View Full Version : I can't determine how to add a photo to a post.

08-10-2010, 03:11 PM
I created an album - twice. It has someone else's photo in it. I can't figure out how to delete the album or the photo. The instructions say to click on "Add Photo". There is no such button to click. I am totally confused.

While awaiting an answer, I'm going off to study quantum mechanics which I do understand.

08-10-2010, 04:13 PM
This is how I do it.
* First I load the pics I want into my computer.
* Then I upload those pics to Photobucket, but any host site will do. Photobucket is pretty user friendly.
* While in Photobucket, in an album, if you hold the cursor over a pic, a drop down box will appear that displays four "link codes". The bottom choice is IMG.
* holding the cursor over the IMG code, I then right click to show another menu, choose copy.
* Return to the post you are writing. On a seperate line, right click again, chose paste and you have it.

Clarification; In your Photobucket album, looking at thumbnails, holding the cursor over a pic generates the drop down box. If you click on one of your pics to look at it, then the same choices are on the lower left side of the screen.

So... just how do those dilythium crystals make a space ship exceed the speed of light?

08-10-2010, 10:56 PM
Thanks ripley. I assume that I can Google Photobucket? I'll give it a try.

Don't think we'll see FTL travel, but that warp 9 would be nice. If my 40+ year old memories are correct, that would be Cx64. :cool: