sure that it worked in your pistol and didn't jam it or something.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be more helpful.


07-22-2016, 06:27 PM
Excuse my for airing my opinion on this....

I've shot the 45 "snake shot", the 44 mag snake shot, 45 LC snake shot.... 38/357 snake shot, 22 and 22wrm snake shot...

They're all useless as a condom in Hillary's night table.

I do not want to be close enough to a dangerous snake to employ handgun "shot" as an effective deterrent against the same. I did kill some really big toads one night with .22 shot (who's fun ended when my friend RB had me taunted into shooting a "tennis ball" claiming he thought it was a toad, and me secretly slipping a .22 Stinger into the chamber for him to dispatch the next toad, with expected and drippingly wearable results).

Even a Governor with .410 shot... you'd have to be pretty close, but at least outside striking range.

As it is, here in Florida, we have the Eastern Diamondback, Timber, Pygmie, Cottonmouth, Copperhead, and Coral snake as dangerous. I know what they look like and where they live, and generally will avoid or take precautions. All other snakes gladly live in safety around my premises. In fact, a certain black racer has started catching Cuban lizards at the base of my largest oak tree, until such time that Mr. Raccoon comes a calling for the left over cat food that the lizards enjoy.

07-23-2016, 01:30 PM
Another opinion, I use snake shot for copperheads and it dispatches them quickly with one or two shots. You do have to be within 5 feet to make a clean kill. I use CCI 22, 38 cal and 45 acp snake shot shells. 45's will cycle in my XD automatic but 22's are for revolvers only. Why do I like snake shot? I have dispatched 1 copperhead inside my garage which has a concrete floor with a 38 cal with 1 shot and another copperhead inside the garage with a 22 shot load. There was no ricochet from either one and no damage to my garage floor or walls. I have shot many other snakes outside and it always incapacitates the snake's jaws on the 1st shot. They are unable to strike after the first shot. I usually give them a 2nd shot for good measure. Have not used 9mm snake shot but have used many 38 cal with 1 shot kill results.

07-23-2016, 06:50 PM
Thanks folks, appreciate the feedback.
CBJ, you obviously know FL much better than I do, but I've had a couple of run ins with snakes there where I wished I had some snake shot (or any kind of "shot" :)) with me. I didn't think it a good idea to shoot solids into the boat, I might have had to go swimming with the water mocassins.
Ikeo, that's what I want snake shot for, close up. If the snake wants to leave that's fine by me :). I shot a pattern for the .45 at a couple of distances & it looked like it would fine at 5/6', but I haven't actually used it yet (& if I don't that's OK too). I'm just wondering if the 9mm snake shot will cycle through my CM9 & what pattern I'll get out of a 3" barrel.

07-23-2016, 09:39 PM
The aggressiveness of cotton mouth (water moccasin) is over-rated inho. They are a danger when you step into the water they're swimming in, or laying in wait near. Think of this - bare feet, or just sandals, going into a canal or stream or lake... ya gotta use some sense there.

Just know the five you can't F with, and you're good to go. Coral snake is easy, copper head is rare in Florida, but easy. Cotton mouth is like a good ol' boy - big mouf and fat belly. Pygmie got purple... and the Eastern Diamonback, in all its sub varieties is a nasty mother, but easy to identify.... and THATS the one ya gotta be careful of. Out of 'em all, the diamond back is more likely to getcha. They are a bit territorial it seems, or thats my take on it at least.

One time... same buddy RB... we got up early one Saturday AM, and went with a bunch of line workers for the power company, way out in the cane, far, far from much of anything except big transmission lines on very big steel structures. The night before, my ol' lady made up some cream o' spinach soup. I never had it before, and it was tasty. Had bits of ham, and bacon in it, and garlic flavored croutons. I ate three bowls of it, instead of having the rest of my dinner.

Well... let me tell you, by Saturday 7am, I was a bit unsettled. We stopped at Burger King "for breakfast" and all I had was a Sprite.

On the way out to the power company easement I asked the guys to save their bags and such... as I might be needin' em. We was all riding in the one guy's van.

By the time we got out there, my stomach coulda been mistaken for a pressure cooker during a Boston marathon. It was about to blow.

I grabbed some bags and headed off for the.... oops, no woods!

If one has ever had the opportunity to dump a load in the out of doors.... one must certainly have considered how to not dump within one's own britches.

There are three methods:

1. Lean on a tree, with pants around your ankles. No trees there, so forget that.
2. Strip nekkid from the waist down and squat. That didn't appeal to me, so I opted for...
3. Pants around ankles and sorta lean back on one arm in a crab walk manner.

It was not pretty. Spinach soup on the exit never is. What unto the body doth enter, doth also exit in like manner, in its own time. And time was up.

I crapped Hiroshima, I crapped Nagasaki, I crapped the Imo hitting the Mont Blanc in Halifax Harbor, I crapped Vesuvius and Krakatoa....

And then I heard a strange sound. Sort of a shaking of dry beans in a pill bottle sound. Hmm. There it was again, and I looked to my right... and there was Mrs Diamondback, all set to bite my tender bits.

In a flash, I thought of the Lone Ranger joke... "Doctor say you gonna die Kimosabe!". Not one of those good ol' boys was about to suck out the poison.

I crab walked to the left. The snake followed. More to the left. More following. All this while trying to wipe molten lava from by blowhole with bits of Burger King bag.

I was unarmed. I was half naked, and I did the only thing a man could do in that situation.

I screamed. I screamed because I had already crapped, and my pants were down, so yours truly evaded that "crap your pants" scenario.

The boys came a runnin', with arms and ammo.

I was busy cleaning up, getting my breeks back about my middle and then....the deluge of lead rained down like fire and brimstone from the Lord Almighty. There was five of 'em. They had revolvers, autoloaders, and a Mini-14. I'm guessin'.... from looking at the brass later on.... maybe just over a hundred rounds fired.

The snake danced like a crazed Zion Coptic: The boys all missed.

On my feet once again, I grabbed RB's nice Redhawk, which happened to have a few .44 Mag hollow points in it.

I would not be defeated by the serpent. One "aimed" .44 later, and Mrs. Diamonback was wondering what happened to everything south of her neck, as it was no longer there. I scuffed a hole in the dirt and tapped the head into the hole, then covered it, giving it a few stomps with my boot.

Now here's the strange thing... the body of the snake was still striking at me, with the stump of its neck. F'n uncanny. Scary! Took me a bit of mind over reflex and I just picked up the striking snake, coiled it up, and put it into my jacket pocket. It was about 4 feet of snake.

Well.... I got in late. Maybe about 6 or so, and it was winter, so it was dark. Took off my jacket. The ol' lady grabbed it and whaddaya know? That snake body was still a wigglin' and jumpin' in the pocket!

To this day, she has not forgiven me, even though I was quick to skin the snake and mount the nice lookin' scaly leather on a rustic lookin' board and hang it with the rest of the outdoor display in the livin' room. Dunno, but women can be funny with stuff like that.

Anyway.... I lived to tell the tale.

07-24-2016, 05:45 AM
That's quite a story!

07-24-2016, 07:43 AM
And rather unembellished at that. RB has moved up to Duval County last I heard from him. The S brothers have retired, probably in North Carolina woods. There was a guy named L that nobody seen or heard from. I think he went off in an assistance convoy to aid in a local disastraphy and decided to remain. And the cane fields are closed off now, as they build high end housing on the east side of the L-8 Canal and folks complain (what do they know, they're smart ass New York libtards). The substation is still there, but around it is a rock quarry now. The snake skin finally turned to dust, no matter how I tried to care for it with neatsfoot oil and such... over the years. This all happened in about 1984 or so, so it was quite a while ago, back when I was good lookin', and could hear worth a damn.