View Full Version : Looking at a PM9

08-01-2016, 02:39 PM
I found a used PM9 locally and am considering buying it.

I would rather have a non-finshed slide, this one is black.

I would carry in in a Kydex IWB holster so holster wear is inevitable. Is there a good touch-up for the slide?

Anything that I should look for?

It is being offered with 6 round mags so I assume it is older.

08-01-2016, 02:43 PM
All PM9s use six and seven round mags. The way the end of the slide is done shows whether it is newer (tapered nose) or the earlier, blunt nose. The really old ones might have a different sight dovetail as well as a blunt nose, but I don't think the DLC finish goes back that far.

I have one with DLC that has been used in Kydex. The edges of the slide do have the finish worn off. I don't know of any way to touch it up that looks any better than leaving it the way it is. Others might have a different answer though!

Welcome to the forum!

08-01-2016, 02:55 PM
I sorta think those wear marks that will develop are badges of honor. It's a carry piece after all. But I still prefer stainless. ;)

If the marks bothered me, I would probably just touch them up with a sharpie. It wears off fast but is easily repeatable.

08-01-2016, 03:06 PM
All PM9s use six and seven round mags. The way the end of the slide is done shows whether it is newer (tapered nose) or the earlier, blunt nose. The really old ones might have a different sight dovetail as well as a blunt nose, but I don't think the DLC finish goes back that far.

I have one with DLC that has been used in Kydex. The edges of the slide do have the finish worn off. I don't know of any way to touch it up that looks any better than leaving it the way it is. Others might have a different answer though!

Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the welcome.

I just looked at the pix. It does have a blount nose and does not have the grooves on top of the slide in the front. Thanks!!!

08-01-2016, 05:24 PM
I have a Kahr with a Birdsong slide, and after 5+ yrs. of carry, the slide is just starting to show wear. That's been some IWB carry in leather, but mainly in a Desantis pocket holster. I don't worry about it, it's a carry firearm. If it ever really starts bothering me, I'll send the slide somewhere, and have it redone, OR, have it polished.

08-01-2016, 08:48 PM
I have 2 PM9s, only keep the 6 round mags in inventory (11) so far. Both are standard 2 tone. Just great carry pistols.

08-04-2016, 04:50 PM
I found a PM9. It has an 'in the white' slide and is the newer nose shape. SN 1C79XX

Should be here in a few days.

08-04-2016, 05:46 PM
^^^ enjoy it!