08-25-2016, 12:06 AM
So I ordered the enhanced trigger version and I would buy it again.
The reason for buying this pistol is to carry when I'm not supposed to carry, concerts etc. I generally carry a G26 with a spare 17 round mag, both in a Crossbreed. The whole rig is just too big for such places.
So I picked up the gun and took it directly to the range, disassembled and cleaned it. I went to reassemble and found that I forgot my oil at home. I asked another guy there and he didn't have any, luckily my truck has 6 quarts of dirty Motorcraft in it, the gun functioned fine. I did not lube the striker channel. The clean and oil was the only prep work I did.
The gun was accurate, I shot 75 rounds of Blazer Brass 124gr, 100 of my reloads (Unique 5.3gr, Berry's 115gr) and 10 Gold Dot 124gr +p. The +p rounds were a handful but shot just fine, they all did. I've updated the positives section to reflect newly found accuracy in my trigger finger.
The safety is positive and fairly easy to get on and off with the flip of a finger, I will be carrying this with the safety off. I kinda like the loaded chamber indicator. I'm not in MA btw
The holster:
I've been carrying the pistol for 3 days in a DeSantis Insider and after the first day it became comfortable. The initial fit is very tight so you really have to cram it in there to get it past the open trigger guard. While holstered the gun's striker plate is right at the top of the belt so this is a deep concealment holster. Being so low it makes it very difficult to draw, I expected this and am ok with it. Reholstering is almost a two hand job.
-Accuracy; my first outing wasn't great most shots were low and right (my problem, lefty). My second outing today was far better, this thing is a laser. By placing the tip of my finger on the trigger as opposed to my pad my shots came up level, they were still to the right but closer to the bullseye.
-The exterior is nicely finished, I had some plastic burrs but I took them off with an exacto knife.
-The sights are ok but I do prefer the 3 dot system, I'll eventually get night sights for it.
-The trigger if quite a bit shorter than the standard model and is pretty close to my G26 in length and weight. This is the reason I bought this particular micro 9.
-The trigger as you would expect is very smooth. It does come to a wall but the trigger breaks after that.
-It came with 3 mags, two 6 rounders and 1 seven. Not sure how that happened but I'll take it.
-Reliability was pretty good
--All 3 mags fed just fine, I carry with a round in the chamber so all mags were topped off after putting one in tube.
--There were two times that I had nose dives but that was due to slingshotting the slide in a weak manner.
-Of the 3 mags, the two 6 rounders drop free, the 7 rounder doesn't and it's due to the axial length of the mag. I've tried filing on it but that was taking too long, I might break out the dremel on it, I need to remove about 10 thou.
-The gun disappears when concealed using a DeSantis Insider holster.
-Carrying a spare mag is easy as they are very small.
-Racking the slide is easier now than before, smoother also
-My small framed wife can rack the slide, it's hard for her but she can do it.
-The machining on the bottom of the slide and rails is rough, I spent about 10 minutes deburring it. Not a huge deal
-The firing pin channel wasn't very clean, nothing huge was found but it should have been spotless
-After shooting and going home, the top left corner of the 7 round mag follower would not go past the magazine catch slot, I filed on it and now it works fine.
-the 7 round mag doesn't drop free, it's a mag issue, not a frame issue.
The reason for buying this pistol is to carry when I'm not supposed to carry, concerts etc. I generally carry a G26 with a spare 17 round mag, both in a Crossbreed. The whole rig is just too big for such places.
So I picked up the gun and took it directly to the range, disassembled and cleaned it. I went to reassemble and found that I forgot my oil at home. I asked another guy there and he didn't have any, luckily my truck has 6 quarts of dirty Motorcraft in it, the gun functioned fine. I did not lube the striker channel. The clean and oil was the only prep work I did.
The gun was accurate, I shot 75 rounds of Blazer Brass 124gr, 100 of my reloads (Unique 5.3gr, Berry's 115gr) and 10 Gold Dot 124gr +p. The +p rounds were a handful but shot just fine, they all did. I've updated the positives section to reflect newly found accuracy in my trigger finger.
The safety is positive and fairly easy to get on and off with the flip of a finger, I will be carrying this with the safety off. I kinda like the loaded chamber indicator. I'm not in MA btw
The holster:
I've been carrying the pistol for 3 days in a DeSantis Insider and after the first day it became comfortable. The initial fit is very tight so you really have to cram it in there to get it past the open trigger guard. While holstered the gun's striker plate is right at the top of the belt so this is a deep concealment holster. Being so low it makes it very difficult to draw, I expected this and am ok with it. Reholstering is almost a two hand job.
-Accuracy; my first outing wasn't great most shots were low and right (my problem, lefty). My second outing today was far better, this thing is a laser. By placing the tip of my finger on the trigger as opposed to my pad my shots came up level, they were still to the right but closer to the bullseye.
-The exterior is nicely finished, I had some plastic burrs but I took them off with an exacto knife.
-The sights are ok but I do prefer the 3 dot system, I'll eventually get night sights for it.
-The trigger if quite a bit shorter than the standard model and is pretty close to my G26 in length and weight. This is the reason I bought this particular micro 9.
-The trigger as you would expect is very smooth. It does come to a wall but the trigger breaks after that.
-It came with 3 mags, two 6 rounders and 1 seven. Not sure how that happened but I'll take it.
-Reliability was pretty good
--All 3 mags fed just fine, I carry with a round in the chamber so all mags were topped off after putting one in tube.
--There were two times that I had nose dives but that was due to slingshotting the slide in a weak manner.
-Of the 3 mags, the two 6 rounders drop free, the 7 rounder doesn't and it's due to the axial length of the mag. I've tried filing on it but that was taking too long, I might break out the dremel on it, I need to remove about 10 thou.
-The gun disappears when concealed using a DeSantis Insider holster.
-Carrying a spare mag is easy as they are very small.
-Racking the slide is easier now than before, smoother also
-My small framed wife can rack the slide, it's hard for her but she can do it.
-The machining on the bottom of the slide and rails is rough, I spent about 10 minutes deburring it. Not a huge deal
-The firing pin channel wasn't very clean, nothing huge was found but it should have been spotless
-After shooting and going home, the top left corner of the 7 round mag follower would not go past the magazine catch slot, I filed on it and now it works fine.
-the 7 round mag doesn't drop free, it's a mag issue, not a frame issue.