View Full Version : 150 grain micro HST

09-08-2016, 01:48 PM
I've been finding 9mm 150 grain HST locally at Walmart. Selling for $22. Stumbled across it while buying range ammo and got a couple boxes to try. Thought some of you would like to know. Racine, Wisconsin.

09-08-2016, 02:43 PM
Great! Maybe I'll luck out there. I was trying to find some of those great performers from Lucky Gunner's Ammo Tests online, but had no luck. I wanted something for my wife to use as defense ammo that wasn't +P.

I settled on some in-stock Remington 147-gr Golden Sabers and added them to an order from SGA. I haven't tried them in her G43, yet.

Wynn :)