View Full Version : Pulling The Trigger

09-05-2016, 02:57 PM
So I wasn't satisfied with the accuracy of my PM9 (enhanced trigger) the first day I shot it and it was frustrating. Most of my shots were low and right (I'm a lefty) so I knew it was me and that I needed practice.

I went out again today and for the first two magazines nothing changed. After that I readjusted and placed the tip of my finger on the trigger as opposed to the pad, it shot like a laser, it was all me. Moving my finger just that little bit pulled my shots up 4 inches to level and were off the right by about 3" at 10 yards. A few more outings with this pistol and I'll bet it's more accurate than my G26.

09-05-2016, 05:07 PM
So I wasn't satisfied with the accuracy of my PM9 (enhanced trigger) the first day I shot it and it was frustrating. Most of my shots were low and right (I'm a lefty) so I knew it was me and that I needed practice.

I went out again today and for the first two magazines nothing changed. After that I readjusted and placed the tip of my finger on the trigger as opposed to the pad, it shot like a laser, it was all me. Moving my finger just that little bit pulled my shots up 4 inches to level and were off the right by about 3" at 10 yards. A few more outings with this pistol and I'll bet it's more accurate than my G26.

I completely agree, had a very similar experience with the same model PM9. Though, it took me longer to figure it out than you did. ;)


09-06-2016, 07:49 AM
I have been pushing that with my students for years. Especially with Glocks that most experienced shooters tend to shoot center right.

Now the test comes, Will you practice enough so you can replicate that grip in a self defense situation?

09-06-2016, 12:51 PM
I have been pushing that with my students for years. Especially with Glocks that most experienced shooters tend to shoot center right.

Now the test comes, Will you practice enough so you can replicate that grip in a self defense situation?
I shoot quite a bit, probably not enough though. I need to compete

09-06-2016, 05:28 PM
Find a range that has IDPA events....Great but humbling practice when you go from a stationary target to having to run and gun while reloading....It's way fun and much better real world practice than just shooting at a hanging paper target.... Google IDPA and your city and you should be able to find a range....

09-07-2016, 09:22 PM
Great advise I will give this technique a try

09-08-2016, 07:02 PM
Take a look at this.
