View Full Version : Hornady One Shot dry lube
09-12-2016, 03:20 PM
First, I’d like to say that I’m the happy owner of a CM9 that I purchased new a couple of weeks ago. My G26 is a little too thick in certain situations and I wanted to have the option to pocket carry.
I have around 300 rounds through the gun, with zero malfunction. Before my first range trip, I cleaned the gun and rack the slide back and forth around 200 times. Not only the CM9 is reliable, but it’s also pretty accurate.
Now the question:
What are your thoughts on the “Hornady One Shot TAP-HD Extreme Gun Cleaner Conditioner and Dry Lube” ?
I usually use Ballistol to lube my guns and have just recently switched to Hornady. When I lube with the Hornady, the surface remains pretty dry and the product evaporates pretty quickly. I know this is great product for protecting the surface of the metal, but is it a good lubricant?
09-12-2016, 03:41 PM
I lubricate my Lee Loadmaster press with it. It lubricates well but but I reapply around every 250 rounds. It does leave a residue so I wouldn't say it's an actual dry lube.
I would just use a conventional oil, I use EWL 30 weight. It is nice and thick so it stays put.
The day I bought my PM9 I took it directly to the range, took it apart and cleaned it. When I went to reassemble I noticed I forget my oil and no one else had any so just got some dirty Motorcraft off my dip stick and it functioned fine.
09-12-2016, 03:45 PM
The One Shot is great for reloading, lubing cases where you can't use carbide dies etc.
I'd stick with the Ballistol for your guns. I've used other oils and don't really have a favorite but switched to Ballistol a couple years ago and I pretty much use that all the time now.
09-12-2016, 03:57 PM
Guys, I'm not talking about the one shot reloading lube.
This is what I'm talking about. It's actually recommended for semi auto guns.
09-12-2016, 04:22 PM
Well you caught me with my breeches around me ankles on this one kevin. Never heard of this stuff.
If I stumble onto some I might give it a try and see. They say all the right things on the can.
Wonder if it smells nice?
09-12-2016, 04:38 PM
Wonder if it smells nice?
That would the only temptation to switch. Ballistol is great stuff & keeps pistolas running smooth and easy to clean. But phew.
09-12-2016, 05:29 PM
I think Ballistol is like Scotch, it's an acquired taste. My wife don't like it much but I'm finding it more and more tolerable.
Granted I don't use it for cologne or nothing like that yet. Perhaps some day.
09-12-2016, 05:52 PM
I use CLP for colonge
09-12-2016, 06:17 PM
Partial to Hoppes myself.
09-12-2016, 10:08 PM
Guys, I'm not talking about the one shot reloading lube.
This is what I'm talking about. It's actually recommended for semi auto guns.
Yeah the stuff I use to lube my press.
This is the stuff that Hornady recommends for cleaning their reloading dies. Works great for that. It's pretty nasty stuff though. I always wear nitrile gloves when using it, and try to spray it outdoors.
Holy smokes - just read the hazard warning on the back of the can. This stuff is REALLY nasty, and can harm some plastics.
Absolutely NOT something I want to use on something that is carried in my pocket, or that could contact bare skin carried IWB/OWB.
OTOH, Ballistol was actually used by the German army as a wound dressing - seem to remember reading something to that effect. It's also good for leather, wood, and doesn't mess with plastic components. There's plastic in Kahrs. From the label - "Test a small area before using." I can't think of ANY small area on a Kahr you'd want to gamble with....
09-13-2016, 08:22 AM
I actually like the smell of Ballistol. It’s also pretty easy on the skin. The reason I tried Hornady is because of all the stellar reviews it’s getting. I read some testing where it was the best product to protect metal against salt water corrosion (by far superior to Ballistol). But yeh…it’s pretty nasty!
I just quickly googled it and also found this:
“TAP HD is an enhanced version of the cleaner/dry lube discussed above. Anyone who wants to know the differences can read the product descriptions on the Hornady website, so I will not get into that here.
I use TAP HD mainly to keep my autoloading pistols and revolvers running well. Over the years I have tried various greases, oils and sprays to keep autoloader slides and revolver cylinders running free. TAP HD is better than anything else I have used.
The abiding issue with using grease or oil to keep a handgun running is that both collect shooting residue, which necessitates frequent cleaning and relubrication. I find that this problem is greatly lessened when I use TAP HD. I spray it on the action springs and rails of autoloaders and around the cylinder axles of revolvers and they run free for extended periods without collecting much residue.
I also use the TAP HD for general handgun maintenance, including cleaning and lubricating firing mechanisms and magazines. It works well on the outside of autoloader barrels and as a cleaner/protectant on all handgun metal surfaces, internal and external. It will serve for basic bore cleaning, too, used with a Bore Snake or a cleaning rod and patches.”
09-13-2016, 10:03 AM
That damn shooting residue, how does that happen? You have to clean your firearms anyway(me every time) I'll stick with the same old Hoppes that I've been using for over 45 years. So much cheaper. Ballistol is even way too expensive. Sewing machine oil works just as well as any other lubricant. A small tube will last you years. I guess everything you read on the net is P.T. Barnum said it best......................
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