View Full Version : Judge John McBain, we need 1000 more just like him!

10-13-2016, 06:13 PM

Take no crap, and get a bit hands on if needed.

Please note how the defense atty., and those in the courtroom seem "oh so blase" about the whole hands on. So calm, so matter of fact, as the judge tosses his robes and gets on the floor to cuff the guilty perp.

We need more like him. And toss the **** filled oozing boils on the bleeding hemorrhoid of society, those Columbia Law school and Harvard Law graduate lawyers.... out on their progressive feel good liberal keisters!

10-14-2016, 06:58 PM
Dumb dude got what he asked for. I hope his victim got herself a gun & some training by the time he was released from jail. A 9mm defense round (or two) is more effective than a court order.

And don't mess with judges in their court room.