View Full Version : CW45 finally broken in...almost

10-06-2016, 07:49 AM
My CW45 is finally broken in. After 200 rounds it has smoothed out and functions flawlessly. However due to my fault of finding my thumb resting on the mag release coupled with the normal recoil, I occasionally drop the magazine. Has anyone ever solved this problem with maybe a stronger release spring? Mine will release its mag with just the smallest amount of pressure. I can't seem to avoid, due to my grip and small hand profile, occasionally pressing that release during recoil. Any advice appreciated.

10-06-2016, 09:20 AM
superglue a thumbtack to the end of the magazine release, that'll fix ya right up.


I suppose it can be trimmed a bit


You can try another release

The spring is a bar of straight spring wire, so there's really not much you can do with that, unless the original piece is bent somehow (not likely)

if it takes bare movement to release the magazine, that's not right. Looking at mine right now, and from eyeball estimation, it looks like it needs to be pressed in about 1/8 inch to release. I've noticed about the same on the other PM45 I've got - ie. - nothing unusual. You could trim it, such that it has to be damn near flush in order to actually release (not a bad thing to do really...).