View Full Version : Questions for AR 15 shooters

10-17-2016, 09:37 PM
I'm looking at magazines and find that they very in price from about $20 each to $9 each. The Mabpuls are about 14 each. Are the magpuls better than the cheaper plastic ones or should I just stick to the expensive metal ones, or just buy the cheapest I can find? I have thoughts of buying up to 10 of the 30 round mags. Do the Hululu mag loaders work well? I have one for pistols and I like it but there may be better products out there that I don't know about. Thought on this and anything else you might like to tell me about ARs. Thanks

10-17-2016, 09:56 PM
I bought some 30 rounders from Mission First Tactical. They were $10 each at a local gun show. They work great. Keep an eye out for them. I think MSRP is $14.99 but I saw them a couple of places for $10-11.


You need quality magazines but I see no reason to buy the heavy, expensive metal ones when MFT and Magpul are so good.

10-17-2016, 10:31 PM
If you live in a free state ---

10-18-2016, 12:20 AM
We run nothing but Magpul. They are good. Get the black, we've had issues with the colored one. Mouth spreads and they don't load in gun right.

10-18-2016, 04:21 AM
I have several D&H 30 round magazines. Paid $7 each for them IIRC, they work just fine. I have a couple of 10 round magpuls with the 5 round limiter for hunting, they work fine too. I use 20 round AR Stoner mags in my 300 BLK. They were $9 IIRC. The best deal however has been a bunch of scrappy looking military surplus mags I bought. I cleaned them and replaced the follers with the anti tilt followers. I was able to resell half of them to pay for the half I kept. End result? 20 mags for no cost to me.

10-18-2016, 07:18 AM
We use Magpul, haven't tried anything else.

On the advise of a SWAT team member out at Ben Avry gun range in AZ we run the mags. down one round. The do seem to load into the gun better, and when the adrenalin is running that's a good thing.

10-18-2016, 07:21 AM
LULA loader works great. Especially good for unloading. May be a little quicker in loading over your thumb.

10-18-2016, 08:29 AM
I bought some 30 rounders from Mission First Tactical. They were $10 each at a local gun show. They work great. Keep an eye out for them. I think MSRP is $14.99 but I saw them a couple of places for $10-11.


You need quality magazines but I see no reason to buy the heavy, expensive metal ones when MFT and Magpul are so good.

+1 on the MFT mags. They are constructed a bit thinner than Magpul so they are much easier to pocket.

Check out the daily deals at http://palmettostatearmory.com/
They are very busy so don't plan on getting your order in less than two weeks but their prices are amazing. Often they offer 1000rds. of Federal 5.56 or 223 + ten Magpul 30rd mags for $380-$400 delivered.

10-18-2016, 10:10 AM
Good metal GI mags work but so do Magpuls. Take your pick.

10-18-2016, 12:29 PM
Good metal GI mags work but so do Magpuls. Take your pick.

I think I bought 5 GI 30 round mags for $20 before the last scare. They all work good in my AR but thr Tavor likes Magpul the best.

10-18-2016, 07:08 PM
SGAmmo has'em for 11.95 ea. http://www.sgammo.com/product/223-556mm-ammo/30-round-556mm-ar15-magazine-generation-2-p-mag-magpul-mag571-blk

I buy a bit of ammo from these guys and have always been pleased.

10-18-2016, 07:40 PM
I use Magpul and have never had a problem. Black ones only. I do have a couple of metal ones and they work well.

10-19-2016, 12:10 AM
Brownells have the Magpul MOE 2 10 pack for 104.xx. Shipping is around $8. Satisfaction guaranteed forever.

10-21-2016, 04:58 PM
I've had no problems with Magpul, Lancer or Elite Tactical System mags.

10-22-2016, 12:39 AM
I have a lot of AR mags.

My 30 or so D&H mags have all held up well these past 10 years. I shoot a few thousand rounds a year and run them hard.

My 20 or so MagPul mags have all run well until recently.

Mags that have been dropped when loaded, a few have cracked near the lips.

Seems many have had the same issues with mags kept loaded for a long time.

Lancer mags have gained a great rep in a short time with the metal/plastic hybrd.

My range mags are now all MagPul. My end of the world/stash mags are D&H.

Need to by some Lancers and form my own opinion.

10-22-2016, 05:39 AM
You get what you pay for. I use Magpul and have never had a problem. Check gunmag warehouse, they usually have them at a very reasonable price.

10-22-2016, 08:22 AM
I run mostly Magpul but have recently gotten some Hexmags. I got them for $8. No issues what soever and you can change the colors on the followers if you choose.

10-22-2016, 04:58 PM
A great day for toys. I received 6, 30 rd magpuls, 2, 20 rd magpuls, a uplula mag loader, and a holosun chevron site. (like a red dot, but a chevron) Now I just need the AR and the ammo I have on order. It's a good thing I don't have an annual gun budget or I would have blown it badly this year. 2 CW380s, a PM9, and now an AR. Oh well, you got to get them while you still can.

10-22-2016, 06:19 PM
Magpul is ok. I have a few. Have had the lips break off a Gen2, which they replaced no questions asked, and promptly.

I tend to like the C-Products aluminum, plain jane greyish-black magazines, 30 and 20 rounds (20 is more comfy at the range). The followers come in all sorts of colors and I don't think it makes on iota of a difference. Mostly greens and dark blue.

Never had one of those fail to feed, fail to fit properly, and fail to drop free. And the price is cheaper than the MagPul

http://lcjwholesalestore.com/Home_Page.html <--- sometimes they have outrageously low prices, fast ship etc etc

10-22-2016, 07:19 PM
Looks like a decent deal presently. Those are C-Products Defense, a good contract supplier for the US military, and priced at $8.50 each. Gotta take ten units minimum though.

10-22-2016, 07:37 PM
I'm looking at magazines and find that they very in price from about $20 each to $9 each. The Mabpuls are about 14 each. Are the magpuls better than the cheaper plastic ones or should I just stick to the expensive metal ones, or just buy the cheapest I can find? I have thoughts of buying up to 10 of the 30 round mags. Do the Hululu mag loaders work well? I have one for pistols and I like it but there may be better products out there that I don't know about. Thought on this and anything else you might like to tell me about ARs. Thanks
ACEM are superior mag loaders, when they have them in stock